192 |
- |
1 |
2 |
# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in
3 |
# text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
4 |
5 |
# Copyright (C) 1995-2018 by The BRLTTY Developers.
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
10 |
# GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software
11 |
# Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
12 |
# later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details.
13 |
14 |
# Web Page: http://brltty.com/
15 |
16 |
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <dave@mielke.cc>.
17 |
18 |
19 |
# BRLTTY Text Table - English (North American Braille Computer Code)
20 |
21 |
# This is a description of the default text table used by BRLTTY.
22 |
# It's based on the North American Braille Computer Code, but defines the full
23 |
# Latin1 (ISO-8859-1) character set.
24 |
25 |
# The 95 printable characters of the standard 7-bit US-ASCII character set
26 |
# (32-126) are identical to their representations within the North American
27 |
# Braille Computer Code (these are the only characters which the NABCC actually
28 |
# defines). Characters from literary braille, symbols from The Nemeth Braille
29 |
# Code for Mathematics and Science Notation, and a bit of human imagination
30 |
# have all been combined to create an easy-to-remember, one-to-one mapping
31 |
# between each character and its braille counterpart. All possible combinations
32 |
# involving only the original 6 braille dots are used, but that only allows for
33 |
# 64 out of the required 95 character representations. The presence or absence
34 |
# of dot 7 is used to differentiate between pairs of characters which either
35 |
# are very closely related in meaning or, in a few cases where a more intuitive
36 |
# reason couldn't be found, have a very close logical relationship within the
37 |
# US-ASCII code. Dot 8 isn't used at all.
38 |
39 |
# The space and the 26 lowercase letters (a-z) are the same as in literary
40 |
# braille:
41 |
42 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
43 |
char \X20 ( ) # 32 space
44 |
char \X61 (1 ) # 97 a latin small letter a
45 |
char \X62 (12 ) # 98 b latin small letter b
46 |
char \X63 (1 4 ) # 99 c latin small letter c
47 |
char \X64 (1 45 ) # 100 d latin small letter d
48 |
char \X65 (1 5 ) # 101 e latin small letter e
49 |
char \X66 (12 4 ) # 102 f latin small letter f
50 |
char \X67 (12 45 ) # 103 g latin small letter g
51 |
char \X68 (12 5 ) # 104 h latin small letter h
52 |
char \X69 ( 2 4 ) # 105 i latin small letter i
53 |
char \X6A ( 2 45 ) # 106 j latin small letter j
54 |
char \X6B (1 3 ) # 107 k latin small letter k
55 |
char \X6C (123 ) # 108 l latin small letter l
56 |
char \X6D (1 34 ) # 109 m latin small letter m
57 |
char \X6E (1 345 ) # 110 n latin small letter n
58 |
char \X6F (1 3 5 ) # 111 o latin small letter o
59 |
char \X70 (1234 ) # 112 p latin small letter p
60 |
char \X71 (12345 ) # 113 q latin small letter q
61 |
char \X72 (123 5 ) # 114 r latin small letter r
62 |
char \X73 ( 234 ) # 115 s latin small letter s
63 |
char \X74 ( 2345 ) # 116 t latin small letter t
64 |
char \X75 (1 3 6 ) # 117 u latin small letter u
65 |
char \X76 (123 6 ) # 118 v latin small letter v
66 |
char \X77 ( 2 456 ) # 119 w latin small letter w
67 |
char \X78 (1 34 6 ) # 120 x latin small letter x
68 |
char \X79 (1 3456 ) # 121 y latin small letter y
69 |
char \X7A (1 3 56 ) # 122 z latin small letter z
70 |
71 |
# The 26 uppercase letters (A-Z) are the same as their lowercase counterparts
72 |
