Subversion Repositories cheapmusic


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 *   Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Geo Varghese(      *
 *                                                                                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *

# class defines all pagespeed api controller functions
class PageSpeedController extends Controller{

        var $colList = array(
                'desktop_speed_score' => 'desktop_speed_score',
                'mobile_speed_score' => 'mobile_speed_score',
                'mobile_usability_score' => 'mobile_usability_score',
        // function to get moz rank
        function __getPageSpeedInfo ($url, $params = array(), $apiKey = '', $returnLog = false) {
                include_once(SP_LIBPATH . "/google-api-php-client/vendor/autoload.php");
                $pageSpeedInfo = array();
                $crawlInfo = array();
                $apiKey = !empty($apiKey) ? $apiKey : SP_GOOGLE_API_KEY;
                // if empty no need to crawl
                if (!empty($apiKey)) {
                        $client = new Google_Client();
                        try {
                                // split and select main language if sub language selected
                                if (stristr($params['locale'], '-')) {
                                        list($params['locale'], $tmpVar) = explode('-', $params['locale']);
                                $service = new Google_Service_Pagespeedonline($client);
                                $pageSpeedInfo = $service->pagespeedapi->runpagespeed($url, $params);
                                $pageSpeedInfo = self::formatPageSpeedData($pageSpeedInfo);
                        } catch (Exception $e) {
                                $err = $e->getMessage();
                                $errData = json_decode($err);
                                $crawlInfo['crawl_status'] = 0;
                                $crawlInfo['log_message'] = $_SESSION['text']['label']['Fail'];
                                $crawlInfo['log_message'] .= !empty($errData->error->errors[0]->reason) ? ": " . $errData->error->errors[0]->reason . " :: " . $errData->error->errors[0]->message : "";
                } else {
                        $crawlInfo['crawl_status'] = 0;
                        $crawlInfo['log_message'] = "Google api key not set.";

                        $alertCtler = new AlertController();
                        $alertInfo = array(
                                'alert_subject' => "Click here to enter Google API key",
                                'alert_message' => "Error: Google API key not found",
                                'alert_url' => SP_WEBPATH ."/admin-panel.php?sec=google-settings",
                                'alert_type' => "danger",
                                'alert_category' => "reports",
                        $alertCtler->createAlert($alertInfo, false, true);
                return $returnLog ? array($pageSpeedInfo, $crawlInfo) : $pageSpeedInfo;
        public static function formatPageSpeedData($pageSpeedInfo) {

                $pageSpeedData = array(
                        'speed_score' => !empty($pageSpeedInfo['ruleGroups']['SPEED']['score']) ? $pageSpeedInfo['ruleGroups']['SPEED']['score'] : 0,
                        'usability_score' => !empty($pageSpeedInfo['ruleGroups']['USABILITY']['score']) ? $pageSpeedInfo['ruleGroups']['USABILITY']['score'] : 0,
                $detailsInfo = array();
                foreach ($pageSpeedInfo['formattedResults']['ruleResults'] as $ruleSet => $ruleSetInfo) {
                        $detailsInfo[$ruleSet] = array(
                                'localizedRuleName' => $ruleSetInfo['localizedRuleName'],
                                'ruleImpact' => $ruleSetInfo['ruleImpact'],
                                'impactGroup' => implode(',', $ruleSetInfo['groups']),
                                'summary' => self::formatSummaryText($ruleSetInfo['summary']),
                                'urlBlocks' => self::formatUrlBlock($ruleSetInfo['urlBlocks']),
                $pageSpeedData['details'] = $detailsInfo;
                return $pageSpeedData;
        public static function formatUrlBlock($urlBlockList) {
                $urlList = array();
                foreach ($urlBlockList as $urlBlockInfo) {
                        $info['header'] = self::formatSummaryText($urlBlockInfo['header']);
                        $info['urls'] = array();
                        foreach ($urlBlockInfo['urls'] as $urlInfo) {
                                $info['urls'][] = self::formatSummaryText($urlInfo['result']);
                        $urlList[] = $info;
                return $urlList;
        public static function formatSummaryText($summaryInfo) {
                $formatTxt = $summaryInfo['format'];
                // loop through arg information list
                foreach ($summaryInfo['args'] as $argInfo) {
                        switch ($argInfo['type']) {
                                case "HYPERLINK":
                                        $formatTxt = str_replace('{{BEGIN_LINK}}', "<a href='{$argInfo['value']}' target='_blank'>", $formatTxt);
                                        $formatTxt = str_replace('{{END_LINK}}', "</a>", $formatTxt);
                                case "URL":
                                        $formatTxt = str_replace('{{' . $argInfo['key'] . '}}', "<a>{$argInfo['value']}</a>" , $formatTxt);
                                        $formatTxt = str_replace('{{' . $argInfo['key'] . '}}', $argInfo['value'], $formatTxt);
                return $formatTxt;
        // function to show pagespeed checker
        function showQuickChecker() {
        function findPageSpeedInfo($searchInfo) {
                // check google api setup
                SettingsController::showCheckCategorySettings('google', true);
                $urlList = explode("\n", $searchInfo['website_urls']);
                $list = array();
                $reportList = array();
                $i = 1;
                foreach ($urlList as $url) {
                        $url = sanitizeData($url);
                        if(!preg_match('/\w+/', $url)) continue;
                        if ($i++ > 5) break;
                        $url = addHttpToUrl($url);
                        $list[] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\r\n", "\n\r"), "", trim($url));
                // loop through the list
                foreach ($list as $url) {
                        $reportList[$url] = array();
                        $params = array('screenshot' => false, 'strategy' => 'desktop', 'locale' => $_SESSION['lang_code']);
                        $reportList[$url]['desktop'] = $this->__getPageSpeedInfo($url, $params);
                        $params = array('screenshot' => false, 'strategy' => 'mobile', 'locale' => $_SESSION['lang_code']);
                        $reportList[$url]['mobile'] = $this->__getPageSpeedInfo($url, $params);
                $this->set('reportList', $reportList);
                $this->set('list', $list);

