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Upgrading to Easy-RSA 3 from earlier versions
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People upgrading to Easy-RSA 3 from a 2.x version should note some important
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changes starting with version 3. For a better overview of version 3 in general,
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see the Readme in the doc/ directory.
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List of important changes
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* nsCertType extensions are no longer included by default. Use of such
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"Netscape" attributes have been deprecated upstream and their use is
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discouraged. Configure `EASYRSA_NS_SUPPORT` in vars if you want to enable
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this legacy behavior.
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Notably, this is important for OpenVPN deployments relying on the
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`--ns-cert-type` directive. Either have OpenVPN use the preferred
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`--remote-cert-tls` option, or enable legacy NS extensions.
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* The default request Subject (or DN, Distinguished Name) includes just the
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commonName. This is more suitable for VPNs and environments that don't wish
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to include info about the Country/State/City/Org/OU in certs. Configure
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`EASYRSA_DN` in vars if you want to enable the legacy behavior.
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* The 3.0 release lacks PKCS#11 (smartcard/token) support. This is anticipated
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to be supported in a future point-release to target each platform's need.
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* The -utf8 option has been added for all supported commands. This should be
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backwards compatible with ASCII strings.
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* The default private key encryption has been changed from 3des to aes256.
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Some new concepts
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Easy-RSA 3 has some new concepts compared to the prior v2 series.
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### Request-Import-Sign workflow
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v3 is now designed to support keypairs generated on the target system where
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they will be used, thus improving security as no keys need to be transferred
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between hosts. The old workflow of generating everything in a single PKI is
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still supported as well.
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The recommended workflow when using Easy-RSA as a CA is to import requests,
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sign them, and return the issued & CA certs. Each requesting system can use
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Easy-RSA without a CA to generate keypairs & requests.
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### "Org"-style DN flexibility
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When using Easy-RSA in the "org" DN mode, it is no longer required to match
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some of the field values. This improves flexibility, and enables easier remote
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generation as the requester doesn't need to know the CA's values in advance.
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Previously in v2, the Country, State, and Org values all had to match or a
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request couldn't be signed. If you want the old behavior you can change the
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OpenSSL config to require it or simply look over the DN at signing time.