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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /><title>Chapter 9. PHPlot Class Internal Functions</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="phplotdoc.css" /><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.78.1" /><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="PHPlot Reference Manual" /><link rel="up" href="part3.html" title="Part III. Developer's Guide to PHPlot" /><link rel="prev" href="dev-legend.html" title="Chapter 8. PHPlot Legend Layout" /><link rel="next" href="dev-vars.html" title="Chapter 10. PHPlot Class Member Variables" /></head><body><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter 9. PHPlot Class Internal Functions</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="dev-legend.html">Prev</a> </td><th width="60%" align="center">Part III. Developer's Guide to PHPlot</th><td width="20%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="dev-vars.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr /></div><div class="chapter"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a id="dev-internal"></a>Chapter 9. PHPlot Class Internal Functions</h2></div></div></div><div class="abstract"><p class="title"><strong></strong></p><p>
3 |
This chapter documents PHPlot internal functions. These functions are
4 |
intended to be used only by PHPlot itself.
5 |
</p></div><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>
6 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.1.0, most of the internal functions are declared as
7 |
<code class="literal">protected</code>, which limits their visibility to other member
8 |
functions and inherited or parent classes. Some internal functions are
9 |
still <code class="literal">public</code>, usually because they are needed for
10 |
testing PHPlot. However, all functions documented in this chapter should be
11 |
treated as private, for use only by PHPlot. If you feel you have a need to
12 |
use one of these functions from outside PHPlot (or an inherited class),
13 |
please report this via the available PHPlot support mechanisms.
14 |
</p></div><div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist"><dt><span class="term"><a id="array_merge_php4"></a>array_merge_php4($array1,$array2)</span></dt><dd><p>
15 |
This non-member function was removed at PHPlot-5.0.4.
16 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="array_pad_array"></a>array_pad_array(&$arr, $size, $arr2=NULL)</span></dt><dd><p>
17 |
This non-member function was removed at PHPlot-5.0.4 and replaced with
18 |
the class member function <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#pad_array">pad_array</a>.
19 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcAxisPositions"></a>CalcAxisPositions()</span></dt><dd><p>
20 |
Calculates the X and Y axis positions in world coordinates. These can be
21 |
supplied by the user, in which case they are only changed if they are
22 |
outside the data range. If axis positions are not supplied by the user,
23 |
CalcAxisPositions applies defaults as described in
24 |
<a class="xref" href="SetXAxisPosition.html" title="SetXAxisPosition"><span class="refentrytitle">SetXAxisPosition</span></a> and <a class="xref" href="SetYAxisPosition.html" title="SetYAxisPosition"><span class="refentrytitle">SetYAxisPosition</span></a>.
25 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>.
26 |
Note: This code was moved out of CalcTranslation at PHPlot-5.0.5.
27 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcBarWidths"></a>CalcBarWidths($stacked, $verticals)</span></dt><dd><p>
28 |
Calculates values for <code class="literal">bars</code> and <code class="literal">stackedbars</code>
29 |
plot types.
30 |
It calculates the width of the bars and the margins around and between them.
31 |
An argument was added in PHPlot-5.1.2 to support horizontal plots.
32 |
Arguments were changed in PHPlot-5.3.0 to explicitly select stacked or
33 |
grouped bars, and vertical or horizontal plots.
34 |
This is called by the bar chart drawing functions
35 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawBars">DrawBars</a>, <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawStackedBars">DrawStackedBars</a>,
36 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawHorizBars">DrawHorizBars</a>, and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawHorizStackedBars">DrawHorizStackedBars</a>.
37 |
(Through PHPlot-5.1.2 this was called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> before a
38 |
bars or stackedbars plot.)
39 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcGridSettings"></a>CalcGridSettings()</span></dt><dd><p>
40 |
This function was removed at PHPlot-6.0.0. It applied the defaults to the X
41 |
and Y grid flags. PHPlot now uses <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#GetGridSetting">GetGridSetting</a> instead.
42 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcMargins"></a>CalcMargins($maximize)</span></dt><dd><p>
43 |
Calculates the size of the four margins around the plot area:
44 |
x_left_margin, x_right_margin, y_top_margin, and y_bot_margin.
45 |
It does this by trying to determine how much space is needed for titles,
46 |
labels, and tick marks.
47 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.0.5, this is only called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>,
48 |
and it also calculates position offsets for titles and labels. It is called
49 |
even in case of a user-supplied plot area (SetPlotAreaPixels or
50 |
SetMarginsPixels was used). If the $maximize argument is true, then the
51 |
plot area does not leave room for X or Y axis, labels, or titles; this is
52 |
used for pie charts.
53 |
54 |
Through PHPlot-5.0.6, all 4 margins are either user-defined or all 4 are
55 |
automatically calculated. Starting with PHPlot-5.0.7, the 4 margins can be
56 |
independently set or defaulted to automatic. CalcMargins calculates values
57 |
for all 4 margins, but only saves those that have not been set using either
58 |
<a class="xref" href="SetMarginsPixels.html" title="SetMarginsPixels"><span class="refentrytitle">SetMarginsPixels</span></a> or <a class="xref" href="SetPlotAreaPixels.html" title="SetPlotAreaPixels"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPlotAreaPixels</span></a>.
59 |
Note that other than the overall plot title, elements are drawn relative to
60 |
the plot area, which is calculated based on the actual margins. If the top
61 |
margin is increased, for example, the plot title stays at the top of the
62 |
image, but top tick marks and labels move down against the graph.
63 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcMaxDataLabelSize"></a>CalcMaxDataLabelSize($which = 'x')</span></dt><dd><p>
64 |
Calculates the size of the biggest X or Y data label.
65 |
For 'x' it returns the height along the Y axis of the tallest data label.
66 |
For 'y' it returns the width along the sides of the widest data label.
67 |
This is used to allocate space for margins.
68 |
This was added to PHPlot-5.0.5.
69 |
The argument supporting Y label width was added in PHPlot-5.1.2.
70 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcMargins">CalcMargins</a>.
71 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcMaxTickLabelSize"></a>CalcMaxTickLabelSize($which)</span></dt><dd><p>
72 |
Calculates the size of the biggest tick label. The $which argument is 'x'
73 |
or 'y' to indicate which labels to work with. For 'x', it returns the
74 |
height along the Y axis; for 'y' it returns the width along the X axis.
75 |
This is used to allocate space for margins.
76 |
This was added to PHPlot-5.0.5.
77 |
Calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcTicks">CalcTicks</a> to determine the tick value parameters.
78 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcMargins">CalcMargins</a>.
79 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcPlotAreaPixels"></a>CalcPlotAreaPixels()</span></dt><dd><p>
80 |
Calculates the pixel coordinates of the plot area.
81 |
This was added to PHPlot-5.0.5 by moving the parts of the calculations out of
82 |
SetPlotAreaPixels and SetMarginsPixels. Those two functions now simply
83 |
record their arguments, and make no attempt to calculate any parameters.
84 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>, after <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcMargins">CalcMargins</a>
85 |
is used to calculate margins.
86 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcPlotAreaWorld"></a>CalcPlotAreaWorld()</span></dt><dd><p>
87 |
Calculates the world coordinate limits of the plot area.
88 |
This was added to PHPlot-5.0.5 by moving the calculations out of
89 |
<a class="xref" href="SetPlotAreaWorld.html" title="SetPlotAreaWorld"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPlotAreaWorld</span></a>.
90 |
Starting with PHPlot-6.0.0, it just calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcPlotRange">CalcPlotRange</a>
91 |
twice, once for X and once for Y.
92 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>, after <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#FindDataLimits">FindDataLimits</a>
93 |
is used to examine the data array values.
94 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcPlotRange"></a>CalcPlotRange($which)</span></dt><dd><p>
95 |
Calculates the plot range and tick increment. $which is 'x' or 'y', to
96 |
calculate values for the X or Y axis.
97 |
Specified values (e.g. with <a class="xref" href="SetPlotAreaWorld.html" title="SetPlotAreaWorld"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPlotAreaWorld</span></a>
98 |
or <a class="xref" href="SetXTickIncrement.html" title="SetXTickIncrement"><span class="refentrytitle">SetXTickIncrement</span></a>) are used if set. Otherwise, values
99 |
are calculated heuristically.
100 |
Returns an array of 3 calculated values: tick_increment, plot_min, and plot_max.
101 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.0.0.
102 |
Calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcStep">CalcStep</a> if necessary to calculate the tick
103 |
increment. (If either the tick increment or number of ticks has been set,
104 |
then CalcPlotRange uses those instead of calling CalcStep).
105 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcPlotAreaWorld">CalcPlotAreaWorld</a>, once for X and once for Y.
106 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcRangeInit"></a>CalcRangeInit(&$plot_limit, $implied, $data_limit)</span></dt><dd><p>
107 |
Calculates the initial values for the plot range ends.
108 |
$plot_limit is one end (min or max) of a plot range. It is passed as a
109 |
reference because it might be unset. Unset, NULL, or an empty string means
110 |
this end of the range has not been set and needs to be calculated.
111 |
$implied is true when the data type does not specify the value (for
112 |
example, the X value in text-data data type).
113 |
$data_limit is the actual data limit (min or max) at this end of the range;
114 |
given no other information this is the initial guess for the plot range limit.
115 |
Returns an array of 2 elements: the initial value for the plot range limit,
116 |
and a flag indicating if additional adjustment of that value is to be done.
117 |
118 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.0.0.
119 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcPlotRange">CalcPlotRange</a> 4 times, once for each end of the X
120 |
and Y ranges.
121 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcStep"></a>CalcStep($which, $range)</span></dt><dd><p>
122 |
Calculates an appropriate tick increment.
123 |
$which is 'x' or 'y', and selects configuration variables for that axis.
124 |
$range is the plot area range (max - min).
125 |
Returns the calculated tick increment.
126 |
127 |
This function is not called if the user has set a tick increment
128 |
(<a class="xref" href="SetXTickIncrement.html" title="SetXTickIncrement"><span class="refentrytitle">SetXTickIncrement</span></a>, <a class="xref" href="SetYTickIncrement.html" title="SetYTickIncrement"><span class="refentrytitle">SetYTickIncrement</span></a>)
129 |
or the number of tick marks
130 |
(<a class="xref" href="SetNumXTicks.html" title="SetNumXTicks"><span class="refentrytitle">SetNumXTicks</span></a>, <a class="xref" href="SetNumYTicks.html" title="SetNumYTicks"><span class="refentrytitle">SetNumYTicks</span></a>).
131 |
This function calls either <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcStep125">CalcStep125</a>,
132 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcStepBinary">CalcStepBinary</a>, or <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcStepDatetime">CalcStepDatetime</a>
133 |
to calculate an appropriate value, depending on the tick increment mode.
134 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.0.0.
135 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcPlotRange">CalcPlotRange</a>.
136 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcStep125"></a>CalcStep125($range, $min_ticks)</span></dt><dd><p>
137 |
Calculates an appropriate tick increment in 'decimal' mode. This is the
138 |
default mode.
139 |
$range is the plot area range (max - min).
140 |
$min_ticks is the minimum number of tick intervals to produce.
141 |
Returns the calculated tick increment.
142 |
The algorithm produces the largest tick increment that is a power of 10
143 |
times 1, 2, or 5, and divides the plot area range $range into no fewer than
144 |
$min_ticks intervals.
145 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.0.0.
146 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcStep">CalcStep</a>.
147 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcStepBinary"></a>CalcStepBinary($range, $min_ticks)</span></dt><dd><p>
148 |
Calculates an appropriate tick increment in 'binary' (power of 2) mode.
149 |
$range is the plot area range (max - min).
150 |
$min_ticks is the minimum number of tick intervals to produce.
151 |
Returns the calculated tick increment.
152 |
The algorithm produces the largest tick increment that is a power of 2
153 |
and divides the plot area range $range into no fewer than $min_ticks intervals.
