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PHPlot / contrib / color_range
$Id: color_range.php 974 2011-07-26 17:20:50Z lbayuk $
PHPlot contrib code - public domain - no copyright - use as you wish
Original contribution from: Josep Sanz <josep dot sans at w3 dot es>
"I wrote this code to calculate the range of colors between 2 colors
to plot using the range from color_a to color_b..."
I have changed the code and repackaged it, but the idea is the same.
Given 2 colors and number of data sets, computes an array of colors
that make up a gradient between the two provided colors, for use
with SetDataColors().
Provides the following functions:
$colors = color_range($color_a, $color_b, $n_intervals)
Returns a color array for SetDataColors.
$n = count_data_sets($data, $data_type)
Counts the number of data sets in a data array.
This can be used to provide $n_intervals in color_range().
Fill a color map with a gradient step between two colors.
$color_a : Starting color for the gradient. Array of (r, g, b)
$color_b : Ending color for the gradient. Array of (r, g, b)
$n_steps : Total number of color steps, including color_a and color_b.
Returns: A color map array with n_steps colors in the form
$colors[i][3], suitable for SetDataColors().
You may use the PHPlot internal function $plot->SetRGBColor($color)
to convert a color name or #rrggbb notation into the required array
of 3 values (r, g, b) for color_a and color_b.
Newer versions of PHPlot use 4 components (r, g, b, a) arrays for color.
This script ignores the alpha component in those arrays.
function color_range($color_a, $color_b, $n_steps)
if ($n_steps < 2) $n_steps = 2;
$nc = $n_steps - 1;
# Note: $delta[] and $current[] are kept as floats. $colors is integers.
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
$delta[$i] = ($color_b[$i] - $color_a[$i]) / $nc;
$current = $color_a;
for ($col = 0; $col < $nc; $col++) {
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
$colors[$col][$i] = (int)$current[$i];
$current[$i] += $delta[$i];
$colors[$nc] = $color_b; # Make sure the last color is exact.
return $colors;
Determine the number of data sets (plot lines, bars per group, pie
segments, etc.) contained in a data array.
This can be used to determine n_steps for $color_range.
$data : PHPlot data array
$data_type : PHPlot data type, describing $data. (e.g. 'data-data')
Returns: The number of data sets in the data array.
This has to scan the entire data array. Don't use this unless you
really don't have a better way to determine the number of data sets.
This does NOT require that the data array be integer indexed.
function count_data_sets($data, $data_type)
if ($data_type == 'text-data-single')
return count($data); # Pie chart, 1 segment per record
# Get the longest data record:
$max_row = 0;
foreach ($data as $row)
if (($n = count($row)) > $max_row) $max_row = $n;
if ($data_type == 'text-data' || $data_type == 'text-data-yx')
return ($max_row - 1); # Each record is (label Y1 Y2...)
if ($data_type == 'data-data' || $data_type == 'data-data-yx')
return ($max_row - 2); # Each record is (label X Y1 Y2...)
if ($data_type == 'data-data-error')
return (($max_row - 2) / 3); # Each record is (label X Y1 Y1+ Y1-...)
# Not a recognized data type... Just return something sane.
return $max_row;