98 |
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /><title>5.23. Example - Complete Web Form with Plot</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="phplotdoc.css" /><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.78.1" /><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="PHPlot Reference Manual" /><link rel="up" href="examples.html" title="Chapter 5. PHPlot Examples" /><link rel="prev" href="ex-annotate.html" title="5.22. Example - Annotating a Plot Using a Callback" /><link rel="next" href="ex-truecolor-histogram.html" title="5.24. Example - Using Truecolor To Make a Histogram" /></head><body><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">5.23. Example - Complete Web Form with Plot</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="ex-annotate.html">Prev</a> </td><th width="60%" align="center">Chapter 5. PHPlot Examples</th><td width="20%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="ex-truecolor-histogram.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr /></div><div class="sect1"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="ex-webform"></a>5.23. Example - Complete Web Form with Plot</h2></div></div></div><p>
3 |
This section shows a complete mini-application which uses PHPlot to display
4 |
a graph based on user input through a web form. The purpose of this example
5 |
is to illustrate form handling and parameter passing from a form-handling
6 |
script to an image-generating script.
7 |
8 |
Here a screen-shot of the application, as seen from a web browser.
9 |
(The bottom section with the graph will only be shown after the form is
10 |
11 |
</p><div class="example"><a id="example-webform"></a><p class="title"><strong>Example 5.23. Screen Shot of Web Form with Plot</strong></p><div class="example-contents"><div class="informalfigure"><div class="mediaobject"><img src="images/webform.png" alt="Screen Shot of Web Form with Plot" /></div></div></div></div><br class="example-break" /><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>
12 |
Unlike the other examples in this chapter, the web form example consists of
13 |
two scripts, and only works with a web server. The two scripts are
14 |
shown in their entirety, but are broken up into blocks, with comments
15 |
preceding each block, for presentation purposes.
16 |
</p></div><div class="sect2"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="ex-webform-mainpage"></a>5.23.1. Web Form Main Script</h3></div></div></div><p>
17 |
This section presents the main script <code class="filename">webform.php</code>
18 |
which displays the web form and handles form submission.
19 |
This script does not use PHPlot. When first accessed from a browser (with
20 |
no parameters), it displays only the form and descriptive text. When the
21 |
form is submitted, the same script runs again. This time, the script receives
22 |
form parameters, and displays the graph in addition to the form. To display
23 |
the graph, the script generates an image (img) tag which references the
24 |
second script (which is described in the next section).
25 |
That second script actually generates the plot image.
26 |
27 |
The script begins with a descriptive comment, and then defines constants
28 |
for the name of the other script, the image size, and the parameter defaults.
29 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"><?php
30 |
/* PHPlot web form example
31 |
32 |
Parameter names and parameter array keys:
33 |
'deposit' = Amount deposited per month.
34 |
'intrate' = Interest rate as a percentage (e.g. 4 means 4% or 0.04)
35 |
36 |
37 |
# Name of script which generates the actual plot:
38 |
define('GRAPH_SCRIPT', 'webform_img.php');
39 |
# Image size. It isn't really necessary that this script know this image
40 |
# size, but it improves page rendering.
41 |
define('GRAPH_WIDTH', 600);
42 |
define('GRAPH_HEIGHT', 400);
43 |
44 |
# Default values for the form parameters:
45 |
$param = array('deposit' => 100.00, 'intrate' => 4.0);
46 |
47 |
48 |
Function <code class="function">build_url()</code>
49 |
is a general-purpose function used to generate a URL to a script with
50 |
parameters. The parameters are in a PHP associative array. The return value
51 |
is a relative or complete URL which might look like this:
52 |
<code class="literal">webform_img.php?deposit=100&intrate=4.0&h=400&w=600</code>.
