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Easy-RSA 3 Documentation Readme
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This document explains how Easy-RSA 3 and each of its assorted features work.
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If you are looking for a quickstart with less background or detail, an
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implementation-specific Howto or Readme may be available in this (the `doc/`)
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Easy-RSA Overview
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Easy-RSA is a utility for managing X.509 PKI, or Public Key Infrastructure. A
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PKI is based on the notion of trusting a particular authority to authenticate a
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remote peer; for more background on how PKI works, see the `Intro-To-PKI`
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The code is written in platform-neutral POSIX shell, allowing use on a wide
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range of host systems. The official Windows release also comes bundled with the
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programs necessary to use Easy-RSA. The shell code attempts to limit the number
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of external programs it depends on. Crypto-related tasks use openssl as the
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functional backend.
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Feature Highlights
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Here's a non-exhaustive list of the more notable Easy-RSA features:
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* Easy-RSA is able to manage multiple PKIs, each with their own independent
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configuration, storage directory, and X.509 extension handling.
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* Multiple Subject Name (X.509 DN field) formatting options are supported. For
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VPNs, this means a cleaner commonName only setup can be used.
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* A single backend is used across all supported platforms, ensuring that no
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platform is 'left out' of the rich features. Unix-alikes (BSD, Linux, etc)
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and Windows are all supported.
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* Easy-RSA's X.509 support includes CRL, CDP, keyUsage/eKu attributes, and
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additional features. The included support can be changed or extended as an
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advanced feature.
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* Interactive and automated (batch) modes of operation
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* Flexible configuration: features can be enabled through command-line
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options, environment variables, a config file, or a combination of these.
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* Built-in defaults allow Easy-RSA to be used without first editing a config
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Obtaining and Using Easy-RSA
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#### Download and extraction (installation)
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Easy-RSA's main program is a script, supported by a couple of config files. As
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such, there is no formal "installation" required. Preparing to use Easy-RSA is
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as simple as downloading the compressed package (.tar.gz for Linux/Unix or
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.zip for Windows) and extract it to a location of your choosing. There is no
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compiling or OS-dependent setup required.
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You should install and run Easy-RSA as a non-root (non-Administrator) account
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as root access is not required.
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#### Running Easy-RSA
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Invoking Easy-RSA is done through your preferred shell. Under Windows, you
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will use the `EasyRSA Start.bat` program to provide a POSIX-shell environment
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suitable for using Easy-RSA.
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The basic format for running commands is:
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./easyrsa command [ cmd-opts ]
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where `command` is the name of a command to run, and `cmd-opts` are any
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options to supply to the command. Some commands have mandatory or optional
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cmd-opts. Note the leading `./` component of the command: this is required in
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Unix-like environments and may be a new concept to some Windows users.
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General usage and command help can be shown with:
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./easyrsa help [ command ]
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When run without any command, general usage and a list of available commands
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are shown; when a command is supplied, detailed help output for that command
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is shown.
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Configuring Easy-RSA
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Easy-RSA 3 no longer needs any configuration file prior to operation, unlike
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earlier versions. However, the `vars.example` file contains many commented
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options that can be used to control non-default behavior as required. Reading
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this file will provide an idea of the basic configuration available. Note that
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a vars file must be named just `vars` (without an extension) to actively use it.
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Additionally, some options can be defined at runtime with options on the
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command-line. A full list can be shown with:
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./easyrsa help options
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Any of these options can appear before the command as required as shown below:
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./easyrsa [options] command [ cmd-opts ]
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For experts, additional configuration flexibility is available by way of
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env-vars and custom X.509 extensions. Consult the `EasyRSA-Advanced`
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documentation for details
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Getting Started: The Basics
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Some of the terms used here will be common to those familiar with how PKI works.
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Instead of describing PKI basics, please consult the document `Intro-To-PKI` if
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you need a more basic description of how a PKI works.
