Line 12... |
Line 12... |
12 |
before = exim-common.conf
12 |
before = exim-common.conf
13 |
13 |
14 |
14 |
15 |
15 |
16 |
failregex = ^%(pid)s %(host_info)ssender verify fail for <\S+>: (?:Unknown user|Unrouteable address|all relevant MX records point to non-existent hosts)\s*$
16 |
failregex = ^%(pid)s %(host_info)ssender verify fail for <\S+>: (?:Unknown user|Unrouteable address|all relevant MX records point to non-existent hosts)\s*$
17 |
^%(pid)s \w+ authenticator failed for (\S+ )?\(\S+\) \[<HOST>\]: 535 Incorrect authentication data( \(set_id=.*\)|: \d+ Time\(s\))?\s*$
17 |
^%(pid)s \w+ authenticator failed for (\S+ )?\(\S+\) \[<HOST>\](:\d+)?( I=\[\S+\](:\d+)?)?: 535 Incorrect authentication data( \(set_id=.*\)|: \d+ Time\(s\))?\s*$
18 |
^%(pid)s %(host_info)sF=(<>|[^@]+@\S+) rejected RCPT [^@]+@\S+: (relay not permitted|Sender verify failed|Unknown user)\s*$
18 |
^%(pid)s %(host_info)sF=(<>|[^@]+@\S+) rejected RCPT [^@]+@\S+: (relay not permitted|Sender verify failed|Unknown user)\s*$
19 |
^%(pid)s SMTP protocol synchronization error \([^)]*\): rejected (connection from|"\S+") %(host_info)s(next )?input=".*"\s*$
19 |
^%(pid)s SMTP protocol synchronization error \([^)]*\): rejected (connection from|"\S+") %(host_info)s(next )?input=".*"\s*$
20 |
^%(pid)s SMTP call from \S+ \[<HOST>\](:\d+)? (I=\[\S+\]:\d+ )?dropped: too many nonmail commands \(last was "\S+"\)\s*$
20 |
^%(pid)s SMTP call from \S+ \[<HOST>\](:\d+)? (I=\[\S+\](:\d+)? )?dropped: too many nonmail commands \(last was "\S+"\)\s*$
21 |
21 |
22 |
ignoreregex =
22 |
ignoreregex =
23 |
23 |
24 |
# DEV Notes:
24 |
# DEV Notes:
25 |
# The %(host_info) defination contains a <HOST> match
25 |
# The %(host_info) defination contains a <HOST> match