154 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.0.0.
155 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcStep">CalcStep</a>.
156 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcStepDatetime"></a>CalcStepDatetime($range, $min_ticks)</span></dt><dd><p>
157 |
Calculates an appropriate tick increment in 'date' mode.
158 |
This is for when the values along the axis represent date/time values.
159 |
$range is the plot area range (max - min), in seconds.
160 |
$min_ticks is the minimum number of tick intervals to produce.
161 |
Returns the calculated tick increment.
162 |
The function contains a list of acceptable intervals between 1 second and 1
163 |
week, and returns one of those if possible - the largest value that divides
164 |
the plot area range $range into no fewer than $min_ticks intervals. If the
165 |
range is too large (would produce too many ticks with an increment of 1
166 |
week), the function falls back to using <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcStep125">CalcStep125</a> with
167 |
units of 1 day.
168 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.0.0.
169 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcStep">CalcStep</a>.
170 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcTicks"></a>CalcTicks($which)</span></dt><dd><p>
171 |
Gets the tick parameters. $which is 'x' or 'y'. Returns an array of 3
172 |
values: start, end, and interval.
173 |
This was added to PHPlot-5.0.5, although still using the method
174 |
of just dividing the interval by 10 if there is no user-supplied interval
175 |
or tick count.
176 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.4.0, it also accounts for a tick anchor value, by
177 |
shifting the start value as needed.
178 |
Starting in PHPlot-6.0.0, it no longer calculates the tick increment, but
179 |
simply uses the values calculated by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcPlotRange">CalcPlotRange</a>.
180 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcMaxTickLabelSize">CalcMaxTickLabelSize</a>,
181 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawYTicks">DrawYTicks</a>, and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawXTicks">DrawXTicks</a>.
182 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CalcTranslation"></a>CalcTranslation()</span></dt><dd><p>
183 |
Calculates the parameters for transforming world to pixel coordinates.
184 |
This function calculates the scale (xscale, yscale) and origin
185 |
(plot_origin_x, plot_origin_y) for X and Y translations, which
186 |
are used by the xtr() and ytr() functions.
187 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.0.5, this is only called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>,
188 |
as nothing else uses the parameters until the graph is ready to be drawn.
189 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CheckDataArray"></a>CheckDataArray()</span></dt><dd><p>
190 |
Checks that there is a valid data array for the plot, and calculates values
191 |
that depend on the data type.
192 |
Called very early by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>.
193 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.1.3, moving the checking out of DrawGraph
194 |
and adding the data_columns calculation.
195 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CheckDataType"></a>CheckDataType($valid_types)</span></dt><dd><p>
196 |
Used to validate the data_type for a plot_type. This works like a specialized
197 |
version of <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CheckOption">CheckOption</a>. $valid_types contains the valid
198 |
data type(s) for the current plot_type, separated by a comma and space if more
199 |
than one is supported. If the current data_type is in the list, returns TRUE,
200 |
else produces an error. This was added in PHPlot-5.1.2 to unify the way
201 |
the plot drawing functions check the data type.
202 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CheckDataValueLabels"></a>CheckDataValueLabels($label_control, &$dvl)</span></dt><dd><p>
203 |
Checks to see if data value labels should be drawn, based on $label_control
204 |
(which is either <code class="literal">$this->y_data_label_pos</code> for vertical plots,
205 |
or <code class="literal">$this->x_data_label_pos</code> for horizontal plots).
206 |
Returns FALSE if the labels are off, else returns TRUE and sets 4 variables
207 |
in the $dvl array. This array is used by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDataValueLabel">DrawDataValueLabel</a>
208 |
to position the label. The array contains these keys: x_offset, y_offset :
209 |
device coordinate (pixel) offsets for the label; h_align, v_align :
210 |
text alignment.
211 |
Called by plot type drawing functions such as <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDots">DrawDots</a>
212 |
which do data value labels, other than bars and stackedbars.
213 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.3.0.
214 |
Through PHPlot-5.7.0, four separate reference arguments were used for the
215 |
return values, instead of an array.
216 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CheckLabels"></a>CheckLabels()</span></dt><dd><p>
217 |
Fixes up the data and tick label position and angle.
218 |
This applies defaults to data label and tick label positions but avoids
219 |
having them overlap unless the user deliberately positioned them that way.
220 |
Also sets the default angle for X data labels.
221 |
This is for compatibility with PHPlot-5.0.7 and earlier, when there was only
222 |
one control for both types of labels.
223 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> before calculating margins with
224 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcMargins">CalcMargins</a>.
225 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.1.0.
226 |
Before PHPlot-6.0.0, it also applied tick label format settings as
227 |
defaults for data label formatting. Starting with PHPlot-6.0.0, this
228 |
is now handled in <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#FormatLabel">FormatLabel</a> instead.
229 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CheckLabelsAllEmpty"></a>CheckLabelsAllEmpty()</span></dt><dd><p>
230 |
Returns TRUE if all of the labels in the data array are empty strings.
231 |
This is used by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CheckLabels">CheckLabels</a> to determine whether tick or
232 |
axis data labels should default on if both are left off.
233 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.1.2.
234 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CheckOption"></a>CheckOption($which_opt, $which_acc, $which_func)</span></dt><dd><p>
235 |
Checks the validity of an option passed to a PHPlot member function.
236 |
$which_opt is the string to check, and $which_acc is a string of acceptable
237 |
choices (with a comma and then a space between choices).
238 |
If the string to check is not found in the string of acceptable choices, a
239 |
fatal error will be reported using <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#PrintError">PrintError</a>.
240 |
The error message will include $which_func which should
241 |
be the name of the calling function (using the PHP __FUNCTION__ magic constant).
242 |
Note that this is used to catch programming errors, not run-time or user errors.
243 |
If the string to check is acceptable, it is returned down-cased and trimmed
244 |
of leading and trailing spaces.
245 |
Note: At PHPlot-5.0.5, this function was changed to require exactly ', '
246 |
(comma space) between acceptable choices, and reject empty strings for
247 |
$which_opt and disallow partial matches.
248 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CheckOptionArray"></a>CheckOptionArray($opt, $acc, $func)</span></dt><dd><p>
249 |
Checks the validity of an option argument passed to a PHPlot member function
250 |
that can accept its argument as either a string or an array of strings.
251 |
$opt is the string or array to check, and $acc is a string of acceptable
252 |
choices (with a comma and then a space between choices).
253 |
If the $opt argument is supplied as a string, it is first converted to an
254 |
array with one element. Then the elements of the array are each checked
255 |
for validity. If any element of the array of strings to check is not
256 |
found in the string of acceptable choices, a fatal error will be reported
257 |
using <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#PrintError">PrintError</a>. The error message will include $func
258 |
which should be the name of the calling function (using the PHP
259 |
__FUNCTION__ magic constant). Note that this is used to catch programming
260 |
errors, not run-time or user errors. If all of the array elements to check
261 |
are acceptable, the array is returned with each element down-cased and
262 |
trimmed of leading and trailing spaces. Note that an array is always
263 |
returned, even if the opt argument is a string.
264 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.1.2.
265 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CheckPieLabels"></a>CheckPieLabels()</span></dt><dd><p>
266 |
Sets up the default pie chart label type and format. The default is percentage
267 |
labels formatted as 'data' (fixed-point). The default cannot be statically
268 |
defined, for compatibility with previous releases which used the Y label
269 |
precision (if set), else 1 digit if <a class="xref" href="SetPrecisionY.html" title="SetPrecisionY"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPrecisionY</span></a>
270 |
was never called.
271 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawPieChart">DrawPieChart</a>.
272 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.6.0.
273 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CheckPlotRange"></a>CheckPlotRange($which, &$plot_min, &$plot_max, $adjust_min, $adjust_max)</span></dt><dd><p>
274 |
Ensures that the X or Y plot range is positive. This is necessary because the
275 |
plot range and tick increment calculations, as well as the overall plotting
276 |
functions, cannot handle zero or negative ranges.
277 |
A bad range can happen as a result of 'flat' or missing data (all Y values
278 |
the same, for example), or if <a class="xref" href="SetPlotAreaWorld.html" title="SetPlotAreaWorld"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPlotAreaWorld</span></a> is used to
279 |
set one end of the data range, and the actual data is on the wrong side of
280 |
that limit. (<code class="function">SetPlotAreaWorld</code> itself defends against
281 |
setting both ends of a range such that min >= max).
282 |
PHPlot will never adjust user-set plot limits, but it will adjust its own
283 |
calculated limits to force a positive range (even if the resulting plot may
284 |
not be useful).
285 |
286 |
$which is 'x' or 'y' (this is only used for error reporting).
287 |
$plot_min and $plot_max are the range limits. These are passed by reference
288 |
and may be adjusted by the function.
289 |
$adjust_min and $adjust_max are flags indicating if the corresponding
290 |
$plot_min and $plot_max values were user-specified (False) or calculated (True).
291 |
A flag value of True means <code class="function">CheckPlotRange</code> may adjust
292 |
the corresponding plot range value to prevent a non-positive range.
293 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcPlotRange">CalcPlotRange</a>.
294 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.0.0.
295 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="CheckPointParams"></a>CheckPointParams()</span></dt><dd><p>
296 |
Adjusts the point_shapes and point_sizes arrays so they have the same size,
297 |
and stores the size in a class variable. This handles processing deferred
298 |
from <a class="xref" href="SetPointShapes.html" title="SetPointShapes"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPointShapes</span></a> and <a class="xref" href="SetPointSizes.html" title="SetPointSizes"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPointSizes</span></a>
299 |
until graph drawing time. It it is called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDots">DrawDots</a>
300 |
before using point shapes.
301 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.1.0.
302 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DecodeDataType"></a>DecodeDataType()</span></dt><dd><p>
303 |
Decodes the data type, and sets several member variables that other functions
304 |
can use to understand how to process the data array. The variables it sets
305 |
all have names starting with "datatype_" (refer to <a class="xref" href="dev-vars.html" title="Chapter 10. PHPlot Class Member Variables">Chapter 10, <em>PHPlot Class Member Variables</em></a>).
306 |
This is called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>.
307 |
It was added in PHPlot-5.1.2 (where it returned an array of 4 flags, and
308 |
was called by several functions that needed to know the structure of the
309 |
data array.)
310 |
In PHPlot-5.1.3, it was changed to set member variables instead.
311 |
It is now called just once, and the other functions reference the variables
312 |
as needed.
313 |
Starting with PHPlot-6.1.0, it uses the
314 |
<a class="link" href="dev-var-notes.html#var-datatypes" title="10.2.1. datatypes[]">$datatypes</a> array to set the flags based
315 |
on the data type, so it no longer needs to 'know' the actual data type names.
316 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DisableCaching"></a>DisableCaching()</span></dt><dd><p>
317 |
Sends HTTP headers to the browser to disable client-side caching. This is
318 |
called by <a class="xref" href="PrintImage.html" title="PrintImage"><span class="refentrytitle">PrintImage</span></a> if
319 |
<a class="xref" href="SetBrowserCache.html" title="SetBrowserCache"><span class="refentrytitle">SetBrowserCache</span></a> was used to disable caching.
320 |
It is also used by <a class="xref" href="StartStream.html" title="StartStream"><span class="refentrytitle">StartStream</span></a>.
321 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.8.0 by moving code out of PrintImage.
322 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DoCallback"></a>DoCallback($reason, ...)</span></dt><dd><p>
323 |
Call a callback (hook) function. $reason is the name given to the
324 |
callback, for example <code class="literal">draw_titles</code>
325 |
(meaning: call after drawing titles).
