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# /etc/sysconfig/snort
# $Id$
# All of these options with the exception of -c, which tells Snort where
# the configuration file is, may be specified in that configuration file as
# well as the command line. Both the command line and config file options
# are listed here for reference.
#### General Configuration
# What interface should snort listen on? [Pick only 1 of the next 3!]
# This is -i {interface} on the command line
# This is the snort.conf config interface: {interface} directive
# The following two options are not directly supported on the command line
# or in the conf file and assume the same Snort configuration for all
# instances
# To listen on all interfaces use this:
# To listen only on given interfaces use this:
#INTERFACE="eth1 eth2 eth3 eth4 eth5"
# Where is Snort's configuration file?
# -c {/path/to/snort.conf}
# What user and group should Snort drop to after starting? This user and
# group should have very few privileges.
# -u {user} -g {group}
# config set_uid: user
# config set_gid: group
# Should Snort change the order in which the rules are applied to packets.
# Instead of being applied in the standard Alert->Pass->Log order, this will
# apply them in Pass->Alert->Log order.
# -o
# config order: {actions in order}
# e.g. config order: log alert pass activation dynamic suspicious redalert
#### Logging & Alerting
# NOTE: NO_PACKET_LOG and BINARY_LOG, ALERTMODE, etc. are mutually
# exclusive. Use either NO_PACKET_LOG or any/all of the other logging
# options. But the more logging options use you, the slower Snort will run.
# Where should Snort log?
# -l {/path/to/logdir}
# config logdir: {/path/to/logdir}
# How should Snort alert? Valid alert modes include fast, full, none, and
# unsock. Fast writes alerts to the default "alert" file in a single-line,
# syslog style alert message. Full writes the alert to the "alert" file
# with the full decoded header as well as the alert message. None turns off
# alerting. Unsock is an experimental mode that sends the alert information
# out over a UNIX socket to another process that attaches to that socket.
# -A {alert-mode}
# output alert_{type}: {options}
# Should Snort dump the application layer data when displaying packets in
# verbose or packet logging mode.
# -d
# config dump_payload
# Should Snort keep binary (AKA pcap, AKA tcpdump) logs also? This is
# recommended as it provides very useful information for investigations.
# -b
# output log_tcpdump: {log name}
# Should Snort turn off packet logging? The program still generates
# alerts normally.
# -N
# config nolog
# Print out the receiving interface name in alerts.
# -I
# config alert_with_interface_name
# When dumping the stats, what log file should we look in
# When dumping the stats, how long to wait to make sure that syslog can
# flush data to disk
# To add a BPF filter to the command line uncomment the following variable
# syntax corresponds to tcpdump(8)
#BPF="not host"
# To use an external BPF filter file uncomment the following variable
# syntax corresponds to tcpdump(8)
# -F {/path/to/bpf_file}
# config bpf_file: /path/to/bpf_file