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# -*- text -*-
#       As of version 2.0.0, the server also supports the VMPS
#       protocol.
#       $Id$

server vmps {
        listen {
                # VMPS sockets only support IPv4 addresses.
                ipaddr = *

                #  Port on which to listen.
                #  Allowed values are:
                #       integer port number
                #       1589 is the default VMPS port.
                port = 1589

                #  Type of packets to listen for.  Here, it is VMPS.
                type = vmps

                #  Some systems support binding to an interface, in addition
                #  to the IP address.  This feature isn't strictly necessary,
                #  but for sites with many IP addresses on one interface,
                #  it's useful to say "listen on all addresses for
                #  eth0".
                #  If your system does not support this feature, you will
                #  get an error if you try to use it.
                #       interface = eth0

        #  If you have switches that are allowed to send VMPS, but NOT
        #  RADIUS packets, then list them here as "client" sections.
        #  Note that for compatibility with RADIUS, you still have to
        #  list a "secret" for each client, though that secret will not
        #  be used for anything.

        #  And the REAL contents.  This section is just like the
        #  "post-auth" section of radiusd.conf.  In fact, it calls the
        #  "post-auth" component of the modules that are listed here.
        #  But it's called "vmps" to highlight that it's for VMPS.
        vmps {
                #  Some requests may not have a MAC address.  Try to
                #  create one using other attributes.
                if (!VMPS-Mac) {
                        if (VMPS-Ethernet-Frame =~ /0x.{12}(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..).*/) {
                                update request {
                                        VMPS-Mac = "%{1}:%{2}:%{3}:%{4}:%{5}:%{6}"
                        else {
                                update request {
                                        VMPS-Mac = "%{VMPS-Cookie}"

                #  Do a simple mapping of MAC to VLAN.
                #  See radiusd.conf for the definition of the "mac2vlan"
                #  module.

                # required VMPS reply attributes
                update reply {
                        VMPS-Packet-Type = VMPS-Join-Response
                        VMPS-Cookie = "%{VMPS-Mac}"

                        VMPS-VLAN-Name = "please_use_real_vlan_here"

                        #  If you have VLAN's in a database, you can select
                        #  the VLAN name based on the MAC address.
                        #VMPS-VLAN-Name = "%{sql:select ... where mac='%{VMPS-Mac}'}"
                # correct reply packet type for reconfirmation requests
                if (VMPS-Packet-Type == VMPS-Reconfirm-Request){
                        update reply {
                                VMPS-Packet-Type := VMPS-Reconfirm-Response

        # Proxying of VMPS requests is NOT supported.