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# RPM macros for Java applications.
# JPackage Project  <>
#   David Walluck   <>
#   Ville Skyttä    <scop at>
#   Nicolas Mailhot <>

# ---- default Java directories

# Root directory where all Java VMs/SDK/JREs are installed.
%_jvmdir        %{_prefix}/lib/jvm

# Root directory where all Java VMs/SDK/JREs expose their jars
%_jvmjardir     %{_prefix}/lib/jvm-exports

# Root directory for all Java VM/SDK/JRE's private things.
%_jvmprivdir    %{_prefix}/lib/jvm-private

# Root directory for all architecture dependent parts of Java VM/SDK/JRE's
%_jvmlibdir     %{_prefix}/lib/jvm

# Root directory for all architecture independent parts of Java VM/SDK/JRE's
%_jvmdatadir    %{_datadir}/jvm

# Root directory for all configurations parts of Java VM/SDK/JRE's
%_jvmsysconfdir %{_sysconfdir}/jvm

# Root directory for all common architecture dependent parts of Java VM/SDK/JRE's
%_jvmcommonlibdir       %{_prefix}/lib/jvm-commmon

# Root directory for all common architecture independent parts of Java VM/SDK/JRE's
%_jvmcommondatadir      %{_datadir}/jvm-commmon

# Root directory for all common configurations parts of Java VM/SDK/JRE's
%_jvmcommonsysconfdir   %{_sysconfdir}/jvm-commmon

# Directory where arch and version independent jars are installed.
# This has already been integrated in RH macros following our request.
# By extension:
# %{_javadir}-ext:
#   - version dependent jars
# %{_javadir}-x.y.z:
#   - jars for Java standard x.y.z (usually symlinks to  %{_javadir}-ext)
# %{_javadir}-utils:
#   - Java-related scripts
# To simplify things only %{_javadir} is defined.
%_javadir        %{_datadir}/java

# Directory where arch-specific (JNI) version-independent jars are installed.
# By extension:
# %{_jnidir}-ext:
#   - version dependent jars
# %{_jnidir}-x.y.z:
#   - jars for Java standard x.y.z (usually symlinks to  %{_jnidir}-ext)
# To simplify things only %{_jnidir} is defined.
%_jnidir        %{_prefix}/lib/java

# Root directory where all javadoc is installed. Also already in RH macros.
%_javadocdir     %{_datadir}/javadoc

# Directory for maven poms
%_mavenpomdir %{_datadir}/maven2/poms

# Directory for maven depmaps
%_mavendepmapdir %{_sysconfdir}/maven
%_mavendepmapfragdir %{_sysconfdir}/maven/fragments

# Current default JVM home.
%java_home      %(. %{_javadir}-utils/java-functions; set_jvm; echo $JAVA_HOME)

# ---- default Java commands

%ant            JAVA_HOME=%{java_home} ant
%jar            %{java_home}/bin/jar
%java           %(. %{_javadir}-utils/java-functions; set_javacmd; echo $JAVACMD)
%javac          %{java_home}/bin/javac
%javadoc        %{java_home}/bin/javadoc

# ---- Java extension handling macros

# add_jvm_extension should be used in %install by extension packages to declare
# what extension jars they provide.
# For example a package that provides foo.jar which is the bar extension
# under java 1.2 and 1.3 should do a:
#   %install
#   ... # create foo.jar in %{javadir}-ext
#   %add_jvm_extension  foo bar 1.2 1.3
#   %files
#   %{javadir}-ext/foo.jar
#   %{javadir}-*/bar.jar
%add_jvm_extension JAVA_LIBDIR=%{buildroot}/%{_javadir} %{_bindir}/jvmjar -l

# add_to_depmap adds an entry to the depmap. The arguments are:
# %1 the original groupid
# %2 the original artifact id
# %3 the version
# %4 the new groupid
# %5 the new artifactid

%add_to_maven_depmap() \
install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mavendepmapfragdir}\
cat >>$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mavendepmapfragdir}/%{name}<< EOF\

