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# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in
# text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
# Copyright (C) 1995-2018 by The BRLTTY Developers.
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
# GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details.
# Web Page:
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <>.
title EuroBraille Esytime
include common.kti
note The four keys below the left joystick, from top to bottom, are:
note * L1, Escape, Tab, Shift.
note The four keys below the right joystick, from top to bottom, are:
note * L8, Insert, Alt, Control.
note Some key combinations have been reserved for internal use:
note + LeftJoystickDown: the Alt key
note + LeftJoystickPress: the Alt key pressed twice in a row
note + LeftJoystickDown + RightJoystick(Right/Left): enable/disable braille functions
note + LeftJoystickDown + RightJoystick(Up/Down): switch to internal/external (Esytime/PC) USB interface
note + LeftJoystickDown + L1 + Escape: switch to single-hand braille keyboard 1
note + LeftJoystickDown + Shift + Tab: switch to single-hand braille keyboard 2
note + LeftJoystickDown + Insert + L8: switch to standard (two-hand) braille keyboard
note + RightJoystickPress: the Enter key
note + RightJoystick(left/right/up/down): the Arrow Left/Right/Up/Down key
bind L1+L8 HOME
bind LeftJoystickPress+RightJoystickPress BACK
bind L1 FWINLT
bind L8 FWINRT
bind LeftJoystickLeft LNUP
bind LeftJoystickRight LNDN
bind LeftJoystickUp CSRTRK
bind LeftJoystickDown NOOP # internal: the Alt key
bind LeftJoystickPress NOOP # internal: the Alt key pressed twice in a row
bind RightJoystickLeft NOOP # internal: the Arrow Left key
bind RightJoystickRight NOOP # internal: the Arrow Right key
bind RightJoystickUp NOOP # internal: the Arrow Up key
bind RightJoystickDown NOOP # internal: the Arrow Down key
bind RightJoystickPress NOOP # internal: the Enter key
bind LeftJoystickLeft+RightJoystickPress TOP
bind LeftJoystickLeft+RightJoystickLeft PRPROMPT
bind LeftJoystickLeft+RightJoystickRight PRPGRPH
bind LeftJoystickLeft+RightJoystickUp PRDIFLN
bind LeftJoystickLeft+RightJoystickDown ATTRUP
bind LeftJoystickRight+RightJoystickPress BOT
bind LeftJoystickRight+RightJoystickLeft NXPROMPT
bind LeftJoystickRight+RightJoystickRight NXPGRPH
bind LeftJoystickRight+RightJoystickUp NXDIFLN
bind LeftJoystickRight+RightJoystickDown ATTRDN
bind LeftJoystickUp+RightJoystickPress DISPMD
bind LeftJoystickUp+RightJoystickLeft CSRVIS
bind LeftJoystickUp+RightJoystickRight ATTRVIS
bind LeftJoystickUp+RightJoystickUp SIXDOTS+on
bind LeftJoystickUp+RightJoystickDown SIXDOTS+off
bind LeftJoystickDown+RightJoystickPress INFO
bind LeftJoystickDown+RightJoystickLeft NOOP # internal: disable braille functions
bind LeftJoystickDown+RightJoystickRight NOOP # internal: enable braille functions
bind LeftJoystickDown+RightJoystickUp NOOP # internal: switch to internal (Esytime) USB interface
bind LeftJoystickDown+RightJoystickDown NOOP # internal: switch to external (PC) USB interface
bind LeftJoystickPress+RightJoystickLeft NOOP
bind LeftJoystickPress+RightJoystickRight NOOP
bind LeftJoystickPress+RightJoystickUp NOOP
bind LeftJoystickPress+RightJoystickDown NOOP
bind LeftJoystickPress+RoutingKey1 SETLEFT
bind LeftJoystickLeft+RoutingKey1 PRDIFCHAR
bind LeftJoystickRight+RoutingKey1 NXDIFCHAR
bind LeftJoystickUp+RoutingKey1 PRINDENT
bind LeftJoystickDown+RoutingKey1 NXINDENT
bind RightJoystickPress+RoutingKey1 DESCCHAR
bind RightJoystickLeft+RoutingKey1 CLIP_NEW
bind RightJoystickUp+RoutingKey1 CLIP_ADD
bind RightJoystickRight+RoutingKey1 COPY_LINE
bind RightJoystickDown+RoutingKey1 COPY_RECT
bind L1+LeftJoystickPress TIME
bind L1+LeftJoystickLeft CHRLT
bind L1+LeftJoystickRight CHRRT
bind L1+LeftJoystickUp PRSEARCH
bind L1+LeftJoystickDown NXSEARCH
bind L8+LeftJoystickPress CSRJMP_VERT
bind L8+LeftJoystickLeft FWINLTSKIP
bind L8+LeftJoystickRight FWINRTSKIP
bind L8+LeftJoystickUp LNBEG
bind L8+LeftJoystickDown LNEND
bind L1+RightJoystickPress PREFMENU
bind L1+RightJoystickLeft PREFLOAD
bind L1+RightJoystickRight PREFSAVE
bind L1+RightJoystickUp HELP
bind L1+RightJoystickDown LEARN
bind L8+RightJoystickPress PASTE
bind L8+RightJoystickLeft CLIP_RESTORE
bind L8+RightJoystickRight CLIP_SAVE
bind L8+RightJoystickUp FREEZE
bind L8+RightJoystickDown AUTOREPEAT
context menu
bind L8+RightJoystickUp MENU_PREV_ITEM
bind L8+RightJoystickDown MENU_NEXT_ITEM
bind L8+RightJoystickLeft MENU_PREV_SETTING
bind L8+RightJoystickRight MENU_NEXT_SETTING
bind L8+RightJoystickPress MENU_PREV_LEVEL