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* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Geo Varghese( *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
# class defines all cron controller functions
class CronController extends Controller {
var $cronList; // the array includes all tools avialable for cron
var $repTools; // the array includes all tools avialable for report generation
var $debug = true; // to show debug message or not
var $layout = 'ajax'; // ajax layout or not
var $timeStamp; // timestamp for storing reports
var $checkedKeywords = 0; // the number of keywords checked in cron, this is used for split cron execution feature
var $checkedWebsites = 0; // the number of websites checked in cron, this is used for split cron execution feature
# function to load all tools required for report generation
function loadReportGenerationTools($includeList=array()){
$includeList = formatSQLParamList($includeList);
$sql = "select * from seotools where status=1 and reportgen=1";
if(count($includeList) > 0) $sql .= " and id in (".implode(',', $includeList).")";
$this->repTools = $this->db->select($sql);
# function to load all tools required for cron job
function loadCronJobTools($includeList=array()){
$sql = "select * from seotools where status=1 and cron=1";
if(count($includeList) > 0) $sql .= " and id in (".implode(',', $includeList).")";
$sql .= " order by id ASC";
$this->cronList = $this->db->select($sql);
# function to show report generation manager
function showReportGenerationManager(){
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$websiteController = New WebsiteController();
$websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
$this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
$this->set('websiteNull', false);
$this->set('repTools', $this->repTools);
# function to show cron command
function showCronCommand(){
# common report generation function
function executeReportGenerationScript($info='') {
if(count($info['repTools']) <= 0){
$websiteCtrler = New WebsiteController();
$allWebsiteList[] = $websiteCtrler->__getWebsiteInfo($info['website_id']);
$userCtrler = New UserController();
$userList = $userCtrler->__getAllUsers();
$allWebsiteList = array();
foreach($userList as $userInfo){
$websiteList = $websiteCtrler->__getAllWebsites($userInfo['id']);
foreach($websiteList as $websiteInfo){
$allWebsiteList[] = $websiteInfo;
if(count($allWebsiteList) <= 0){
$this->set('allWebsiteList', $allWebsiteList);
$this->set('repTools', implode(':', $info['repTools']));
# common cron execute function
function executeCron($includeList=array(), $userSelectList=array()) {
$lastGenerated = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
$userCtrler = New UserController();
// if user list selected is not empty
if (!empty($userSelectList)) {
$userList = $userSelectList;
} else {
$userList = $userCtrler->__getAllUsers(true, true, "utype_id DESC");
foreach($userList as $userInfo){
// check whethere user id is existing
if (empty($userInfo['id'])) continue;
// check whether user expired
if (!$userCtrler->isUserExpired($userInfo['id'])) {
// create report controller
$reportCtrler = New ReportController();
// check for user report schedule
$repSetInfo = $reportCtrler->isGenerateReportsForUser($userInfo['id']);
if (!empty($repSetInfo['generate_report'])) {
$websiteCtrler = New WebsiteController();
$sql = "select * from websites where status=1 and user_id=" . $userInfo['id'] . " and crawled=0 order by name";
$websiteList = $websiteCtrler->db->select($sql);
$websiteCount = count($websiteList);
// if websites are available
if ($websiteCount > 0) {
foreach($websiteList as $websiteInfo){
$this->websiteInfo = $websiteInfo;
$this->routeCronJob($websiteInfo['id'], '', true);
// change website crawl status
$sql = "update websites set crawled=1 where id=" . $websiteInfo['id'];
$websiteList = $websiteCtrler->db->query($sql);
// if all websites checked, mark as report generated for the day
if ($this->checkedWebsites != $websiteCount) {
// to implement split cron execution feature
if ($this->checkedWebsites == SP_NUMBER_WEBSITES_CRON) {
die("Reached total number of allowed websites(" . SP_NUMBER_WEBSITES_CRON. ") in each cron job");
// save report generated time
