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* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Geo Varghese( *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
# class defines all keyword controller functions
class KeywordController extends Controller{
# func to show keywords
function listKeywords($info=''){
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$websiteController = New WebsiteController();
$urlParams = "";
$websiteId = empty($info['website_id']) ? "" : intval($info['website_id']);
$this->set('websiteList', $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true));
$this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
if ($websiteId) {
$conditions = " and k.website_id=$websiteId";
$urlParams = "website_id=$websiteId";
} else {
$conditions = "";
if (isset($info['status'])) {
if (($info['status']== 'active') || ($info['status']== 'inactive')) {
$statVal = ($info['status']=='active') ? 1 : 0;
$conditions .= " and k.status=$statVal";
$urlParams .= "&status=".$info['status'];
} else {
$info['status'] = '';
$this->set('statVal', $info['status']);
if (empty($info['keyword'])) {
$info['keyword'] = '';
} else {
$info['keyword'] = urldecode($info['keyword']);
$conditions .= " and like '%".addslashes($info['keyword'])."%'";
$urlParams .= "&keyword=".urlencode($info['keyword']);
$this->set('keyword', $info['keyword']);
$sql = "select k.*, website,w.status webstatus from keywords k,websites w where and w.status=1";
$sql .= isAdmin() ? "" : " and w.user_id=$userId";
$sql .= " $conditions order by";
# pagination setup
$this->db->query($sql, true);
$this->paging->loadPaging($this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO);
$pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages('keywords.php', '', 'scriptDoLoad', 'content', $urlParams);
$this->set('pagingDiv', $pagingDiv);
$sql .= " limit ".$this->paging->start .",". $this->paging->per_page;
# set keywords list
$keywordList = $this->db->select($sql);
$this->set('pageNo', $info['pageno']);
$langCtrler = New LanguageController();
$countryCtrler = New CountryController();
foreach ($keywordList as $i => $keyInfo) {
$info = $langCtrler->__getLanguageInfo($keyInfo['lang_code']);
$keywordList[$i]['lang_name'] = $info['lang_name'];
$info = $countryCtrler->__getCountryInfo($keyInfo['country_code']);
$keywordList[$i]['country_name'] = $info['country_name'];
$this->set('list', $keywordList);
# func to show keyword select box
function showKeywordSelectBox($userId='', $websiteId='', $keywordId=''){
$this->set('keywordList', $this->__getAllKeywords($userId, $websiteId, true));
$this->set('keywordId', $keywordId);
# func to change status
function __changeStatus($keywordId, $status){
$keywordId = intval($keywordId);
$sql = "update keywords set status=$status where id=$keywordId";
# func to change crawled status of keyword
function __changeCrawledStatus($status, $whereCond = '1=1') {
$sql = "update keywords set crawled=$status where $whereCond";
# func to change status
function __deleteKeyword($keywordId){
$keywordId = intval($keywordId);
$sql = "delete from keywords where id=$keywordId";
// delete related data
$sql = "delete sd.*, s.* from searchresults s, searchresultdetails sd where and s.keyword_id=$keywordId";
function newKeyword(){
$userId = isLoggedIn();
# Validate keyword count
if (!$this->validateKeywordCount($userId)) {
$this->set('validationMsg', $this->spTextKeyword['Your keyword count already reached the limit']);
$websiteController = New WebsiteController();
$this->set('websiteList', $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true));
$langController = New LanguageController();
$this->set('langList', $langController->__getAllLanguages());
$this->set('langNull', true);
$countryController = New CountryController();
$this->set('countryList', $countryController->__getAllCountries());
$this->set('countryNull', true);
$seController = New SearchEngineController();
$this->set('seList', $seController->__getAllSearchEngines());
# create new keyword function
function createKeyword($listInfo, $apiCall = false){
