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# Change Log
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
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This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
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## [5.4.2] - 2017-04-18 ##
7 |
### Fixes
8 |
- Fixes #292
9 |
- Removes Prism file in sendgrid-php.zip
10 |
11 |
## [5.4.1] - 2017-04-04 ##
12 |
### Added
13 |
- Pull #373
14 |
- PSR1 & PSR2 Conversion
15 |
- Thanks to [Braunson Yager](https://github.com/Braunson) for the PR!
16 |
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## [5.4.0] - 2017-03-16 ##
18 |
### Added
19 |
- Pull #337
20 |
- API level addressing of the string-only custom arg rule
21 |
- Thanks to [Chris Schuld](https://github.com/cbschuld) for the PR!
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## [5.3.0] - 2017-03-15 ##
24 |
### Added
25 |
- Pull #367
26 |
- UTF8 encoding forced for content value and message subject
27 |
- Thanks to [Chris Schuld](https://github.com/cbschuld) for the PR!
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## [5.2.3] - 2017-03-03 ##
30 |
### Fixed
31 |
- Pull #334
32 |
- Fixed serialization of empty JSON objects, fixes #332 & #314
33 |
- Thanks to [Matthew Dreyer](https://github.com/Dreyer) for the PR!
34 |
35 |
## [5.2.2] - 2017-03-03 ##
36 |
### Fixed
37 |
- Pull #323
38 |
- Typo 'user' for 'usr'
39 |
- Thanks to [Mike Ralphson](https://github.com/MikeRalphson) for the PR!
40 |
41 |
## [5.2.1] - 2017-03-01 ##
42 |
### Fixed
43 |
- Pull #353
44 |
- Fixed Issue #352
45 |
- Relative path fix for background jobs
46 |
- Thanks to [TarcĂsio Zotelli Ferraz](https://github.com/tarcisiozf) for the PR!
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## [5.2.0] - 2017-02-23 ##
49 |
### Added
50 |
- Pull #346
51 |
- Allow passing curlOptions to the client
52 |
- Thanks to [Taluu](https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-php/pull/346) for the PR!
53 |
54 |
## [5.1.2] - 2016-10-11 ##
55 |
### Added
56 |
- Pull #330, Fixes #320
57 |
- Delete subaccounts returns 200 issue resolved
58 |
- The fix happened at the [php-http-client](https://github.com/sendgrid/php-http-client/releases/tag/v3.5.1) dependency.
59 |
- Thanks to [emil](https://github.com/emilva) for the PR!
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## [5.1.1] - 2016-10-11 ##
62 |
### Added
63 |
- Pull #307, Fixes #276
64 |
- Adds phpdoc and style fixes
65 |
- Thanks to [Avishkar Autar](https://github.com/aautar) for the PR!
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## [5.1.0] - 2016-09-29 ##
68 |
### Fixed
69 |
- Pull #295: [Upgrade sendgrid/php-http-client](https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-php/pull/295/files)
70 |
- This adds getters for certain properties, please see [this pull request](https://github.com/sendgrid/php-http-client/pull/9) for details
71 |
- Thanks to [Arjan Keeman](https://github.com/akeeman) for the pull request!
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## [5.0.9] - 2016-09-13 ##
74 |
### Fixed
75 |
- Pull request #289: [Replace "\jsonSerializable" with "\JsonSerializable" ](https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-php/pull/289)
76 |
- Thanks to [Issei.M](https://github.com/issei-m) for the pull request!
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## [5.0.8] - 2016-08-24 ##
79 |
### Added
80 |
- Table of Contents in the README
81 |
- Added a [USE_CASES.md](https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-php/blob/master/USE_CASES.md) section, with the first use case example for transactional templates
82 |
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## [5.0.7] - 2016-07-25 ##
84 |
### Added
85 |
- [Troubleshooting](https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-php/blob/master/TROUBLESHOOTING.md) section
86 |
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## [5.0.6] - 2016-07-20 ##
88 |
### Added
89 |
- README updates
90 |
- Update introduction blurb to include information regarding our forward path
91 |
- Update the v3 /mail/send example to include non-helper usage
92 |
- Update the generic v3 example to include non-fluent interface usage
93 |
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## [5.0.5] - 2016-07-12 ##
95 |
### Added
96 |
- Update docs, unit tests and examples to include Sender ID
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98 |
## [5.0.4] - 2016-07-07 ##
99 |
### Added
100 |
- Tests now mocked automatically against [prism](https://stoplight.io/prism/)
101 |
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## [5.0.3] - 2016-07-05 ##
103 |
### Updated
104 |
- Content based on our updated [Swagger/OAI doc](https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-oai)
105 |
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## [5.0.2] - 2016-07-05 ##
107 |
### Added
108 |
- Accept: application/json header per https://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API_v3/How_To_Use_The_Web_API_v3/requests.html
109 |
110 |
### Updated
111 |
- Content based on our updated [Swagger/OAI doc](https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-oai)
112 |
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## [5.0.1] - 2016-06-17 ##
114 |
### Fixed
115 |
- Issue with packaged version for non-composer uses
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## [5.0.0] - 2016-06-13 ##
118 |
### Added
119 |
- Breaking change to support the v3 Web API
120 |
- New HTTP client
121 |
- v3 Mail Send helper
122 |
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## [v4.0.4] - (2016-02-18) ##
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### Added
125 |
- Ability to add scopes to API Keys endpoint [POST]
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## [v4.0.3] - (2016-02-18) ##
128 |
### Added
129 |
- API Keys endpoint [PUT]
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## [v4.0.2] - (2015-12-15) ##
132 |
### Added
133 |
- Tests for API Keys endpoint [POST, PATCH, DELETE]
134 |
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## [v4.0.1] - (2015-12-03) ##
136 |
### Fixed
137 |
- HTTP 406 Not Acceptable Errors [#177](https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-php/issues/177)
138 |
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## [v4.0.0] - (2015-10-16) ##
140 |
### Added
141 |
- Added support for accessing the [SendGrid Web API v3 endpoints](https://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API_v3/index.html)
142 |
- Implemented part of the /api_keys, /groups and /suppressions endpoints
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## [v3.2.0] - (2015-05-13) ##
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146 |
### Added
147 |
- Specify Guzzle proxy via [#149](https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-php/pull/149)
148 |
- Option to disable exception raising
149 |
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## [v3.1.0] - (2015-04-27)
151 |
### Added
152 |
- Support for API keys
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## [v3.0.0] - (2015-04-14)
155 |
### Fixed
156 |
- CC and BCC not working with SMTPAPI To
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### Changed
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- **Breaking:** A `\SendGrid\Exception` is now raised when response is not 200
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- **Breaking:** `addTo` now uses the Web API parameter as opposed to the SMTPAPI Header. Substitutions will most likely break unless you update to use `addSmtpapiTo`
161 |
- The library now depends on Guzzle3
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- Major refactoring
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### Added
165 |
- **Breaking:** `send()` now returns an instance of `\SendGrid\Response`
166 |
- Numerous missing methods for new functionality
167 |
- `addSmtpapiTo` for using the SMTPAPI To
168 |
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## [v2.2.1] - (2014-01-29)
170 |
### Fixed
171 |
- Fix turn_off_ssl_verification option via [#123](https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-php/pull/123)
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## [v2.2.0] - (2014-01-12)
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### Changed
175 |
- Remove [Unirest](https://github.com/Mashape/unirest-php/) and replace with native cURL
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