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# python3_pkgversion specifies the version of Python 3 in the distro. It can be
# a specific version (e.g. 34 in Fedora EPEL7)
%python3_pkgversion 34
#python3_other_pkgversion 35
# Set to /bin/true when not active to avoid %ifdefs and %{? in specfiles
%__python3_other /bin/true
%py3_other_build /bin/true
%py3_other_install /bin/true
# Macro to replace overly complicated references to PyPI source files.
# Expands to the pythonhosted URL for a package
# Accepts zero to three arguments:
# 1: The PyPI project name, defaulting to %srcname if it is defined, then
# %pypi_name if it is defined, then just %name.
# 2: The PYPI version, defaulting to %version.
# 3: The file extension, defaulting to "tar.gz". (A period will be added
# automatically.)
# Requires %__pypi_url and %__pypi_default_extension to be defined.
%__pypi_default_extension tar.gz
%pypi_source() %{lua:
local src = rpm.expand('%1')
local ver = rpm.expand('%2')
local ext = rpm.expand('%3')
local url = rpm.expand('%__pypi_url')
-- If no first argument, try %srcname, then %pypi_name, then %name
-- Note that rpm leaves macros unchanged if they are not defined.
if src == '%1' then
src = rpm.expand('%srcname')
if src == '%srcname' then
src = rpm.expand('%pypi_name')
if src == '%pypi_name' then
src = rpm.expand('%name')
-- If no second argument, use %version
if ver == '%2' then
ver = rpm.expand('%version')
-- If no third argument, use the preset default extension
if ext == '%3' then
ext = rpm.expand('%__pypi_default_extension')
local first = string.sub(src, 1, 1)
print(url .. first .. '/' .. src .. '/' .. src .. '-' .. ver .. '.' .. ext)