326 |
The reasons are array indexes in the $callbacks class variable. Following
327 |
that are zero or more arguments to pass to the callback, after the image
328 |
resource and passthrough arguments. DoCallback does nothing if there is no
329 |
callback registered for the given reason, otherwise it calls the callback
330 |
function. See <a class="xref" href="callbacks.html" title="4.4. Callbacks">Section 4.4, “Callbacks”</a> for more information on callbacks.
331 |
332 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.1.3, <code class="function">DoCallback</code> returns the value
333 |
returned by the callback function, if any. If there is no callback defined for
334 |
the given reason, <code class="literal">NULL</code> is returned. So it is possible to
335 |
define a callback that returns a meaningful value (such as True/False), and
336 |
still distinguish the case of where no callback has been set. However, it is
337 |
often simpler to test first to see if a callback has been set, using
338 |
<a class="xref" href="GetCallback.html" title="GetCallback"><span class="refentrytitle">GetCallback</span></a>, before using <code class="function">DoCallback</code>.
339 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawArea"></a>DrawArea($do_stacked = False)</span></dt><dd><p>
340 |
Draws an area plot, or a stacked area plot (if the optional argument is True).
341 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> when the plot type is
342 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-area" title="3.4.1. Plot Type: area (Area Plot)">area</a> or
343 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-stackedarea" title="3.4.14. Plot Type: stackedarea (Stacked Area Plot)">stackedarea</a>.
344 |
Stacked area plots were added in PHPlot-5.1.1; through PHPlot-5.1.0 this
345 |
function did not have a parameter and was used only for area plots.
346 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawBackground"></a>DrawBackground($overwrite = False)</span></dt><dd><p>
347 |
Draws the image background, either an image file or solid fill or nothing.
348 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> and <a class="xref" href="DrawMessage.html" title="DrawMessage"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawMessage</span></a>.
349 |
The optional argument $overwrite (added in PHPlot-5.7.0 for DrawMessage)
350 |
forces the background to be drawn, even if it was already drawn.
351 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawBar"></a>DrawBar($row, $column, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $data_color, $shade_color, $border_color, $shade_top = TRUE, $shade_side = TRUE)</span></dt><dd><p>
352 |
Draws a single bar (or bar segment), with either shading or border.
353 |
The $row and $column indicate which data point is being plotted.
354 |
Four corner coordinates and 3 color indexes are provided.
355 |
The first color $data_color is the bar fill color,
356 |
the second color $shade_color is the shading color, and the third
357 |
color $border_color is used for bar borders.
358 |
(These three come from <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#GetBarColors">GetBarColors</a>.)
359 |
The last two arguments are flags used to suppress the top or side shading
360 |
for certain cases of stacked bar segments.
361 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawBars">DrawBars</a> and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawHorizBars">DrawHorizBars</a>
362 |
to draw each bar.
363 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawStackedBars">DrawStackedBars</a> and
364 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawHorizStackedBars">DrawHorizStackedBars</a> to draw each bar segment.
365 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.2.0, moving common code from those 4 functions.
366 |
367 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.7.0, the arguments were changed as shown to accommodate
368 |
a new callback which provides access to drawing coordinates.
369 |
In previous releases, the usage was
370 |
<code class="function">DrawBar($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $data_color, $alt_color,
371 |
$shade_top = TRUE, $shade_side = TRUE)</code>.
372 |
373 |
In PHPlot-6.0.0, a single $alt_color argument was split into separate
374 |
$shade_color and $border_color arguments. This corresponds to the change
375 |
in <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#GetBarColors">GetBarColors</a>, and allows for bar charts with
376 |
independent control over shading and borders.
377 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawBars"></a>DrawBars()</span></dt><dd><p>
378 |
Draws a bar chart plot.
379 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> when the plot type is
380 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-bars" title="3.4.2. Plot Type: bars (Bar Plot)">bars</a>.
381 |
If the data type indicates a horizontal bar chart,
382 |
calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawHorizBars">DrawHorizBars</a> instead.
383 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawBoxes"></a>DrawBoxes()</span></dt><dd><p>
384 |
Draws a box plot.
385 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> when the plot type is
386 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-boxes" title="3.4.3. Plot Type: boxes (Box Plot)">boxes</a>.
387 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.1.0.
388 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawBubbles"></a>DrawBubbles()</span></dt><dd><p>
389 |
Draws a bubbles plot.
390 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> when the plot type is
391 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-bubbles" title="3.4.4. Plot Type: bubbles (Bubble Plot)">bubbles</a>.
392 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.5.0.
393 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawDataLabel"></a>DrawDataLabel($which_font, $which_angle, $x_world, $y_world, $which_color, $which_text, $which_halign = 'center', $which_valign = 'top', $x_adjustment=0, $y_adjustment=0)</span></dt><dd><p>
394 |
This function was removed in PHPlot-5.1.3 and replaced
395 |
by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDataValueLabel">DrawDataValueLabel</a>.
396 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawDataValueLabel"></a>DrawDataValueLabel($x_or_y, $row, $column, $x_world, $y_world, $text, $dvl)</span></dt><dd><p>
397 |
Draws a data value label (previously called "Y data label").
398 |
These are the above-bar or in-bar labels on bar and stackedbar charts, and
399 |
the labels near data points available with some other plot types.
400 |
401 |
$x_or_y is 'x' or 'y' to select the font, angle, and formatting type.
402 |
The $row and $column are passed to <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#FormatLabel">FormatLabel</a>
403 |
for possible use with a custom formatting function.
404 |
The label is drawn at world coordinates ($x_world, $y_world) after device
405 |
coordinate offset is applied (see below).
406 |
$text is the label text, which gets formatted with
407 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#FormatLabel">FormatLabel</a> before drawing.
408 |
409 |
The $dvl argument is an array with up to 6 variables containing positioning
410 |
and related information. In $dvl, x_offset and y_offset are pixel offsets
411 |
for the label; h_align and v_align specify the text alignment relative
412 |
to the plotting point (see <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawText">DrawText</a>);
413 |
min_width and max_width used to prevent labels from overlapping their
414 |
allocated space. If either min_width or max_width is supplied in the $dvl
415 |
array, the text is sized before drawing, and if it won't fit in the space
416 |
the label is not drawn. This is used to suppress labels that are too wide to
417 |
be drawn inside their bars, for example.
418 |
The defaults for the X and Y offsets are 0, and the default alignment is
419 |
(center, center). (The $dvl argument is required, but none of its elements
420 |
is required.)
421 |
422 |
This function is called by all plot drawing functions which support data value
423 |
labels, if those labels are enabled.
424 |
425 |
This function was added in PHPlot-5.1.3 and replaced
426 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDataLabel">DrawDataLabel</a>.
427 |
Through PHPlot-5.7.0, 6 separate arguments were used instead of the $dvl
428 |
array, and the $row and $column arguments were not present.
429 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawDot"></a>DrawDot($row, $column, $x_world, $y_world, $color)</span></dt><dd><p>
430 |
Draws a single marker point ('dot') at the given X and Y world coordinates,
431 |
using the given color.
432 |
The $row and $column indicate which data point is being plotted.
433 |
The $column parameter also selects the marker shape and size,
434 |
using the arrays set up with SetPointSizes() and SetPointShapes().
435 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDots">DrawDots</a> to plot point markers.
436 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.4.0, DrawDot() simply converts the coordinates to device
437 |
coordinates and then calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawShape">DrawShape</a>. It has no knowledge of
438 |
the available dot shapes.
439 |
440 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.7.0, the arguments were changed as shown to accommodate
441 |
a new callback which provides access to drawing coordinates.
442 |
In previous releases, the usage was
443 |
<code class="function">DrawDot($x_world, $y_world, $record, $color)</code>.
444 |
The old $record argument is equivalent to the new $column argument.
445 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawDots"></a>DrawDots($paired = False)</span></dt><dd><p>
446 |
Draws a points plot, or the points for a linepoints plot, including error plots.
447 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> when the plot type is
448 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-points" title="3.4.11. Plot Type: points (Styled Dot Plot)">points</a>,
449 |
and by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLinePoints">DrawLinePoints</a> for the
450 |
points portion of a <a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-linepoints" title="3.4.7. Plot Type: linepoints (Lines and Points Plot)">linepoints</a> plot.
451 |
$paired is true for <code class="literal">linepoints</code> plots.
452 |
When $paired is true, DrawDots() draws the points and error bars, and
453 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLines">DrawLines</a> draws the lines and data labels.
454 |
(The $paired argument was added in PHPlot-5.1.3.)
455 |
Starting with PHPlot-6.0.0, DrawDots() also handles error plots,
456 |
and horizontal points and linepoints plots.
457 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawDotsError"></a>DrawDotsError($paired = False)</span></dt><dd><p>
458 |
This function was removed in PHPlot-6.0.0 and merged into
459 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDots">DrawDots</a>.
460 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawError"></a>DrawError($error_message, [$where_x], [$where_y])</span></dt><dd><p>
461 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.0.5, this function is an alias for
462 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#PrintError">PrintError</a> and is retained for compatibility.
463 |
The $where_x and $where_arguments are now ignored. (Previously they
464 |
positioned the error message on the image, but were never used.)
465 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.7.0, this function is considered deprecated.
466 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawHorizBars"></a>DrawHorizBars()</span></dt><dd><p>
467 |
Draws a horizontal bars plot.
468 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawBars">DrawBars</a> when the data type indicates a
469 |
horizontal plot.
470 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.1.2 (but was called by DrawGraph).
471 |
In PHPlot-5.1.3 it was changed to be called by DrawBars.
472 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawHorizStackedBars"></a>DrawHorizStackedBars()</span></dt><dd><p>
473 |
Draws a horizontal stacked bars plot.
474 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawStackedBars">DrawStackedBars</a> when the data type indicates a
475 |
horizontal plot.
476 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.1.3.
477 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawImageBorder"></a>DrawImageBorder($overwrite = False)</span></dt><dd><p>
478 |
Draws a border around the image, if enabled by
479 |
<a class="xref" href="SetImageBorderType.html" title="SetImageBorderType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetImageBorderType</span></a>.
480 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> and <a class="xref" href="DrawMessage.html" title="DrawMessage"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawMessage</span></a>.
481 |
The optional argument $overwrite (added in PHPlot-5.7.0 for DrawMessage)
482 |
forces the border to be drawn, even if it was already drawn.
483 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawLegend"></a>DrawLegend(x,y,type)</span></dt><dd><p>
484 |
Draws the plot legend. This includes the box, text labels, and color boxes
485 |
or shapes.
486 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>,
487 |
but only if legend text has been set using <a class="xref" href="SetLegend.html" title="SetLegend"><span class="refentrytitle">SetLegend</span></a>.
488 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawLinePoints"></a>DrawLinePoints()</span></dt><dd><p>
489 |
Draws a linepoints plot, with or without error bars.
490 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> when the plot type is
491 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-linepoints" title="3.4.7. Plot Type: linepoints (Lines and Points Plot)">linepoints</a>.
492 |
It simply calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLines">DrawLines</a> and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDots">DrawDots</a>,
493 |
which handle both the plain and error bar cases.
494 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.1.3 to provide a function specific to this
495 |
plot type.
496 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawLines"></a>DrawLines($paired = False)</span></dt><dd><p>
497 |
Draws a line plot, or the lines part of a linepoints plot, including error
498 |
499 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> when the plot type is
500 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-lines" title="3.4.8. Plot Type: lines (Lines Plot)">lines</a>, and by
501 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLinePoints">DrawLinePoints</a> for the
502 |
lines portion of a <a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-linepoints" title="3.4.7. Plot Type: linepoints (Lines and Points Plot)">linepoints</a> plot.
503 |
$paired is true for <code class="literal">linepoints</code> plots.
504 |
When $paired is true, DrawLines() draws the lines and data labels, and
505 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDots">DrawDots</a> draw the points and error bars.
506 |
(The $paired argument was added in PHPlot-5.1.3.)
507 |
Starting with PHPlot-6.0.0, DrawLines() also handles error plots,
508 |
and horizontal lines and linepoints plots.
