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# -*- text -*-
# The server can originate Change of Authorization (CoA) or
# Disconnect request packets. These packets are used to dynamically
# change the parameters of a users session (bandwidth, etc.), or
# to forcibly disconnect the user.
# There are some caveats. Not all NAS vendors support this
# functionality. Even for the ones that do, it may be difficult to
# find out what needs to go into a CoA-Request or Disconnect-Request
# packet. All we can suggest is to read the NAS documentation
# available from the vendor. That documentation SHOULD describe
# what information their equipment needs to see in a CoA packet.
# This information is usually a list of attributes such as:
# NAS-IP-Address (or NAS-IPv6 address)
# NAS-Identifier
# User-Name
# Acct-Session-Id
# CoA packets can be originated when a normal Access-Request or
# Accounting-Request packet is received. Simply update the
# "coa" list:
# update coa {
# User-Name = "%{User-Name}"
# Acct-Session-Id = "%{Acct-Session-Id}"
# NAS-IP-Address = "%{NAS-IP-Address}"
# }
# And the CoA packet will be sent. You can also send Disconnect
# packets by using "update disconnect { ...".
# This "update coa" entry can be placed in any section (authorize,
# preacct, etc.), EXCEPT for pre-proxy and post-proxy. The CoA
# packets CANNOT be sent if the original request has been proxied.
# The CoA functionality works best when the RADIUS server and
# the NAS receiving CoA packets are on the same network.
# If "update coa { ... " is used, and then later it becomes necessary
# to not send a CoA request, the following example can suppress the
# CoA packet:
# update control {
# Send-CoA-Request = No
# }
# The default destination of a CoA packet is the NAS (or client)
# the sent the original Access-Request or Accounting-Request. See
# raddb/clients.conf for a "coa_server" configuration that ties
# a client to a specific home server, or to a home server pool.
# If you need to send the packet to a different destination, update
# the "coa" list with one of:
# Packet-Dst-IP-Address = ...
# Packet-Dst-IPv6-Address = ...
# Home-Server-Pool = ...
# That specifies an Ipv4 or IPv6 address, or a home server pool
# (such as the "coa" pool example below). This use is not
# recommended, however, It is much better to point the client
# configuration directly at the CoA server/pool, as outlined
# earlier.
# If the CoA port is non-standard, you can also set:
# Packet-Dst-Port
# to have the value of the port.
# When CoA packets are sent to a NAS, the NAS is acting as a
# server (see RFC 5176). i.e. it has a type (accepts CoA and/or
# Disconnect packets), an IP address (or IPv6 address), a
# destination port, and a shared secret.
# This information *cannot* go into a "client" section. In the future,
# FreeRADIUS will be able to receive, and to proxy CoA packets.
# Having the CoA configuration as below means that we can later do
# load-balancing, fail-over, etc. of CoA servers. If the CoA
# configuration went into a "client" section, it would be impossible
# to do proper proxying of CoA requests.
home_server localhost-coa {
type = coa
# Note that a home server of type "coa" MUST be a real NAS,
# with an ipaddr or ipv6addr. It CANNOT point to a virtual
# server.
ipaddr =
port = 3799
# This secret SHOULD NOT be the same as the shared
# secret in a "client" section.
secret = testing1234
# CoA specific parameters. See raddb/proxy.conf for details.
coa {
irt = 2
mrt = 16
mrc = 5
mrd = 30
# CoA servers can be put into pools, just like normal servers.
home_server_pool coa {
type = fail-over
# Point to the CoA server above.
home_server = localhost-coa
# CoA requests are run through the pre-proxy section.
# CoA responses are run through the post-proxy section.
virtual_server =
# Home server pools of type "coa" cannot (currently) have
# a "fallback" configuration.
# When this virtual server is run, the original request has FINISHED
# processing. i.e. the reply has already been sent to the NAS.
# You can access the attributes in the original packet, reply, and
# control items, but changing them will have NO EFFECT.
# The CoA packet is in the "proxy-request" attribute list.
# The CoA reply (if any) is in the "proxy-reply" attribute list.
server {
pre-proxy {
update proxy-request {
NAS-IP-Address =
# Handle the responses here.
post-proxy {
switch "%{proxy-reply:Packet-Type}" {
case CoA-ACK {
case CoA-NAK {
# the NAS didn't like the CoA request
case Disconnect-ACK {
case Disconnect-NAK {
# the NAS didn't like the Disconnect request
# Invalid packet type. This shouldn't happen.
case {
# These methods are run when there is NO response
# to the request.
Post-Proxy-Type Fail-CoA {
Post-Proxy-Type Fail-Disconnect {