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# The options are only meaningful if the backend was
# compiled with USE_FORK defined
# option buffersize: size of one buffer allocated as shared
# memory for data transfer between the reader process
# and the parent process
# option buffers: number of these buffers
# The minimum is 2
# option readqueue: number of queued read requests. This is
# with the current SANE version (1.01) only useful for
# Linux, since queued read requests are not supported
# for other operating systems.
# For Linux, a value of 2 is recommended, at least if a
# JX-250 is used. Bigger values are only a waste of memory.
# For other operationg systems, set this value to zero
# option stop_on_fsu_error: should be 0 or 1. If set to 0,
# the "FSU light dispersion error" does not cause the abortion
# of a scan.
# option default_scan_source: valid values are "auto", "fsu", "adf"
# and "flatbed". For "auto", the backend will enable an ADF or
# or FSU, if installed.
# global options:
option buffers 4
option buffersize 131072
option readqueue 2
option stop_on_fsu_error 1
option default_scan_source auto
# look for all devices with vendor ID "SHARP" and type "Scanner"
scsi SHARP * Scanner
# no options specific to these devices listed -> use global options
# options specific to /dev/scanner
option buffers 6
option buffersize 262144
option readqueue 2
# example for another (Linux) device name: