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/* this is just an example config file, note the syntax... */
global {
pps: 300; /* good for a cable modem */
repeats: 1;
delaytype: tsc; /* use gtod or sleep if your tsc is broken */
/* good for uncovering broken firewalls see */
/* brokencrc: transport; */
/* -1 means random, that way you can come from port 0 */
sourceport: -1;
/* should we make a default (udp) payload for app triggering if we dont have a match? (good idea normally, think bindshell) */
defaultpayload: true;
/* perhaps not so usefull */
/* interface: "wlan0"; */
/* watch icmp error codes (or any icmp really) and rsts */
procerrors: false;
* for the time being see src/FMTCAT_ARGS and know that there are 4 different current formats
* ip: IP reports
* imip: Immediate (-I) IP reports
* arp: ARP reports
* imarp: ...
format {
"ip:%-8r\t%16pn[%5p]\t\tfrom %hn %Tn ttl %t"
/* already default */
/* moduledir: "/usr/lib64/unicornscan/modules"; */
/* good option */
immediate: false;
/* pcapfilter: "! port 162"; */
/* yah well on my laptop this is useless */
/* srcaddr: random; */
/* srcaddr:; */
/* this isnt as usefull use the fingerprint option, its less work */
/* ipttl: 0xFF; */
/* iptos: 0; */
/* the `%d' will get replaced with a unix timestamp */
/* savefile: "/tmp/save%d.pcap"; */
/* 0:cisco 1:openbsd 2:windowsxp 4:p0f*/
fingerprint: 1;
/* this can be 0 to some large value, i think 7 is the highest that does anything new */
verbose: 0;
/* syn [Ss] fin [Ff] urg [Uu] psh [Pp] ack [Aa] ece [Ee] cwr [Cc] are possible here */
tcpflags: Sfupaec;
tcpquickports {
udpquickports {
include "/etc/unicornscan/payloads.conf"; /* default udp payloads */
include "/etc/unicornscan/modules.conf"; /* default udp payloads */