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def ConfigureService(serviceName, description, lsbStartDep, lsbStopDep, lsbStartBefore,
lsbStopAfter, chkcfgStartLevel, chkcfgStopLevel):
Configure a service using the program appropriate for the current system.
Right now we support insserv, chkconfig, and update-rc.d
******** READ ME ... IMPORTANT!
******** This function expects the component using it to have the initinfo scripts in
******** initinfo/initinfo.*. They shouldn't be installed, they should just be included
******** in the component. Without them, it will fail.
@param serviceName: The service name, matches the script name
@param description: Text description of the service. Single-line only
@param lsbStartDep: Space separated list of services that must be started *before* this service.
@param lsbStopDep: Space separated list of services that must be stopped *after* this service.
@param lsbStartBefore: Space separated list of reverse deps. This package must start before these.
@param lsbStopAfter: Space separated list of reverse deps. This package must stop after these.
@param chkcfgStartLevel: The start number for chkconfig or update-rc.d scripts
@param chkcfgStopLevel: The stop number for chkconfig or update-rc.d scripts
scriptFile = INITSCRIPTDIR/serviceName
if not INITSCRIPTDIR or not scriptFile.exists():
# TODO: Raise a dialog informing the user that we are unable to add init script links.
# TODO: This can take the place of Workstation's current message for Gentoo and Arch
# TODO: systems.
script = scriptFile.text()
(initType, initProgram) = InitConfigProgram()
if not initType:
# We can't use a program to do it for us, lay down the links ourselves.
if not INITDIR:
# TODO: Raise a dialog informing the user that we are unable to add init script links.
# TODO: This can take the place of Workstation's current message for Gentoo and Arch
# TODO: systems.
log.Warn('INITDIR has not been set. No rc?.d style dirs '
'to populate.')
script = INITSCRIPTDIR/serviceName
pattern = 'rc%(runlevel)d.d/%(letter)s%(priority)02d%(name)s'
for runlevel in (2, 3, 5):
# Build symlinks for this runlevel
startLink = path(INITDIR/(pattern % {'runlevel': runlevel, 'letter': 'S',
'priority': chkcfgStartLevel, 'name': serviceName}))
stopLink = path(INITDIR/(pattern % {'runlevel': runlevel, 'letter': 'K',
'priority': chkcfgStopLevel, 'name': serviceName}))
except OSError as e:
pass # Okay if it already exists
except OSError as e:
pass # Okay if it already exists
# Register files with the installer. It will clean them up on uninstall.
if initType == 'insserv':
# Add the insserv style header and add our service
initheader = inst.GetFileText('initinfo/initinfo.lsb')
initheader = re.sub('@@SERVICE_NAME@@', serviceName, initheader)
initheader = re.sub('@@LSB_SERVICE_START_DEP@@', lsbStartDep, initheader)
initheader = re.sub('@@LSB_SERVICE_STOP_DEP@@', lsbStopDep, initheader)
initheader = re.sub('@@LSB_SERVICE_START_BEFORE_DEP@@', lsbStartBefore, initheader)
initheader = re.sub('@@LSB_SERVICE_STOP_AFTER_DEP@@', lsbStopAfter, initheader)
initheader = re.sub('@@SERVICE_DESCRIPTION@@', description, initheader)
txt = re.sub('# VMWARE_INIT_INFO', initheader, script, re.DOTALL)
inst.RunCommand('/bin/sh', '-c', '%s -f %s >/dev/null 2>&1' % (initProgram, serviceName), ignoreErrors=True)
if initType == 'chkconfig':
# Add the chkconfig style header and add our service
initheader = inst.GetFileText('initinfo/initinfo.chkconfig')
initheader = re.sub('@@CHKCFG_START_LEVEL@@', str(chkcfgStartLevel), initheader)
initheader = re.sub('@@CHKCFG_STOP_LEVEL@@', str(chkcfgStopLevel), initheader)
initheader = re.sub('@@SERVICE_DESCRIPTION@@', description, initheader)
txt = re.sub('# VMWARE_INIT_INFO', initheader, script, re.DOTALL)
inst.RunCommand(initProgram, '--add', serviceName, ignoreErrors=True)
if initType == 'update-rc.d':
# Add the insserv style header and add our service
initheader = inst.GetFileText('initinfo/initinfo.updaterc')
initheader = re.sub('@@SERVICE_NAME@@', serviceName, initheader)
initheader = re.sub('@@LSB_SERVICE_START_DEP@@', lsbStartDep, initheader)
initheader = re.sub('@@LSB_SERVICE_STOP_DEP@@', lsbStopDep, initheader)
initheader = re.sub('@@LSB_SERVICE_START_BEFORE_DEP@@', lsbStartBefore, initheader)
initheader = re.sub('@@LSB_SERVICE_STOP_AFTER_DEP@@', lsbStopAfter, initheader)
initheader = re.sub('@@SERVICE_DESCRIPTION@@', description, initheader)
txt = re.sub('# VMWARE_INIT_INFO', initheader, script, re.DOTALL)
inst.RunCommand(initProgram, serviceName,
'start', chkcfgStartLevel, '2', '3', '4', '.',
'stop', chkcfgStopLevel, '0', '6', '.', ignoreErrors=True)
log.Info('Installed Service: %s' % serviceName)
def DeconfigureService(serviceName):
(initType, initProgram) = InitConfigProgram()
if not initType:
# The links have been registered with the installer. It will remove them on
# uninstall.
if initType == 'insserv':
inst.RunCommand('/bin/sh', '-c', '%s -f -r %s >/dev/null 2>&1' % (initProgram, serviceName), ignoreErrors=True)
if initType == 'chkconfig':
inst.RunCommand(initProgram, '--del', serviceName, ignoreErrors=True)
if initType == 'update-rc.d':
inst.RunCommand(initProgram, '-f', serviceName, 'remove', ignoreErrors=True)
log.Info('Uninstalled Service: %s' % serviceName)
def InitConfigProgram():
Scan the system to try and guess the program that sets up the init script links.
On RHEL, it's chkconfig, on SuSE it's insserv, and on Ubuntu it's update-rc.d.
NOTE: Don't use insserv on Ubuntu per bug 776485. Ubuntu so very wisely ships
it but expects developers not to use it.
# First, check for update-rc.d b/c we want to use it instead
# of insserv on Ubuntu and Debian systems.
if path('/usr/sbin/update-rc.d').isexe():
return ('update-rc.d', '/usr/sbin/update-rc.d')
elif path('/sbin/update-rc.d').isexe():
return ('update-rc.d', '/sbin/update-rc.d')
elif (_which('update-rc.d')):
return ('update-rc.d', _which('update-rc.d'))
if path('/sbin/insserv').isexe():
return ('insserv', '/sbin/insserv')
elif _which('insserv'):
return ('insserv', _which('insserv'))
if path('/sbin/chkconfig').isexe():
return ('chkconfig', '/sbin/chkconfig')
elif (_which('chkconfig')):
return ('chkconfig', _which('chkconfig'))
# XXX: Add support for upstart in the future.
return (None, None)
def _which(program):
Gets the PATH environment variable and checks for program
in order.
@param program: Executable to search for
@returns: Full path if found and executable, None otherwise
# XXX: Borrowed from util/ This should be broken into a
# utility file to be used by both components and the main code.
systemPath = ENV['PATH']
paths = systemPath.split(':')
for p in paths:
fullPath = path(p)/program
if fullPath.isexe():
return str(fullPath) # Return a string, not a path object
return None