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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
##  DnsExit.Com Dynamic IP update setup script
##  v1.70
##  Purpose to further automate setup for use by
##  Arch Linux and allow use of systemd for startup.

use Http_get;
use strict;

my $cfile = '/etc/dnsexit.conf';
my $proxyservs = ';;';
my $logfile = '/var/log/dnsexit.log';
my $cachefile = '/tmp/dnsexit-ip.txt';
my $pidfile = '/var/run/';
my $siteurl='';
my $geturlfrom = "$siteurl/ipupdate/dyndata.txt";

my $URL_VALIDATE="$siteurl/ipupdate/account_validate.jsp";
my $URL_DOMAINS="$siteurl/ipupdate/domains.jsp";
my $URL_HOSTS="$siteurl/ipupdate/hosts.jsp";

my $MSG_WELCOME= "Wecome to DNSExit.Com Dynamic IP update setup script.\n".
                 "Please run this script as root user.\n".
                 "Please follow instructions to setup our script.\n\n";
my $MSG_USERNAME="Enter the username to ";
my $MSG_PASSWORD="Enter password for your username: ";
my $MSG_CHECKING_USERPASS="Validating your login credentials...\n";
my $MSG_CHECKING_DOMAINS="Fetching your DNS domains. It may take a while...\n".
                         "Note: You should setup DNS for the domain first at your web account to get the domain listed below.\n\n";
my $MSG_USERPASSOK="Login Successfully...\n\n";
my $MSG_HOSTS="Please type password for your username:\n";
my $MSG_SELECT_DOMAINS="Please select the domains to update:\n";
my $MSG_FETCHING_HOSTS="Feching hosts in your domains. This may take a while...\n";
my $MSG_SELECT_HOSTS="Please select host(s) to be updated:\n";
my $MSG_SELECT_HOSTS_AFTER="Note: to select multiple hosts, separate them by space\nYour selection: ";
my $MSG_YOU_HAVE_SELECTED="You have selected the following hosts to be updated:\n";
my $MSG_SELECT_PROXY="If you want to use the IP address of your proxy server instead of the\n".
                     "IP of the local host, set the value to \"yes\"\n";
my $MSG_PROXY_SEL="Your choice [no]: ";
my $MSG_SELECT_DAEMON="Do you want to run it as a daemon?\n";
my $MSG_SELECT_INTERVAL="How often (in minutes) should the program checks IP changes ?\n".
                        "IP will be posted to only when IP address has been\n".
                        "changed from the last update (minimum 3 minutes):\n";
my $MSG_INTERVAL_SEL="Your choice [10]: ";
my $MSG_SELECT_PIDFILE="Select path to pidfile.\n";
my $MSG_PIDFILE_SEL="Your choice [/var/run/]: ";
my $MSG_PIDFILE_BAD="You have selected invalid file name.\n";
my $MSG_GENERATING_CFG="Generating config file: ";
my $MSG_DONE="Done creating config file. You can run the script now.\n".
             "To do it you can run or use init script.\n\n".
             "File '$cachefile' will cache the ip address of\n".
             "the last successful IP update to our system. For next\n".
             "update, if the IP stays the same, the update request\n".
             "won't be sent to our server. You can simply change the\n".
             "IP at dnsexit-ip.txt file to force the update to DNSEXIT.\n\n";
my $MSG_PATHS="Here are paths to some intresting files:\n";
my $MSG_END="Don't forget to read README.txt file in doc directory!\n";

my $ERR_DOMAINS="Can't get list of your domains from the server";
my $ERR_NO_DOMAINS="You don't have any domains with DNS. You should login to your account ".
                  "at and setup DNS for your domains first.\n";
my $ERR_NO_HOSTS_SELECTED="You have not selected any hosts. Exiting...\n";
my $ERR_NO_URL="Can't fetach url info from Please try again later...\n";

my $get = new Http_get;

# Delete ald cache file
unlink $cachefile;

# Get url from
my $url;
if($get->is_success) {
        my $result = $get->content;
        if ( $result =~ /url=(.+)/ ) {
                if((my $chr=chop($url)) ne "\n"){
if(!$url) {
        print $ERR_NO_URL;
# Get username/password and validate it.
my $userpassok=0;
my $message=undef;
my $username;
my $password;
do {
        print "\nError: $message\n\n" if($message);
        # Get username
        # Get password
        $password =~ s/ /%20/g;
        # Check username/password
        if($get->is_success) {
                my $result = $get->content;
                if ( $result =~ /(\d+)=(.+)/ ) {
                        if((my $chr=chop($message)) ne "\n"){
} until($userpassok==0);

# Get list of domains and ask user which of them should be explored
my @domains;
if($get->is_success) {
        my $result = $get->content;
        if ( $result =~ /(\d+)=(.+)/ ) {
                if((my $code=$1)==0) {
                        @domains=split(/ +/, $message);
                elsif($code==1) {
                        print "\n$ERR_NO_DOMAINS\n\n";
                else {
                        print"\nError: $message\n\n";
        else {
                print "\n$ERR_DOMAINS\n\n";
else {
        print "\n$ERR_DOMAINS\n\n";

my @selected = make_select(\@domains, $MSG_SELECT_DOMAINS, 1 );

my @hosts;