$reportCtrler->updateUserReportSetting($userInfo['id'], 'last_generated', $lastGenerated);
// update report generation logs
$reportCtrler->updateUserReportGenerationLogs($userInfo['id'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
// update user alerts section
$alertCtrl = new AlertController();
$reportTxt = $this->getLanguageTexts('reports', $_SESSION['lang_code']);
$alertInfo = array(
'alert_subject' => $reportTxt["Reports Generated Successfully"],
'alert_message' => $reportTxt['report_email_subject'],
'alert_category' => "reports",
'alert_url' => SP_WEBPATH,
$alertCtrl->createAlert($alertInfo, $userInfo['id']);
// send email notification if enabled
if (SP_REPORT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION && $repSetInfo['email_notification']) {
$reportCtrler->spTextTools = $this->getLanguageTexts('seotools', $_SESSION['lang_code']);
$reportCtrler->set('spTextTools', $reportCtrler->spTextTools);
$reportCtrler->sentEmailNotificationForReportGen($userInfo, $repSetInfo['last_generated'], $lastGenerated);
// if user selected list empty
if (empty($userSelectList)) {
// reset all keywords crawl status
$keywordCtrler = New KeywordController();
$this->debugMsg("Reset all keywords crawl status\n");
// change all website crawl status
$sql = "update websites set crawled=0";
$this->debugMsg("Change all websites crawl status\n");
# function to route the cronjobs to different methods
function routeCronJob($websiteId, $repTools='', $cron=false){
$websiteId = intval($websiteId);
$websiteCtrler = New WebsiteController();
$this->websiteInfo = $websiteCtrler->__getWebsiteInfo($websiteId);
$seoTools = $this->cronList;
$this->loadReportGenerationTools(explode(':', $repTools));
$seoTools = $this->repTools;
// check whethre user access to seo tools and plugins
$userCtrler = New UserController();
$userInfo = $userCtrler->__getUserInfo($this->websiteInfo['user_id']);
$userTypeCtrler = new UserTypeController();
// check whethere user is admin
if ($userInfo['utype_id'] == $userTypeCtrler->getAdminUserTypeId()) {
$isAdmin = true;
} else {
$isAdmin = false;
$toolAccessList = $userTypeCtrler->getSeoToolAccessSettings($userInfo['utype_id']);
foreach ($seoTools as $cronInfo) {
// check whether user have acccess to the tool
if (!$isAdmin && empty($toolAccessList[$cronInfo['id']]['value']) ) continue;
case "webmaster-tools":
case "keyword-position-checker":
case "rank-checker":
case "backlink-checker":
case "saturation-checker":
case "pagespeed":
case "sm-checker":
case "review-manager":
case "web-analytics":
# func to generate search engine saturation reports from cron
function saturationCheckerCron($websiteId){
$this->debugMsg("Starting Search engine saturation Checker cron for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n");
$saturationCtrler = New SaturationCheckerController();
$websiteInfo = $this->websiteInfo;
if (SP_MULTIPLE_CRON_EXEC && $saturationCtrler->isReportsExists($websiteInfo['id'], $this->timeStamp)) return;
$saturationCtrler->url = $websiteUrl = addHttpToUrl($websiteInfo['url']);
foreach ($saturationCtrler->colList as $col => $dbCol) {
$websiteInfo[$col] = $saturationCtrler->__getSaturationRank($col);
$saturationCtrler->saveRankResults($websiteInfo, true);
echo "Saved Search Engine Saturation results of <b>$websiteUrl</b>.....</br>\n";
# func to generate pagespeed reports from cron
function pageSpeedCheckerCron($websiteId){
$this->debugMsg("Starting page speed Checker cron for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n");
$pageSpeedCtrler = New PageSpeedController();
$websiteInfo = $this->websiteInfo;
if (SP_MULTIPLE_CRON_EXEC && $pageSpeedCtrler->isReportsExists($websiteInfo['id'], $this->timeStamp)) return;
$userCtrler = new UserController();
$userInfo = $userCtrler->__getUserInfo($websiteInfo['user_id']);
$langCode = $userInfo['lang_code'];
$websiteUrl = addHttpToUrl($websiteInfo['url']);
$params = array('screenshot' => false, 'strategy' => 'desktop', 'locale' => $langCode);
$websiteInfo['desktop'] = $pageSpeedCtrler->__getPageSpeedInfo($websiteUrl, $params);
$params = array('screenshot' => false, 'strategy' => 'mobile', 'locale' => $langCode);
$websiteInfo['mobile'] = $pageSpeedCtrler->__getPageSpeedInfo($websiteUrl, $params);
$pageSpeedCtrler->savePageSpeedResults($websiteInfo, true);