509 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawLinesError"></a>DrawLinesError($paired = False)</span></dt><dd><p>
510 |
This function was removed in PHPlot-6.0.0 and merged into
511 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLines">DrawLines</a>.
512 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawOHLC"></a>DrawOHLC($draw_candles, $always_fill = FALSE)</span></dt><dd><p>
513 |
Draws one of the three types of OHLC (Open/High/Low/Close) plots.
514 |
If $draw_candles is FALSE, draws a basic OHLC plot
515 |
(plot type <a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-ohlc" title="3.4.9. Plot Type: ohlc (Basic OHLC Plot)">ohlc</a>).
516 |
If $draw_candles is TRUE and $always_fill is FALSE,
517 |
draws a candlestick OHLC plot
518 |
(plot type <a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-candlesticks" title="3.4.5. Plot Type: candlesticks (OHLC Candlesticks Plot)">candlesticks</a>).
519 |
If $draw_candles is TRUE and $always_fill is TRUE,
520 |
draws a filled candlestick OHLC plot
521 |
(plot type <a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-candlesticks2" title="3.4.6. Plot Type: candlesticks2 (OHLC Filled Candlesticks Plot)">candlesticks2</a>).
522 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> when the plot type is one of those
523 |
three types.
524 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.3.0.
525 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawPieChart"></a>DrawPieChart()</span></dt><dd><p>
526 |
Draws a pie chart plot.
527 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> with the plot type is
528 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-pie" title="3.4.10. Plot Type: pie (Pie Plot)">pie</a>.
529 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawPieLabel"></a>DrawPieLabel($label_txt, $xc, $yc, $start_angle, $arc_angle, $r)</span></dt><dd><p>
530 |
Draws a pie chart label. $label_txt is the already-formatted label text
531 |
string. ($xc, $yc) is the center of the pie (not the text basepoint).
532 |
$start_angle is the starting angle in degrees for the segment being
533 |
labeled, which extends for $arc_angle degrees. $r is an array of static
534 |
values (constant for each pie chart): ellipse parameters and a flag to
535 |
indicate the text alignment should be reversed.
536 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawPieChart">DrawPieChart</a>.
537 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.6.0.
538 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawPlotAreaBackground"></a>DrawPlotAreaBackground()</span></dt><dd><p>
539 |
Draws the plot area background, either an image file set with
540 |
<a class="xref" href="SetPlotAreaBgImage.html" title="SetPlotAreaBgImage"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPlotAreaBgImage</span></a>,
541 |
or else a solid fill color selected by <a class="xref" href="SetPlotBgColor.html" title="SetPlotBgColor"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPlotBgColor</span></a>
542 |
if enabled with <a class="xref" href="SetDrawPlotAreaBackground.html" title="SetDrawPlotAreaBackground"><span class="refentrytitle">SetDrawPlotAreaBackground</span></a>
543 |
or else nothing.
544 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>.
545 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawPlotBorder"></a>DrawPlotBorder($draw_axes=TRUE)</span></dt><dd><p>
546 |
Draws the border around the plot area.
547 |
This draws zero to four lines around the plot area (depending on
548 |
<a class="xref" href="SetPlotBorderType.html" title="SetPlotBorderType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPlotBorderType</span></a>).
549 |
The $draw_axes argument (added in PHPlot-5.6.0) is true for all plot types
550 |
except pie charts, and controls the default value if SetPlotBorderType() was
551 |
not called.
552 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>.
553 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawShape"></a>DrawShape($x, $y, $record, $color, $allow_none = TRUE)</span></dt><dd><p>
554 |
Draws a single marker point ('dot' or 'shape') at the given X and Y device
555 |
(pixel) coordinates, using the given color. The $record parameter selects the
556 |
marker shape and size using the arrays set up with SetPointSizes() and
557 |
SetPointShapes(); they are not passed as arguments themselves.
558 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDot">DrawDot</a> and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLegend">DrawLegend</a>.
559 |
This is the function that knows which shapes are available and how to draw
560 |
them. (<a class="xref" href="SetPointShapes.html" title="SetPointShapes"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPointShapes</span></a> also has a list of valid shapes.)
561 |
This was added at PHPlot-5.4.0 by moving the shape drawing code out of
562 |
DrawDot(), leaving behind only the conversion from world to device coordinates.
563 |
This was necessary because DrawLegend() needs to specify marker positions
564 |
in pixel coordinates when using point shapes instead of color boxes.
565 |
566 |
If the optional $allow_none is FALSE, then the function will substitute
567 |
another shape for the special 'none' shape (which suppresses a shape marker
568 |
for a data set in a linepoints plot). This is used when drawing a legend, to
569 |
ensure that there is a marker shape for each data set. This argument was
570 |
added in PHPlot-6.0.0.
571 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawSquared"></a>DrawSquared()</span></dt><dd><p>
572 |
Draws a squared (stepped lines) plot.
573 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> when the plot type is
574 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-squared" title="3.4.12. Plot Type: squared (Squared Plot)">squared</a>.
575 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawSquaredArea"></a>DrawSquaredArea($do_stacked = False)</span></dt><dd><p>
576 |
Draws a squared area plot, or a stacked squared area plot
577 |
(if the optional argument is True).
578 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> when the plot type is
579 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-squaredarea" title="3.4.13. Plot Type: squaredarea (Squared Area Plot)">squaredarea</a> or
580 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-stackedsquaredarea" title="3.4.16. Plot Type: stackedsquaredarea (Stacked Squared Area Plot)">stackedsquaredarea</a>.
581 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.2.0.
582 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawStackedBars"></a>DrawStackedBars()</span></dt><dd><p>
583 |
Draws a stacked bars chart plot.
584 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> when the plot type is
585 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-stackedbars" title="3.4.15. Plot Type: stackedbars (Stacked Bar Plot)">stackedbars</a>.
586 |
If the data type indicates a horizontal plot,
587 |
calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawHorizStackedBars">DrawHorizStackedBars</a> instead.
588 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawText"></a>DrawText($font, $angle, $xpos, $ypos, $color, $text, $halign = 'left', $valign = 'bottom')</span></dt><dd><p>
589 |
Draws a string of text $text, at position ($xpos, $ypos).
590 |
The font settings are specified by $font, which is one of the text element
591 |
names used by <a class="xref" href="SetFont.html" title="SetFont"><span class="refentrytitle">SetFont</span></a> such as <code class="literal">'title'</code>
592 |
or <code class="literal">'x_label'</code>. An empty string or NULL can be used to get
593 |
the <code class="literal">'generic'</code> font. For backward compatibility,
594 |
a font array (from the PHPlot object $fonts[] array) can be used too.
595 |
596 |
The text is drawn at angle $angle (built-in fonts can be used at 0
597 |
and 90 degrees only, TrueType at any angle). $color is a GD color
598 |
index for the image. Text alignment relative to the (x,y) point is
599 |
controlled with $halign (<code class="literal">center</code>,
600 |
<code class="literal">left</code>, or <code class="literal">right</code>)
601 |
and $valign (<code class="literal">center</code>, <code class="literal">bottom</code>,
602 |
or <code class="literal">top</code>).
603 |
604 |
Multi-line text strings are supported. This function accounts for the
605 |
limitations and differences in GD text drawing routines for built-in and
606 |
TrueType fonts.
607 |
Called by numerous functions which place text on the plot.
608 |
609 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.0.5, this function just calls
610 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#ProcessText">ProcessText</a> in text drawing mode. DrawText should be used
611 |
by all internal PHPlot code that needs to draw text, and ProcessText should
612 |
only be used by DrawText and SizeText.
613 |
614 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.1.0, $font can be NULL or an empty string to
615 |
use the <span class="emphasis"><em>generic</em></span> font.
616 |
This was intended to allow callbacks to avoid having to reference the internal
617 |
class array variable which stores font information.
618 |
619 |
Starting with PHPlot-6.0.0, the preferred form for $font is the name of a
620 |
PHPlot text element, with use of the $fonts[] member variable deprecated.
621 |
This further eases use of DrawText by callbacks, which can specify a font
622 |
other than 'generic' without referencing internal class variables.
623 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawThinBarLines"></a>DrawThinBarLines()</span></dt><dd><p>
624 |
Draws a thin bar lines plot. This is sometimes called an impulse plot.
625 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> when the plot type is
626 |
<a class="link" href="conc-plottypes.html#plottype-thinbarline" title="3.4.17. Plot Type: thinbarline (Thin Bar Line Plot)">thinbarline</a>.
627 |
This function draws both vertical and horizontal variants of this plot type.
628 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawTitle"></a>DrawTitle()</span></dt><dd><p>
629 |
Draws the main plot title as set with <a class="xref" href="SetTitle.html" title="SetTitle"><span class="refentrytitle">SetTitle</span></a>. This is centered at the
630 |
very top of the image.
631 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>.
632 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawXAxis"></a>DrawXAxis()</span></dt><dd><p>
633 |
Draws the X (horizontal) axis, including the axis line,
634 |
tick marks and labels,
635 |
and also draws the vertical grid lines.
636 |
All of these except the axis line are done in <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawXTicks">DrawXTicks</a>.
637 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>.
638 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawXDataLabel"></a>DrawXDataLabel($xlab, $xpos, $row, $do_lines=FALSE)</span></dt><dd><p>
639 |
Draws an axis data label for an X value. The labels are above or below the plot
640 |
area or both, depending on the value set with
641 |
<a class="xref" href="SetXDataLabelPos.html" title="SetXDataLabelPos"><span class="refentrytitle">SetXDataLabelPos</span></a>.
642 |
The $row value indicates the row index in the data array for this label; it
643 |
is used to position the data label line, and for custom label formatting.
644 |
If $do_lines is true, this calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawXDataLine">DrawXDataLine</a> to draw a
645 |
line from the label to the point, if enabled and supported by the plot type.
646 |
647 |
This function is used by vertical plots.
648 |
It is called by plot drawing routines for all plot types except
649 |
<code class="literal">pie</code>:
650 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawArea">DrawArea</a>,
651 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawBars">DrawBars</a>,
652 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDots">DrawDots</a>,
653 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawThinBarLines">DrawThinBarLines</a>,
654 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLines">DrawLines</a>,
655 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawSquared">DrawSquared</a>, and
656 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawStackedBars">DrawStackedBars</a>.
657 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawXDataLine"></a>DrawXDataLine($xpos, $row)</span></dt><dd><p>
658 |
Draws X data label lines, which are vertical lines from the bottom or top
659 |
of the plot to the data points. This is enabled with
660 |
<a class="xref" href="SetDrawXDataLabelLines.html" title="SetDrawXDataLabelLines"><span class="refentrytitle">SetDrawXDataLabelLines</span></a>. The lines are drawn from the
661 |
position (above, below, or both) of the X axis data labels, which are set with
662 |
<a class="xref" href="SetXDataLabelPos.html" title="SetXDataLabelPos"><span class="refentrytitle">SetXDataLabelPos</span></a>.
663 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawXDataLabel">DrawXDataLabel</a>.
664 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawXErrorBars"></a>DrawXErrorBars($x, $y $error_plus, $error_minus, $color)</span></dt><dd><p>
665 |
Draws an error bar set for the point at world coordinates ($x, $y).
666 |
$error_plus and $error_minus are the X error amounts (in world coordinates).
667 |
Both are non-negative values.
668 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDots">DrawDots</a> and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLines">DrawLines</a> when
669 |
the data type indicates a horizontal error plot.
670 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.1.0 when horizontal error plots were implemented.
671 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawXTick"></a>DrawXTick($x, $x_pixels)</span></dt><dd><p>
672 |
Draws a single X value tick mark and its label.
