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eBay Platform Notifications Listener
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Written in PHP 5 using ext/soap
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by Adam Trachtenberg
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Sample code to process eBay Platform Notifications using the PHP 5
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ext/soap extension.
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Receives the notifications from eBay, validates the message signature,
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and allows you to act on them.
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Sends notifications on demand to your listener. Allows you to test
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your listener code without going to eBay and triggering them manually.
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Tell eBay where it should send notifications. Also use it to
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subscribe to specific notification types on behalf of a member.
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Check your eBay notification settings.
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Helper files to make eBay Trading Service API calls and a base class
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shared across the Platform Notification listener and generator.
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Configuration file for keys and tokens.
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Sample notifications used by generator.php
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Explains whys and hows of using notifications. Unfinished.