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# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in
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# text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
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# Copyright (C) 1995-2018 by The BRLTTY Developers.
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# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
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# GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software
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# Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
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# later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details.
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# Web Page: http://brltty.com/
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# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <dave@mielke.cc>.
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# BRLTTY Contraction Table - International Phonetic Alphabet
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# Samuel Thibault <samuel.thibault@ens-lyon.org>
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23 |
# This is based on the ICEB Braille IPA Draft Table, Nov. 3, 2005
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# Typographic Description IPA No Articulatory Description
26 |
# consonants
27 |
always p 1234 # lowercase p 101 voiceless bilabial plosive
28 |
always b 12 # lowercase b 102 voiced bilabial plosive
29 |
always t 2345 # lowercase t 103 voiceless alveolar plosive
30 |
always d 145 # lowercase d 104 voiced alveolar plosive
31 |
always ʈ 256-2345 # right-tail t 105 voiceless retroflex plosive
32 |
always É– 256-145 # right-tail d 106 voiced retroflex plosive
33 |
always c 14 # lowercase c 107 voiceless palatal plosive
34 |
always ɟ 35-245 # barred dotless j 108 voiced palatal plosive
35 |
always k 13 # lowercase k 109 voiceless velar plosive
36 |
always É¡ 1245 # lowercase script g 110 voiced velar plosive
37 |
always g 1245 # lowercase g 110 voiced velar plosive (alt. glyph)
38 |
always q 12345 # lowercase q 111 voiceless uvular plosive
39 |
always ɢ 35-1245 # small capital g 112 voiced uvular plosive
40 |
always Ê” 23 # glottal stop 113 glottal plosive
41 |
always m 134 # lowercase m 114 voiced bilabial nasal
42 |
always ɱ 235-134 # left-tail m (at right) 115 voiced labiodental nasal
43 |
always n 1345 # lowercase n 116 voiced alveolar nasal
44 |
always ɳ 256-1345 # right-tail n 117 voiced retroflex nasal
45 |
always ɲ 123456 # left-tail n (at left) 118 voiced palatal nasal
46 |
always ŋ 1246 # eng 119 voiced velar nasal
47 |
always É´ 35-1345 # small capital n 120 voiced uvular nasal
48 |
always ʙ 35-12 # small capital b 121 voiced bilabial trill
49 |
always r 1235 # lowercase r 122 voiced alveolar trill
50 |
always ʀ 35-1235 # small capital r 123 voiced uvular trill
51 |
# 235-1236 # right-hook v labiodental flap
52 |
always ɾ 235-1235 # fish-hook r 124 voiced alveolar tap
53 |
always ɽ 256-1235 # right-tail r 125 voiced retroflex flap
54 |
always ɸ 46-124 # phi 126 voiceless bilabial fricative
55 |
always β 46-12 # beta 127 voiced bilabial fricative
56 |
always f 124 # lowercase f 128 voiceless labiodental fricative
57 |
always v 1236 # lowercase v 129 voiced labiodental fricative
58 |
always θ 46-1456 # theta 130 voiceless dental fricative
59 |
