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<!-- This configuration file controls the systemwide message bus.
Add a system-local.conf and edit that rather than changing this
file directly. -->
<!-- Note that there are any number of ways you can hose yourself
security-wise by screwing up this file; in particular, you
probably don't want to listen on any more addresses, add any more
auth mechanisms, run as a different user, etc. -->
<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-Bus Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
<!-- Our well-known bus type, do not change this -->
<!-- Run as special user -->
<!-- Fork into daemon mode -->
<!-- We use system service launching using a helper -->
<!-- This is a setuid helper that is used to launch system services -->
<!-- Write a pid file -->
<!-- Enable logging to syslog -->
<!-- Only allow socket-credentials-based authentication -->
<!-- Only listen on a local socket. (abstract=/path/to/socket
means use abstract namespace, don't really create filesystem
file; only Linux supports this. Use path=/whatever on other
systems.) -->
<policy context="default">
<!-- All users can connect to system bus -->
<allow user="*"/>
<!-- Holes must be punched in service configuration files for
name ownership and sending method calls -->
<deny own="*"/>
<deny send_type="method_call"/>
<!-- Signals and reply messages (method returns, errors) are allowed
by default -->
<allow send_type="signal"/>
<allow send_requested_reply="true" send_type="method_return"/>
<allow send_requested_reply="true" send_type="error"/>
<!-- All messages may be received by default -->
<allow receive_type="method_call"/>
<allow receive_type="method_return"/>
<allow receive_type="error"/>
<allow receive_type="signal"/>
<!-- Allow anyone to talk to the message bus -->
<allow send_destination="org.freedesktop.DBus"/>
<!-- But disallow some specific bus services -->
<deny send_destination="org.freedesktop.DBus"
<!-- Config files are placed here that among other things, punch
holes in the above policy for specific services. -->
<!-- This is included last so local configuration can override what's
in this standard file -->
<include ignore_missing="yes">system-local.conf</include>
<include if_selinux_enabled="yes" selinux_root_relative="yes">contexts/dbus_contexts</include>