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# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in
# text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
# Copyright (C) 1995-2018 by The BRLTTY Developers.
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
# GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details.
# Web Page:
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <>.
# BRLTTY Text Table - Russian
# by Hans Schou <> and Dave Mielke <>
# This is the Russian braille table. It is based on the KOI8-R character set
# which to our knowledge is the most used in Russia.
# As the Russian cyrillic definition conflicts with the latin definition, some
# decisions had to be taken. Russians need to type both latin for the command
# prompt and cyrillic while reading and writing documents and mail.
# In the following, latin letters are quoted with apostrophes like in 'a', and
# cyrillic letters are enclosed within brackets like in [a].
# Dot 1 in the cyrillic definition is the cyrillic letter which looks and
# sounds like 'a'. The problem is that in the KOI8-R character set, there is
# both a latin 'a' and a cyrillic [a]. In decimal, their character numbers are
# 97 and 193 respectively. To handle conflicts like these, we have prioritized
# which characters are most important to match the standard.
# 1. All cyrillic characters must follow the Russian standard. KOI8-R character
# 193 [a] must be dot-1, and so on.
# 2. Capital cyrillic letters have dot 7 on.
# 3. The latin alphabet is implemented to follow the international standard
# except it has dot 8 on.
# 4. Capital latin letters have dots 7 and 8 on.
# 5. Numbers are defined as in the American standard. This means dot-2 for
# number '1', and so on. This will conflict with the cyrillic comma which is
# also dot-2.
# 4. Special characters like !"#¤%&/()=? follow the American standard if
# possible.
# 2. Control characters are often used on Linux. These are not very well
# implemented. More work should be done.
# Comments from Russians are very welcome as neither Hans Schou nor Dave Mielke
# understand a single word in Russian.
include ltr-cyrillic.tti
include ltr-dot8.tti
include num-nemeth.tti
include punc-alternate.tti
# generated by ttbtest: charset=koi8-r
char \u2219 ( 23 8) # 95 ⢆ ∙ [BULLET OPERATOR]
char \xB0 ( 23 567 ) # 9C ⡶ ° [DEGREE SIGN]
char \xB2 ( 2 6 8) # 9D ⢢ ² [SUPERSCRIPT TWO]
char \xB7 ( 345 78) # 9E ⣜ · [MIDDLE DOT]
char \xA9 ( 34 678) # BF ⣬ © [COPYRIGHT SIGN]
include common.tti