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A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in PHP, conforming to [RFC 7519](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519).
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Use composer to manage your dependencies and download PHP-JWT:
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composer require firebase/php-jwt
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use \Firebase\JWT\JWT;
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$key = "example_key";
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$token = array(
27 |
"iss" => "http://example.org",
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"aud" => "http://example.com",
29 |
"iat" => 1356999524,
30 |
"nbf" => 1357000000
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* You must specify supported algorithms for your application. See
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* https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms-40
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* for a list of spec-compliant algorithms.
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$jwt = JWT::encode($token, $key);
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$decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, $key, array('HS256'));
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NOTE: This will now be an object instead of an associative array. To get
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an associative array, you will need to cast it as such:
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$decoded_array = (array) $decoded;
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* You can add a leeway to account for when there is a clock skew times between
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* the signing and verifying servers. It is recommended that this leeway should
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* not be bigger than a few minutes.
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* Source: http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token.html#nbfDef
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JWT::$leeway = 60; // $leeway in seconds
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$decoded = JWT::decode($jwt, $key, array('HS256'));
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#### 4.0.0 / 2016-07-17
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- Add support for late static binding. See [#88](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/88) for details. Thanks to [@chappy84](https://github.com/chappy84)!
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- Use static `$timestamp` instead of `time()` to improve unit testing. See [#93](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/93) for details. Thanks to [@josephmcdermott](https://github.com/josephmcdermott)!
70 |
- Fixes to exceptions classes. See [#81](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/81) for details. Thanks to [@Maks3w](https://github.com/Maks3w)!
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- Fixes to PHPDoc. See [#76](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/76) for details. Thanks to [@akeeman](https://github.com/akeeman)!
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#### 3.0.0 / 2015-07-22
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- Minimum PHP version updated from `5.2.0` to `5.3.0`.
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- Add `\Firebase\JWT` namespace. See
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[#59](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/59) for details. Thanks to
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- Require a non-empty key to decode and verify a JWT. See
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[#60](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/60) for details. Thanks to
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- Cleaner documentation blocks in the code. See
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[#62](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/62) for details. Thanks to
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#### 2.2.0 / 2015-06-22
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- Add support for adding custom, optional JWT headers to `JWT::encode()`. See
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[#53](https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/pull/53/files) for details. Thanks to
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#### 2.1.0 / 2015-05-20
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- Add support for adding a leeway to `JWT:decode()` that accounts for clock skew
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between signing and verifying entities. Thanks to [@lcabral](https://github.com/lcabral)!
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- Add support for passing an object implementing the `ArrayAccess` interface for
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`$keys` argument in `JWT::decode()`. Thanks to [@aztech-dev](https://github.com/aztech-dev)!
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#### 2.0.0 / 2015-04-01
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- **Note**: It is strongly recommended that you update to > v2.0.0 to address
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known security vulnerabilities in prior versions when both symmetric and
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asymmetric keys are used together.
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- Update signature for `JWT::decode(...)` to require an array of supported
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algorithms to use when verifying token signatures.
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Run the tests using phpunit:
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$ pear install PHPUnit
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$ phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml.dist
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PHPUnit 3.7.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
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Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 2.50Mb
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OK (5 tests, 5 assertions)
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[3-Clause BSD](http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause).