4 |
- |
1 |
# Configuration file for svgalib. Default location is /etc/vga.
2 |
# Other config file locations: ~/.svgalibrc
3 |
# where SVGALIB_CONFIG_FILE points
4 |
# Lines starting with '#' are ignored.
5 |
6 |
# These needs to be before "chipset" line, since chipset option open
7 |
# the device.
8 |
9 |
# Specify the device file for the svgalib kernel helper
10 |
# /dev/svga is the default.
11 |
12 |
Helper /dev/svga
13 |
14 |
NoHelper # Disable use of the helper-kernelmodule (/dev/svga) and
15 |
# fallback to old ioperm/iopl and /dev/mem use.
16 |
17 |
# If you have two vga cards with the same pci vendor id, svgalib will try
18 |
# to use the first one, even if the second one is active. In that case,
19 |
# in NoHelper mode use PCIStart to force starting the search for a vga card
20 |
# only at a specific bus and device number. For example, an AGP card is
21 |
# usually on bus 1, while pci is on bus 0, so to use the AGP card, uncomment:
22 |
23 |
# PCIStart 1 0
24 |
25 |
# The helper-kernelmodule numbers videocards 1 till 16, in this case you can
26 |
# use Device to force using a specific card. For example, to force using
27 |
# the second card (as numbered by the helper-kernelmodule) uncomment:
28 |
29 |
# Device 2
30 |
31 |
32 |
# Have a deep look at README.config to see what can do here (especially
33 |
# for mach32).
34 |
35 |
# Mouse type:
36 |
37 |
# mouse Microsoft # Microsoft
38 |
# mouse MouseSystems # Mouse Systems
39 |
# mouse MMSeries # Logitech MM Series
40 |
# mouse Logitech # Logitech protocol (old, newer mice use Microsoft protocol)
41 |
# mouse Busmouse # Bus mouse
42 |
# mouse PS2 # PS/2 mouse
43 |
# mouse MouseMan # Logitech MouseMan
44 |
# mouse Spaceball # Spacetec Spaceball
45 |
# mouse IntelliMouse # Microsoft IntelliMouse or Logitech MouseMan+ on serial port
46 |
mouse IMPS2 # Microsoft IntelliMouse or Logitech MouseMan+ on PS/2 port
47 |
# mouse pnp # plug'n'pray
48 |
# mouse WacomGraphire # Wacom Graphire tablet/mouse
49 |
# mouse DRMOUSE4DS # Digital Research double-wheeled mouse
50 |
# mouse ExplorerPS2 # Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer PS/2
51 |
# mouse none # None
52 |
53 |
# mouse unconfigured
54 |
55 |
# (DEBIAN NOTE: the mouse used to default to microsoft, but this was changed
56 |
# to fix bug #13458. If your mouse used to work fine, you can simply change
57 |
# it back to read "microsoft" again. If you are careful to change *only that
58 |
# one word*, and not to add or remove extra whitespace, the package
59 |
# installation will continue to update this file without requiring user
60 |
# intervention because of a modified config file.
61 |
# This applies to all mouse types, not just microsoft.)
62 |
63 |
# Mouse/keyboard customisation by 101 (Attila Lendvai). If you have any good
64 |
# ideas you can reach me at 101@kempelen.inf.bme.hu
65 |
66 |
# mouse_accel_type normal # No acceleration while delta is less then
67 |
# threshold but delta is multiplied by
68 |
# mouse_accel_mult if more. Originally done by
69 |
# Mike Chapman mike@paranoia.com
70 |
71 |
# mouse_accel_type power # The acceleration factor is a power function
72 |
# of delta until it reaches m_accel_mult. It
73 |
# starts from the coordinate
74 |
# [1, 1 + m_accel_offset] and goes to
75 |
# [m_accel_thresh, m_accel_mult]. If delta
76 |