# except that dot 7 is added:
73 |
74 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
75 |
char \X41 (1 7 ) # 65 A latin capital letter a
76 |
char \X42 (12 7 ) # 66 B latin capital letter b
77 |
char \X43 (1 4 7 ) # 67 C latin capital letter c
78 |
char \X44 (1 45 7 ) # 68 D latin capital letter d
79 |
char \X45 (1 5 7 ) # 69 E latin capital letter e
80 |
char \X46 (12 4 7 ) # 70 F latin capital letter f
81 |
char \X47 (12 45 7 ) # 71 G latin capital letter g
82 |
char \X48 (12 5 7 ) # 72 H latin capital letter h
83 |
char \X49 ( 2 4 7 ) # 73 I latin capital letter i
84 |
char \X4A ( 2 45 7 ) # 74 J latin capital letter j
85 |
char \X4B (1 3 7 ) # 75 K latin capital letter k
86 |
char \X4C (123 7 ) # 76 L latin capital letter l
87 |
char \X4D (1 34 7 ) # 77 M latin capital letter m
88 |
char \X4E (1 345 7 ) # 78 N latin capital letter n
89 |
char \X4F (1 3 5 7 ) # 79 O latin capital letter o
90 |
char \X50 (1234 7 ) # 80 P latin capital letter p
91 |
char \X51 (12345 7 ) # 81 Q latin capital letter q
92 |
char \X52 (123 5 7 ) # 82 R latin capital letter r
93 |
char \X53 ( 234 7 ) # 83 S latin capital letter s
94 |
char \X54 ( 2345 7 ) # 84 T latin capital letter t
95 |
char \X55 (1 3 67 ) # 85 U latin capital letter u
96 |
char \X56 (123 67 ) # 86 V latin capital letter v
97 |
char \X57 ( 2 4567 ) # 87 W latin capital letter w
98 |
char \X58 (1 34 67 ) # 88 X latin capital letter x
99 |
char \X59 (1 34567 ) # 89 Y latin capital letter y
100 |
char \X5A (1 3 567 ) # 90 Z latin capital letter z
101 |
102 |
# The 10 decimal digits (0-9) are the same as in the Nemeth Code:
103 |
104 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
105 |
char \X30 ( 3 56 ) # 48 0 digit zero
106 |
char \X31 ( 2 ) # 49 1 digit one
107 |
char \X32 ( 23 ) # 50 2 digit two
108 |
char \X33 ( 2 5 ) # 51 3 digit three
109 |
char \X34 ( 2 56 ) # 52 4 digit four
110 |
char \X35 ( 2 6 ) # 53 5 digit five
111 |
char \X36 ( 23 5 ) # 54 6 digit six
112 |
char \X37 ( 23 56 ) # 55 7 digit seven
113 |
char \X38 ( 23 6 ) # 56 8 digit eight
114 |
char \X39 ( 3 5 ) # 57 9 digit nine
115 |
116 |
# Common symbols used within mathematical expressions by popular computer
117 |
# programming languages are the same as in the Nemeth Code:
118 |
119 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
120 |
char \X2E ( 4 6 ) # 46 . full stop
121 |
char \X2B ( 34 6 ) # 43 + plus sign
122 |
char \X2D ( 3 6 ) # 45 - hyphen-minus
123 |
char \X2A (1 6 ) # 42 * asterisk
124 |
char \X2F ( 34 ) # 47 / solidus
125 |
char \X28 (123 56 ) # 40 ( left parenthesis
126 |
char \X29 ( 23456 ) # 41 ) right parenthesis
127 |
128 |
# With all of these major considerations having been taken into account,
129 |
# convenient representations were still available, and are used, for some of
130 |
# the remaining characters:
131 |
132 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
133 |
char \X26 (1234 6 ) # 38 & ampersand
134 |
char \X23 ( 3456 ) # 35 # number sign
135 |
136 |
# The remaining characters are what they are. Dot 7 isn't used either within
137 |
# the number block (32-63) or, with the exception of the DEL control character
138 |
# (127), within the lowercase block (96-127). With the exception of the
139 |
# underscore (95), dot 7 is used for every character within the uppercase block
140 |
# (64-95). Adding dot 7 to any character within the lowercase block (96-127)
141 |
# yields its corresponding character within the uppercase block (64-95) except
142 |
# that removing dot 7 from the DEL control character yields the underscore.
143 |