always ð 12456 # edh 131 voiced dental fricative
60 |
always s 234 # lowercase s 132 voiceless alveolar fricative
61 |
always z 1356 # lowercase z 133 voiced alveolar fricative
62 |
always ʃ 156 # esh 134 voiceless postalveolar fricative
63 |
always Ê’ 2346 # yogh 135 voiced postalveolar fricative
64 |
always Ê‚ 256-234 # right-tail s (at left) 136 voiceless retroflex fricative
65 |
always ʐ 256-1356 # right-tail z 137 voiced retroflex fricative
66 |
always ç 235-14 # c cedilla 138 voiceless palatal fricative
67 |
always ʝ 236-245 # curly-tail j 139 voiced palatal fricative
68 |
always x 1346 # lowercase x 140 voiceless velar fricative
69 |
always ɣ 46-1245 # gamma 141 voiced velar fricative
70 |
always χ 46-12346 # chi 142 voiceless uvular fricative
71 |
always ʁ 35-3456 # inverted small capital r 143 voiced uvular fricative
72 |
always ħ 235-125 # crossed h 144 voiceless pharyngeal fricative
73 |
always Ê• 235-23 # reversed glottal stop 145 voiced pharyngeal fricative
74 |
always h 125 # lowercase h 146 voiceless glottal fricative
75 |
always ɦ 236-125 # hooktop h 147 voiced glottal fricative
76 |
always ɬ 236-123 # belted l 148 voiceless alveolar lateral fricative
77 |
always É® 123-5-2346 # l-yogh digraph 149 voiced alveolar lateral fricative
78 |
always ʋ 236-1236 # script v 150 voiced labiodental approximant
79 |
always ɹ 3456 # turned r 151 voiced (post)alveolar approximant
80 |
always É» 256-3456 # turned r, right tail 152 voiced retroflex approximant
81 |
always j 245 # lowercase j 153 voiced palatal approximant
82 |
always É° 236-134 # turned m, right leg 154 voiced velar approximant
83 |
always l 123 # lowercase l 155 voiced alveolar lateral approximant
84 |
always ɭ 256-123 # right-tail l 156 voiced retroflex lateral approxiant
85 |
always ÊŽ 236-13456 # turned y 157 voiced palatal lateral approximant
86 |
always ʟ 35-123 # small capital l 158 voiced velar lateral approximant
87 |
always É“ 236-12 # hooktop b 160 voiced bilabial implosive
88 |
always É— 236-145 # hooktop d 162 voiced dental/alveolar implosive
89 |
always Ê„ 236-35-245 # hooktop barred dotless j 164 voiced palatal implosive
90 |
always ɠ 236-1245 # hooktop g 166 voiced velar implosive
91 |
always ʛ 236-35-1245 # hooktop small capital g 168 voiced uvular implosive
92 |
always ʍ 235-2456 # turned w 169 voiceless labial-velar fricative
93 |
always w 2456 # lowercase w 170 voiced labial-velar approximant
94 |
always ɥ 256-125 # turned h 171 voiced labial-palatal approximant
95 |
always ʜ 35-125 # small capital h 172 voiceless epiglottal fricative
96 |
always Ê¡ 236-23 # barred glottal stop 173 epiglottal plosive
97 |
always ʢ 35-23 # barred reversed glottal stop 174 voiced epiglottal fricative
98 |
always ɧ 236-1246 # hooked eng 175 voiceless multiple-place fricative
99 |
always ʘ 12346-1234 # bull's eye 176 bilabial click
100 |
always ǀ 12346-1456 # pipe 177 dental click
101 |
always ǃ 12346-2345 # exclamation point 178 (post-)alveolar click
102 |
always Ç‚ 12346-156 # double-barred pipe 179 palatoalveolar click
103 |
always ǁ 12346-123 # double pipe 180 alveolar lateral click
104 |
always ɺ 236-3456 # turned long-leg r 181 voiced alveolar lateral flap
105 |
always É• 236-14 # curly-tail c 182 voiceless alveolopalatal fricative
106 |
always Ê‘ 236-1356 # curly-tail z 183 voiced alveolopalatal fricative
107 |
always É« 235-123 # lowercase l with tilde 209 velarized voiced alveolar lateral
108 |
always ʣ 145-5-1356 # d-z digraph voiced alveolar affricate
109 |
