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* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Geo Varghese( *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
# class defines all crawl log functions
class CrawlLogController extends Controller {
* the name of the crawl logging database tabel
var $tablName = "crawl_log";
* function to create crawl logs for report generation
* @param $crawlInfo The array contains all detaisl of crawl
function createCrawlLog($crawlInfo) {
$dateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$sql = "INSERT INTO ". $this->tablName ."(".implode(",", array_keys($crawlInfo)).", crawl_time)";
$sql .= " values ('".implode("','", array_values($crawlInfo))."', '$dateTime')";
$logId = $this->db->getMaxId($this->tablName);
return $logId;
* function to update crawl log
* @param int $logId The id of the crawl log needs to be updated
* @param Array $crawlInfo The array contains crawl log details needs to be updated
function updateCrawlLog($logId, $crawlInfo) {
// if log id is not empty
if (!empty($logId)) {
$sql = "update $this->tablName set ";
// for each through the log values
foreach($crawlInfo as $key => $value) {
$sql .= "$key='". addslashes($value) ."',";
$sql = rtrim($sql, ",");
$sql .= " where id=$logId";
* Function to display crawl log details
* @param Array $info Contains all search details
function listCrawlLog($info = ''){
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$sql = "select t.*, keyword from $this->tablName t left join keywords k on where 1=1";
$conditions = "";
if (isset($info['status'])) {
if (($info['status'] == 'success') || ($info['status'] == 'fail')) {
$statVal = ($info['status']=='success') ? 1 : 0;
$conditions .= " and crawl_status=$statVal";
$urlParams .= "&status=".$info['status'];
} else {
$info['status'] = '';
$this->set('statVal', $info['status']);
if (empty($info['keyword'])) {
$info['keyword'] = '';
} else {
$info['keyword'] = urldecode($info['keyword']);
$searchKeyword = addslashes($info['keyword']);
$conditions .= " and (ref_id like '%$searchKeyword%' or subject like '%$searchKeyword%' or crawl_referer like '%$searchKeyword%'
or log_message like '%$searchKeyword%' or like '%$searchKeyword%' or crawl_link like '%$searchKeyword%'
or crawl_cookie like '%$searchKeyword%' or crawl_post_fields like '%$searchKeyword%' or crawl_useragent like '%$searchKeyword%')";
$urlParams .= "&keyword=".urlencode($info['keyword']);
$this->set('keyword', $info['keyword']);
$crawlType = "";
if (!empty($info['crawl_type'])) {
$crawlType = $info['crawl_type'];
$conditions .= " and crawl_type='".addslashes($crawlType)."'";
$urlParams .= "&crawl_type=".$crawlType;
// find different crawl types
$crawlTypeSql = "select distinct crawl_type from $this->tablName";
$crawlTypeList = $this->db->select($crawlTypeSql);
$this->set('crawlTypeList', $crawlTypeList);
$this->set('crawlType', $crawlType);
$proxyId = "";
if (!empty($info['proxy_id'])) {
$proxyId = $info['proxy_id'];
$conditions .= " and proxy_id='".intval($proxyId)."'";
$urlParams .= "&proxy_id=".$proxyId;
// find different proxy used
$proxySql = "select distinct proxy_id, proxy, port from $this->tablName t, proxylist pl
where and t.proxy_id!=0";
$proxyList = $this->db->select($proxySql);
$this->set('proxyList', $proxyList);
$this->set('proxyId', $proxyId);
$seId = "";
$seController = New SearchEngineController();
$seList = $seController->__getAllSearchEngines();
$seNameList = array();
foreach ($seList as $seInfo) {
$seNameList[] = $seInfo['domain'];
if (!empty($info['se_id'])) {
$seId = intval($info['se_id']);
$conditions .= " and (subject='$seId' or subject in ('".implode(",", $seNameList)."'))";
$urlParams .= "&se_id=".$seId;
$this->set('seList', $seList);
$this->set('seId', $seId);
if (!empty ($info['from_time'])) {
$fromTime = strtotime($info['from_time'] . ' 00:00:00');
} else {
$fromTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - 30, date('Y'));
if (!empty ($info['to_time'])) {
$toTime = strtotime($info['to_time'] . ' 00:00:00');
} else {
$toTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
$fromTimeLabel = date('Y-m-d', $fromTime);
$toTimeLabel = date('Y-m-d', $toTime);
$this->set('fromTime', $fromTimeLabel);
$this->set('toTime', $toTimeLabel);
$urlParams .= "&from_time=$fromTimeLabel&to_time=$toTimeLabel";
// sql created using param
$sql .= " $conditions and crawl_time >='$fromTimeLabel 00:00:00' and crawl_time<='$toTimeLabel 23:59:59' order by id DESC";
// pagination setup
$this->db->query($sql, true);
$this->paging->loadPaging($this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO);
$pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages('log.php', '', 'scriptDoLoad', 'content', $urlParams);
$this->set('pagingDiv', $pagingDiv);
$sql .= " limit ".$this->paging->start .",". $this->paging->per_page;
$logList = $this->db->select($sql);
$this->set('pageNo', $info['pageno']);
$this->set('list', $logList);
$this->set('urlParams', $urlParams);
$this->set('fromPopUp', $info['fromPopUp']);
* fucntion to delete log id
* @param int $logId The id of the log needs to be deleted
function deleteCrawlLog($logId) {
$sql = "delete from crawl_log where id=".intval($logId);
* function to clear all logs saved in teh system
function clearAllLog() {
$sql = "truncate crawl_log";
* function to get crawl log information
* @param int $logId The id of the log needs to be dispalyed
function getCrawlLogInfo($logId) {
$sql = "select * from crawl_log where id=".intval($logId);
$logInfo = $this->db->select($sql, true);
return $logInfo;
* fucntion to show crawl log details
* @param int $logId The id of the log needs to be dispalyed
function showCrawlLogDetails($logId) {
$logInfo = $this->getCrawlLogInfo($logId);
$this->set('logInfo', $logInfo);
* function to clear logs before an interval
* @param int $daysBefore The days before the crawl logs to be deleted
function clearCrawlLog($daysBefore) {
$dateBefore = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - $daysBefore, date('y'));
$dateBefore = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $dateBefore);
$sql = "delete from crawl_log where crawl_time < '$dateBefore'";