144 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
145 |
char \X2C ( 6 ) # 44 , comma
146 |
char \X3B ( 56 ) # 59 ; semicolon
147 |
char \X3A (1 56 ) # 58 : colon
148 |
char \X21 ( 234 6 ) # 33 ! exclamation mark
149 |
char \X3F (1 456 ) # 63 ? question mark
150 |
char \X22 ( 5 ) # 34 " quotation mark
151 |
char \X27 ( 3 ) # 39 ' apostrophe
152 |
char \X60 ( 4 ) # 96 ` grave accent
153 |
char \X5E ( 45 7 ) # 94 ^ circumflex accent
154 |
char \X7E ( 45 ) # 126 ~ tilde
155 |
char \X5B ( 2 4 67 ) # 91 [ left square bracket
156 |
char \X5D (12 4567 ) # 93 ] right square bracket
157 |
char \X7B ( 2 4 6 ) # 123 { left curly bracket
158 |
char \X7D (12 456 ) # 125 } right curly bracket
159 |
char \X3D (123456 ) # 61 = equals sign
160 |
char \X3C (12 6 ) # 60 < less-than sign
161 |
char \X3E ( 345 ) # 62 > greater-than sign
162 |
char \X24 (12 4 6 ) # 36 $ dollar sign
163 |
char \X25 (1 4 6 ) # 37 % percent sign
164 |
char \X40 ( 4 7 ) # 64 @ commercial at
165 |
char \X7C (12 56 ) # 124 | vertical line
166 |
char \X5C (12 567 ) # 92 \ reverse solidus
167 |
char \X5F ( 456 ) # 95 _ low line
168 |
169 |
# Each of the characters within the basic control character block (0-31) is the
170 |
# same as its corresponding character within both the uppercase block (64-95)
171 |
# and the lowercase block (96-127) except that dots 7 and 8 are both used.
172 |
173 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
174 |
char \X00 ( 4 78) # 0 ^@ null
175 |
char \X01 (1 78) # 1 ^A start of heading
176 |
char \X02 (12 78) # 2 ^B start of text
177 |
char \X03 (1 4 78) # 3 ^C end of text
178 |
char \X04 (1 45 78) # 4 ^D end of transmission
179 |
char \X05 (1 5 78) # 5 ^E enquiry
180 |
char \X06 (12 4 78) # 6 ^F acknowledge
181 |
char \X07 (12 45 78) # 7 ^G bell
182 |
char \X08 (12 5 78) # 8 ^H backspace
183 |
char \X09 ( 2 4 78) # 9 ^I horizontal tabulation
184 |
char \X0A ( 2 45 78) # 10 ^J line feed
185 |
char \X0B (1 3 78) # 11 ^K vertical tabulation
186 |
char \X0C (123 78) # 12 ^L form feed
187 |
char \X0D (1 34 78) # 13 ^M carriage return
188 |
char \X0E (1 345 78) # 14 ^N shift out
189 |
char \X0F (1 3 5 78) # 15 ^O shift in
190 |
char \X10 (1234 78) # 16 ^P data link escape
191 |
char \X11 (12345 78) # 17 ^Q device control one
192 |
char \X12 (123 5 78) # 18 ^R device control two
193 |
char \X13 ( 234 78) # 19 ^S device control three
194 |
char \X14 ( 2345 78) # 20 ^T device control four
195 |
char \X15 (1 3 678) # 21 ^U negative acknowledge
196 |
char \X16 (123 678) # 22 ^V synchronous idle
197 |
char \X17 ( 2 45678) # 23 ^W end of transmission block
198 |
char \X18 (1 34 678) # 24 ^X cancel
199 |
char \X19 (1 345678) # 25 ^Y end of medium
200 |
char \X1A (1 3 5678) # 26 ^Z substitute
201 |
char \X1B ( 2 4 678) # 27 ^[ escape
202 |
char \X1C (12 5678) # 28 ^\ file separator
203 |
char \X1D (12 45678) # 29 ^] group separator
204 |
char \X1E ( 45 78) # 30 ^^ record separator
205 |
char \X1F ( 45678) # 31 ^_ unit separator
206 |
207 |
# Each of the characters within the extended control character block (128-159)
208 |
# is the same as its corresponding character within the basic control character
209 |
# block (0-31) except that only dot 8 is used.
210 |
211 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
212 |
char \X80 ( 4 8) # 128 ~@ <control>
213 |
char \X81 (1 8) # 129 ~A <control>
214 |
char \X82 (12 8) # 130 ~B break permitted here
215 |
char \X83 (1 4 8) # 131 ~C no break here
216 |
char \X84 (1 45 8) # 132 ~D <control>
217 |
char \X85 (1 5 8) # 133 ~E next line
218 |
char \X86 (12 4 8) # 134 ~F start of selected area