# is bigger then m_accel_thresh it is a plain
77 |
# constant (m_accel_mult). It is the f(delta)
78 |
# function with which the delta itself will be
79 |
# multiplied. m_accel_offset is 1 by default,
80 |
# so for delta = 1 the accelerated delta will
81 |
# remain 1 (You don't lose resolution). The
82 |
# starting point of the f(delta) function
83 |
# might be moved along the Y axis up/down with
84 |
# m_accel_offset thus defining the initial
85 |
# minimum acceleration (for delta = 1).
86 |
# Basically it's like the normal mode but the
87 |
# acceleration factor grows as you move your
88 |
# mouse faster and faster, not just turns in
89 |
# and out. Threshold is the point from where
90 |
# the f(delta) function gets linear.
91 |
# This is the one I use for *uaking... =)
92 |
93 |
mouse_accel_type off # No comment...
94 |
95 |
96 |
mouse_accel_mult 60 # This is the number with which delta will
97 |
# be multiplied. Basically it's the number
98 |
# that defines how big the acceleration will
99 |
# be
100 |
101 |
mouse_accel_thresh 4 # This is the threshold. See description by
102 |
# power
103 |
104 |
mouse_accel_power 0.8 # This is the second parameter of the power
105 |
# function used in power mode. Used only by
106 |
# the power mode
107 |
108 |
mouse_accel_offset 30 # This is the offset of the starting point
109 |
# on the Y axis. With this you can define the
110 |
# number that will multiply delta = 1 so it's
111 |
# the initial acceleration.
112 |
113 |
# mouse_accel_maxdelta 600 # This is an upper limit for delta after
114 |
# the acceleration was applied
115 |
116 |
# mouse_maxdelta 30 # This is an upper limit for the delta
117 |
# before the acceleration. With this one you
118 |
# can limit the biggest valid delta that
119 |
# comes from the mouse.
120 |
121 |
# mouse_force # Force parameters even if they seem strange
122 |
# By default svgalib prints an error if any
123 |
# of the numbers are somhow out of the
124 |
# reasonable limit, (Like a negative mult :)
125 |
# and uses the default that's in vgamouse.h
126 |
127 |
# Usually /dev/mouse will be a link to the mouse device.
128 |
# However, esp. with the Spacetec Spaceball you may
129 |
# want to specify a different device for svgalib to use
130 |
131 |
# mdev /dev/ttyS0 # mouse is at /dev/ttyS0
132 |
mdev /dev/input/mice
133 |
134 |
# Some multiprotocol mice will need one of the following:
135 |
136 |
# setRTS # set the RTS wire.
137 |
# clearRTS # clear the RTS wire.
138 |
# leaveRTS # leave the RTS wire alone (default) (Wire is usually set)
139 |
# setDTR # set the DTR wire.
140 |
# clearDTR # clear the DTR wire.
141 |
# leaveDTR # leave the DTR wire alone (default) (Wire is usually set)
142 |
143 |
# On mice such as the Microsoft IntelliMouse and Logitech MouseMan+, turning
144 |
# the wheel rotates the mouse around the X axis. mouse_wheel_steps controls
145 |
# how many steps make up a full 360-degree turn and thus how much rotation
146 |
# occurs with each step. The default is 18 steps (20 degrees per step), the
147 |
# real-world value for the IntelliMouse. Adjust it to match your mouse or to
148 |
# suit your preferences; a negative number reverses the direction and zero
149 |
# disables rotation.
150 |
151 |
mouse_wheel_steps 18 # For MS IntelliMouse (default)