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#### Creating an Easy-RSA PKI
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In order to do something useful, Easy-RSA needs to first initialize a
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directory for the PKI. Multiple PKIs can be managed with a single installation
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of Easy-RSA, but the default directory is called simply "pki" unless otherwise
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To create or clear out (re-initialize) a new PKI, use the command:
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./easyrsa init-pki
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which will create a new, blank PKI structure ready to be used. Once created,
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this PKI can be used to make a new CA or generate keypairs.
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#### The PKI Directory Structure
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An Easy-RSA PKI contains the following directory structure:
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* private/ - dir with private keys generated on this host
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* reqs/ - dir with locally generated certificate requests (for a CA imported
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requests are stored here)
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In a clean PKI no files will exist until, just the bare directories. Commands
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called later will create the necessary files depending on the operation.
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When building a CA, a number of new files are created by a combination of
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Easy-RSA and (indirectly) openssl. The important CA files are:
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* `ca.crt` - This is the CA certificate
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* `index.txt` - This is the "master database" of all issued certs
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* `serial` - Stores the next serial number (serial numbers increment)
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* `private/ca.key` - This is the CA private key (security-critical)
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* `certs_by_serial/` - dir with all CA-signed certs by serial number
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* `issued/` - dir with issued certs by commonName
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#### After Creating a PKI
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Once you have created a PKI, the next useful step will be to either create a
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CA, or generate keypairs for a system that needs them. Continue with the
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relevant section below.
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Using Easy-RSA as a CA
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#### Building the CA
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In order to sign requests to produce certificates, you need a CA. To create a
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new CA in a PKI you have created, run:
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./easyrsa build-ca
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Be sure to use a strong passphrase to protect the CA private key. Note that
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you must supply this passphrase in the future when performing signing
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operations with your CA, so be sure to remember it.
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During the creation process, you will also select a name for the CA called the
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Common Name (CN.) This name is purely for display purposes and can be set as
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you like.
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#### Importing requests to the CA
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Once a CA is built, the PKI is intended to be used to import requests from
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external systems that are requesting a signed certificate from this CA. In
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order to sign the request, it must first be imported so Easy-RSA knows about
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it. This request file must be a standard CSR in PKCS#10 format.
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Regardless of the file name to import, Easy-RSA uses a "short name" defined
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during import to refer to this request. Importing works like this:
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./easyrsa import-req /path/to/request.req nameOfRequest
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The nameOfRequest should normally refer to the system or person making the
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#### Signing a request
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Once Easy-RSA has imported a request, it can be reviewed and signed. Every
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certificate needs a "type" which controls what extensions the certificate gets
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Easy-RSA ships with 3 possible types: `client`, `server`, and `ca`, described
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* client - A TLS client, suitable for a VPN user or web browser (web client)
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* server - A TLS server, suitable for a VPN or web server
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* ca - A intermediate CA, used when chaining multiple CAs together
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./easyrsa sign-req <type> nameOfRequest
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Additional types of certs may be defined by local sites as needed; see the
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advanced documentation for details.
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#### Revoking and publishing CRLs
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If an issue certificate needs to be revoked, this can be done as follows:
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./easyrsa revoke nameOfRequest
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To generate a CRL suitable for publishing to systems that use it, run:
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./easyrsa gen-crl
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Note that this will need to be published or sent to systems that rely on an
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up-to-date CRL as the certificate is still otherwise valid.
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Using Easy-RSA to generate keypairs & requests
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Easy-RSA can generate a keypair and certificate request in PKCS#10 format. This
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request is what a CA needs in order to generate and return a signed certificate.
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Ideally you should never generate entity keypairs for a client or server in a
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PKI you are using for your CA. It is best to separate this process and generate
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keypairs only on the systems you plan to use them.
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Easy-RSA can generate a keypair and request with the following command:
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./easyrsa gen-req nameOfRequest
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You will then be given a chance to modify the Subject details of your request.
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Easy-RSA uses the short name supplied on the command-line by default, though you
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are free to change it if necessary. After providing a passphrase and Subject
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details, the keypair and request files will be shown.
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In order to obtain a signed certificate, the request file must be sent to the
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CA for signing; this step is obviously not required if a single PKI is used as
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both the CA and keypair/request generation as the generated request is already
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