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$this->set('post', $listInfo);
$errMsg['name'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank($listInfo['name']));
$errMsg['website_id'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank($listInfo['website_id']));
if (!is_array($listInfo['searchengines'])) $listInfo['searchengines'] = array();
$errMsg['searchengines'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank(implode('', $listInfo['searchengines'])));
$statusVal = isset($listInfo['status']) ? intval($listInfo['status']) : 1;
$seStr = is_array($listInfo['searchengines']) ? implode(':', $listInfo['searchengines']) : $listInfo['searchengines'];
// verify the limit count for the user
if (!$this->validate->flagErr) {
// Get the website user id, if admin is logged in
if (isAdmin() || $apiCall) {
$websiteCtrler = new WebsiteController();
$websiteInfo = $websiteCtrler->__getWebsiteInfo($listInfo['website_id']);
$webUserId = $websiteInfo['user_id'];
} else {
$webUserId = $userId;
// Validate keyword count
if (! $this->validateKeywordCount($webUserId)) {
$validationMsg = $this->spTextKeyword['Your keyword count already reached the limit'];
$this->set('validationMsg', $validationMsg);
$errMsg['limit_error'] = $validationMsg;
$this->validate->flagErr = true;
// Validate search engine count
$seValdInfo = SearchEngineController::validateSearchEngineCount($webUserId, count($listInfo['searchengines']));
if ($seValdInfo['error']) {
$errMsg['searchengines'] = $seValdInfo['msg'];
$this->validate->flagErr = true;
// verify the form elements
$keyword = addslashes(trim($listInfo['name']));
if (!$this->__checkName($keyword, $listInfo['website_id'])) {
$sql = "insert into keywords(name,lang_code,country_code,website_id,searchengines,status)
values('$keyword', '".addslashes($listInfo['lang_code'])."', '".addslashes($listInfo['country_code'])."',
".intval($listInfo['website_id']).", '".addslashes($seStr)."', $statusVal)";
// if api call
if ($apiCall) {
return array('success', 'Successfully created keyword');
} else {
$errMsg['name'] = formatErrorMsg($this->spTextKeyword['Keyword already exist']);
// if api call
if ($apiCall) {
return array('error', $errMsg);
} else {
$this->set('errMsg', $errMsg);
# function to import keywords
function importKeywords(){
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$websiteController = New WebsiteController();
$websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
$this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
if (empty($_POST['website_id'])) {
$listInfo['website_id'] = $websiteList[0]['id'];
$this->set('post', $listInfo);
$langController = New LanguageController();
$this->set('langList', $langController->__getAllLanguages());
$this->set('langNull', true);
$countryController = New CountryController();
$this->set('countryList', $countryController->__getAllCountries());
$this->set('countryNull', true);
$seController = New SearchEngineController();
$this->set('seList', $seController->__getAllSearchEngines());
// Check the user website count for validation
if (!isAdmin()) {
# function to set validation message for the limit
function setValidationMessageForLimit($userId) {
// Check the user website count for validation
$userTypeCtrlr = new UserTypeController();
$userKeywordCount = count($this->__getAllKeywords($userId));
$userTypeDetails = $userTypeCtrlr->getUserTypeSpecByUser($userId);
$validCount = $userTypeDetails['keywordcount'] - $userKeywordCount;
$validCount = $validCount > 0 ? $validCount : 0;
$validationMsg = str_replace("[keywordcount]", "<b>$validCount</b>", $this->spTextKeyword['You can add only keywordcount keywords more']);
$this->set('validationMsg', $validationMsg);
# function to import keywords to the seo panel
function createImportedKeywords($listInfo){
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$this->set('post', $listInfo);
$errMsg['keywords'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank($listInfo['keywords']));
if (!is_array($listInfo['searchengines'])) $listInfo['searchengines'] = array();
