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# This is a simple script that checks the contents of /proc/mtrr to see if
# the BIOS maker for the computer took the easy way out in terms of
# specifying memory regions when there is a hole below 4GB for PCI access
# and the machine has 4GB or more of RAM. When the contents of /proc/mtrr
# show a 4GB mapping of write-back cached RAM, minus punch out hole(s) of
# uncacheable regions (the area reserved for PCI access), then it becomes
# impossible for the ib_ipath driver to set write_combining on its PIO
# buffers. To correct the problem, remap the lower memory region in various
# chunks up to the start of the punch out hole(s), then delete the punch out
# hole(s) entirely as they aren't needed any more. That way, ib_ipath will
# be able to set write_combining on its PIO memory access region.
regs = 0
function check_base(mem)
printf "Base memory data: base=0x%08x, size=0x%x\n", base[mem], size[mem] > "/dev/stderr"
if (size[mem] < (512 * 1024 * 1024))
return 0
if (type[mem] != "write-back")
return 0
if (base[mem] >= (4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024))
return 0
return 1
function check_hole(hole)
printf "Hole data: base=0x%08x, size=0x%x\n", base[hole], size[hole] > "/dev/stderr"
if (size[hole] > (1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024))
return 0
if (type[hole] != "uncachable")
return 0
if ((base[hole] + size[hole]) > (4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024))
return 0
return 1
function build_entries(start, end, new_base, new_size, tmp_base)
# mtrr registers require alignment of blocks, so a 256MB chunk must
# be 256MB aligned. Additionally, all blocks must be a power of 2
# in size. So, do the largest power of two size that we can and
# still have start + block <= end, rinse and repeat.
tmp_base = start
do {
new_base = tmp_base
new_size = 4096
while (((new_base + new_size) < end) &&
((new_base % new_size) == 0))
new_size = lshift(new_size, 1)
if (((new_base + new_size) > end) ||
((new_base % new_size) != 0))
new_size = rshift(new_size, 1)
printf "base=0x%x size=0x%x type=%s\n",
new_base, new_size, type[mem] > "/dev/stderr"
printf "base=0x%x size=0x%x type=%s\n",
new_base, new_size, type[mem] > "/proc/mtrr"
tmp_base = new_base + new_size
} while (tmp_base < end)
gsub("^reg", "")
gsub(": base=", " ")
gsub(" [(].*), size=", " ")
gsub(": ", " ")
gsub(", count=.*$", "")
register[regs] = strtonum($1)
base[regs] = strtonum($2)
size[regs] = strtonum($3)
human_size[regs] = size[regs]
if (match($3, "MB")) { size[regs] *= 1024*1024; mult[regs] = "MB" }
else { size[regs] *= 1024; mult[regs] = "KB" }
type[regs] = $4
enabled[regs] = 1
end[regs] = base[regs] + size[regs]
# First we need to find our base memory region. We only care about
# the memory register that starts at base 0. This is the only one
# that we can reliably know is our global memory region, and the
# only one that we can reliably check against overlaps. It's entirely
# possible that any memory region not starting at 0 and having an
# overlap with another memory region is in fact intentional and we
# shouldn't touch it.
for(i=0; i<regs; i++)
if (base[i] == 0)
# Did we get a valid base register?
if (i == regs)
exit 1
mem = i
if (!check_base(mem))
exit 1
cur_hole = 0
for(i=0; i<regs; i++) {
if (i == mem)
if (base[i] < end[mem] && check_hole(i))
holes[cur_hole++] = i
if (cur_hole == 0) {
print "Nothing to do" > "/dev/stderr"
exit 1
printf "Found %d punch-out holes\n", cur_hole > "/dev/stderr"
# We need to sort the holes according to base address
for(j = 0; j < cur_hole - 1; j++) {
for(i = cur_hole - 1; i > j; i--) {
if(base[holes[i]] < base[holes[i-1]]) {
tmp = holes[i]
holes[i] = holes[i-1]
holes[i-1] = tmp
# OK, the common case would be that the BIOS is mapping holes out
# of the 4GB memory range, and that our hole(s) are consecutive and
# that our holes and our memory region end at the same place. However,
# things like machines with 8GB of RAM or more can foul up these
# common traits.
# So, our modus operandi is to disable all of the memory/hole regions
# to start, then build new base memory zones that in the end add
# up to the same as our original zone minus the holes. We know that
# we will never have a hole listed here that belongs to a valid
# hole punched in a write-combining memory region because you can't
# overlay write-combining on top of write-back and we know our base
# memory region is write-back, so in order for this hole to overlap
# our base memory region it can't be also overlapping a write-combining
# region.
printf "disable=%d\n", register[mem] > "/dev/stderr"
printf "disable=%d\n", register[mem] > "/proc/mtrr"
enabled[mem] = 0
for(i=0; i < cur_hole; i++) {
printf "disable=%d\n", register[holes[i]] > "/dev/stderr"
printf "disable=%d\n", register[holes[i]] > "/proc/mtrr"
enabled[holes[i]] = 0
build_entries(base[mem], base[holes[0]])
for(i=0; i < cur_hole - 1; i++)
if (base[holes[i+1]] > end[holes[i]])
build_entries(end[holes[i]], base[holes[i+1]])
if (end[mem] > end[holes[i]])
build_entries(end[holes[i]], end[mem])
# We changed up the mtrr regs, so signal to the rdma script to
# reload modules that need the mtrr regs to be right.
exit 0