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/* © 2013 eBay Inc., All Rights Reserved */
/* Licensed under CDDL 1.0 - */
// Configuration class to handle settings
class eBaySession {
protected $properties;
const URL_PRODUCTION = '';
const URL_SANDBOX = '';
public function __construct($dev, $app, $cert) {
$this->properties = array(
'dev' => null,
'app' => null,
'cert' => null,
'wsdl' => null,
'options' => null,
'token' => null,
'userid' => null,
'password' => null,
'site' => null,
'location' => null,
'ns' => null,
'version' => null,
'runame' => null,
$this->dev = $dev;
$this->app = $app;
$this->cert = $cert;
# $this->wsdl = '';
$this->wsdl = '../php/eBaySvc.wsdl';
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$this->version = $xml->getElementsByTagName('Version')->item(0)->nodeValue;
$this->options = array('trace' => true,
'exceptions' => false,
'classmap' => array(/* 'UserType' => 'eBayUserType', */
'GetSearchResultsResponseType' => 'eBayGetSearchResultsResponseType',
'SearchResultItemArrayType' => 'eBaySearchResultItemArrayType',
'SearchResultItemType' => 'eBaySearchResultItemType',
'AmountType' => 'eBayAmountType',
'FeeType' => 'eBayFeeType',
'FeesType' => 'eBayFeesType',
'PaginatedItemArrayType' => 'eBayPaginatedItemArrayType',
'ItemArrayType' => 'eBayItemArrayType',
'ItemType' => 'eBayItemType',
'NameValueListArrayType' => 'eBayNameValueListArrayType',
'NameValueListType' => 'eBayNameValueListType',
'PictureDetailsType' => 'eBayPictureDetailsType',
# 'compression' => SOAP_COMPRESSION_ACCEPT,
$this->ns = 'urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents';
public function __set($property, $value) {
if (array_key_exists($property, $this->properties)) {
$this->properties[$property] = $value;
public function __get($property) {
if (array_key_exists($property, $this->properties)) {
return $this->properties[$property];
} else {
return null;
public function __isset($property) {
return array_key_exists($property, $this->properties);
// Main class for communication with eBay Web services via SOAP
class eBaySOAP extends SoapClient {
protected $headers = null;
protected $session = null;
public function __construct(eBaySession $session) {
$this->session = $session;
parent::__construct($session->wsdl, $session->options);
protected function __setHeaders() {
$eBayAuth = $this->__geteBayAuth($this->session);
$header_body = new SoapVar($eBayAuth, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT);
$headers = array(new SOAPHeader($this->session->ns, 'RequesterCredentials', $header_body));
$this->headers = $headers;
protected function __geteBayAuth(eBaySession $session) {
$credentials = array();
$eBayAuth = array();
$credentials['AppId'] = new SoapVar($session->app, XSD_STRING, null, null, null, $session->ns);
$credentials['DevId'] = new SoapVar($session->dev, XSD_STRING, null, null, null, $session->ns);
$credentials['AuthCert'] = new SoapVar($session->cert, XSD_STRING, null, null, null, $session->ns);
if (isset($session->userid) && ($session->userid != null)) {
$credentials['Username'] = new SoapVar($session->userid, XSD_STRING, null, null, null, $session->ns);
if (isset($session->password) && ($session->password != null)) {
$credentials['Password'] = new SoapVar($session->password, XSD_STRING, null, null, null, $session->ns);
if (isset($session->token)) {
$eBayAuth['eBayAuthToken'] = new SoapVar($session->token, XSD_STRING, null, null, null, $session->ns);
$eBayAuth['Credentials'] = new SoapVar($credentials, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, null, null, $session->ns);
return $eBayAuth;
public function __call($function, $args) {
if (empty($args[0]['Version'])) {
$args[0]['Version'] = $this->session->version;
$callname = $function;
$siteid = $this->session->site;
$version = $args[0]['Version'];
$appid = $this->session->app;
$Routing = 'default'; // XXX: hardcoded
$query_string = http_build_query(array('callname' => $callname, 'siteid' => $siteid, 'version' => $version, 'appid' => $appid, 'Routing' => $Routing));
$location = "{$this->session->location}?{$query_string}";
return $this->__soapCall($function, $args, array('location' => $location), $this->headers);
class eBayPlatformNotifications {
protected $session = null;
protected $debug;
public function __construct(eBaySession $session, $debug = false) {
$this->session = $session;
$this->debug = $debug;
protected function carp($string) {
$me = get_class($this);
if ($this->debug) { error_log("$me: $string"); }
protected function notificationLog($string) {
$me = get_class($this);
$datestamp = "[" . date("d-M-Y H:i:s") . "] ";
file_put_contents('notification.log', $datestamp . $string . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
protected function errorLog($string) {
$me = get_class($this);
error_log("$me: $string");
$this->errorMail($me, $string);
protected function errorMail($notification, $message) {
global $fromEmail;
global $toEmail;
$subject = "eBay Webhook Alert";
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\n";
$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\n";
$headers .= "From: eBay Webhook <$fromEmail>" . "\n";
$message = "
<title>eBay Webhook Alert</title>
<h1>Alert from " . $notification . "</h1>
<td>" . $message . "</td>
protected function CalculateSignature($Timestamp) {
$DevID = $this->session->dev;
$AppID = $this->session->app;
$Cert = $this->session->cert;
$hash = "{$Timestamp}{$DevID}{$AppID}{$Cert}";
// Not quite sure why we need the pack('H*'), but we do
$Signature = base64_encode(pack('H*', md5($hash)));
return $Signature;
// General utility class. Currently not used.