673 |
These can appear on the bottom of the graph, top of the graph, along the
674 |
X axis (even if it is in the middle somewhere), on both sides, or nowhere,
675 |
as set with <a class="xref" href="SetXTickPos.html" title="SetXTickPos"><span class="refentrytitle">SetXTickPos</span></a> and
676 |
<a class="xref" href="SetXTickLabelPos.html" title="SetXTickLabelPos"><span class="refentrytitle">SetXTickLabelPos</span></a>.
677 |
$x is the X value of the tick, and $x_pixels is its device coordinate value.
678 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawXTicks">DrawXTicks</a>.
679 |
This was added at PHPlot-5.0.5 by splitting the code out of DrawXTicks,
680 |
for symmetry with DrawYTicks.
681 |
Through PHPlot-5.7.0, $x was passed to this function already formatted with
682 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#FormatLabel">FormatLabel</a>. Starting with PHPlot-5.8.0, the actual tick
683 |
value is passed, so <code class="function">DrawXTick</code> can decide whether or
684 |
not to format it.
685 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawXTicks"></a>DrawXTicks()</span></dt><dd><p>
686 |
Draws the vertical grid lines, the tick marks, and tick labels.
687 |
Calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcTicks">CalcTicks</a> to calculate the tick parameters.
688 |
Calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawXTick">DrawXTick</a> to draw each tick mark and its label.
689 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawXAxis">DrawXAxis</a>.
690 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawXTitle"></a>DrawXTitle()</span></dt><dd><p>
691 |
Draws the X axis title. There can be zero, one, or two of them depending on
692 |
the position parameter specified in <a class="xref" href="SetXTitle.html" title="SetXTitle"><span class="refentrytitle">SetXTitle</span></a>.
693 |
Calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawText">DrawText</a> to actually draw the title(s).
694 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>.
695 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawYAxis"></a>DrawYAxis()</span></dt><dd><p>
696 |
Draws the Y (vertical) axis, including the axis line,
697 |
tick marks and labels,
698 |
and also draws the horizontal grid lines.
699 |
All of these except the axis line are done in <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawYTicks">DrawYTicks</a>.
700 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>.
701 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawYDataLabel"></a>DrawYDataLabel($ylab, $ypos, $row, $do_lines=FALSE)</span></dt><dd><p>
702 |
Draws an axis data label for a Y value. The labels are along the Y axis or
703 |
side of the plot, or both, depending on the value set with
704 |
<a class="xref" href="SetYDataLabelPos.html" title="SetYDataLabelPos"><span class="refentrytitle">SetYDataLabelPos</span></a>.
705 |
The $row value indicates the row index in the data array for this label; it
706 |
is used for custom label formatting.
707 |
If $do_lines is true, this calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawYDataLine">DrawYDataLine</a> to draw a
708 |
line from the label to the point, if enabled and supported by the plot type.
709 |
This function is used by horizontal plots, and was added in PHPlot-5.1.2.
710 |
Called by horizontal plot drawing functions such as
711 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawHorizBars">DrawHorizBars</a>.
712 |
The $do_lines argument was added in PHPlot-6.0.0 when horizontal plots
713 |
supporting data label lines were first available.
714 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawYDataLine"></a>DrawYDataLine($ypos, $row)</span></dt><dd><p>
715 |
Draws Y data label lines, which are horizontal lines from the left or right
716 |
side of the plot to the data points. This is enabled with
717 |
<a class="xref" href="SetDrawYDataLabelLines.html" title="SetDrawYDataLabelLines"><span class="refentrytitle">SetDrawYDataLabelLines</span></a>, and is only valid with horizontal
718 |
plots which support Y data label lines. The lines are drawn from the
719 |
position (left, right, or both) of the Y axis data labels, which are set with
720 |
<a class="xref" href="SetYDataLabelPos.html" title="SetYDataLabelPos"><span class="refentrytitle">SetYDataLabelPos</span></a>.
721 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawYDataLabel">DrawYDataLabel</a>.
722 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.0.0.
723 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawYErrorBar"></a>DrawYErrorBar($x_world, $y_world, $error_height, $color)</span></dt><dd><p>
724 |
This function was removed in PHPlot-6.1.0 and replaced with
725 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawYErrorBars">DrawYErrorBars</a>.
726 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawYErrorBars"></a>DrawYErrorBars($x, $y $error_plus, $error_minus, $color)</span></dt><dd><p>
727 |
Draws an error bar set for the point at world coordinates ($x, $y).
728 |
$error_plus and $error_minus are the Y error amounts (in world coordinates).
729 |
Both are non-negative values.
730 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawDots">DrawDots</a> and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLines">DrawLines</a> when
731 |
the data type indicates a vertical error plot.
732 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.1.0, replacing <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawYErrorBar">DrawYErrorBar</a>
733 |
(which drew only 1 of the error bars for a point).
734 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawYTick"></a>DrawYTick($y, $y_pixels)</span></dt><dd><p>
735 |
Draws a single Y value tick mark and its label.
736 |
These can appear on the left of the graph, right of the graph, along the
737 |
Y axis (even if it is in the middle somewhere), on both sides, or nowhere,
738 |
as set with <a class="xref" href="SetYTickPos.html" title="SetYTickPos"><span class="refentrytitle">SetYTickPos</span></a> and
739 |
<a class="xref" href="SetYTickLabelPos.html" title="SetYTickLabelPos"><span class="refentrytitle">SetYTickLabelPos</span></a>.
740 |
$y is the Y value of the tick, and $y_pixels is its device coordinate value.
741 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawYTicks">DrawYTicks</a>.
742 |
Through PHPlot-5.7.0, $y was passed to this function already formatted with
743 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#FormatLabel">FormatLabel</a>. Starting with PHPlot-5.8.0, the actual tick
744 |
value is passed, so <code class="function">DrawYTick</code> can decide whether or
745 |
not to format it.
746 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawYTicks"></a>DrawYTicks()</span></dt><dd><p>
747 |
Draws the horizontal grid lines, the tick marks, and tick labels.
748 |
Calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawYTick">DrawYTick</a> to draw each tick mark and its label.
749 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawYAxis">DrawYAxis</a>.
750 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="DrawYTitle"></a>DrawYTitle()</span></dt><dd><p>
751 |
Draws the Y axis title. There can be zero, one, or two of them depending on
752 |
the position parameter specified in <a class="xref" href="SetYTitle.html" title="SetYTitle"><span class="refentrytitle">SetYTitle</span></a>.
753 |
Calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawText">DrawText</a> to actually draw the title(s).
754 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>.
755 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="FindDataLimits"></a>FindDataLimits()</span></dt><dd><p>
756 |
Finds the limits of the data. Using the data_type and the data array, it
757 |
goes through the points and determines the minimum and maximum X and Y values.
758 |
It stores the min and max Y values for each row (plot line) in the
759 |
class arrays data_min and data_max.
760 |
(Before PHPlot-5.0.4, these were stored back into the data array
761 |
with special index values MINY (-1) and MAXY (-2).)
762 |
It also stores the overall min and max X and Y values as min_x, max_x,
763 |
min_y, and max_y.
764 |
It also stores the length of the longest data label in max_t.
765 |
Starting with PHPlot-5.0.5, this is only called once by
766 |
<a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a>. (In PHPlot-5.0.4 and earlier, this was called
767 |
from various places, with a flag data_limits_done to indicate it was called.)
768 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="FormatLabel"></a>FormatLabel($which_pos, $which_lab, ...)</span></dt><dd><p>
769 |
Formats a value for use as a tick, data, or pie chart label.
770 |
This implements the format type selected with
771 |
<a class="xref" href="SetXLabelType.html" title="SetXLabelType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetXLabelType</span></a>, <a class="xref" href="SetYLabelType.html" title="SetYLabelType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetYLabelType</span></a>,
772 |
<a class="xref" href="SetXDataLabelType.html" title="SetXDataLabelType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetXDataLabelType</span></a>, <a class="xref" href="SetYDataLabelType.html" title="SetYDataLabelType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetYDataLabelType</span></a>,
773 |
and <a class="xref" href="SetPieLabelType.html" title="SetPieLabelType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPieLabelType</span></a>.
774 |
If no formatting is in effect for that label type ($which_pos), it returns the
775 |
label string $which_lab as-is. Otherwise, it formats it as directed. This
776 |
can be a floating point number (formatted with <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#number_format">number_format</a>),
777 |
a date/time value, or it can be formatted with <code class="function">sprintf</code>
778 |
or a user-defined function (type 'custom').
779 |
Any additional arguments after the first 2 are passed through to a custom label
780 |
formatting function. This is used to make the data row and column available
781 |
to the user-defined function (if applicable for the label type).
782 |
783 |
Called by several functions that need to format label values.
784 |
Separation of data and tick label formatting was available starting with
785 |
PHPlot-5.1.0. Use with pie chart labels was added in PHPlot-5.6.0.
786 |
Support for additional arguments for custom functions was added
787 |
in PHPlot-5.8.0.
788 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="FormatPieLabel"></a>FormatPieLabel($index, $pie_label_source, $arc_angle, $slice_weight)</span></dt><dd><p>
789 |
Formats a pie chart label. This first gets the initial value, based on
790 |
the $source argument to <a class="xref" href="SetPieLabelType.html" title="SetPieLabelType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPieLabelType</span></a>, which is passed
791 |
in as $pie_label_source. It may use $index, $arc_angle, or $slice_weight,
792 |
or a combination of those. Then it formats that value using
793 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#FormatLabel">FormatLabel</a> and returns the result.
794 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawPieChart">DrawPieChart</a>.
795 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.6.0.
796 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetBarColors"></a>GetBarColors($row, $idx, &$vars, &$data_color, &$shade_color, &$border_color)</span></dt><dd><p>
797 |
Gets the color indexes to be used for a bar plot.
798 |
This is used by bar and stackedbar plot drawing functions, and
799 |
accounts for a custom data color callback if defined.
800 |
$row and $idx are the indexes for the current bar or bar segment.
801 |
$vars is an array argument that maintains information across calls - the
802 |
caller allocates an empty array, and this function updates it.
803 |
The color index for bar filling is returned in $data_color.
804 |
$shade_color is the color index to use for shading (if shading is on).
805 |
$border_color is the color index to use for the bar border (if on).
806 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.2.0, moving common code into a function.
807 |
In PHPlot-6.0.0, a single $alt_color argument was split into separate
808 |
$shade_color and $border_color arguments.
809 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetColorIndex"></a>GetColorIndex(&$color, $default_color_index=0)</span></dt><dd><p>
810 |
Allocate a GD color index for a color given as a 4 component array (R,G,B,A)
811 |
$color. Returns a color index to be used in GD drawing functions.
812 |
The color returned is the exact color requested if it already exists in the
813 |
image, or if can be allocated.
814 |
For palette images, if the color map is full, no new colors can be allocated,
815 |
and this function will return an index to the closest existing color.
816 |
For truecolor images, this function always returns an index for the exact
817 |
requested color.
818 |
If $color is empty or unset, returns $default_color_index instead, without
819 |
allocating a new color.
820 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.2.0, replacing the second half of
821 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#SetIndexColor">SetIndexColor</a>.
822 |
The $default_color_index argument was added in PHPlot-5.7.0, and the $color
823 |
argument was changed to a reference (so an unset variable can be passed
824 |
without an error).
825 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetColorIndexArray"></a>GetColorIndexArray($color_array, $max_colors)</span></dt><dd><p>
826 |
Allocates GD color indexes for each color in the array $color_array, which are
827 |
given as 4 component arrays (R,G,B,A). Up to $max_colors colors will be
828 |
allocated. (This is used to limit the number of allocated data colors to the
829 |
number of data sets in the plot, for example.)
830 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#GetColorIndex">GetColorIndex</a> is used to allocate each color.
831 |
Returns an array of GD color indexes to be used in GD drawing functions.
832 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.3.1.