219 |
char \X87 (12 45 8) # 135 ~G end of selected area
220 |
char \X88 (12 5 8) # 136 ~H character tabulation set
221 |
char \X89 ( 2 4 8) # 137 ~I character tabulation with justification
222 |
char \X8A ( 2 45 8) # 138 ~J line tabulation set
223 |
char \X8B (1 3 8) # 139 ~K partial line down
224 |
char \X8C (123 8) # 140 ~L partial line up
225 |
char \X8D (1 34 8) # 141 ~M reverse line feed
226 |
char \X8E (1 345 8) # 142 ~N single shift two
227 |
char \X8F (1 3 5 8) # 143 ~O single shift three
228 |
char \X90 (1234 8) # 144 ~P device control string
229 |
char \X91 (12345 8) # 145 ~Q private use one
230 |
char \X92 (123 5 8) # 146 ~R private use two
231 |
char \X93 ( 234 8) # 147 ~S set transmit state
232 |
char \X94 ( 2345 8) # 148 ~T cancel character
233 |
char \X95 (1 3 6 8) # 149 ~U message waiting
234 |
char \X96 (123 6 8) # 150 ~V start of guarded area
235 |
char \X97 ( 2 456 8) # 151 ~W end of guarded area
236 |
char \X98 (1 34 6 8) # 152 ~X start of string
237 |
char \X99 (1 3456 8) # 153 ~Y <control>
238 |
char \X9A (1 3 56 8) # 154 ~Z single character introducer
239 |
char \X9B ( 2 4 6 8) # 155 ~[ control sequence introducer
240 |
char \X9C (12 56 8) # 156 ~\ string terminator
241 |
char \X9D (12 456 8) # 157 ~] operating system command
242 |
char \X9E ( 45 8) # 158 ~^ privacy message
243 |
char \X9F ( 456 8) # 159 ~_ application program command
244 |
245 |
# Representations for the uppercase accented letters are drawn from the
246 |
# remaining combinations which use both dots 7 and 8. The representation for a
247 |
# lowercase accented letter is the same as its uppercase counterpart except
248 |
# that dot 7 isn't used. This scheme retains the use of dot 7 as the modifier
249 |
# for a capitalized letter. The only exception to these rules is that, due to
250 |
# the nature of the Latin1 character set, the German lowercase double-s is
251 |
# treated as though it were an uppercase y-dieresis (neither has an uppercase
252 |
# definition). These representations have been gathered, as much as possible,
253 |
# into logical groupings.
254 |
255 |
# The 5 letters with a circumflex accent (^) use the [1-5] dot combinations:
256 |
257 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
258 |
char \XC2 ( 2 78) # 194 Â latin capital letter a with circumflex
259 |
char \XCA ( 23 78) # 202 Ê latin capital letter e with circumflex
260 |
char \XCE ( 2 5 78) # 206 Î latin capital letter i with circumflex
261 |
char \XD4 ( 2 5678) # 212 Ô latin capital letter o with circumflex
262 |
char \XDB ( 2 678) # 219 Û latin capital letter u with circumflex
263 |
char \XE2 ( 2 8) # 226 â latin small letter a with circumflex
264 |
char \XEA ( 23 8) # 234 ê latin small letter e with circumflex
265 |
char \XEE ( 2 5 8) # 238 î latin small letter i with circumflex
266 |
char \XF4 ( 2 56 8) # 244 ô latin small letter o with circumflex
267 |
char \XFB ( 2 6 8) # 251 û latin small letter u with circumflex
268 |
269 |
# The 5 letters with a grave accent (`) use the [6-0] dot combinations:
270 |
271 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
272 |
char \XC0 ( 23 5 78) # 192 À latin capital letter a with grave
273 |
char \XC8 ( 23 5678) # 200 È latin capital letter e with grave
274 |
char \XCC ( 23 678) # 204 Ì latin capital letter i with grave
275 |
char \XD2 ( 3 5 78) # 210 Ò latin capital letter o with grave
276 |
char \XD9 ( 3 5678) # 217 Ù latin capital letter u with grave
277 |
char \XE0 ( 23 5 8) # 224 à latin small letter a with grave
278 |
char \XE8 ( 23 56 8) # 232 è latin small letter e with grave
