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        The config file for the ajax webaccess.
        All possible web client settings can be set in this file. Some settings 
        (language) can also be set per user or logon.

        // Comment next line to disable the config check (or set FALSE to log the config errors)
        define("CONFIG_CHECK", TRUE);

        // Use these options to optionally disable some PHP configuration checks.
        // WARNING: these checks will disable checks regarding the security of the WebApp site configuration,
        // only change them if you know the consequences - improper use will lead to an insecure installation!

        // Default Zarafa server to connect to.
        define("DEFAULT_SERVER", "default:"); // local pipe

        // When using a single-signon system on your webserver, but Zarafa is on another server
        // you can use https to access the zarafa server, and authenticate using an SSL certificate.
        define("SSLCERT_FILE", NULL);
        define("SSLCERT_PASS", NULL);

        // set to 'true' to strip domain from login name found from Single Signon webservers
        define("LOGINNAME_STRIP_DOMAIN", false);

        // Name of the cookie that is used for the session, we can also use an external cookie
        if (isset($_GET["external"]) && preg_match("/[a-z][a-z0-9_]+/i",$_GET["external"])){
        // Defines the theme that should be used, is a subdirectory under the 'layout' directory.
        define("THEME_COLOR", "white");
        // Defines the base url and end with a slash.
        $base_url = dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
        if(substr($base_url,-1)!="/") $base_url .="/";
        define("BASE_URL", $base_url);
        // Defines the base path on the server, terminated by a slash
        define('BASE_PATH', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . "/");

        // Defines the location to the MIME type definitions
        define("MIME_TYPES", BASE_PATH . "server/mimetypes.dat");

        // Defines the temp path (absolute). Here uploaded attachments will be saved.
        // The web client doesn't work without this directory.
        define("TMP_PATH", "/var/lib/zarafa-webaccess/tmp");

        // Define the server paths
        set_include_path(BASE_PATH. PATH_SEPARATOR . 
                         BASE_PATH."server/PEAR/" .  PATH_SEPARATOR . 

        // Define the relative URL for dialogs, this string is appended with HTTP GET arguments
        define("DIALOG_URL", "index.php?load=dialog&");

        // Define the relative URL for Drag and drop file upload
        define("DND_FILEUPLOAD_URL", "index.php?load=upload_attachment&");

        // Define the path to the plugin directory (No slash at the end)
        define("PATH_PLUGIN_DIR", "plugins");

        // Enable the plugins
        define("ENABLE_PLUGINS", true);

        // Define list of disabled plugins separated by semicolon
        define("DISABLED_PLUGINS_LIST", '');

        // Disable PHP5>PHP4 compatibility, this could segfault apache with xml_parser_free
        ini_set('zend.ze1_compatibility_mode', false);

        // Set addressbook for GAB not to show any users unless searching for a specific user
        define("DISABLE_FULL_GAB", false);

        // Set the threshold for the addressnook to only show a full contactlist when the number of rows 
        // do not exeed this threshold. Otherwise the user can only use the search. Enter any number above
        // zero to set the threshold or -1 to always show the list or 0 to always hide the full list.
        // Set addressbook to use an alphabetbar to only display items that start with the selected letter.
        define('ENABLE_GAB_ALPHABETBAR', false);

        // Set true to show public folders in hierarchy, false will disable public folders in hierarchy.
        define('ENABLE_PUBLIC_FOLDERS', true);

        // Set the number of previous days used in free busy module to show.
        define('FREEBUSY_DAYBEFORE_COUNT', 7);

        // Set the number of total days used in free busy module to show.
        define('FREEBUSY_NUMBEROFDAYS_COUNT', 90);

        // Remove delete permanently button from restore items dialog.
        define('DISABLE_DELETE_IN_RESTORE_ITEMS', false);

        // Booking method (true = direct booking, false = send meeting request)
        define('ENABLE_DIRECT_BOOKING', true);

        // If you want to make sure that the user name in the authentication is the same as
        // a certain variable in the certificate, then set this constant to the
        // the name of this certificate variable

        // Standard password key for session password. We recommend to change the default value for security reasons 
        // and a length of 16 characters. Passwords are only encrypted when the openssl module is installed
        // IV vector should be 8 bits long

        * Memory usage and timeouts            *
        // This sets the maximum time in seconds that is allowed to run before it is terminated by the parser.  
        ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); // 5 minutes

        // BLOCK_SIZE (in bytes) is used for attachments by mapi_stream_read/mapi_stream_write
        define('BLOCK_SIZE', 1048576);

        // This value is used by the webclient to prevent a session timeout (in milliseconds)
        define('CLIENT_TIMEOUT', 5*60*1000);

        // Time that static files may exist in the client's cache (13 weeks)
        define('EXPIRES_TIME', 60*60*24*7*13);

        // Time that the state files are allowed to survive (in seconds)
        // For filesystems on which relatime is used, this value should be larger then the relatime_interval
        // for kernels 2.6.30 and above relatime is enabled by default, and the relatime_interval is set to
        // 24 hours.
        define('STATE_FILE_MAX_LIFETIME', 28*60*60);

        // Time that attachments are allowed to survive (in seconds)
        define('UPLOADED_ATTACHMENT_MAX_LIFETIME', 6*60*60);

        // Define maximum nos of file can be attached at a time.
        define('FILE_UPLOAD_LIMIT', 50);

        // Define maximum nos of file can be in uploading queue at a time.
        define('FILE_QUEUE_LIMIT', 20);

        // When set to true, enable the multi-upload feature of the attachment dialog. This has the following caveats:
        // - In FireFox, you can only upload to HTTPS when the certificate is recognized as an official (not self-signed
        //   SSL certificate)
        // - In Linux, some versions of flash do not support this feature and can crash during upload. Updating to the latest
        //   version of flash should fix the issue.
        // - In Windows, upload fails if the internet status is 'offline' - open internet explorer to reconnect
        define("ENABLE_MULTI_UPLOAD", false);

        * FCKEditor                            *
        // Location to the HTML editor, if installed

        // Spellchecker, change here to enable
        define('FCKEDITOR_SPELLCHECKER_ENABLED', false);
        define('FCKEDITOR_SPELLCHECKER_PATH', '/usr/bin/aspell');
        define('FCKEDITOR_SPELLCHECKER_LANGUAGE', FALSE); // set FALSE to use the language chosen by the user, but make sure that these languages are installed with aspell!

        * Languages                            *

        // Location to the translations
        define("LANGUAGE_DIR", "server/language/");
        // Defines the default interface language. This can be overriden by the user.
        // This language is also used on the login page
        if (isset($_ENV['LANG']) && $_ENV['LANG']!="C"){
                define('LANG', $_ENV["LANG"]); // This means the server environment language determines the web client language.
                define('LANG', 'en'); // default fallback language

        // List of languages that should be enabled in the logon
        // screen's language drop down.  Languages should be specified
        // using <languagecode>_<regioncode>[.UTF-8], and separated with
        // semicolon.  A list of available languages can be found in
        // the manual or by looking at the list of directories in
        // /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/server/language .
        define("ENABLED_LANGUAGES", "ca;cs;da;de;en;es;fi;fr;he;hu;it;lt;nb;nl;pl;pt_BR;pt;ru;sl;sv;zh_CN;zh_TW");

        // Defines the default time zone, change e.g. to "Europe/London" when needed
        define('TIMEZONE', '');

        * Debugging                            *

        ini_set("display_errors", false);
        if (file_exists("debug.php")){
                // define empty dump function in case we still use it somewhere
                function dump(){}