152 |
# mouse_wheel_steps 24 # For Logitech FirstMouse+
153 |
# mouse_wheel_steps -18 # Reverses direction
154 |
# mouse_wheel_steps 0 # Disables rotation
155 |
156 |
# mouse_fake_kbd_event sends a fake keyboard event to the program when the
157 |
# wheel on a Microsoft IntelliMouse, Logitech MouseMan+, or similar wheel
158 |
# mouse is turned. This can be useful for programs that do not recognize the
159 |
# Z axis, but only works with some programs that use raw keyboard.
160 |
# The format is:
161 |
162 |
# mouse_fake_kbd_event upscancode downscancode
163 |
164 |
# The up and down scancodes are the scancodes of the keys to simulate when
165 |
# the wheel is turned up and down, respectively.
166 |
167 |
# Scancodes can be specified numerically or symbolically; the symbolic names
168 |
# are determined by the keymap (see below), if no keymap is loaded the default
169 |
# is the standard US QWERTY keyboard with the following names available:
170 |
# letters (a-z), numbers (zero-nine), function keys (F1-F12), the keypad
171 |
# numbers (KP_0-KP_9) and other keys (KP_Multiply, KP_Subtract, KP_Add,
172 |
# KP_Period, KP_Enter, and KP_Divide), and the following - minus, equal,
173 |
# Delete, Tab, bracketleft, bracketright, Return, Control, semicolon,
174 |
# apostrophe, grave, Shift, backslash, comma, period, slash, Shift, Alt, space,
175 |
# Caps_Lock, Num_Lock, Scroll_Lock, Last_Console, less, Control_backslash,
176 |
# AltGr, Break, Find, Up, Prior, Left, Right, Select, Down, Next, Insert,
177 |
# and Remove.
178 |
179 |
# Note that this option has no effect unless the IntelliMouse or IMPS2 mouse
180 |
# type is used (see above). Also note that the simulated keypresses are
181 |
# instantaneous, so they cannot be used for functions that require a key to
182 |
# be held down for a certain length of time.
183 |
184 |
# This example simulates a press of the left bracket ([) when the wheel is
185 |
# turned up and a press of the right bracket (]) when the wheel is turned
186 |
# down (good for selecting items in Quake II):
187 |
# mouse_fake_kbd_event bracketleft bracketright
188 |
189 |
# Keyboard config:
190 |
191 |
# kbd_keymap allows you to use an alternate keyboard layout with programs that
192 |
# use raw keyboard support by translating scancodes from the desired layout to
193 |
# their equivalents in the layout expected by the program. This option has no
194 |
# affect on programs that do not use raw keyboard.
195 |
196 |
# Keymap files to convert between any two arbitrary keyboard layouts can be
197 |
# generated with the svgakeymap utility, but there are limitations to the
198 |
# translations that can be performed. Read the file README.keymap in the
199 |
# svgalib documentation directory for more in-depth information.
200 |
201 |
# You must specify the full path to the keymap file; it is recommended that
202 |
# keymaps be kept in the same directory as libvga.config, normally /etc/vga.
203 |
# The keymap specified in the configuration file can be overriden by setting
204 |
# the environment variable SVGALIB_KEYMAP to point to another keymap file;
205 |
# this can be useful for setting keymaps on a per-program basis.
206 |
207 |
# This example will use the provided US-Dvorak to US-QWERTY map to allow a
208 |
# Dvorak keyboard layout to be used with a program that expects a standard US
209 |
# QWERTY keyboard, for instance Quake:
210 |
# kbd_keymap /etc/vga/dvorak-us.keymap
211 |
212 |
# There is a potential security risk in allowing users to remap keyboard
213 |