833 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetDarkColorIndex"></a>GetDarkColorIndex($color)</span></dt><dd><p>
834 |
Allocate a GD color index for a darker shade of a color given as a 4 component
835 |
array (R,G,B,A).
836 |
Returns a color index to be used in GD drawing functions.
837 |
The method used is to subtract 48 from each red, green, and blue component
838 |
(without letting any go negative).
839 |
The alpha component is not adjusted.
840 |
The color returned is the exact color requested if it already exists in the
841 |
image, or if can be allocated, else the closest color available.
842 |
This is used for shadow colors (for example, in bar charts and pie charts).
843 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.2.0, replacing the second half of
844 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#SetIndexDarkColor">SetIndexDarkColor</a>.
845 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetDarkColorIndexArray"></a>GetDarkColorIndexArray($color_array, $max_colors)</span></dt><dd><p>
846 |
Allocates GD color indexes for a darker shade of each color in the array
847 |
$color_array, which are given as 4 component arrays (R,G,B,A). Up to
848 |
$max_colors colors will be allocated. (This is used to limit the number of
849 |
allocated dark-shade data colors to the number of data sets in the plot,
850 |
for example.)
851 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#GetDarkColorIndex">GetDarkColorIndex</a> is used to allocate each color.
852 |
Returns an array of GD color indexes to be used in GD drawing functions.
853 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.3.1.
854 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetDataColor"></a>GetDataColor($row, $idx, &$vars, &$data_color, $extra=0)</span></dt><dd><p>
855 |
Gets the color index to be used for a data element (a point or line
856 |
segment, for example).
857 |
This is used by multiple plot drawing functions to get the data color,
858 |
accounting for a custom data color callback if defined.
859 |
$row and $idx are the indexes for the data point. $vars is an array argument
860 |
that maintains information across calls - the caller allocates an empty
861 |
array, and this function updates it.
862 |
The color index to use is returned in $data_color.
863 |
$extra contains extra information for a data color callback.
864 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.2.0, moving common code into a function.
865 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetDataErrorColors"></a>GetDataErrorColors($row, $idx, &$vars, &$data_color, &$error_color, $extra=0)</span></dt><dd><p>
866 |
This is an extended version of <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#GetDataColor">GetDataColor</a> which is used
867 |
for error bar plots. It returns two color index values: $data_color for the
868 |
data element, and $error_color for the error bar.
869 |
This is used by error plot drawing functions, and accounts for a custom
870 |
data color callback if defined.
871 |
$row and $idx are the indexes for the data point. $vars is an array argument
872 |
that maintains information across calls - the caller allocates an empty
873 |
array, and this function updates it.
874 |
$extra contains extra information for a data color callback.
875 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.2.0, moving common code into a function.
876 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetDefaultTTFont"></a>GetDefaultTTFont()</span></dt><dd><p>
877 |
Returns the default TrueType font name. If no default font has been set
878 |
using <a class="xref" href="SetDefaultTTFont.html" title="SetDefaultTTFont"><span class="refentrytitle">SetDefaultTTFont</span></a>, the first time this is called it
879 |
will go through a list of likely sans-serif fonts, trying to find one
880 |
that works. The first one that works, or the last one if none works, will
881 |
be set as the default font.
882 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.1.3, replacing the static initialization of
883 |
default font.
884 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetGridSetting"></a>GetGridSetting($xy)</span></dt><dd><p>
885 |
Returns a flag indicating whether to draw the grid along the axis
886 |
indicated by $xy ('x' or 'y'). This implements the grid default which
887 |
differs for horizontal and vertical plots.
888 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.0.0, replacing CalcGridSettings().
889 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetImage"></a>GetImage($image_filename, &$width, &$height)</span></dt><dd><p>
890 |
Reads an image file from $image_filename, stores the width and height
891 |
(in pixels) in the $width and $height reference arguments, and returns
892 |
a PHP GD image resource of the image.
893 |
This is used by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#SetInputFile">SetInputFile</a> and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#tile_img">tile_img</a>.
894 |
Errors go to <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#PrintError">PrintError</a>; there is no way for the script
895 |
to recover. Possible errors include an image file type which is unsupported
896 |
by PHP GD, or a corrupt image file.
897 |
Note: This was added at PHPlot-5.0.4, by moving common code from the
898 |
two calling functions.
899 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetImageBorderWidth"></a>GetImageBorderWidth()</span></dt><dd><p>
900 |
This returns the image border width, as set with
901 |
<a class="xref" href="SetImageBorderWidth.html" title="SetImageBorderWidth"><span class="refentrytitle">SetImageBorderWidth</span></a> or as defaulted.
902 |
It is used by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcMargins">CalcMargins</a> to account for image border width,
903 |
and by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawImageBorder">DrawImageBorder</a> when drawing the image border.
904 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.1.2.
905 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetImageType"></a>GetImageType(&$mime_type, &$output_f)</span></dt><dd><p>
906 |
Given the current file type (e.g. 'png'), this sets the MIME type for the
907 |
image (e.g. 'image/png') and the name of the GD output function (e.g.
908 |
'imagepng') corresponding to that type. The results are stored in the
909 |
arguments, and TRUE is returned unless an error occurs.
910 |
It is used by <a class="xref" href="PrintImage.html" title="PrintImage"><span class="refentrytitle">PrintImage</span></a> and <a class="xref" href="EncodeImage.html" title="EncodeImage"><span class="refentrytitle">EncodeImage</span></a>.
911 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.5.0, from code moved out of PrintImage.
912 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetLegendPosition"></a>GetLegendPosition($width, $height)</span></dt><dd><p>
913 |
This calculates and returns the device coordinates (as a 2 element array X,Y)
914 |
of the upper left corner of the legend box. $width and $height are the size of
915 |
the legend box. It accounts for the positioning mode, reference point,
916 |
base point, and pixel offset as set with <a class="xref" href="SetLegendPosition.html" title="SetLegendPosition"><span class="refentrytitle">SetLegendPosition</span></a>.
917 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLegend">DrawLegend</a>.
918 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.4.0.
919 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetLegendSizeParams"></a>GetLegendSizeParams()</span></dt><dd><p>
920 |
This calculates a number of parameters that determine how to draw the
921 |
legend, and returns an array containing those variables and their values.
922 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="GetLegendSize.html" title="GetLegendSize"><span class="refentrytitle">GetLegendSize</span></a> (which only uses the 'width' and
923 |
'height' elements), and by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLegend">DrawLegend</a>.
924 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.4.0.
925 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetLineSpacing"></a>GetLineSpacing($font)</span></dt><dd><p>
926 |
Given a font array variable, returns the proper spacing in pixels between lines
927 |
of text using that font. This works for both GD and TrueType fonts. See also
928 |
<a class="xref" href="SetLineSpacing.html" title="SetLineSpacing"><span class="refentrytitle">SetLineSpacing</span></a>.
929 |
Used by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#ProcessTextGD">ProcessTextGD</a>, <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#ProcessTextTTF">ProcessTextTTF</a>,
930 |
and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLegend">DrawLegend</a>.
931 |
Note: This was added at PHPlot-5.0.6, with support for mixing TTF and GD
932 |
933 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetRangeEndAdjust"></a>GetRangeEndAdjust($which, &$adjust)</span></dt><dd><p>
934 |
Applies a default to $adjust, the plot range end adjustment factor. $which is
935 |
'x' or 'y'. If $adjust is already set, the function does nothing.
936 |
Otherwise, it uses the current plot type to apply a default setting to $adjust.
937 |
See the notes on the <code class="literal">adjust_type</code> entry in
938 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-var-notes.html#var-plots" title="10.2.5. plots[]">Section 10.2.5, “plots[]”</a> for more on the per-plot-type adjustment mode.
939 |
This is used by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcPlotRange">CalcPlotRange</a>.
940 |
It was added at PHPlot-6.0.0.
941 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="GetTextAlignment"></a>GetTextAlignment($sin_t, $cos_t, &$h_align, &$v_align, $reverse = FALSE)</span></dt><dd><p>
942 |
Selects the best alignment for text which is at a specific angle ($sin_t,
943 |
$cos_t) from a point. The result is returned in $h_align and $v_align,
944 |
suitable for use with <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawText">DrawText</a>.
945 |
The alignment is chosen from 8 possible values (left/center, center/bottom,
946 |
etc.) to keep the closest edge or corner of the text box at a fixed
947 |
distance from the reference point (typically the center of a pie chart, or
948 |
a plotted point), regardless of the text string size.
949 |
For example, text at 0 degrees is left/center aligned, and text at 90 degrees
950 |
is center/bottom aligned.
951 |
If $reverse is true, the alignment is reversed; this is used for text inside
952 |
an ellipse but close to the circumference.
953 |
Used by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CheckDataValueLabels">CheckDataValueLabels</a>
954 |
and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawPieLabel">DrawPieLabel</a>.
955 |
Note: This was added at PHPlot-5.6.0 by moving code out of
956 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CheckDataValueLabels">CheckDataValueLabels</a>.
957 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="initialize"></a>initialize($imagecreate_function, $width, $height, $output_file, $input_file)</span></dt><dd><p>
958 |
Initialize a newly created object. This is called from the two class
959 |
constructors, <a class="xref" href="PHPlot.html" title="PHPlot"><span class="refentrytitle">PHPlot</span></a> and <a class="xref" href="PHPlot-truecolor.html" title="PHPlot_truecolor"><span class="refentrytitle">PHPlot_truecolor</span></a>.
960 |
$imagecreate_function is the name of the GD function used to create an image
961 |
(<code class="function">imagecreate</code> or <code class="function">imagecreatetruecolor</code>).
962 |
The other arguments are the same as in the class constructors, except the
963 |
defaults are already applied.
964 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.6.0 by moving duplicated code from the two
965 |
constructors into a shared function.
966 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="NeedDataDarkColors"></a>NeedDataDarkColors()</span></dt><dd><p>
967 |
Allocates darker data colors, which are used for shading.
968 |
This is called by graph drawing functions such as <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawPieChart">DrawPieChart</a>
969 |
if they need to use these colors for shading.
970 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.2.0.
971 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="NeedErrorBarColors"></a>NeedErrorBarColors()</span></dt><dd><p>
972 |
Allocates colors used for error bars.
973 |
This is called by any graph drawing functions that is going to draw error bars.
974 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.2.0.
975 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="number_format"></a>number_format($number, $decimals=0)</span></dt><dd><p>
976 |
Formats a floating point number, like PHP's number_format(), inserting
977 |
a decimal separator and thousands groups separators. Unlike the PHP
978 |
function, this uses variables in the PHPlot class to select the separators.
979 |
The separators can be set with <a class="xref" href="SetNumberFormat.html" title="SetNumberFormat"><span class="refentrytitle">SetNumberFormat</span></a>, or by
980 |
default PHPlot will attempt to get locale-specific values.
981 |
For example, 1234+(56/100) will be returned as "1,234.56" if the locale is
982 |
"en_US", and as "1.234,56" if the locale is "de_DE".
983 |
As a fall-back, if locale information is not available, '.' is used for
984 |
decimal point, and ',' for thousands separator. This fall-back is equivalent
985 |
to the behavior in PHPlot 5.0rc3 and earlier.
986 |
This is used by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#FormatLabel">FormatLabel</a> when the formatting type is
987 |
<code class="literal">data</code>, and also for the pie chart labels in
988 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawPieChart">DrawPieChart</a>.
989 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="pad_array"></a>pad_array(&$arr, $size)</span></dt><dd><p>
990 |
Pads an array $arr with copies of itself until it reaches the given size.
991 |
If $arr is a scalar, it will first be converted to an array with one
992 |
element. Then, if $arr has fewer than $size elements, elements of $arr
993 |
starting from the first will be appended until it reaches $size elements.
994 |
This only works on zero-based sequential integer indexed arrays.
