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A class that writes html either into a local buffer or directly to the output. Freely distributable as long as this header is kept at the top of the file and not modified.
@author Jean-Georges Estiot <>
@version 2.0
class Html {
private $spaces_per_indent;
private $stack;
private $attributes;
private $indent_level;
private $buffer;
private $buffered;
private $newline;
init() must be called once before the class is used by the application. It sets up the indent, defaults to buffered output and calls reset().
@param int $spaces The number of spaces to use in the indentation
@return void does not return anything
public function init($spaces = 2) {
$this->spaces_per_indent = $spaces;
$this->newline = ($spaces == 0 ? "" : "\n");
$this->buffered = true;
Resets some of the key elements of the class: the stack, the indent, the attributes and the buffer.
@return void does not return anything
public function reset() {
$this->stack = array();
$this->indent_level = 0;
* Returns the content of the buffer and clears it
@return string The content of the buffer.
public function flush() {
$temp = $this->buffer;
return $temp;
*clears the buffer
@return void does not return anything
private function clear_buffer() {
$this->buffer = '';
Sets the buffering to true or false. If false, the class will output the tags immediately. If true, it will keep all content into the buffer for later use.
@param bool $how True for buffered and false for unbuffered.
@return void does not return anything
public function set_buffered($how) {
$this->buffered = $how;
Writes a string to the buffer. This is the only function in the class that outputs. If $indent is set to true, the string output is correctly indented, relative to other code.
@param string $string The string to write to output
@param bool $indent True to indent the string or false otherwise
@return void does not return anything
public function write($string, $indent = false) {
if ($indent) $string = $this->make_indent() . $string;
if ($this->buffered) {
$this->buffer .= $string;
} else {
echo $string;
Adds a single attribute to the next tag.
Example for an `<input>` tag: add_attribute('type','checkbox');
@param string $name The name of the attribute
@param string $value The value of the attribute
@return void does not return anything
public function add_attribute($name, $value) {
$this->attributes[$name] = $value;
Adds more than one attribute to the next tag
The attributes for the tag are passed in the format array('attribute'=>'value').
So array('id'=>'tag_id','class'=>'myclass') would produce this div tag:
`<div id="tag_id" class="myclass">`
@param array $ar The array holding the attributes
@return void does not return anything
public function add_attributes($ar) {
if (is_array($ar)) {
$this->attributes = array_merge($this->attributes, $ar);
Outputs the attributes for the tag that were added with add_attribute() or add_attributes().
Example: if the previously-added attributes are array('id'=>'tag_id','class'=>'myclass'), expand_attributes() will
produce the string 'id="tag_id" class="myclass'.
Important: all attributes are cleared once the string is output.
@return void does not return anything
private function expand_attributes() {
foreach ($this->attributes as $idx => $val) {
$this->write(' ' . strtolower($idx) . '=' . '"' . $val . '"');
$this->clear_attributes(); //always clear attributes when finished
Clears all attributes. (The next tag will have no attributes)
@return void does not return anything
public function clear_attributes() {
$this->attributes = array();
Generates a tag. There are three flavours:
1) Open tags with no close and no content. Just the attributes if required: `<div class="myclass">`. This tag will require a call to close()
2) Tags that never require a close such as `<img href="image.jpg" />`
3) Tags that have content and are immediately terminated on the same line `<h1>Hello</h1>`
For the first, use tag('div');
For the second, use tag('img',false,false) or the function single_tag()
For the third, simply pass the tag's content like so: tag('h1','Hello')
@param string $tag The name of the tag. For example 'div' for the `<div>` tag
@param mixed $content A string for tags such as `<h1>string</h1>`
@param bool $push A flag indicating if the tag should be pushed onto the stack
@return void does not return anything
public function tag($tag, $content = null, $push = true) {
$has_content = !is_null($content) && $content !== false; // the content can be an empty string
$has_single_tag = $content === false;
if ($push) {
array_push($this->stack, $tag);
$this->write('<' . strtolower($tag));
if ($has_single_tag) $this->write(" /");
if ($push) $this->indent_level++;
if ($has_content) $this->write($content);
if (!$has_content) $this->write($this->newline);
if ($push && $has_content) {
Outputs a single tag such as `<img />` or `<input />`. Single tags do not require a closing tag.
@param string $tag The name of the tag. For example 'input' for an `<input />` tag
@return void does not return anything
public function single_tag($tag) {
$this->tag($tag, false, false);
Closes the last opened tag. if $indent is set to false, there is no indentation, which is useful for tags
where the open and close are on the same line like `<h1>Title</h1>`
@param bool $indent A flag controlling the indent. True for using indent
@return void does not return anything
public function close($indent = true) {
$tag = array_pop($this->stack);
if ($indent) $this->indent();
$this->write('</' . $tag . ">" . $this->newline);
Returns the padding needed to indent a tag or string of text
@return void does not return anything
private function make_indent() {
return str_repeat(' ', $this->indent_level * $this->spaces_per_indent);
* Performs the indentation by writing the padding returned by make_indent() to the output.
@return void does not return anything
private function indent() {
if ($this->indent_level > 0) $this->write($this->make_indent());
Appends some arbitrary code to the buffer or ouputs it after applying the current indent level before the code and each time a newline is found.
If properly indented code is passed, it will be appended and properly indented into the existing html code.
A newline is inserted after the code. To avoid double newlines, a trailing newlines are removed from $code before any processing happens.
@param string $code The code to be appended
@return void does not return anything
public function insert_code($code) {
$code = preg_replace('/\n$/','', $code);
$indent_factor = $this->newline . $this->make_indent();
$code = str_replace("\n", $indent_factor, $code);
$this->write($code . $this->newline);
Shortcut function to write a `<br>` to the buffer
@param bool $indent A flag controlling the indent. True for using indent
@return void does not return anything
public function br($indent = false) {
$this->write('<br>', $indent);
Shortcut function to write a newline `\n` to the buffer
@return void does not return anything
public function nl() {
Shortcut function to write both `<br>` and `\n` to the buffer
@param bool $indent A flag controlling the indent. True for using indent
@return void does not return anything
public function brnl($indent = true) {
} // Ends html Class