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/*  (C) 2013 eBay Inc., All Rights Reserved */
/* Licensed under CDDL 1.0 - */
$DEBUG = false;
$capturePath = "captures/";

// be sure include path contains current and shopify directory
ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . ':.:../php:../../shopify/php');

// Load general helper classes for eBay SOAP API
require_once 'keys.php';
require_once 'eBaySOAP.php';
require_once 'Shopify.php';

function debug_string_backtrace() {
    $trace = ob_get_contents();

    // Remove first item from backtrace as it's this function which is redundant.
    $trace = preg_replace('/^#0\s+' . __FUNCTION__ . "[^\n]*\n/", '', $trace, 1);

    return $trace;

class eBayPlatformNotificationListener extends eBayPlatformNotifications {
    protected $NotificationSignature;

    // Dispatch method to ensure signature validation
    public function __call($method, $args) {
        $s = "Called with $method";

        // Print backtrace and arguments
        $this->carp("args=" . print_r($args, true));

        if ($this->ValidateSignature($args[0])) {
            // strip off trailing "Request"
            $method = substr($method, 0, -8);
            if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
                return call_user_func_array(array(
                ) , $args);
            else {
                $this->errorLog("Unhandled Event: args=" . print_r($args, true));

        // Today is a good day to die.

    // Extract Signature for validation later
    // Can't validate here because we don't have access to the Timestamp
    public function RequesterCredentials($RequesterCredentials) {
        $this->NotificationSignature = $RequesterCredentials->NotificationSignature;

    protected function ValidateSignature($Timestamp) {
        // Check for Signature Match
        $CalculatedSignature = $this->CalculateSignature($Timestamp);
        $NotificationSignature = $this->NotificationSignature;

        if ($CalculatedSignature != $NotificationSignature) {
            //bugbug                        $this->errorLog("Sig Mismatch: Calc: $CalculatedSignature, Note: $NotificationSignature");
            //bugbug                        return false;
        else {
            $this->carp("Sig Match: $NotificationSignature");

        // Check that Timestamp is within 10 minutes of now
        $tz = date_default_timezone_get();
        $then = strtotime($Timestamp);
        $now = time();

        $drift = $now - $then;
        $ten_minutes = 60 * 10;
        if ($drift > $ten_minutes) {
            $this->errorLog("Time Drift is too large: $drift seconds, Note: $NotificationSignature");
            return false;
        else {
            $this->carp("Time Drift is okay: $drift seconds");

        return true;

    // Arg order is brittle, assumes constant return ordering from eBay
    public function GetMemberMessages($Timestamp, $Ack, $CorrelationID, $Version, $Build, $NotificationEventName, $RecipientUserID, $SellerEIASToken, $MemberMessage, $PaginationResult, $HasMoreItems) {
        $ItemID = $MemberMessage
        $Seller = $MemberMessage
        $Sender = $MemberMessage
        $this->notificationLog("$NotificationEventName: From $Sender to $Seller regarding Item $ItemID");

        return "";

    public function GetItem($Timestamp, $Ack, $CorrelationID, $Version, $Build, $NotificationEventName, $RecipientUserID, $BuyerEIASToken, $Item) {

        $ItemID = $Item->ItemID;
        $Title = $Item->Title;

        $UPC = (isset($Item
            ->UPC) ? $Item
            ->ProductListingDetails->UPC : "");
        $SKU = (isset($Item->SKU) ? $Item->SKU : "");
        $this->notificationLog("$NotificationEventName: ItemId=$ItemID; Title=$Title; SKU=$SKU; UPC=$UPC");

        if ($NotificationEventName == "BidReceived") {
            $list = shopifyProductAdjust($Title, $SKU, 1);
            if ($list[0] == false) {

        return "";

    public function GetItemTransactions($Timestamp, $Ack, $CorrelationID, $Version, $Build, $NotificationEventName, $SellerName, $BuyerEIASToken, $PaginationResult, $HasMoreItems, $x1, $x2, $x3, $Item, $Transaction) {

        $ItemID = $Item->ItemID;
        $Title = $Item->Title;
        $SKU = (isset($Item->SKU) ? $Item->SKU : "");
        $Quantity = (isset($Transaction
            ->QuantityPurchased) ? $Transaction
            ->Transaction->QuantityPurchased : "1");
        $this->notificationLog("$NotificationEventName: ItemId=$ItemID; Title=$Title; SKU=$SKU; Quantity=$Quantity");

        //if ($NotificationEventName == "AuctionCheckoutComplete") {
        if ($NotificationEventName == "FixedPriceTransaction") {
            $list = shopifyProductAdjust($Title, $SKU, $Quantity);
            if ($list[0] == false) {

        return "";

    public function GetFeedback($Timestamp, $Ack, $CorrelationID, $Version, $Build, $NotificationEventName, $SellerName, $BuyerEIASToken, $Feedback, $x1, $BuyerScore, $PaginationResult, $x2, $x3) {

        $ItemID = $Feedback
        $Type = $Feedback
        $Role = $Feedback
        $Text = $Feedback
        $this->notificationLog("$Type $Role Feedback for Item $ItemID=$Text");

        return "";

    public function GetMyMessages($Timestamp, $Ack, $CorrelationID, $Version, $Build, $NotificationEventName, $SellerName, $SenderEIASToken, $Message) {

        $Sender = $Message
        $Recipient = $Message
        $Subject = $Message
        $this->notificationLog("Message from $Sender to $Recipient regarding $Subject");

        return "";

    public function GetBestOffers($Timestamp, $Ack, $CorrelationID, $Version, $Build, $NotificationEventName, $SellerName, $SenderEIASToken, $BestOffer, $BuyItNow) {

        $Sender = $BestOffer
        $BestOfferAmount = $BestOffer
        $Title = $BuyItNow->Title;
        $OriginalPrice = $BuyItNow->BuyItNowPrice;
        $ItemID = $BuyItNow->ItemID;

        $this->notificationLog("$NotificationEventName: $Sender offered $BestOfferAmount (originally $OriginalPrice) for $ItemID ($Title)");

        return "";


// Create and configure session
$session = new eBaySession($dev, $app, $cert);

if ($DEBUG) {

if ($DEBUG) {

$action = basename(str_replace('"', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_SOAPACTION']));
file_put_contents($capturePath . $action . '.xml', $stdin . "\n\n", FILE_APPEND);
if ($DEBUG) {
    error_log('EVENT NAME: ' . $action);

$server = new SOAPServer(null, array(
    'uri' => 'urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents'
$server->setClass('eBayPlatformNotificationListener', $session, $DEBUG);