53 |
54 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"># Build a URL with escaped parameters:
55 |
# $url - The part of the URL up through the script name
56 |
# $param - Associative array of parameter names and values
57 |
# Returns a URL with parameters. Note this must be HTML-escaped if it is
58 |
# used e.g. as an href value. (The & between parameters is not pre-escaped.)
59 |
function build_url($url, $param)
60 |
61 |
$sep = '?'; // Separator between URL script name and first parameter
62 |
foreach ($param as $name => $value) {
63 |
$url .= $sep . urlencode($name) . '=' . urlencode($value);
64 |
$sep = '&'; // Separator between subsequent parameters
65 |
66 |
return $url;
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
The function <code class="function">begin_page()</code>
71 |
creates the HTML at the top of the page.
72 |
In a real application, this might include a page header.
73 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"># Output the start of the HTML page:
74 |
function begin_page($title)
75 |
76 |
echo <<<END
77 |
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
The function <code class="function">end_page()</code>
91 |
creates the HTML at the end of the page.
92 |
In a real application, this might include a page footer.
93 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"># Output the bottom of the HTML page:
94 |
function end_page()
95 |
96 |
echo <<<END
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
The function <code class="function">show_descriptive_text()</code>
105 |
produces HTML text which describes the form.
106 |
This will go above the form on the web page.
107 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"># Output text which describes the form.
108 |
function show_descriptive_text()
109 |
110 |
echo <<<END
111 |
112 |
This page calculates the balance over time in an interest-earning savings
113 |
account when fixed monthly deposits are made and there are no withdrawals.
114 |
115 |
116 |
Fill in the values below and click on the button to display a
117 |
graph of the account balance over time.
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
The function <code class="function">show_form()</code>
125 |
outputs the HTML form. This includes entry boxes for the two
126 |
parameters and a submit button. The form action URL is this script
127 |
itself, so we use the SCRIPT_NAME value to self-reference the script.
128 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"># Output the web form.
129 |
# The form resubmits to this same script for processing.
130 |
# The $param array contains default values for the form.
131 |
# The values have already been validated as containing numbers and
132 |
# do not need escaping for HTML.
133 |
function show_form($param)
134 |
135 |
$action = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
136 |
137 |
echo <<<END
138 |
<form name="f1" id="f1" method="get" action="$action">
139 |
<table cellpadding="5" summary="Entry form for balance calculation">
140 |
141 |
<td align="right"><label for="deposit">Monthly Deposit Amount:</label></td>
142 |
<td><input type="text" size="10" name="deposit" id="deposit"
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
<td align="right"><label for="intrate">Interest Rate:</label></td>
147 |
<td><input type="text" size="10" name="intrate" id="intrate"
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
<td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Display Graph"></td>
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
The function <code class="function">check_form_params()</code>
161 |
performs the important task of validating the parameters received from a
162 |
form submission. Each parameter is checked for presence and syntax, then
163 |
converted to the appropriate PHP type. This function is also used to
164 |
determine if a plot should be displayed. A plot is displayed only if valid
165 |
form parameters were received.
166 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"># Check for parameters supplied to this web page.
167 |
# If there are valid parameters, store them in the array argument and
168 |
# return True.
169 |
# If there are no parameters, or the parameters are not valid, return False.
170 |
function check_form_params(&$param)
171 |
172 |
$valid = True;
173 |
174 |
if (!isset($_GET['deposit']) || !is_numeric($_GET['deposit'])
175 |
|| ($deposit = floatval($_GET['deposit'])) < 0)
176 |
$valid = False;
177 |
178 |
if (!isset($_GET['intrate']) || !is_numeric($_GET['intrate'])
179 |
|| ($intrate = floatval($_GET['intrate'])) < 0 || $intrate > 100)
180 |
$valid = False;
181 |
182 |
if ($valid) $param = compact('deposit', 'intrate');
183 |
return $valid;
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
The function <code class="function">show_graph()</code>
188 |
produces the HTML which will will invoke the second script to produce the
189 |
graph. This is an image (img) tag which references the second script,
190 |
including the parameters the script needs to generate the plot. This is one
191 |
of several ways to pass parameters from the form handling script and the
192 |
image generating script. The other way is using session variables. Using
193 |
URL parameters is simpler, especially when there are only a few parameters.