# scancodes at will; with this option enabled only keymap files owned by
214 |
# root can be used. Normally you should leave this on, but if you have a
215 |
# single-user box or you really trust your users you may find it convenient
216 |
# to run without it and allow users to load arbitrary keymaps.
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
# kbd_fake_mouse_event, as it says, sends a fake mouse event to the program.
221 |
# The format is: kbd_fake_mouse_event scancode [flag(s)] command [argument]
222 |
# Scancode is a raw scancode or a descriptive name, the same as with fake
223 |
# keyboard events (see above). If you use keymap conversion, specify
224 |
# scancodes for the keyboard layout the program will receive.
225 |
# Flags: down - trigger event when the key is pressed (default)
226 |
# up - the opposite
227 |
# both - trigger in both case, if pressed/released
228 |
# repeat - repeat events if the key is kept pressed (off by default)
229 |
# commands: delta[xyz] - send a fake delta event as if you have moved your
230 |
# mouse. If the parameter is 'off' / 'on' it will turn
231 |
# off/on the respective mouse axis (requires a
232 |
# parameter, of course)
233 |
# button[123] - send a fake event that the mouse button is pressed
234 |
# or released that's given by the parameter.
235 |
# ('pressed' or 'released')
236 |
# Here are some examples:
237 |
238 |
# This is one I use in *uake: it turns around, looks down a bit and when the
239 |
# key is released it does the opposite, so it gets back to the starting state.
240 |
# With this one and the help of a rocket you can fly though the whole map :)
241 |
# (Scancode 28 is enter)
242 |
# kbd_fake_mouse_event 28 both deltax 8182 down deltay -1500 up deltay 1500
243 |
244 |
# This one will switch off the y axis of the mouse while the key (right ctrl)
245 |
# is kept pressed.
246 |
# kbd_fake_mouse_event 97 down deltay off up deltay on
247 |
248 |
# This one is the same as if you were pressing the left mouse button. (But
249 |
# if you move your mouse then the button state will reset even if you keep
250 |
# right ctrl down...)
251 |
# kbd_fake_mouse_event 97 down button1 pressed up button1 released
252 |
253 |
# Monitor type:
254 |
255 |
# Only one range can be specified for the moment. Format:
256 |
# HorizSync min_kHz max_kHz
257 |
# VertRefresh min_Hz max_Hz
258 |
259 |
# Typical Horizontal sync ranges
260 |
# (Consult your monitor manual for Vertical sync ranges)
261 |
262 |
# 31.5 - 31.5 kHz (Standard VGA monitor, 640x480 @ 60 Hz)
263 |
# 31.5 - 35.1 kHz (Old SVGA monitor, 800x600 @ 56 Hz)
264 |
# 31.5 - 35.5 kHz (Low-end SVGA, 8514, 1024x768 @ 43 Hz interlaced)
265 |
# 31.5 - 37.9 kHz (SVGA monitor, 800x600 @ 60 Hz, 640x480 @ 72 Hz)
266 |
# 31.5 - 48.3 kHz (SVGA non-interlaced, 800x600 @ 72 Hz, 1024x768 @ 60 Hz)
267 |
# 31.5 - 56.0 kHz (high frequency, 1024x768 @ 70 Hz)
268 |
# 31.5 - ???? kHz (1024x768 @ 72 Hz)
269 |
# 31.5 - 64.3 kHz (1280x1024 @ 60 Hz)
270 |
271 |
HorizSync 31.5 35.5
272 |
VertRefresh 50 90
273 |
274 |
# If you have a NeoMagic card on a Toshiba Libretto 100, 110 use this instead
275 |
276 |
# HorizSync 31.5 70
277 |
# VertRefresh 50 100
278 |
# Modeline "800x480" 50 800 856 976 1024 480 483 490 504 +hsync +vsy
279 |
# newmode 800 480 256 800 1
280 |
# newmode 800 480 32768 1600 2
281 |
# newmode 800 480 65536 1600 2
282 |
# newmode 800 480 16777216 2400 3
283 |
284 |
# Monitor timings
285 |
286 |
# These are prefered over the default timings (if monitor and chipset
287 |