279 |
char \XEC ( 23 6 8) # 236 ì latin small letter i with grave
280 |
char \XF2 ( 3 5 8) # 242 ò latin small letter o with grave
281 |
char \XF9 ( 3 56 8) # 249 ù latin small letter u with grave
282 |
283 |
# The 6 letters with an acute accent (') use the [a-f] dot combinations with
284 |
# dots 3 and 6 added:
285 |
286 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
287 |
char \XC1 (1 678) # 193 Á latin capital letter a with acute
288 |
char \XC9 (12 678) # 201 É latin capital letter e with acute
289 |
char \XCD (1 4 678) # 205 Í latin capital letter i with acute
290 |
char \XD3 (1 45678) # 211 Ó latin capital letter o with acute
291 |
char \XDA (1 5678) # 218 Ú latin capital letter u with acute
292 |
char \XDD (12 4 678) # 221 Ý latin capital letter y with acute
293 |
char \XE1 (1 6 8) # 225 á latin small letter a with acute
294 |
char \XE9 (12 6 8) # 233 é latin small letter e with acute
295 |
char \XED (1 4 6 8) # 237 í latin small letter i with acute
296 |
char \XF3 (1 456 8) # 243 ó latin small letter o with acute
297 |
char \XFA (1 56 8) # 250 ú latin small letter u with acute
298 |
char \XFD (12 4 6 8) # 253 ý latin small letter y with acute
299 |
300 |
# The 6 letters with a dieresis accent (") use the [f-j] dot combinations with
301 |
# dots 3 and 6 added, and the number sign (because it fits the sequence
302 |
# reasonably well):
303 |
304 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
305 |
char \XC4 (1234 678) # 196 Ä latin capital letter a with diaeresis
306 |
char \XCB (12345678) # 203 Ë latin capital letter e with diaeresis
307 |
char \XCF (123 5678) # 207 Ï latin capital letter i with diaeresis
308 |
char \XD6 ( 234 678) # 214 Ö latin capital letter o with diaeresis
309 |
char \XDC ( 2345678) # 220 Ü latin capital letter u with diaeresis
310 |
char \XE4 (1234 6 8) # 228 ä latin small letter a with diaeresis
311 |
char \XEB (123456 8) # 235 ë latin small letter e with diaeresis
312 |
char \XEF (123 56 8) # 239 ï latin small letter i with diaeresis
313 |
char \XF6 ( 234 6 8) # 246 ö latin small letter o with diaeresis
314 |
char \XFC ( 23456 8) # 252 ü latin small letter u with diaeresis
315 |
char \XFF ( 3456 8) # 255 ÿ latin small letter y with diaeresis
316 |
317 |
# There is no uppercase y-dieresis in the Latin1 character set. The German
318 |
# lowercase double-s, which also doesn't have an uppercase counterpart in the
319 |
# Latin1 character set, uses its representation:
320 |
321 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
322 |
char \XDF ( 345678) # 223 ß latin small letter sharp s
323 |
324 |
# The remaining accented letters are:
325 |
326 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
327 |
char \XC3 ( 5 78) # 195 Ã latin capital letter a with tilde
328 |
char \XD1 ( 4 678) # 209 Ñ latin capital letter n with tilde
329 |
char \XD5 ( 5678) # 213 Õ latin capital letter o with tilde
330 |
char \XC5 ( 345 78) # 197 Å latin capital letter a with ring above
331 |
char \XC7 ( 34 678) # 199 Ç latin capital letter c with cedilla
332 |
char \XD8 ( 34 78) # 216 Ø latin capital letter o with stroke
333 |
char \XC6 ( 3 78) # 198 Æ latin capital letter ae
334 |
char \XD0 ( 678) # 208 Ð latin capital letter eth
335 |
char \XDE ( 3 678) # 222 Þ latin capital letter thorn
336 |
char \XE3 ( 5 8) # 227 ã latin small letter a with tilde
337 |
char \XF1 ( 4 6 8) # 241 ñ latin small letter n with tilde
338 |
char \XF5 ( 56 8) # 245 õ latin small letter o with tilde
339 |
char \XE5 ( 345 8) # 229 å latin small letter a with ring above