class eBayUtils {
static public function findByName($values, $name) {
foreach($values as $value) {
if ($value->Name == $name) {
return $value;
// The following classes are used in the classmap array
// Right now, they are largely experiments to see how I can make it easier to use the API
class eBayFeesType implements ArrayAccess {
public function offsetExists($offset) {
foreach ($this->Fee as $value) {
if ($value->Name == $offset) {
return true;
return false;
public function offsetGet($offset) {
foreach ($this->Fee as $value) {
if ($value->Name == $offset) {
return $value;
public function offsetSet($offset, $value) {
return true;
public function offsetUnset($offset) {
return true;
// The following classes are used in the classmap array
// Right now, they are largely experiments to see how I can make it easier to use the API
class eBayNameValueListType implements ArrayAccess {
public function offsetExists($offset) {
return true;
public function offsetGet($offset) {
foreach ($this->Fee as $value) {
if ($value->Name == $offset) {
return $value;
public function offsetSet($offset, $value) {
return true;
public function offsetUnset($offset) {
return true;
class eBayFeeType {
public function __toString() {
return (string) $this->Fee->_;
class eBayPaginatedItemArrayType implements IteratorAggregate {
public function getIterator( ) {
return $this->ItemArray;
class eBayItemArrayType implements IteratorAggregate {
public function getIterator( ) {
return new ArrayObject($this->Item);
class eBayGetSearchResultsResponseType implements IteratorAggregate {
public function getIterator( ) {
return $this->SearchResultItemArray;
class eBaySearchResultItemArrayType implements IteratorAggregate {
public function getIterator() {
// put this in __wakeUp()
if (!is_array($this->SearchResultItem)) {
$this->SearchResultItem = array($this->SearchResultItem);
return new ArrayObject($this->SearchResultItem);
class eBayPictureDetailsType implements IteratorAggregate {
public function getIterator() {
// put this in __wakeUp()
if (!is_array($this->PictureURL)) {
$this->PictureURL = array($this->PictureURL);
return new ArrayObject($this->PictureURL);
class eBayNameValueListArrayType implements IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess {
public function getIterator() {
// put this in __wakeUp()
if (!is_array($this->NameValueList)) {
$this->NameValueList = array($this->NameValueList);
return new ArrayObject($this->NameValueList);
public function offsetExists($offset) {
foreach ($this as $NameValueList) {
if ($NameValueList->Name == $offset) {
return true;
return false;
public function offsetGet($offset) {
May need is_object check because we can get:
<NameValueList xsi:nil="true"/>
Instead of normal:
ext/soap will create an empty array element for the nilled out element.
I think that's actually correct, but it would be better for eBay not to return anything here.
However, I am not 100% sure. This is tricky.
Note: nilled out elements can have attributes.
Also, I'm unsure if an element has to be explicitly labled as nillable in the schema if you want to nil it out.
foreach ($this as $NameValueList) {
if ($NameValueList->Name == $offset) {
if ($NameValueList->Name == 'Year') {
// eBay returns this as YYYYMMDD, but MMDD is always 0000
// Because cars come out in 2006, not 20060000
// So, trim off stupid 0000 at end
$value = substr($NameValueList->Value, 0, 4);
} else {
$value = $NameValueList->Value;
return $value;
return null;
public function offsetSet($offset, $value) {
return true;
public function offsetUnset($offset) {
return true;
class eBaySearchResultItemType {
public function __toString() {
return $this->Item->Title;
class eBayAmountType {
public function __toString() {
return (string) $this->_;
class eBayItemType {
public function __toString() {
return (string) $this->Title;
class xsDateTime {
public function __toString() {
return $this->Item->Title;