# Get list of hosts from selected domains and ask user which should be added
# to the config file.
foreach my $domain (@selected) {
        if($get->is_success) {
                my $result=$get->content;
                if ( $result =~ /(\d+)=(.+)/ ) {
                        if((my $code=$1)==0) {
                        my @myhosts=split(/\ /, $message);
                                foreach my $host (@myhosts) {
                                        $host =~ s/\s+//g;
                                        push (@hosts,$host);

@selected = make_select(\@hosts, $MSG_SELECT_HOSTS, 1 );
my $hosts;
foreach my $sel ( @selected ) {
        $sel =~ s/\s+//g;       
        print "\t$sel\n";
chop $hosts;

# Ask user whants daemon mode.
my $daemon= confirm("yes", "no", "Your choice [yes]: ", $MSG_SELECT_DAEMON);

# If deamon=YES then ask for an interval
print "\n";
my $interval = 0;
my $autostart="no";
if($daemon eq 'yes') {
  while( $interval < 3 ) {
    $interval = ask_value($MSG_INTERVAL_SEL, "10");
    print "Error: minimum 3 minutes\n" if ( $interval < 3 || ! ( $interval =~ /^\d+$/ ) );
  $interval *= 60; #convert to seconds
  # Ask if want to auto start after reboot
  $autostart=confirm("yes", "no", "Your choice [yes]: ", "Do you want to autostart the IPUpdate script at system startup?\n");
  if($autostart eq "yes")
    my @seldirs=( &programdir, "/usr/local/bin", "/usr/sbin");
    my $sdir=make_select(\@seldirs, "Please select the directory to install the script:\n", 0);
$interval = 600 if $interval == 0;
# Generate config and .service files
print "\n".$MSG_GENERATING_CFG . " $cfile\n";
open (CFG, "> $cfile") || die "Fail open config file $cfile. Please check if have proper permissions.";
print CFG "login=$username\n";
print CFG "password=$password\n";
print CFG "host=$hosts\n";
print CFG "daemon=$daemon\n";
print CFG "autostart=$autostart\n";
print CFG "interval=$interval\n";
print CFG "proxyservs=$proxyservs\n";
print CFG "pidfile=$pidfile\n";
print CFG "logfile=$logfile\n";
print CFG "cachefile=$cachefile\n";
print CFG "url=$url\n";

print "\n".$MSG_DONE;
print $MSG_PATHS;
print "  Config file:\t$cfile\n";
print "  Pid file:\t$pidfile\n";
print "  Log file:\t$logfile\n";
print "  Cache file:\t$cachefile\n";
print "\n".$MSG_END;

exit 0;

sub ask_value
  my $msg = shift;
  my $default = shift || undef;
  my $invalue="";
  while( $invalue eq "" )
    print $msg;
    chop ( $invalue=<STDIN> );
    $invalue = $default if ( defined $default && $invalue eq "" );
  return $invalue;

sub make_select
  my ($arrayRef, $selTitle, $multiselect)=(@_);
  $multiselect = 1 unless defined $multiselect;
  my @items= @$arrayRef;
  print $selTitle;
  my $i=0;
  foreach my $item (@items)
    print "  " . $i++."\t$item\n";
  print "[separate multi selects by space]\n" if $multiselect;
  print "Your selection: ";
  my $line=<STDIN>;
  chop $line;
  $line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g ;
  goto SLSTART if($line eq "");
  my @tofilter=split(/\s+/, $line);
  my @select;
  foreach my $fil (@tofilter)
    goto SLSTART if( ! ( $fil =~ /^\d+$/ ) );
    $fil =~ s/\s+//g;
    next if $fil eq "";
    if($items[$fil]) {
      $items[$fil] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g ;
      push @select, $items[$fil];
  if( ! $multiselect && scalar( @select ) > 1)
    print "Please select one only !!\n";
    goto SLSTART;
  goto SLSTART if(!@select);
  return ( @select ) if $multiselect;;
  return $select[0];

sub confirm
  my ($answerYes, $answerNo, $question, $title) = ( @_ );
  my $answer="";
  print $title;
    print $question;
    if ( $answer eq "\n" )
      if((my $chr=chop($answer)) ne "\n"){
  } until $answer eq 'yes' || $answer eq 'no';
  return $answer;

sub set_autostart
  my $dir="@_";
  my $prodir=programdir();
  my $proname="";
  if ( index( $dir, $prodir ) < 0 )
    my $cmd=qq^cp -f $prodir/$proname $dir/. ; cp -f $prodir/ $dir/.; chmod a+x $dir/$proname^;
    print "$proname installed to $dir\n";
    system( $cmd );
  #my $cmd = qq^( echo "\@reboot $dir/$proname"; crontab -l | grep -v "^\@reboot\s.+$proname") | crontab -^;
  my $cmd = qq^( echo "\@reboot $dir/$proname"; crontab -l | grep -v "\/$proname") | crontab -^;
  print "\"\@reboot $dir/$proname\" inserted to crontab\n";

sub programdir
  my $self = shift;
  my $PRODIR      =`dirname $0`;
  chop $PRODIR;
  if ( $PRODIR eq "." )
    $PRODIR = `pwd`;
    chop $PRODIR;
  return $PRODIR;