194 |
Note the HTML also specifies the width and height of the plot image. This
195 |
is not necessary, however it helps the browser lay out the page without
196 |
waiting for the image script to complete.
197 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"># Display a graph.
198 |
# The param array contains the validated values: deposit and intrate.
199 |
# This function creates the portion of the page that contains the
200 |
# graph, but the actual graph is generated by the $GRAPH_SCRIPT script.
201 |
function show_graph($param)
202 |
203 |
# Include the width and height as parameters:
204 |
$param['w'] = GRAPH_WIDTH;
205 |
$param['h'] = GRAPH_HEIGHT;
206 |
# URL to the graphing script, with parameters, escaped for HTML:
207 |
$img_url = htmlspecialchars(build_url(GRAPH_SCRIPT, $param));
208 |
209 |
echo <<<END
210 |
211 |
212 |
Graph showing the account balance over time, with monthly deposits of
213 |
{$param['deposit']} and earning annual interest of {$param['intrate']}%:
214 |
215 |
<p><img src="$img_url" width="{$param['w']}" height="{$param['h']}"
216 |
alt="Account balance graph.">
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
Finally, with all the functions defined, the main code is just a few lines.
223 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"># This is the main processing code.
224 |
begin_page("PHPlot: Example of a Web Form and Plot");
225 |
$params_supplied = check_form_params($param);
226 |
227 |
228 |
if ($params_supplied) show_graph($param);
229 |
230 |
231 |
</p></div><div class="sect2"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="ex-webform-imgpage"></a>5.23.2. Web Form Image Script</h3></div></div></div><p>
232 |
This section presents the second script <code class="filename">webform_img.php</code>,
233 |
which generates the plot using PHPlot. The URL to this script, along with
234 |
its parameters, is embedded in the web page produced by the main script in
235 |
<a class="xref" href="ex-webform.html#ex-webform-mainpage" title="5.23.1. Web Form Main Script">Section 5.23.1, “Web Form Main Script”</a>.
236 |
When the user's browser asks the web server for the image,
237 |
this second script runs and generates the plot.
238 |
239 |
The script begins with a descriptive comment and then includes the PHPlot
240 |
241 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"><?php
242 |
/* PHPlot web form example - image generation
243 |
244 |
This draws the plot image for webform.php
245 |
It expects the following parameters:
246 |
'deposit' = Amount deposited per month. Must be >= 0.
247 |
'intrate' = Interest rate as a percentage (e.g. 4 means 4% or 0.04)
248 |
'w', 'h' = image width and height. (Must be between 100 and 5000)
249 |
250 |
require_once 'phplot.php';
251 |
252 |
253 |
Function <code class="function">check_form_params()</code>
254 |
validates the parameters supplied to the script. Two parameters are
255 |
required (intrate and deposit), and two are optional (h and w).
256 |
Even though the main script validated the parameters it passes to this
257 |
script, it is still necessary for the script to do its own validation. That
258 |
is because any accessible script can be called from any other web page, or
259 |
directly from a browser, with arbitrary parameters. (Error handling details
260 |
can be found below.)
261 |
262 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"># Check for parameters supplied to this web page.
263 |
# Parameters must be checked here, even though the calling script checked them,
264 |
# because there is nothing stopping someone from calling this script
265 |
# directly with arbitrary parameters.
266 |
# Parameter values are stored in the param[] array (valid or not).
267 |
# If the parameters are valid, return True, else return False.
268 |
function check_form_params(&$param)
269 |
270 |
$valid = True;
271 |
$depost = 0;
272 |
$intrate = 0;
273 |
274 |
if (!isset($_GET['deposit']) || !is_numeric($_GET['deposit'])
275 |
|| ($deposit = floatval($_GET['deposit'])) < 0)
276 |
$valid = False;
277 |
278 |
if (!isset($_GET['intrate']) || !is_numeric($_GET['intrate'])
279 |
|| ($intrate = floatval($_GET['intrate'])) < 0 || $intrate > 100)
280 |
$valid = False;