always ʤ 145-5-2346 # d-yogh digraph voiced postalveolar affricate
110 |
always ʥ 145-5-236-1356 # d-curly-tail-z digraph voiced alveolopalatal affricate
111 |
always ʦ 2345-5-234 # t-s digraph voiceless alveolar affricate
112 |
always ʧ 2345-5-156 # t-esh digraph voiceless postalveolar affricate
113 |
always ʨ 2345-5-236-14 # t-curly-tail-c digraph voiceless alveolopalatal affricate
114 |
115 |
# Voyels
116 |
always i 24 # lowercase i 301 close front unrounded vowel
117 |
always e 15 # lowercase e 302 close-mid front unrounded vowel
118 |
always ɛ 345 # epsilon 303 open-mid front unrounded vowel
119 |
always a 1 # lowercase a 304 open front unrounded vowel
120 |
always É‘ 16 # script a 305 open back unrounded vowel
121 |
always É” 126 # open o 306 open-mid back rounded vowel
122 |
always o 135 # lowercase o 307 close-mid back rounded vowel
123 |
always u 136 # lowercase u 308 close back rounded vowel
124 |
always y 13456 # lowercase y 309 close front rounded vowel
125 |
always ø 1256 # slashed o 310 close-mid front rounded vowel
126 |
always Å“ 246 # o-e digraph 311 open-mid front rounded vowel
127 |
always ɶ 35-246 # small capital o-e digraph 312 open front rounded vowel
128 |
always É’ 235-16 # turned script a 313 open back rounded vowel
129 |
always ʌ 346 # turned v (caret) 314 open-mid back unrounded vowel
130 |
always ɤ 235-135 # ram's horns 315 close-mid back unrounded vowel
131 |
always ɯ 235-136 # turned m 316 close back unrounded vowel
132 |
always ɨ 356-24 # barred i 317 close central unrounded vowel
133 |
always ʉ 356-136 # barred u 318 close central rounded vowel
134 |
always ɪ 34 # small capital i 319 near-close front unrounded vowel
135 |
always ʏ 35-13456 # small capital y 320 near-close front rounded vowel
136 |
always ÊŠ 12356 # upsilon 321 near-close back rounded vowel
137 |
always ə 26 # schwa 322 mid central unrounded vowel
138 |
always ɵ 356-135 # barred o 323 close-mid central rounded vowel
139 |
always ɐ 235-1 # turned a 324 near-open central unrounded vowel
140 |
always æ 146 # ash 325 near-open front unrounded vowel
141 |
always ɜ 235-345 # reversed epsilon 326 open-mid central unrounded vowel
142 |
always Éš 26-5-1235 # schwa with hook 327 rhotacized schwa
143 |
always Éž 236-345 # closed reversed epsilon 395 open-mid central rounded vowel
144 |
always ɘ 235-15 # reversed e 397 open-mid central unrounded vowel
145 |
146 |
always ʼ 5-3 # apostrophe 401 ejective
147 |
always ̥ 6-1246 # ring below 402 voiceless
148 |
always ̊ 4-1246 # ring above 402 voiceless
149 |
always ̬ 6-236 # wedge below 403 voiced
150 |
always Ê° 4-125 # superscript h 404 aspirated
151 |
always ̤ 6-25 # umlaut below 405 breathy voiced
152 |
always Ì° 6-12456 # tilde below 406 creaky voiced
153 |
always ̼ 6-12346 # seagull below 407 linguolabial
154 |
always ̪ 6-1456 # bridge below 408 dental
155 |
always ̺ 6-235-1456 # inverted bridge below 409 apical
156 |
always Ì» 6-2356 # square below 410 laminal
157 |
always ̹ 6-135 # right half-ring below 411 more rounded
158 |
always ̜ 6-246 # left half-ring below 412 less rounded
159 |
always ̟ 6-346 # plus below 413 advanced
160 |
always ̠ 6-36 # minus below 414 retracted
161 |
always ̈ 4-25 # umlaut above 415 centralized
162 |
always ̽ 4-1346 # over-cross above 416 mid-centralized
163 |
always ̘ 6-156 # advancing sign below 417 advanced tongue root
164 |
always ̙ 6-234 # retracting sign below 418 retracted tongue root
165 |
always Ëž 5-1235 # right hook 419 rhotacized
166 |
always Ê· 4-2456 # superscript w 420 labialized
