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* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Geo Varghese(www.seopanel.in) *
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* sendtogeo@gmail.com *
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* *
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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
8 |
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
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* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
10 |
* (at your option) any later version. *
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* *
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* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
13 |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
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* GNU General Public License for more details. *
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* *
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* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
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* along with this program; if not, write to the *
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* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
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* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
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# class defines all moz api controller functions
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class MozController extends Controller{
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// function to get moz rank
27 |
function __getMozRankInfo ($urlList = array(), $accessID = "", $secretKey = "", $returnLog = false) {
28 |
$mozRankList = array();
29 |
30 |
if (SP_DEMO && !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) return $mozRankList;
31 |
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if (empty($urlList)) return $mozRankList;
33 |
34 |
// Get your access id and secret key here: https://moz.com/products/api/keys
35 |
$accessID = !empty($accessID) ? $accessID : SP_MOZ_API_ACCESS_ID;
36 |
$secretKey = !empty($secretKey) ? $secretKey : SP_MOZ_API_SECRET;
37 |
38 |
// if empty no need to crawl
39 |
if (empty($accessID) || empty($secretKey)) {
40 |
$alertCtler = new AlertController();
41 |
$alertInfo = array(
42 |
'alert_subject' => "Click here to enter MOZ API key",
43 |
'alert_message' => "Error: MOZ API key not found",
44 |
'alert_url' => SP_WEBPATH ."/admin-panel.php?sec=moz-settings",
45 |
'alert_type' => "danger",
46 |
'alert_category' => "reports",
47 |
48 |
$alertCtler->createAlert($alertInfo, false, true);
49 |
return $mozRankList;
50 |
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52 |
// Set your expires times for several minutes into the future.
53 |
// An expires time excessively far in the future will not be honored by the Mozscape API.
54 |
$expires = time() + 300;
55 |
56 |
// Put each parameter on a new line.
57 |
$stringToSign = $accessID."\n".$expires;
58 |
59 |
// Get the "raw" or binary output of the hmac hash.
60 |
$binarySignature = hash_hmac('sha1', $stringToSign, $secretKey, true);
61 |
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// Base64-encode it and then url-encode that.
63 |
$urlSafeSignature = urlencode(base64_encode($binarySignature));
64 |
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// Add up all the bit flags you want returned.
66 |
// Learn more here: https://moz.com/help/guides/moz-api/mozscape/api-reference/url-metrics
67 |
$cols = "103079231488";
68 |
69 |
// Put it all together and you get your request URL.
70 |
$requestUrl = SP_MOZ_API_LINK . "/url-metrics/?Cols=".$cols."&AccessID=".$accessID."&Expires=".$expires."&Signature=".$urlSafeSignature;
71 |
72 |
// Put your URLS into an array and json_encode them.
73 |
$encodedDomains = json_encode($urlList);
74 |
75 |
$spider = new Spider();
76 |
$spider->_CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS = $encodedDomains;
77 |
$ret = $spider->getContent($requestUrl);
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// parse rank from the page
80 |
if (!empty($ret['page'])) {
81 |
$rankList = json_decode($ret['page']);
82 |
83 |
// if no errors occured
84 |
if (empty($rankList->error_message)) {
85 |
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// loop through rank list
87 |
foreach ($rankList as $rankInfo) {
88 |
89 |
$mozRankInfo = array(
90 |
'moz_rank' => round($rankInfo->umrp, 2),
91 |
'domain_authority' => round($rankInfo->pda, 2),
92 |
'page_authority' => round($rankInfo->upa, 2),
93 |
94 |
95 |
$mozRankList[] = $mozRankInfo;
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} else {
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$crawlInfo['crawl_status'] = 0;
100 |
$crawlInfo['log_message'] = $rankList->error_message;
101 |
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} else {
104 |
$crawlInfo['crawl_status'] = 0;
105 |
$crawlInfo['log_message'] = $ret['errmsg'];
106 |
107 |
108 |
// update crawl log
109 |
$crawlLogCtrl = new CrawlLogController();
110 |
$crawlInfo['crawl_type'] = 'rank';
111 |
$crawlInfo['ref_id'] = $encodedDomains;
112 |
$crawlInfo['subject'] = "moz";
113 |
$crawlLogCtrl->updateCrawlLog($ret['log_id'], $crawlInfo);
114 |
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return $returnLog ? array($mozRankList, $crawlInfo) : $mozRankList;
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