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EVENT=post-create type=CCpp remote!=1
if grep '^TracerPid:[[:space:]]*[123456789]' proc_pid_status >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# We see 'TracerPid: <nonzero>" in /proc/PID/status
# Process is ptraced (gdb, strace, ltrace)
# Debuggers have wide variety of bugs where they leak SIGTRAP
# to traced process and nuke it. Ignore this crash.
echo "The crashed process was ptraced - not saving the crash"
exit 1 # abrt will remove the problem directory
if grep -q ^ABRT_IGNORE_ALL=1 environ \
|| grep -q ^ABRT_IGNORE_CCPP=1 environ \
; then
echo "ABRT_IGNORE variable is 1 - not saving the crash"
# abrtd will delete the problem directory when we exit nonzero:
exit 1
# Try generating backtrace, if it fails we can still use
# the hash generated by abrt-action-analyze-c
[ ! -e core_backtrace ] && abrt-action-generate-core-backtrace
# Run GDB plugin to see if crash looks exploitable
[ -r coredump ] && abrt-action-analyze-vulnerability
# Generate hash
abrt-action-analyze-c &&
abrt-action-list-dsos -m maps -o dso_list &&
# Try to save relevant log lines.
# Can't do it as analyzer step, non-root can't read log.
executable=`cat executable` &&
base_executable=${executable##*/} &&
uid=`cat $DUMP_DIR/uid` &&
user_log_full=`journalctl -q -b --since=-3m -n 99 _COMM="$base_executable" _UID="$uid"` &&
while read line; do
if [[ $line != *" audit["* ]]; then
done <<< "$user_log_full"
test -n "${user_log::-1}" && printf "User Logs:\n--%s--\n" "$user_log" >$DUMP_DIR/var_log_messages
# Do not use '&&' here because if $user_log is the empty string
# then the script does not continue to get the system logs
# Remove the line below if you don't mind sharing data from the
# system logs with unprivileged users -> bugzilla.redhat.com/1212868
false &&
system_log_full=$log`journalctl -q -b --since=-3m --system -n 99 _COMM="$base_executable"` &&
while read line; do
if [[ $line != *" audit["* ]]; then
done <<< "$system_log_full"
test -n "${system_log::-1}" && printf "System Logs:\n--%s--\n" "$system_log" >$DUMP_DIR/var_log_messages
# Always exit with true here, because the false at
# the beginning would cause the post-create hook to remove
# the current problem directory.
EVENT=collect_xsession_errors type=CCpp dso_list~=.*/libX11.*
# Where is X session error log - traditional or new location?
test -f "$xsession_errors" || xsession_errors=~/.cache/gdm/session.log
# We do not want to abort further processing,
# thus we do not fail (exit with nonzero) if the file isn't there:
test -f "$xsession_errors" || { echo "No $xsession_errors"; exit 0; }
test -r "$xsession_errors" || { echo "Can't read $xsession_errors"; exit 0; }
executable=`cat executable` &&
base_executable=${executable##*/} &&
grep -F -e "$base_executable" "$xsession_errors" | tail -999 >xsession_errors &&
echo "Element 'xsession_errors' saved"
# TODO: can we still specify additional directories to search for debuginfos,
# or was this ability lost with move to python installer?
EVENT=analyze_LocalGDB type=CCpp
# Bugzilla requires nonempty duphash
EVENT=report_Bugzilla type=CCpp duphash!=
test -f component || abrt-action-save-package-data
component="`cat component`"
test -f "/etc/libreport/plugins/bugzilla_format_$component.conf" \
&& format="bugzilla_format_$component.conf"
test -f "/etc/libreport/plugins/bugzilla_formatdup_$component.conf" \
&& formatdup="bugzilla_formatdup_$component.conf"
reporter-bugzilla -b \
-c /etc/libreport/plugins/bugzilla.conf \
-F "/etc/libreport/plugins/$format" \
-A "/etc/libreport/plugins/$formatdup"
# Send micro report
EVENT=report_uReport type=CCpp
# update ABRT database after successful report to bugzilla
EVENT=post_report type=CCpp
reporter-ureport -A -B
EVENT=analyze_CCpp type=CCpp
# Reporting of C/Cpp problems
EVENT=report-gui type=CCpp
report-gtk -- "$DUMP_DIR"
EVENT=report-cli type=CCpp
report-cli -- "$DUMP_DIR"
EVENT=report_systemd-journal type=CCpp analyzer=abrt-ccpp
reporter-systemd-journal --message-id 5ab0271ecf1941a2b89299716e880661 \
-F /etc/libreport/plugins/catalog_ccpp_format.conf
EVENT=report_systemd-journal type=CCpp analyzer=abrt-journal-core
reporter-systemd-journal --message-id 5ab0271ecf1941a2b89299716e880661 \
-F /etc/libreport/plugins/catalog_journal_ccpp_format.conf