995 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#PadArrays">PadArrays</a>, <a class="xref" href="SetPointShapes.html" title="SetPointShapes"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPointShapes</span></a>,
996 |
and <a class="xref" href="SetPointSizes.html" title="SetPointSizes"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPointSizes</span></a>.
997 |
This replaced <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#array_pad_array">array_pad_array</a> at PHPlot-5.0.4,
998 |
however that had an unused 3rd argument, and worked on general indexed arrays.
999 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="PadArrays"></a>PadArrays()</span></dt><dd><p>
1000 |
Pads the style arrays (line_widths, line_styles, data_colors, etc.) so they
1001 |
are all large enough to contain an entry for each data set or plot line.
1002 |
This uses <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#pad_array">pad_array</a>.
1003 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> before drawing anything.
1004 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="PrintError"></a>PrintError($error_message)</span></dt><dd><p>
1005 |
Handles a fatal error within PHPlot. Starting with PHPlot-5.0.5 this and
1006 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawError">DrawError</a> are identical. PrintError attempts to draw the
1007 |
error message $error_message into the image, and then output the image.
1008 |
This method is used because PHPlot is normally expected to output an image,
1009 |
and text output would not be displayed properly. (If no image resource was
1010 |
available, and the <a class="xref" href="SetIsInline.html" title="SetIsInline"><span class="refentrytitle">SetIsInline</span></a> flag is not on, PHPlot
1011 |
will send a 500 Internal Server Error header.) PrintError uses
1012 |
<a class="xref" href="DrawMessage.html" title="DrawMessage"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawMessage</span></a> to actually draw the message onto the image.
1013 |
After this, PrintError uses the PHP trigger_error() function to signal a user
1014 |
error. This is normally fatal to the script, unless caught. This will also
1015 |
result in the error message written to the error output stream, which
1016 |
typically ends up in a web server error log.
1017 |
1018 |
(Through PHPlot-5.0.4, PrintError wrote an error message to standard output
1019 |
and exited.)
1020 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="ProcessText"></a>ProcessText($draw_it, $font_id, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $text, $halign, $valign)</span></dt><dd><p>
1021 |
This function acts as a bridge, or switch, between the two functions
1022 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#SizeText">SizeText</a> and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawText">DrawText</a>, which handle
1023 |
both GD and TTF text,
1024 |
and the functions which specifically handle GD text or TTF text.
1025 |
The arguments to this function are the same as
1026 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawText">DrawText</a> except for an additional first argument
1027 |
$draw_it. If $draw_it is true, text is drawn. This is used by DrawText. If
1028 |
$draw_it is false, only the bounding box size of the text is calculated and
1029 |
returned. This is used by SizeText. In text sizing mode, the x, y, color,
1030 |
halign, and valign arguments are ignored, as they are not needed when
1031 |
calculating the text bounding box size.
1032 |
This function is only called by
1033 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#SizeText">SizeText</a> and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawText">DrawText</a>, and calls either
1034 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#ProcessTextTTF">ProcessTextTTF</a> or <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#ProcessTextGD">ProcessTextGD</a>.
1035 |
1036 |
<code class="function">ProcessText</code> examines the $font_id argument and handles
1037 |
the variations described under <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawText">DrawText</a>. If $font_id is
1038 |
an array, it is assumed to be an element of the member array $fonts[], and
1039 |
is passed as-is to the lower level functions.
1040 |
If it is a string that exists as an index to $fonts[], that font array is
1041 |
used. In all other cases, the <code class="literal">generic</code> font is used.
1042 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="ProcessTextGD"></a>ProcessTextGD($draw_it, $font, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $text, $h_factor, $v_factor)</span></dt><dd><p>
1043 |
Draws GD fixed-font text, or calculates the size of GD fixed-font text.
1044 |
This is only called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#ProcessText">ProcessText</a> after it determines
1045 |
that GD text is in use.
1046 |
If $draw_it is true, text is drawn;
1047 |
if $draw_it is false, only the bounding box size of the text is calculated and
1048 |
returned as a two-element array ($width, $height).
1049 |
Here $width is measured along the X axis, and $height along Y, regardless
1050 |
of the text angle. These are the size of an orthogonal bounding box that
1051 |
contains the text block.
1052 |
The $font argument is a PHPlot font array, which must reference a GD font.
1053 |
The $angle is 0 or 90 degrees, as GD text only supports those values.
1054 |
$x, $y are the reference point of the text $text, which is drawn in color
1055 |
1056 |
The text string can contain multiple lines, with a newline character between
1057 |
1058 |
The $h_factor and $v_factor arguments are translated from the
1059 |
alignment arguments supplied to DrawText or SizeText: 0, 0.5, or 1.0
1060 |
If $draw_it is false, for text sizing mode, the x, y, color,
1061 |
h_factor and v_factor arguments are ignored.
1062 |
1063 |
Note: This was added at PHPlot-5.0.5. It was changed at PHPlot-5.0.6 to
1064 |
take a single font array argument, rather than 3 separate arguments for
1065 |
font number, width, and height.
1066 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="ProcessTextTTF"></a>ProcessTextTTF($draw_it, $font, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $text, $h_factor, $v_factor)</span></dt><dd><p>
1067 |
Draws TTF text, or calculates the size of TTF text.
1068 |
This is only called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#ProcessText">ProcessText</a> after it determines
1069 |
that TTF text is in use.
1070 |
If $draw_it is true, text is drawn;
1071 |
if $draw_it is false, only the bounding box size of the text is calculated and
1072 |
returned as a two-element array ($width, $height).
1073 |
Here $width is measured along the X axis, and $height along Y, regardless
1074 |
of the text angle. These are the size of an orthogonal bounding box that
1075 |
contains the text block.
1076 |
The $font argument is a PHPlot font array, which must reference a TTF font.
1077 |
The text is drawn at $angle degrees; unlike GD text TTF text can be drawn
1078 |
at any angle.
1079 |
$x, $y are the reference point of the text $text, which is drawn in color
1080 |
1081 |
The text string can contain multiple lines, with a newline character between
1082 |
1083 |
The $h_factor and $v_factor arguments are translated from the
1084 |
alignment arguments supplied to DrawText or SizeText: 0, 0.5, or 1.0
1085 |
If $draw_it is false, for text sizing mode, the x, y, color,
1086 |
h_factor and v_factor arguments are ignored.
1087 |
1088 |
Note that the interpretation of the alignment for text at arbitrary angles
1089 |
may not be what you expect. Rotation of text happens before alignment, and
1090 |
alignment and positioning use the orthogonal bounding box of the text.
1091 |
1092 |
Note: This was added at PHPlot-5.0.5. It was changed in PHPlot-5.0.6 to
1093 |
take a single font array argument, rather than 2 separate arguments for
1094 |
font filename and size.
1095 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="SetBgColorIndexes"></a>SetBgColorIndexes()</span></dt><dd><p>
1096 |
Allocates the colors for the image background and image border.
1097 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#SetColorIndexes">SetColorIndexes</a> before drawing anything, and
1098 |
by <a class="xref" href="DrawMessage.html" title="DrawMessage"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawMessage</span></a> if needed.
1099 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.7.0 by moving code from SetColorIndexes, so that
1100 |
DrawMessage can set up only the color indexes it needs.
1101 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="SetColorIndexes"></a>SetColorIndexes()</span></dt><dd><p>
1102 |
Allocates all the colors needed for a plot.
1103 |
Called by <a class="xref" href="DrawGraph.html" title="DrawGraph"><span class="refentrytitle">DrawGraph</span></a> before drawing anything.
1104 |
Calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#SetBgColorIndexes">SetBgColorIndexes</a> (starting at PHPlot-5.7.0) to set
1105 |
the background and border color indexes.
1106 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.2.0.
1107 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="SetDashedStyle"></a>SetDashedStyle($which_ndxcol, $use_style = TRUE)</span></dt><dd><p>
1108 |
Sets the GD line style to select a dashed line, if line styles are enabled,
1109 |
in preparation for drawing a dashed line. $which_ndxcol is the color index
1110 |
to use for the line, and $use_style is a flag indicating if a styled line
1111 |
is to be drawn. Returns a GD color index to use for drawing. If
1112 |
$use_styles is false, indicating solid lines, the return value is
1113 |
$which_ndxcol. If $use_styles is true or omitted, the return value is a
1114 |
GD constant used to indicate drawing a styled line, and $which_ndxcol is
1115 |
used to set up the line style. The return value is then used by the caller
1116 |
as the color argument in drawing functions such as
1117 |
<code class="function">imageline</code>.
1118 |
1119 |
To understand how this function works, see the documentation for the PHP GD
1120 |
function <code class="function">ImageSetStyle()</code> and also refer to <a class="xref" href="SetDefaultDashedStyle.html" title="SetDefaultDashedStyle"><span class="refentrytitle">SetDefaultDashedStyle</span></a>. GD expects a line style to be specified
1121 |
as an array of pixel values, which is awkward to deal with. PHPlot uses a
1122 |
shorthand notation with integer values indicating pairs of the number of
1123 |
color pixels ("on" pixels), then transparent pixels ("off" pixels).
1124 |
<code class="function">SetDefaultDashedStyle()</code> creates a template string with
1125 |
a marker for each "on" pixel, and the special GD color code for transparent
1126 |
pixels for each "off" pixel. This template is saved in the class variable
1127 |
<code class="varname">default_dashed_style</code>. The actual color to use for the
1128 |
"on" pixels is filled in by <code class="function">SetDashedStyle()</code> before
1129 |
the dashed style is used. The result is an array of pixel values for
1130 |
<code class="function">ImageSetStyle()</code>.
1131 |
1132 |
(In PHPlot-6.1.0 and earlier, <code class="function">SetDefaultDashedStyle()</code>
1133 |
created a string of PHP code to generate an array of pixel values in the
1134 |
form used by the GD function <code class="function">ImageSetStyle()</code>, and
1135 |
saved this as <code class="varname">default_dashed_style</code>.
1136 |
<code class="function">SetDashedStyle()</code> then evaluated the PHP code, with
1137 |
the correct color filled in from <code class="varname">$which_ndxcol</code>.)
1138 |
1139 |
Called by all functions that need to draw lines that can have a line style
1140 |
applied, including <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawXTicks">DrawXTicks</a> and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawYTicks">DrawYTicks</a>
1141 |
(for drawing the grid lines, not the ticks), and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawLines">DrawLines</a>
1142 |
for drawing line plots.
1143 |
1144 |
The $use_style argument and return value were added in PHPlot-6.0.0.
1145 |
Before that, <code class="function">SetDashedStyle</code> unconditionally set up the
1146 |
line style, and returned a boolean value.
1147 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="SetDefaultFonts"></a>SetDefaultFonts()</span></dt><dd><p>
1148 |
Selects all the default font values and sizes. See <a class="xref" href="SetFont.html" title="SetFont"><span class="refentrytitle">SetFont</span></a>
1149 |
for details of the font element names and default values. Called by the class
1150 |
constructor initialization function <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#initialize">initialize</a> to initialize
1151 |
fonts in the plot object, and by <a class="xref" href="SetUseTTF.html" title="SetUseTTF"><span class="refentrytitle">SetUseTTF</span></a> to restore the
1152 |
defaults when changing from or to TrueType font usage.
1153 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="SetDefaultStyles"></a>SetDefaultStyles()</span></dt><dd><p>
1154 |
Initializes default colors and styles for PHPlot objects. Mostly this calls
1155 |
the public member functions such as <a class="xref" href="SetDataColors.html" title="SetDataColors"><span class="refentrytitle">SetDataColors</span></a> but
1156 |
without specifying an array of colors, which causes the member functions
1157 |
to select default values.
1158 |
Called by the class constructor initialization function
1159 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#initialize">initialize</a>.
1160 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="SetIndexColor"></a>SetIndexColor($which_color, $alpha = 0)</span></dt><dd><p>
1161 |
This function was removed in PHPlot-5.2.0.