$errMsg['searchengines'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank(implode('', $listInfo['searchengines'])));
// Check the user website count for validation
if (isAdmin()) {
$websiteCtrler = new WebsiteController();
$websiteInfo = $websiteCtrler->__getWebsiteInfo($listInfo['website_id']);
$webUserId = $websiteInfo['user_id'];
} else {
$webUserId = $userId;
// Validate search engine count
$seValdInfo = SearchEngineController::validateSearchEngineCount($webUserId, count($listInfo['searchengines']));
if ($seValdInfo['error']) {
$errMsg['searchengines'] = $seValdInfo['msg'];
$this->validate->flagErr = true;
$listInfo['website_id'] = intval($listInfo['website_id']);
$keywords = explode(",", $listInfo['keywords']);
$keyExist = false;
$keywordList = array();
foreach ($keywords as $i => $keyword) {
$keyword = addslashes(trim($keyword));
if ($this->__checkName($keyword, $listInfo['website_id'])) {
$errMsg['keywords'] = formatErrorMsg($_SESSION['text']['common']['Keyword']." '<b>$keyword</b>' ". $_SESSION['text']['label']['already exist']);
$keyExist = true;
// if keyword is not empty
if (!empty($keyword)) {
$keywordList[$i] = $keyword;
// check whether keyword count exeeds the limit
if (!$this->validateKeywordCount($webUserId, count($keywordList))) {
$keyExist = true;
// if no error exists save keyword
if (!$keyExist) {
$listInfo['searchengines'] = is_array($listInfo['searchengines']) ? $listInfo['searchengines'] : array();
foreach ($keywordList as $keyword) {
$sql = "insert into keywords(name,lang_code,country_code,website_id,searchengines,status)
".intval($listInfo['website_id']).",'".addslashes(implode(':', $listInfo['searchengines']))."',1)";
$this->set('errMsg', $errMsg);
function __checkName($name, $websiteId){
$websiteId = intval($websiteId);
$name = addslashes($name);
$sql = "select id from keywords where name='$name' and website_id=$websiteId";
$listInfo = $this->db->select($sql, true);
return empty($listInfo['id']) ? false : $listInfo['id'];
# func to get all keywords
function __getAllKeywords($userId='', $websiteId='', $isAdminCheck=false, $orderByWeb=false, $orderByValue='ASC', $searchName = ''){
$websiteId = intval($websiteId);
$sql = "select k.*, website,w.url weburl from keywords k,websites w where and k.status=1";
if(!$isAdminCheck || !isAdmin() ) {
if(!empty($userId)) {
$websiteCtrl = new WebsiteController();
$sql .= $websiteCtrl->getWebsiteUserAccessCondition($userId);
//if(!empty($userId)) $sql .= " and w.user_id=$userId";
if(!empty($websiteId)) $sql .= " and k.website_id=$websiteId";
if (!empty($searchName)) {
$sql .= " and like '%".addslashes($searchName)."%'";
$orderByValue = getOrderByVal($orderByValue);
$sql .= $orderByWeb ? " order by, $orderByValue" : " order by $orderByValue";
$keywordList = $this->db->select($sql);
return $keywordList;
function __getKeywordInfo($keywordId){
$keywordId = intval($keywordId);
$sql = "select * from keywords where id=$keywordId";
$listInfo = $this->db->select($sql, true);
return empty($listInfo['id']) ? false : $listInfo;
function __getWebisteKeywords($websiteId, $searchInfo=[]) {
$cond = "website_id=".intval($websiteId);
$cond .= isset($searchInfo['status']) ? " and status=".intval($searchInfo['status']) : "";
$cond .= isset($searchInfo['search']) ? " and name like '%".addslashes($searchInfo['search'])."%'" : "";
return $this->dbHelper->getAllRows('keywords', $cond);
function editKeyword($keywordId, $listInfo=''){
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$websiteController = New WebsiteController();
$this->set('websiteList', $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true));
$langController = New LanguageController();
$this->set('langList', $langController->__getAllLanguages());
$this->set('langNull', true);
$countryController = New CountryController();
$this->set('countryList', $countryController->__getAllCountries());
$this->set('countryNull', true);
$seController = New SearchEngineController();
$this->set('seList', $seController->__getAllSearchEngines());
$listInfo = $this->__getKeywordInfo($keywordId);
$listInfo['oldName'] = $listInfo['name'];
