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# Fail2Ban filter for murmur/mumble-server


_daemon = murmurd

# N.B. If you allow users to have usernames that include the '>' character you
#      should change this to match the regex assigned to the 'username'
#      variable in your server config file (murmur.ini / mumble-server.ini).
_usernameregex = [^>]+

# Prefix for systemd-journal (with second date-pattern as optional match):
__prefix_journal = (?:\S+\s+%(_daemon)s\[\d+\]:(?:\s+\<W\>[\d\-]+ [\d:]+.\d+)?)

__prefix_line = %(__prefix_journal)s?

_prefix = %(__prefix_line)s\s+\d+ => <\d+:%(_usernameregex)s\(-1\)> Rejected connection from <HOST>:\d+:

prefregex = ^%(_prefix)s <F-CONTENT>.+</F-CONTENT>$

failregex = ^Invalid server password$
            ^Wrong certificate or password for existing user$

ignoreregex =

datepattern = ^<W>{DATE}

journalmatch = _SYSTEMD_UNIT=murmurd.service + _COMM=murmurd

# DEV Notes:
# Author: Ross Brown