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# vnStat 2.6 config file

# default interface (leave empty for automatic selection)
Interface ""

# location of the database directory
DatabaseDir "/var/lib/vnstat"

# locale (LC_ALL) ("-" = use system locale)
Locale "-"

# date output formats for -d, -m, -t and -w
DayFormat    "%Y-%m-%d"
MonthFormat  "%Y-%m"
TopFormat    "%Y-%m-%d"

# characters used for visuals
RXCharacter       "%"
TXCharacter       ":"
RXHourCharacter   "r"
TXHourCharacter   "t"

# how units are prefixed when traffic is shown
# 0 = IEC standard prefixes (KiB/MiB/GiB...)
# 1 = old style binary prefixes (KB/MB/GB...)
# 2 = SI decimal prefixes (kB/MB/GB...)
UnitMode 0

# used rate unit (0 = bytes, 1 = bits)
RateUnit 1

# how units are prefixed when traffic rate is shown in bits
# 0 = IEC binary prefixes (Kibit/s...)
# 1 = SI decimal prefixes (kbit/s...)
RateUnitMode 1

# output style
# 0 = minimal & narrow, 1 = bar column visible
# 2 = same as 1 except rate in summary
# 3 = rate column visible
OutputStyle 3

# number of decimals to use in outputs
DefaultDecimals 2
HourlyDecimals 1

# spacer for separating hourly sections (0 = none, 1 = '|', 2 = '][', 3 = '[ ]')
HourlySectionStyle 2

# how many seconds should sampling for -tr take by default
Sampletime 5

# default query mode
# 0 = normal, 1 = days, 2 = months, 3 = top, 5 = short
# 7 = hours, 8 = xml, 9 = one line, 10 = json
QueryMode 0

# default list output entry limits (0 = all)
List5Mins      24
ListHours      24
ListDays       30
ListMonths     12
ListYears       0
ListTop        10

# vnstatd

# switch to given user when started as root (leave empty to disable)
DaemonUser ""

# switch to given group when started as root (leave empty to disable)
DaemonGroup ""

# try to detect interface maximum bandwidth, 0 = disable feature
# MaxBandwidth will be used as fallback value when enabled
BandwidthDetection 1

# maximum bandwidth (Mbit) for all interfaces, 0 = disable feature
# (unless interface specific limit is given)
MaxBandwidth 1000

# interface specific limits
#  example 8Mbit limit for eth0 (remove # to activate):
#MaxBWeth0 8

# data retention durations (-1 = unlimited, 0 = feature disabled)
5MinuteHours   48
HourlyDays      4
DailyDays      62
MonthlyMonths  25
YearlyYears    -1
TopDayEntries  20

# how often (in seconds) interface data is updated
UpdateInterval 20

# how often (in seconds) interface status changes are checked
PollInterval 5

# how often (in minutes) data is saved to database
SaveInterval 5

# how often (in minutes) data is saved when all interface are offline
OfflineSaveInterval 30

# on which day should months change
MonthRotate 1
MonthRotateAffectsYears 0

# filesystem disk space check (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
CheckDiskSpace 1

# how much the boot time can variate between updates (seconds)
BootVariation 15

# create database entries even when there is no traffic (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
TrafficlessEntries 1

# how many minutes to wait during daemon startup for system clock to
# sync time if most recent database update appears to be in the future
TimeSyncWait 5

# how often (in minutes) bandwidth detection is done when
# BandwidthDetection is enabled (0 = disabled)
BandwidthDetectionInterval 5

# force data save when interface status changes (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
SaveOnStatusChange 1

# enable / disable logging (0 = disabled, 1 = logfile, 2 = syslog)
UseLogging 2

# create dirs if needed (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
CreateDirs 1

# update ownership of files if needed (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
UpdateFileOwner 1

# file used for logging if UseLogging is set to 1
LogFile "/var/log/vnstat/vnstat.log"

# file used as daemon pid / lock file
PidFile "/var/run/vnstat/"

# 1 = 64-bit, 0 = 32-bit, -1 = old style logic, -2 = automatic detection
64bitInterfaceCounters -2

# use SQLite Write-Ahead Logging mode (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
DatabaseWriteAheadLogging 0

# change the setting of the SQLite "synchronous" flag
# (-1 = auto, 0 = off, 1, = normal, 2 = full, 3 = extra)
DatabaseSynchronous -1

# vnstati

# title timestamp format
HeaderFormat "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"

# show hours with rate (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
HourlyRate 1

# show rate in summary (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
SummaryRate 1

# transparent background (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
TransparentBg 0

# image colors
CBackground     "FFFFFF"
CEdge           "AEAEAE"
CHeader         "606060"
CHeaderTitle    "FFFFFF"
CHeaderDate     "FFFFFF"
CText           "000000"
CLine           "B0B0B0"
CLineL          "-"
CRx             "92CF00"
CTx             "606060"
CRxD            "-"
CTxD            "-"