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# Host and port - default values
#IvonaServerHost ""
#IvonaServerPort 9123
#Sample Frequency
#IvonaSampleFreq 16000
# Debug level - see Festival module configuration
Debug 0
# DebugFile specifies the file where the debugging information
# should be stored (note that the log is overwritten each time
# the module starts)
# DebugFile "/tmp/debug-ivona"
# IvonaMinCapLet overrides DefaultCapLetRecognition. Set to:
# 1 for "icon" - play icon even if default is "none"
# 2 for "spell" - spell "capital" even if default is "none" or "icon"
IvonaMinCapLet 1
IvonaSoundIconPath "/usr/share/sounds/sound-icons-0.1/"
#Ivona Speaker (depends on Ivona version)
#Jacek or Ewa for pl, Jennifer for en, Carmen for ro
IvonaSpeakerName "Jacek"
IvonaSpeakerLanguage "pl"
#Delimiters for message splitting
#Do not change if not sure!
#IvonaDelimiters ".;:,!?"
#Punctuation for "some"
#IvonaPunctuationSome "()"