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# $Id: data_table.example1.php 999 2011-08-05 19:00:48Z lbayuk $
# phplot / contrib / data_table example 1: Stand-alone data tables
# This example does not use PHPlot. Output is a PNG file with multiple
# data tables, with varying parameters.
require_once 'data_table.php';
$data = array(
array('January', 1, 10, 1e05),
array('February', 2, 20, 1e04),
array('March', 3, 30, 1e03),
array('April', 4, 40, 1e02),
array('May', 5, '', 1e01),
array('June', 6, 60, 1e00),
array('July', 7, 70, 0),
array('August', 8, 80, 1e-1),
array('September', 9, 90, 1e-2),
array('October', 10, 100, 1e-3),
array('November', 11, 110, 1e-4),
array('December', 12, 120, 1e-5),
$img_width = 800;
$img_height = 600;
$cx = $img_width / 2;
$cy = $img_height / 2;
$tbl_width = $cx - 20;
$tbl_height = $cy - 20;
$base_settings = array(
'headers' => array("Label", 'Y1', 'Y2', 'Y3'),
'column_widths' => array(3, 1, 2, 3),
'column_formats' => array('%s', '%d', '%5.2f', '%6g'),
'width' => $tbl_width,
'height' => $tbl_height,
'data' => $data,
'column_alignments' => array('C', 'R', 'R', 'R'),
$img = imagecreate($img_width, $img_height);
$white = imagecolorresolve($img, 255, 255, 255);
$red = imagecolorresolve($img, 255, 0, 0);
imageline($img, 0, $cy, $img_width-1, $cy, $red);
imageline($img, $cx, 0, $cx, $img_height-1, $red);
draw_data_table($img, array_merge($base_settings, array(
'position' => array(10, 10),
draw_data_table($img, array_merge($base_settings, array(
'position' => array($cx + 10, 10),
'cellpadding' => 12,
'column_alignments' => array('R', 'L', 'R', 'R'),
draw_data_table($img, array_merge($base_settings, array(
'position' => array(10, $cy + 10),
'color' => array(0x66, 0x66, 0xcc),
draw_data_table($img, array_merge($base_settings, array(
'position' => array($cx + 10, $cy + 10),
'font' => 4,