167 |
always ʲ 4-245 # superscript j 421 palatalized
168 |
always ˠ 4-46-1245 # superscript gamma 422 velarized
169 |
always ˤ 4-235-23 # superscript reversed glottal stop 423 pharyngealized
170 |
always ̃ 4-12456 # tiled above 424 nasalized
171 |
always ⁿ 4-1345 # superscript n 425 nasal release
172 |
always Ë¡ 4-123 # superscript l 426 lateral release
173 |
always Ìš 4-145 # corner above 427 no audible release
174 |
always Ì´ 5-12456 # superimposed tilde 428 velarized or pharyngealized
175 |
always ̝ 6-345 # raising sign below 429 raised
176 |
always Ìž 6-126 # lowering sign below 430 lowered
177 |
always Ì© 6-23 # vertical line below 431 syllabic
178 |
always ̯ 6-23456 # arch below 432 non-syllabic
179 |
always Í¡ 5 # top tie bar 433 double articulation
180 |
always , 2 # comma 491 (punctuation)
181 |
182 |
always ˈ 456-12 # vertical stroke (superior) 501 (primary) stress mark
183 |
always ˌ 456-23 # vertical stroke (inferior) 502 secondary stress mark
184 |
always ː 25 # length mark 503 length mark
185 |
always Ë‘ 5-2 # half-length mark 504 half-length
186 |
always ̆ 4-12356 # breve above 505 extra-short
187 |
always . 3 # period 506 syllable break
188 |
always | 456-1256 # vertical line 507 minor (foot) group
189 |
always ‖ 456-123456 # double vertical line 508 major (intonation) group
190 |
always ‿ 456-123 # bottom tie bar 509 linking (absence of a break)
191 |
always ↗ 456-145 # upward diagonal arrow 510 global rise
192 |
always ↘ 456-356 # downward diagonal arrow 511 global fall
193 |
always ̋ 4-6-34 # double acute accent above 512 extra high tone
194 |
always ́ 4-34 # acute accent above 513 high tone
195 |
always ̄ 4-14 # macron above 514 mid tone
196 |
always ̀ 4-16 # grave accent above 515 low tone
197 |
always ̏ 4-6-16 # double grave accent above 516 extra low tone
198 |
always ↓ 456-2346 # down arrow 517 downstep
199 |
always ↑ 456-1246 # up arrow 518 upstep
200 |
always ˥ 456-4-14 # extra-high tone bar (55) 519 extra hight tone
201 |
always ˦ 456-14 # high tone bar (44) 520 hight tone
202 |
always ˧ 456-25 # mid tone bar (33) 521 mid tone
203 |
always ˨ 456-36 # low tone bar (22) 522 low tone
204 |
always Ë© 456-6-36 # extra-low tone bar (11) 523 extra low tone
205 |
always ̌ 4-236 # wedge above 524 rising tone
206 |
# 456-34 # rising tone bar (15) rising tone
207 |
always ̂ 4-146 # circumflex above 525 falling tone
208 |
# 456-16 # falling tone bar (15) falling tone
209 |
always ï…± 4-24 # macro-acute above 526 high-rising tone
210 |
# 456-24 # high-rising tone bar (35) high-rising tone
211 |
always ï…² 4-35 # grave-macro above 527 low-rising tone
212 |
# 456-35 # low-rising tone bar (13) low-rising tone
213 |
always ï…µ 4-256 # grave-acute-grave above 528 rising-falling tone
214 |
215 |
# also used for switch into/out into/out of phonetic code.
216 |
always [ 45-12356 # left square bracket 901 opening phonetic brackets
217 |
always ] 45-23456 # right square bracket 902 closing phonetic brackets
218 |
219 |
always / 45-34 # slash phonemic enclosure
220 |
always → 456-135 # rightward arrow becomes (is realized as)
221 |
always - 36 # hyphen (dash) (punctuation)
222 |
223 |
# 56 # The following symbol is non-IPA and should be read in accordance with the primary braille code of the document
224 |
# 56-56 # The following passage is non-IPA and should be read in accordance with the primary braille code of the document
225 |
# 56-23 # Terminates a passage of non-IPA texte (opened by 56-56); return to IPA code