$listInfo['searchengines'] = explode(':', $listInfo['searchengines']);
$this->set('post', $listInfo);
function updateKeyword($listInfo, $apiCall = false){
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$this->set('post', $listInfo);
// Check the user website count for validation
if (isAdmin()) {
$websiteCtrler = new WebsiteController();
$websiteInfo = $websiteCtrler->__getWebsiteInfo($listInfo['website_id']);
$webUserId = $websiteInfo['user_id'];
} else {
$webUserId = $userId;
$errMsg['name'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank($listInfo['name']));
$errMsg['searchengines'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank(implode('', $listInfo['searchengines'])));
$seStr = is_array($listInfo['searchengines']) ? implode(':', $listInfo['searchengines']) : $listInfo['searchengines'];
$statusVal = isset($listInfo['status']) ? "status = " . intval($listInfo['status']) ."," : "";
// Validate search engine count
$seValdInfo = SearchEngineController::validateSearchEngineCount($webUserId, count($listInfo['searchengines']));
if ($seValdInfo['error']) {
$errMsg['searchengines'] = $seValdInfo['msg'];
$this->validate->flagErr = true;
//validate form
$listInfo['website_id'] = intval($listInfo['website_id']);
$listInfo['id'] = intval($listInfo['id']);
$keyword = addslashes(trim($listInfo['name']));
if($listInfo['name'] != $listInfo['oldName']){
if ($this->__checkName($keyword, $listInfo['website_id'])) {
$errMsg['name'] = formatErrorMsg($this->spTextKeyword['Keyword already exist']);
$this->validate->flagErr = true;
if (!$this->validate->flagErr) {
$listInfo['searchengines'] = is_array($listInfo['searchengines']) ? $listInfo['searchengines'] : array();
$sql = "update keywords set
name = '$keyword',
lang_code = '".addslashes($listInfo['lang_code'])."',
country_code = '".addslashes($listInfo['country_code'])."',
website_id = {$listInfo['website_id']},
searchengines = '".addslashes($seStr)."'
where id={$listInfo['id']}";
// if api call
if ($apiCall) {
return array('success', 'Successfully updated keyword');
} else {
// if api call
if ($apiCall) {
return array('error', $errMsg);
} else {
$this->set('errMsg', $errMsg);
$this->editKeyword($listInfo['id'], $listInfo);
function showKeywordReports($keywordId) {
$keywordId = intval($keywordId);
$this->checkUserIsObjectOwner($keywordId, 'keyword');
echo "<script>scriptDoLoad('reports.php', 'content', 'keyword_id=$keywordId&rep=1')</script>";
// Function to check / validate the user type keyword count
function validateKeywordCount($userId, $newCount = 1) {
$userCtrler = new UserController();
// if admin user id return true
if ($userCtrler->isAdminUserId($userId)) {
return true;
$userTypeCtrlr = new UserTypeController();
$userKeywordCount = count($this->__getAllKeywords($userId));
$userKeywordCount += $newCount;
$userTypeDetails = $userTypeCtrlr->getUserTypeSpecByUser($userId);
// if limit is set and not -1
if (isset($userTypeDetails['keywordcount']) && $userTypeDetails['keywordcount'] >= 0) {
// check whether count greater than limit
if ($userKeywordCount <= $userTypeDetails['keywordcount']) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
function getUserKeywordSearchEngineList($userId = "", $websiteId = false) {
$seController = New SearchEngineController();
$list = $seController->__getAllSearchEngines();
$seList = array();
$seDisplayList = array();
foreach ($list as $listInfo) {
$seList[$listInfo['id']] = $listInfo;
$websiteCtlr = new WebsiteController();
$whereCond = " and k.status=1 and w.status=1";
$whereCond .= !empty($userId) ? $websiteCtlr->getWebsiteUserAccessCondition($userId) : "";
$whereCond .= !empty($websiteId) ? " and".intval($websiteId) : "";
$list = $this->dbHelper->getAllRows('keywords k, websites w', $whereCond, "distinct k.searchengines");
// show only required search engines
foreach ($list as $keywordInfo) {
$keySeList = explode(":", $keywordInfo['searchengines']);
foreach ($keySeList as $keySeId) {
if (empty($seDisplayList[$keySeId]) && !empty($seList[$keySeId])) {
$seDisplayList[$keySeId] = $seList[$keySeId];
return $seDisplayList;