echo "Saved page speed results of <b>$websiteUrl</b>.....</br>\n";
# func to generate social media checker reports from cron
function socialMediaCheckerCron($websiteId){
$this->debugMsg("Starting social media Checker cron for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n");
$socialMediaCtrler = New SocialMediaController();
$websiteInfo = $this->websiteInfo;
$linkList = $socialMediaCtrler->getAllLinksWithOutReports($websiteInfo['id'], date('Y-m-d', $this->timeStamp));
if (SP_MULTIPLE_CRON_EXEC && empty($linkList)) {
$this->debugMsg("No social media links left to generate report for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n");
return true;
// loop through link list and save the data
foreach ($linkList as $linkInfo) {
$result = $socialMediaCtrler->getSocialMediaDetails($linkInfo['type'], $linkInfo['url']);
if ($result['status']) {
echo "Crawled social media results of <b>{$linkInfo['name']}</b>.....</br>\n";
} else {
echo "Failed Crawling of social media results of <b>{$linkInfo['name']}</b>.....</br>\n";
echo $result['msg'];
// save the social media data
$socialMediaCtrler->saveSocialMediaLinkResults($linkInfo['id'], $result);
sleep(SP_CRAWL_DELAY + 5);
echo "Saved social media results of website id: <b>$websiteId</b>.....</br>\n";
# func to generate review checker reports from cron
function reviewCheckerCron($websiteId) {
$this->debugMsg("Starting review Checker cron for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n");
$reviewController = New ReviewManagerController();
$websiteInfo = $this->websiteInfo;
$linkList = $reviewController->getAllLinksWithOutReports($websiteInfo['id'], date('Y-m-d', $this->timeStamp));
if (SP_MULTIPLE_CRON_EXEC && empty($linkList)) {
$this->debugMsg("No review links left to generate report for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n");
return true;
// loop through link list and save the data
foreach ($linkList as $linkInfo) {
$result = $reviewController->getReviewDetails($linkInfo['type'], $linkInfo['url']);
if ($result['status']) {
echo "Crawled review results of <b>{$linkInfo['name']}</b>.....</br>\n";
} else {
echo "Failed Crawling of review results of <b>{$linkInfo['name']}</b>.....</br>\n";
echo $result['msg'];
// save the review data
$reviewController->saveReviewLinkResults($linkInfo['id'], $result);
sleep(SP_CRAWL_DELAY + 5);
echo "Saved review results of website id: <b>$websiteId</b>.....</br>\n";
# func to generate backlink reports from cron
function backlinkCheckerCron($websiteId){
$this->debugMsg("Starting Backlink Checker cron for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n");
$backlinkCtrler = New BacklinkController();
$websiteInfo = $this->websiteInfo;
if (SP_MULTIPLE_CRON_EXEC && $backlinkCtrler->isReportsExists($websiteInfo['id'], $this->timeStamp)) return;
$backlinkCtrler->url = $websiteUrl = addHttpToUrl($websiteInfo['url']);
foreach ($backlinkCtrler->colList as $col => $dbCol) {
$websiteInfo[$col] = $backlinkCtrler->__getBacklinks($col);
$backlinkCtrler->saveRankResults($websiteInfo, true);
echo "Saved backlink results of <b>$websiteUrl</b>.....</br>\n";
# func to generate rank reports from cron
function rankCheckerCron($websiteId){
$this->debugMsg("Starting Rank Checker cron for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n");
$rankCtrler = New RankController();
$websiteInfo = $this->websiteInfo;
if (SP_MULTIPLE_CRON_EXEC && $rankCtrler->isReportsExists($websiteInfo['id'], $this->timeStamp)) return;
$websiteUrl = addHttpToUrl($websiteInfo['url']);
/*$mozRankInfo = $rankCtrler->__getMozRank(array($websiteUrl));*/
$mozCtrler = new MozController();
$mozRankInfo = $mozCtrler->__getMozRankInfo(array($websiteUrl));
$websiteInfo['moz_rank'] = $mozRankInfo[0]['moz_rank'];
$websiteInfo['page_authority'] = $mozRankInfo[0]['page_authority'];
$websiteInfo['domain_authority'] = $mozRankInfo[0]['domain_authority'];
$websiteInfo['alexaRank'] = $rankCtrler->__getAlexaRank($websiteUrl);
$rankCtrler->saveRankResults($websiteInfo, true);
$this->debugMsg("Saved rank results of <b>$websiteUrl</b>.....<br>\n");
# func to find the keyword position checker
function keywordPositionCheckerCron($websiteId){
$reportController = New ReportController();
$keywordCtrler = New KeywordController();