281 |
282 |
# If width and height are missing or invalid, just use something reasonable.
283 |
if (empty($_GET['w']) || !is_numeric($_GET['w'])
284 |
|| ($w = intval($_GET['w'])) < 100 || $w > 5000)
285 |
$w = 1024;
286 |
if (empty($_GET['h']) || !is_numeric($_GET['h'])
287 |
|| ($h = intval($_GET['h'])) < 100 || $h > 5000)
288 |
$h = 768;
289 |
290 |
$param = compact('deposit', 'intrate', 'h', 'w');
291 |
return $valid;
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
Function <code class="function">calculate_data()</code>
296 |
computes the data for the plot. This uses the parameters supplied to
297 |
the script, and populates a data array suitable for PHPlot. Because the
298 |
script uses the data-data format, each row in the array consists of a label
299 |
(unused), X value (this is the month number), and 2 Y values (account
300 |
balance without interest, and account balance with interest).
301 |
302 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"># Calculate the data for the plot:
303 |
# This is only called if the parameters are valid.
304 |
# The calculation is simple. Each month, two points are calculated: the
305 |
# cumulative deposts (balance without interest), and balance with interest.
306 |
# At time 0 the balance is 0. At the start of each month, 1/12th of
307 |
# the annual interest rate is applied to the balance, and then the deposit
308 |
# is added, and that is reported as the balance.
309 |
# We calculate for a fixed amount of 120 months (10 years).
310 |
function calculate_data($param, &$data)
311 |
312 |
$deposit = $param['deposit'];
313 |
$monthly_intrate = 1.0 + $param['intrate'] / 100.0 / 12.0;
314 |
$balance_without_interest = 0;
315 |
$balance = 0;
316 |
$data = array(array('', 0, 0, 0)); // Starting point
317 |
for ($month = 1; $month <= 120; $month++) {
318 |
$balance_without_interest += $deposit;
319 |
$balance = $balance * $monthly_intrate + $deposit;
320 |
$data[] = array('', $month, $balance_without_interest, $balance);
321 |
322 |
323 |
324 |
325 |
Function <code class="function">draw_graph()</code>
326 |
uses PHPlot to actually produce the graph. This function is similar to the
327 |
other code examples in this chapter. A PHPlot object is created, set up,
328 |
and then told to draw the plot. If the script parameters are not valid,
329 |
however, an attempt is made to draw the plot without a data array. This
330 |
results in an error, which PHPlot handles by creating an image file with an
331 |
error message. This method of error handling is used because the script
332 |
cannot return a textual error message since it is referenced from a web
333 |
page via an image (img) tag. An alternative to this error handling is to
334 |
have the script return an HTTP error code such as error 500 (server error).
335 |
336 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"># Draw the graph:
337 |
function draw_graph($valid_params, $param, $data)
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 |
$plot = new PHPlot($w, $h);
342 |
$plot->SetTitle('Savings with Interest');
343 |
344 |
# Don't set data values if parameters were not valid. This will result
345 |
# in PHPlot making an image with an error message.
346 |
if ($valid_params) {
347 |
348 |
349 |
$plot->SetLegend(array('Deposits only', 'Deposits with Interest'));
350 |
$plot->SetLegendPixels(100, 50); // Move legend to upper left
351 |
352 |
353 |
354 |
$plot->SetYLabelType('data', 2);
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 |
361 |
Lastly, the main code for the image drawing script simply uses the above
362 |
363 |
</p><pre class="programlisting"># This is our main processing code.
364 |
$valid_params = check_form_params($param);
365 |
if ($valid_params) calculate_data($param, $data);
366 |
draw_graph($valid_params, $param, $data);
367 |
368 |
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