1162 |
It parsed a color specification, and allocated a GD color index.
1163 |
The first part is replaced by calling <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#SetRGBColor">SetRGBColor</a> directly,
1164 |
and the second part is implemented with <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#GetColorIndex">GetColorIndex</a>
1165 |
at graph drawing time.
1166 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="SetIndexDarkColor"></a>SetIndexDarkColor($which_color, $alpha = 0)</span></dt><dd><p>
1167 |
This function was removed in PHPlot-5.2.0.
1168 |
It parsed a color specification, and allocated a GD color index for a
1169 |
slightly darker shade of the color.
1170 |
The first part is replaced by calling <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#SetRGBColor">SetRGBColor</a> directly,
1171 |
and the second part is implemented with <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#GetDarkColorIndex">GetDarkColorIndex</a>
1172 |
at graph drawing time.
1173 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="SetInputFile"></a>SetInputFile($which_input_file)</span></dt><dd><p>
1174 |
Sets an image file $which_input_file to be used as the background image for
1175 |
the graph. Also resets the graph size to the size of the image file.
1176 |
Called by the class constructor initialization function
1177 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#initialize">initialize</a>.
1178 |
Note: In earlier releases, this was considered an externally available
1179 |
function. After a PHPlot object was created with the constructor,
1180 |
SetInputFile could be used to resize it and set the background image.
1181 |
Although this still works, it is deprecated. SetInputFile should be
1182 |
considered an internal-use-only function. Users should set the background
1183 |
image file using the 4th argument of <a class="xref" href="PHPlot.html" title="PHPlot"><span class="refentrytitle">PHPlot</span></a> or
1184 |
<a class="xref" href="PHPlot-truecolor.html" title="PHPlot_truecolor"><span class="refentrytitle">PHPlot_truecolor</span></a> when creating an instance of the object.
1185 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="SetLabelType"></a>SetLabelType($mode, $args)</span></dt><dd><p>
1186 |
Sets the formatting used for tick, data, and pie chart labels.
1187 |
This implements <a class="xref" href="SetXLabelType.html" title="SetXLabelType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetXLabelType</span></a>,
1188 |
<a class="xref" href="SetYLabelType.html" title="SetYLabelType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetYLabelType</span></a>, <a class="xref" href="SetXDataLabelType.html" title="SetXDataLabelType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetXDataLabelType</span></a>,
1189 |
<a class="xref" href="SetYDataLabelType.html" title="SetYDataLabelType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetYDataLabelType</span></a>, and part of
1190 |
<a class="xref" href="SetPieLabelType.html" title="SetPieLabelType"><span class="refentrytitle">SetPieLabelType</span></a>.
1191 |
$mode is either 'x', 'xd', 'y', 'yd', or 'p' to select the type of label
1192 |
(x, y for tick labels; xd, yd for data labels; p for pie chart labels).
1193 |
$args is an array of arguments, with $args[0] selecting the type of
1194 |
formatting (for example, <code class="literal">data</code>).
1195 |
Additional array elements depend on the formatting type.
1196 |
For more details, see the above-referenced functions.
1197 |
All arguments to those functions are combined into an array and passed to
1198 |
<code class="function">SetLabelType</code> as $args.
1199 |
Separation of data and tick label formatting was available starting with
1200 |
PHPlot-5.1.0. Support for pie chart label formatting was added in PHPlot-5.6.0.
1201 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="SetRGBColor"></a>SetRGBColor($color_asked, $alpha = 0)</span></dt><dd><p>
1202 |
Converts a general color specification into a standard form as an array of
1203 |
4 components: red, green, blue, and alpha, and returns the array. The 3
1204 |
color components are integers in the range 0-255, and the alpha component
1205 |
is an integer in the range 0-127 (where 0 means opaque). The acceptable
1206 |
color specification forms are documented in <a class="xref" href="conc-colors.html#conc-colors-forms" title="3.5.1. Color Parameter Forms">Section 3.5.1, “Color Parameter Forms”</a>
1207 |
and <a class="xref" href="adv-truecolor.html#adv-truecolor-forms" title="4.3.4. Color Parameter Form Extensions">Section 4.3.4, “Color Parameter Form Extensions”</a>,
1208 |
and include color names, component arrays, and strings of the form #RRGGBB
1209 |
and #RRGGBBAA. The alpha argument provides a default value if the color
1210 |
specification does not include alpha; the default 0 makes the color
1211 |
1212 |
This is used directly by all functions that accept a color specification.
1213 |
Use of alpha in the color specification, the default alpha argument, and the
1214 |
4th component in the returned array were added in PHPlot-5.1.1.
1215 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="SetupAreaPlot"></a>SetupAreaPlot($stacked, &$xd, &$yd)</span></dt><dd><p>
1216 |
Sets up for an area plot (plot types <code class="literal">area</code>,
1217 |
<code class="literal">stackedarea</code>, <code class="literal">squaredarea</code>,
1218 |
and <code class="literal">stackedsquaredarea</code>).
1219 |
$stacked indicates a stacked (cumulative) plot, so the
1220 |
Y values in the data array are to be accumulated for each X row.
1221 |
1222 |
This function calculates two arrays, $xd[] and $yd[], which are used for
1223 |
drawing area fills. On return, $xd[] contains the device coordinates for
1224 |
the X values from the data array (or implied, for text-data data type).
1225 |
$yd[] is returned as a 2-dimensional array of Y values in device coordinates.
1226 |
<code class="function">SetupAreaPlot</code> adds an additional column of Y values
1227 |
representing the X axis, which is the base line for area fills.
1228 |
For stacked plots, this goes before the first real Y value in the array.
1229 |
For unstacked plots, it goes after the last real Y value in the array.
1230 |
1231 |
While traversing the data array, this function also draws axis data labels
1232 |
if they are enabled. (Doing it here avoids having the calling functions
1233 |
need to access the data array at all.)
1234 |
1235 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.2.0.
1236 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="SizeText"></a>SizeText($font, $angle, $text)</span></dt><dd><p>
1237 |
Calculates the size of a block of text. It works on both GD (fixed-font) and TTF
1238 |
1239 |
$font is a text element name, empty, or a PHPlot font array (use of an array
1240 |
is deprecated); see <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawText">DrawText</a> for details.
1241 |
$angle is the text angle in degrees.
1242 |
$text is the text string. The text string can contain multiple lines,
1243 |
with a newline character between lines.
1244 |
This function just calls <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#ProcessText">ProcessText</a> in text sizing mode
1245 |
to do the work.
1246 |
It returns a two-element array with the text width and height. These are the
1247 |
width and height of an orthogonal bounding box (box aligned with the X
1248 |
and Y axes) which contains the rotated text block.
1249 |
Called by functions which need to determine text size for laying out
1250 |
plot elements, such as <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcMargins">CalcMargins</a>.
1251 |
This function replaced <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#TTFBBoxSize">TTFBBoxSize</a> at PHPlot-5.0.5.
1252 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="tile_img"></a>tile_img($file, $xorig, $yorig, $width, $height, $mode)</span></dt><dd><p>
1253 |
Tiles an image from a file onto the plot image.
1254 |
$file is the filename of the image to use as the tile.
1255 |
($xorig, $yorig) are the origin point for the tiling,
1256 |
and ($width, $height) are the area to be tiled. These are used to tile just
1257 |
under the plot area versus the entire image. The $mode can be
1258 |
<code class="literal">centeredtile</code>, <code class="literal">tile</code>, or
1259 |
<code class="literal">scale</code>. Scale mode scales the source image to
1260 |
fit the target area. Tile and centeredtile modes repeat the source image as
1261 |
needed to fit into the target area; the difference is that centeredtile
1262 |
offsets the tile start position by half its size, which works better for
1263 |
some tiles.
1264 |
Called by
1265 |
<a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawBackground">DrawBackground</a> and <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#DrawPlotAreaBackground">DrawPlotAreaBackground</a>
1266 |
if an image file is selected for the plot area or overall background.
1267 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="truncate_array"></a>truncate_array(&$array, $size)</span></dt><dd><p>
1268 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.2.0 and removed in PHPlot-5.3.1,
1269 |
when data color processing was changed to not truncate the color arrays.
1270 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="TTFBBoxSize"></a>TTFBBoxSize($size, $angle, $font, $string)</span></dt><dd><p>
1271 |
This function was removed at PHPlot-5.0.5.
1272 |
It was replaced by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#SizeText">SizeText</a>.
1273 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="TuneAutoRange"></a>TuneAutoRange($which, $zero_magnet, $adjust_mode, $adjust_amount)</span></dt><dd><p>
1274 |
This implements <a class="xref" href="TuneXAutoRange.html" title="TuneXAutoRange"><span class="refentrytitle">TuneXAutoRange</span></a> and
1275 |
<a class="xref" href="TuneYAutoRange.html" title="TuneYAutoRange"><span class="refentrytitle">TuneYAutoRange</span></a> to store tuning parameters used by the
1276 |
automatic range calculation. $which is 'x' or 'y', and the other arguments
1277 |
are as described under those two public functions.
1278 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.0.0
1279 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="TuneAutoTicks"></a>TuneAutoTicks($which, $min_ticks, $tick_mode, $tick_inc_integer)</span></dt><dd><p>
1280 |
This implements <a class="xref" href="TuneXAutoTicks.html" title="TuneXAutoTicks"><span class="refentrytitle">TuneXAutoTicks</span></a> and
1281 |
<a class="xref" href="TuneYAutoTicks.html" title="TuneYAutoTicks"><span class="refentrytitle">TuneYAutoTicks</span></a> to store tuning parameters used by the
1282 |
tick increment calculation. $which is 'x' or 'y', and the other arguments
1283 |
are as described under those two public functions.
1284 |
This was added in PHPlot-6.0.0
1285 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="xtr"></a>xtr($x_world)</span></dt><dd><p>
1286 |
Translates an X world coordinate value into a pixel coordinate value.
1287 |
This uses the scale and translation set up by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcTranslation">CalcTranslation</a>.
1288 |
See <a class="xref" href="GetDeviceXY.html" title="GetDeviceXY"><span class="refentrytitle">GetDeviceXY</span></a> for a public interface.
1289 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="ytr"></a>ytr($y_world)</span></dt><dd><p>
1290 |
Translates a Y world coordinate value into a pixel coordinate value.
1291 |
This uses the scale and translation set up by <a class="xref" href="dev-internal.html#CalcTranslation">CalcTranslation</a>.
1292 |
See <a class="xref" href="GetDeviceXY.html" title="GetDeviceXY"><span class="refentrytitle">GetDeviceXY</span></a> for a public interface.
1293 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="__sleep"></a>__sleep()</span></dt><dd><p>
1294 |
This is a PHP "magic method" that prepares a PHPlot object for serialization.
1295 |
It stores the PHPlot version string (for checking at wakeup time), and a
1296 |
flag indicating if it used a truecolor image or not.
1297 |
See <a class="xref" href="adv-serialize.html" title="4.2. PHPlot Object Serialization">Section 4.2, “PHPlot Object Serialization”</a>.
1298 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.8.0.
1299 |
</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a id="__wakeup"></a>__wakeup()</span></dt><dd><p>
1300 |
This is a PHP "magic method" that re-creates a PHPlot object after
1301 |
1302 |
It checks the stored version string to make sure the object was serialized with
1303 |
the exact same PHPlot version, and then re-creates the image resource.
1304 |
See <a class="xref" href="adv-serialize.html" title="4.2. PHPlot Object Serialization">Section 4.2, “PHPlot Object Serialization”</a>.
1305 |
This was added in PHPlot-5.8.0.
1306 |
</p></dd></dl></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="dev-legend.html">Prev</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="part3.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="dev-vars.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Chapter 8. PHPlot Legend Layout </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> Chapter 10. PHPlot Class Member Variables</td></tr></table></div></body></html>