# update_maven_depmap updates the main maven depmap
%update_maven_depmap() \
echo -e "<dependencies>\\n" > %{_mavendepmapdir}/maven2-depmap.xml\
if [ -d %{_mavendepmapfragdir} ] && [ -n "`find %{_mavendepmapfragdir} -type f`" ]; then\
cat %{_mavendepmapfragdir}/* >> %{_mavendepmapdir}/maven2-depmap.xml\
echo -e "</dependencies>\\n" >> %{_mavendepmapdir}/maven2-depmap.xml\

# ---- GCJ support
%_gcj_support 1

# ---- default icons directories as per the icon theme freedesktop spec

%_iconstheme    hicolor
%_iconsbasedir  %{_datadir}/icons/%{_iconstheme}

# The following is a bit heavy and will be removed
%_icons16dir    %{_iconsbasedir}/16x16/apps
%_icons22dir    %{_iconsbasedir}/22x22/apps
%_icons48dir    %{_iconsbasedir}/48x48/apps
%_icons64dir    %{_iconsbasedir}/64x64/apps
%_icons96dir    %{_iconsbasedir}/96x96/apps
%_icons192dir   %{_iconsbasedir}/192x192/apps
%_iconsscaldir  %{_iconsbasedir}/scalable/apps

# Mandriva macros for non-Mandriva systems.
%_miconsdir     %{_datadir}/icons/mini
%_iconsdir      %{_datadir}/icons
%_liconsdir     %{_datadir}/icons/large

# Mandriva icons
# %1    the name of the icon (typically the name of the package). Mandriva
#       requires 3 icons sizes (48, 32, 16), all should be present.
%mdkicons() \
install -D -m 644 %1-48.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_liconsdir}/%1.png\
install -D -m 644 %1-32.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_iconsdir}/%1.png\
install -D -m 644 %1-16.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_miconsdir}/%1.png\

# Red Hat icons
# %1    the name of the icon (typically the name of the package). RedHat
#       requires 3 icons sizes (48, 32, 16), all should be present.
%rhicons() \
install -D -m 644 %1-48.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/%{name}.png\
install -D -m 644 %1-32.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/%{name}.png\
install -D -m 644 %1-16.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/%{name}.png\

# ---- default .desktop directories per the desktop-entry spec

%_desktopdir    %{_datadir}/applications

# Mandriva menu dir
%_menudir       %{_prefix}/lib/menu

# Mandriva menu
# %1    the name of the menu (ex: %{name})
# %2    the command to run (ex: %{_bindir}/%{name})
# %3    needs (ex: X11)
# %4    menu section (ex: Applications/Editors)
# %5    mime types (ex: text/html;text/plain)
# %6    menu title (ex: %{name})
# %7    comment or summary (ex: %{Summary})
# %8    icon (ex: %{name}.png)
# %9    unused
%mdkmenu() \
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_menudir}\
cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_menudir}/%1 <<EOF\

%post mdkmenu\

%postun mdkmenu\

# Legacy menu
# %1    the name of the menu (ex: %{name})
# %2    the command to run (ex: %{_bindir}/%{name})
# %3    needs (ex: 1)
# %4    menu section (ex: Development)
# %5    unused
# %6    menu title (ex: %{name})
# %7    comment or summary (ex: %{Summary})
# %8    icon (ex: %{name}.png)
# %9    type (ex: Application)
%rhmenu() \
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/X11/applnk/%4\
cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/X11/applnk/%4/%1.desktop <<EOF\
[Desktop Entry]\

# Standard JPackage script
# This is kind of tasteless and should be moved to an external template
# %1    main class
# %2    flags
# %3    options
# %4    jars (separated by ':')
# %5    the name of script you wish to create
%jpackage_script() \
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}\
cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/%5 << EOF \
# %{name} script\
# JPackage Project <>\
# Source functions library\
. %{_javadir}-utils/java-functions\
# Source system prefs\
if [ -f %{_sysconfdir}/java/%{name}.conf ] ; then\
  . %{_sysconfdir}/java/%{name}.conf\
# Source user prefs\
if [ -f \\$HOME/.%{name}rc ] ; then\
  . \\$HOME/.%{name}rc\
# Configuration\
BASE_JARS="%(echo %4 | sed -e 's,:, ,g')"\
# Set parameters\
set_classpath \\$BASE_JARS\
set_flags \\$BASE_FLAGS\
set_options \\$BASE_OPTIONS\
# Let's start\
run "\\$@"\
chmod 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/%5\