340 |
char \XE7 ( 34 6 8) # 231 ç latin small letter c with cedilla
341 |
char \XF8 ( 34 8) # 248 ø latin small letter o with stroke
342 |
char \XE6 ( 3 8) # 230 æ latin small letter ae
343 |
char \XF0 ( 6 8) # 240 ð latin small letter eth
344 |
char \XFE ( 3 6 8) # 254 þ latin small letter thorn
345 |
346 |
# Some characters are the same as other characters which they resemble but with
347 |
# dot 7 added:
348 |
349 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
350 |
char \XAD ( 3 67 ) # 173 soft hyphen
351 |
char \XAB (12 67 ) # 171 « left-pointing double angle quotation mark
352 |
char \XBB ( 345 7 ) # 187 » right-pointing double angle quotation mark
353 |
char \XA6 (1 567 ) # 166 ¦ broken bar
354 |
char \XB9 ( 2 7 ) # 185 ¹ superscript one
355 |
char \XB2 ( 23 7 ) # 178 ² superscript two
356 |
char \XB3 ( 2 5 7 ) # 179 ³ superscript three
357 |
char \XB1 ( 34 67 ) # 177 ± plus-minus sign
358 |
char \XD7 (1 67 ) # 215 × multiplication sign
359 |
char \XF7 ( 34 7 ) # 247 ÷ division sign
360 |
char \XB7 ( 4 67 ) # 183 · middle dot
361 |
char \XA1 ( 234 67 ) # 161 ¡ inverted exclamation mark
362 |
char \XBF (1 4567 ) # 191 ¿ inverted question mark
363 |
char \XA2 (12 4 67 ) # 162 ¢ cent sign
364 |
char \XA3 ( 34567 ) # 163 £ pound sign
365 |
366 |
# A few more characters follow this same convention but their relationships
367 |
# to their base characters is a bit obscure:
368 |
369 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
370 |
char \XA4 (1 4 67 ) # 164 ¤ currency sign
371 |
char \XA5 (1234 67 ) # 165 ¥ yen sign
372 |
373 |
# Some characters are represented by the first letters of their names lowered
374 |
# by one row of dots:
375 |
376 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
377 |
char \XAC ( 2 567 ) # 172 ¬ not sign
378 |
char \XB6 ( 23 5 7 ) # 182 ¶ pilcrow sign
379 |
char \XA9 ( 23 567 ) # 169 © copyright sign
380 |
char \XAE ( 23 67 ) # 174 ® registered sign
381 |
char \XA7 ( 3 5 7 ) # 167 § section sign
382 |
char \XB0 ( 3 567 ) # 176 ° degree sign
383 |
384 |
# The three fraction characters use combinations of dots 1 and 4 (which
385 |
# progress from left to right as the value of the fraction increases) together
386 |
# with dots 2,3,5,6,7:
387 |
388 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
389 |
char \XBC (123 567 ) # 188 ¼ vulgar fraction one quarter
390 |
char \XBD (1234567 ) # 189 ½ vulgar fraction one half
391 |
char \XBE ( 234567 ) # 190 ¾ vulgar fraction three quarters
392 |
393 |
# Each of the three extended accent characters is the same as its conventional
394 |
# compose character but with dot 7 added:
395 |
396 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
397 |
char \XB4 ( 3 7 ) # 180 ´ acute accent
398 |
char \XB8 ( 67 ) # 184 ¸ cedilla
399 |
char \XA8 ( 5 7 ) # 168 ¨ diaeresis
400 |
401 |
# The two gender symbols are:
402 |
403 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
404 |
char \XBA ( 7 ) # 186 º masculine ordinal indicator
405 |
char \XAA ( 8) # 170 ª feminine ordinal indicator
406 |
407 |
# The three remaining characters are:
408 |
409 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
410 |
char \XAF ( 2 67 ) # 175 ¯ macron
411 |
char \XB5 ( 567 ) # 181 µ micro sign
412 |
413 |
# The nonbreaking space is dots 7 and 8 because this presents a sequence of
414 |
# nonbreaking spaces as a smooth low line segment.
415 |
416 |
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
417 |
char \X7F ( 4567 ) # 127 ^? delete
418 |
419 |
include ltr-alias.tti
420 |
include num-alias.tti
421 |
include common.tti