# can handle them). Not all drivers use them at the moment, and Mach32
288 |
# has its own syntax (see below).
289 |
# The format is identical to the one used by XFree86, but the label
290 |
# following the modeline keyword is ignored by svgalib.
291 |
292 |
# Here some examples:
293 |
294 |
# modeline "640x480@100" 43 640 664 780 848 480 483 490 504
295 |
# modeline "800x600@73" 50 800 856 976 1024 600 637 643 666
296 |
# modeline "1024x768@75" 85 1024 1048 1376 1400 768 771 780 806
297 |
298 |
# It seems there is a need for a 512x384 mode, this timing was donated
299 |
# by Simon Hosie <gumboot@clear.net.nz>: (it is 39kHz horz by 79Hz vert)
300 |
301 |
# Modeline "512x384@79" 25.175 512 522 598 646 384 428 436 494
302 |
303 |
# Here's a 400x300 Modeline (created by svidtune). Note that for
304 |
# doublescan modes, the Vertical values are half the real one (so XFree86
305 |
# modelines can be used).
306 |
307 |
# Modeline "400x300@72" 25.000 400 440 504 520 300 319 322 333 doublescan
308 |
309 |
# Here is a mode for a ZX Spectrum emulator:
310 |
# Modeline "256x192@73" 12.588 256 269 312 360 192 208 212 240 doublescan
311 |
# newmode 256 192 256 256 1
312 |
313 |
# the width must be divisible by 8. Some cards require even divisiblity by
314 |
# 16, so that's preferable, since there are no standard modes where the
315 |
# width is not divisible by 16.
316 |
317 |
# The following modes are defined in svgalib, but have no timings in
318 |
# timing.c, so you'll have to add a modeline in order to use them:
319 |
# 1280x720, 1360x768, 1800x1012, 1920x1080, 1920x1440, 2048x1152
320 |
# and 2048x1536
321 |
322 |
# Mach32 timings:
323 |
324 |
# e.g. Setup a 320x200 mode for the mach32:
325 |
326 |
#define 320x200x32K 320x200x64K 320x200x16M 320x200x16M32
327 |
# 16 320 392 464 552 200 245 265 310
328 |
329 |
# These are REQUIRED for above mode, please edit to suit your monitor.
330 |
# (No, I won't pay for a new one)
331 |
# HorizSync 29 65
332 |
# VertRefresh 42 93.5
333 |
334 |
# Chipset type:
335 |
336 |
# Use one of the following force chipset type.
337 |
# Autodetects if no chipset is specified.
338 |
339 |
# If you have a PCI or AGP card, don't use chipset type forcing.
340 |
# If the card is not autodetected, its a bug, and it will probably
341 |
# not work even with forcing. Try running vgatest (with no chipset
342 |
# line), and send to me (matan@svgalib.org) the output, a copy of
343 |
# /proc/pci (or lspci -n -vv) and whatever info you have on the card.
344 |
345 |
# If a chipset driver gives trouble, try forcing VGA.
346 |
347 |
# chipset VGA # Standard VGA
348 |
# chipset EGA # EGA
349 |
# chipset ET3000 # Tseng ET3000
350 |
# chipset ET4000 # Tseng ET4000 (only available on i386)
351 |
# chipset Cirrus # Cirrus Logic GD542x/543x/544x
352 |
# chipset TVGA # Trident TVGA8900/9000 (only available on i386)
353 |
# chipset Oak # Oak Technologies 037/067/077
354 |
# chipset S3 # S3 chipsets
355 |
# chipset GVGA6400 # Genoa 6400
356 |
# chipset ARK # ARK Logic
357 |
# chipset ATI # old ATI VGA
358 |
# chipset Mach32 # ATI Mach32 (only available on i386)
359 |
# chipset ALI # ALI2301
360 |
# chipset Mach64 # ATI Mach64 - deprecated, use RAGE driver
361 |
# chipset ET6000 # Tseng ET6000
362 |
# chipset APM # Alliance Technology AT 24/25/3D
363 |
# chipset NV3 # nVidia Riva 128
364 |
# chipset VESA # nicely behaved Vesa Bioses (only available on i386)
365 |
# chipset MX # MX86251 (some Voodoo Rush boards)
366 |
# chipset PARADISE # WD90C31
367 |
