171 |
- |
1 |
2 |
3 |
[id] => 2509651083402
4 |
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5 |
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6 |
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7 |
[status] => success
8 |
[message] => Manually refunded from PayPal
9 |
[created_at] => 2020-01-31T12:21:33-05:00
10 |
[test] =>
11 |
[authorization] => 05T473709C1876033
12 |
[location_id] =>
13 |
[user_id] =>
14 |
[parent_id] => 2502666387594
15 |
[processed_at] => 2020-01-31T12:21:33-05:00
16 |
[device_id] =>
17 |
[receipt] => Array
18 |
19 |
[mc_gross] => -19.99
20 |
[invoice] => c12214250471562.1
21 |
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22 |
[item_number1] =>
23 |
[payer_id] => K24XZUY45ZA2C
24 |
[address_street] => 1431 Indian Hill Rd
25 |
[payment_date] => 09:22:03 Jan 27, 2020 PST
26 |
[payment_status] => Refunded
27 |
[charset] => windows-1252
28 |
[address_zip] => 56187
29 |
[mc_shipping] => 0.00
30 |
[mc_handling] => 0.00
31 |
[first_name] => Gail
32 |
[mc_fee] => 0.00
33 |
[address_country_code] => US
34 |
[address_name] => Gail DeGrote
35 |
[notify_version] => 3.9
36 |
[reason_code] => refund
37 |
[echeck_time_processed] => 09:22:03 Jan 27, 2020 PST
38 |
[custom] => Shopify
39 |
[business] => paypal@munatrading.com
40 |
[address_country] => United States
41 |
[mc_handling1] => 0.00
42 |
[address_city] => Worthington
43 |
[verify_sign] => ApxUk5QJBI9O9NQxq3J5HxGKdK8pAeye-Z58WHCJH36.tiouHwf-sbq3
44 |
[payer_email] => groter@frontiernet.net
45 |
[mc_shipping1] => 0.00
46 |
[tax1] => 0.00
47 |
[parent_txn_id] => 48962590270742849
48 |
[txn_id] => 05T473709C1876033
49 |
[payment_type] => echeck
50 |
[last_name] => DeGrote
51 |
[address_state] => MN
52 |
[item_name1] => Arthritis Foundation: Take Control With Exercise (DVD, 2006) *Sealed*
53 |
[receiver_email] => paypal@munatrading.com
54 |
[payment_fee] => 0.00
55 |
[shipping_discount] => 0.00
56 |
[quantity1] => 1
57 |
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58 |
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59 |
[discount] => 0.00
60 |
[mc_gross_1] => 19.99
61 |
[mc_currency] => USD
62 |
[residence_country] => US
63 |
[shipping_method] => Default
64 |
[transaction_subject] => Arthritis Foundation: Take Control With Exercise (DVD, 2006) *Sealed*
65 |
[payment_gross] => -19.99
66 |
[ipn_track_id] => ebee5030f52ad
67 |
68 |
69 |
[error_code] =>
70 |
[source_name] => web
71 |
[amount] => 19.99
72 |
[currency] => USD
73 |
[admin_graphql_api_id] => gid://shopify/OrderTransaction/2509651083402
74 |