$seController = New SearchEngineController();
$reportController->seList = $seController->__getAllCrawlFormatedSearchEngines();
// get keywords not to be checked
$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
$sql = "select distinct(keyword_id) from keywordcrontracker kc, keywords k where and k.website_id=$websiteId and time=$time";
$keyList = $this->db->select($sql);
$excludeKeyList = array(0);
foreach ($keyList as $info) {
$excludeKeyList[] = $info['keyword_id'];
// get keywords needs to be checked
$sql = "select k.*,w.url from keywords k,websites w where and$websiteId and k.status=1 and k.crawled=0";
$sql .= " and not in(".implode(",", $excludeKeyList).") order by";
$keywordList = $reportController->db->select($sql);
$this->debugMsg("Starting keyword position checker cron for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n");
// loop through each keyword
foreach ( $keywordList as $keywordInfo ) {
$reportController->seFound = 0;
$crawlResult = $reportController->crawlKeyword($keywordInfo, '', true);
foreach($crawlResult as $sengineId => $matchList){
foreach($matchList['matched'] as $i => $matchInfo){
$remove = ($i == 0) ? true : false;
$matchInfo['se_id'] = $sengineId;
$matchInfo['keyword_id'] = $keywordInfo['id'];
$repCtrler = New ReportController();
$repCtrler->saveMatchedKeywordInfo($matchInfo, $remove);
$this->debugMsg("Successfully crawled keyword <b>{$keywordInfo['name']}</b> results from ".$reportController->seList[$sengineId]['domain'].".....<br>\n");
$this->debugMsg("Crawling keyword <b>{$keywordInfo['name']}</b> results from ".$reportController->seList[$sengineId]['domain']." failed......<br>\n");
$keywordCtrler->__changeCrawledStatus(1, 'id=' . $keywordInfo['id']);
// to implement split cron execution feature
if ( (SP_NUMBER_KEYWORDS_CRON > 0) && !empty($crawlResult) ) {
if ($this->checkedKeywords == SP_NUMBER_KEYWORDS_CRON) {
die("Reached total number of allowed keywords(".SP_NUMBER_KEYWORDS_CRON.") in each cron job");
$this->debugMsg("Keyword <b>{$keywordInfo['name']}</b> not assigned to required search engines........\n");
# func to generate webmaster tools reports from cron
function webmasterToolsCron($websiteId){
$this->debugMsg("Starting webmaster tools cron for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n");
$wmCtrler = New WebMasterController();
$websiteInfo = $this->websiteInfo;
// check whether old reports are not generated. Then generate from it.
for ($i=4; $i>=2; $i--) {
// report date should be less than 2 days, then only reports will be generated
$reportDate = date('Y-m-d', $this->timeStamp - ($i * 60 * 60 * 24));
// loop through source list
foreach ($wmCtrler->sourceList as $source) {
// check whether reports already existing
if (SP_MULTIPLE_CRON_EXEC && $wmCtrler->isReportsExists($websiteInfo['id'], $reportDate, $source)) {
$this->debugMsg("Skip webmaster tools report($reportDate) generation of <b>{$this->websiteInfo['name']}</b>.....<br>\n");
// store results
$wmCtrler->storeWebsiteAnalytics($websiteInfo['id'], $reportDate, $source);
$this->debugMsg("Saved webmaster tools report($reportDate) of <b>{$this->websiteInfo['name']}</b>.....<br>\n");
// update webmaster tools sitemaps
$websiteController = New WebsiteController();
$websiteController->importWebmasterToolsSitemaps($websiteId, true);
$this->debugMsg("Saved webmaster tools sitemaps of <b>{$this->websiteInfo['name']}</b>.....<br>\n");
// func to generate analytics reports from cron
function analyticsCron($websiteId){
$this->debugMsg("Starting analytics cron for website: {$this->websiteInfo['name']}....<br>\n");
$wmCtrler = New AnalyticsController();
$websiteInfo = $this->websiteInfo;
$reportDate = date('Y-m-d', $this->timeStamp - (60 * 60 * 24));
// check whether reports already existing
if (SP_MULTIPLE_CRON_EXEC && $wmCtrler->isReportsExists($websiteInfo['id'], $reportDate)) {
$this->debugMsg("Analytics results already generated of <b>{$this->websiteInfo['name']}</b>.....<br>\n");
return FALSE;
// store results
$wmCtrler->storeWebsiteAnalytics($websiteInfo['id'], $reportDate);
$this->debugMsg("Saved analytics results of <b>{$this->websiteInfo['name']}</b>.....<br>\n");
// func to show debug messages
function debugMsg($msg='') {
if($this->debug == true) print $msg;