# chipset RAGE # RagePro (and might work with some older mach64)
368 |
# chipset BANSHEE # Banshee/V3.
369 |
# chipset SIS # SiS 5597/6326/620/530 cards / integrated vga.
370 |
# chipset I740 # Intel i740 based cards.
371 |
# chipset NEOMAGIC # (only available on i386)
372 |
# chipset LAGUNA # Cirrus Logic Laguna series (546X)
373 |
# chipset FBDEV # Use kernel fbdev, instead of direct hardware.
374 |
# chipset G400 # Matrox Mystique/G100/G200/G400/G450
375 |
# chipset R128 # Ati Rage128 and Radeon
376 |
# chipset SAVAGE # S3 chipsets Savage, Virge, and some Trio64
377 |
# chipset MILLENNIUM # Matrox Millennium and Millennium II
378 |
# chipset I810 # Intel i810/815 integrated video (i386 only)
379 |
# chipset TRIDENT # Trident PCI and AGP chipsets
380 |
# chipset RENDITION # Rendition V2100/V2200
381 |
# chipset G450C2
382 |
# chipset C&T # Chips and Technologies
383 |
# chipset PM2
384 |
# chipset UNICHROME
385 |
386 |
# EGA Color/mono mode:
387 |
# Required if chipset is EGA.
388 |
389 |
# Use one of the following digits to force color/mono:
390 |
391 |
# monotext # Card is in monochrome emulation mode
392 |
# colortext # Card is in color emulation mode
393 |
394 |
395 |
# RAMDAC support:
396 |
# Some chipsets (e.g. S3 and ARK) allows specifying a RAMDAC type.
397 |
# If your RAMDAC is not autodetected, you can try specifying it.
398 |
# Do NOT specify a RAMDAC if you card uses the S3 Trio chipset
399 |
# (the RAMDAC is built in).
400 |
401 |
# Ramdac Sierra32K
402 |
# Ramdac SC15025
403 |
# Ramdac SDAC # S3 SDAC
404 |
# Ramdac GenDAC # S3 GenDAC
405 |
# Ramdac ATT20C490 # AT&T 20C490, 491, 492 (and compatibles)
406 |
# Ramdac ATT20C498 # AT&T 20C498
407 |
# Ramdac IBMRGB52x # IBM RGB524, 526, 528 (and compatibles)
408 |
409 |
# Dotclocks:
410 |
# Some chipsets needs a list of dot clocks for optimum operation. Some
411 |
# includes or supports a programmable clock chip. You'll need to specify
412 |
# them here.
413 |
414 |
# Fixed clocks example:
415 |
# (The following is just an example, get the values for your card from
416 |
# you XF86Config)
417 |
418 |
# Clocks 25.175 28.3 40 70 50 75 36 44.9 0 118 77 31.5 110 65 72 93.5
419 |
420 |
# Programmable clockchip example:
421 |
422 |
# Clockchip ICD2061A # The only one supported right now
423 |
424 |
425 |
VesaText # Helps the VESA driver with text mode restoration
426 |
# problems (i386 only).
427 |
428 |
# VesaSave 14 # changing value might help text mode restoring problems
429 |
# with VESA driver (i386 only). Legal values: 0-15
430 |
431 |
# NoVCControl # Disables svgalib's finding a new VC if run
432 |
# from X, also disables svgalib restoring textmode when
433 |
# switching VC's (bad). Good fo using dumpreg under X,
434 |
# but probably bad for standard usage.
435 |
436 |
# RageDoubleClock # If your card is based on ATI's rage card, and
437 |
# the pixel clock is double what it should be
438 |
# (main symptom is some modes are out of sync),
439 |
# try enabling this. If it helps, please report to
440 |
# me (matan@svgalib.org)
441 |
442 |
# NeoMagicLibretto100 # Enable if you have a NeoMagic card on a Toshiba
443 |
# Libretto 100, 110, etc (i386 only).
444 |
445 |
# FbdevNoVga # When this is set the FBDEV chipset drivers doesn't
446 |
# (try to) use standardvga modes through the vga driver.
447 |
# this means that no special rights other then access to
448 |
# /dev/fb0 are nescesarry for svgalib programs. This can
449 |
# also be used when using the FBDEV driver with cards
450 |
# which are not VGA compatible.