        # func to show reports
        function showReports($searchInfo = '') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['from_time'])) {
                        $fromTime = $searchInfo['from_time'];
                } else {
                        $fromTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'));
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['to_time'])) {
                        $toTime = $searchInfo['to_time'];
                } else {
                        $toTime = date('Y-m-d');
                $fromTime = addslashes($fromTime);
                $toTime = addslashes($toTime);
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTime);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTime);
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval( $searchInfo['website_id']);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                $conditions = empty ($websiteId) ? "" : " and s.website_id=$websiteId";
                $sql = "select s.* , from pagespeedresults s,websites w where
                and result_date >= '$fromTime' and result_date <= '$toTime' $conditions order by result_date";
                $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                $i = 0;
                $colList = $this->colList;
                foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                        $prevRank[$col] = 0;
                # loop throgh rank
                foreach ($reportList as $key => $repInfo) {
                        foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                                $rankDiff[$col] = '';
                        foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                                if ($i > 0) {
                                        $rankDiff[$col] = ($prevRank[$col] - $repInfo[$dbCol]) * -1;
                                        if ($rankDiff[$col] > 0) {
                                                $rankDiff[$col] = "<font class='green'>($rankDiff[$col])</font>";
                                        }elseif ($rankDiff[$col] < 0) {
                                                $rankDiff[$col] = "<font class='red'>($rankDiff[$col])</font>";
                                $reportList[$key]['rank_diff_'.$col] = empty ($rankDiff[$col]) ? '' : $rankDiff[$col];
                        foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                                $prevRank[$col] = $repInfo[$dbCol];
                $detailsInfo = $this->dbHelper->getRow("pagespeeddetails", "website_id=$websiteId");
                $this->set('detailsInfo', $detailsInfo);
                $this->set('fromPopUp', $searchInfo['fromPopUp']);
                $this->set('list', array_reverse($reportList, true));
        # func to get backlink report for a website
        function __getWebsitePageSpeedReport($websiteId, $fromTime, $toTime) {
                $fromTimeLabel = date('Y-m-d', $fromTime);
                $toTimeLabel = date('Y-m-d', $toTime);
                $conditions = empty ($websiteId) ? "" : " and s.website_id=$websiteId";
                $sql = "select s.* ,      from pagespeedresults s,websites w
                where" . $conditions . "
                and (result_date='$fromTimeLabel' or result_date='$toTimeLabel')
                order by result_date DESC Limit 0,2";
                $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                $reportList = array_reverse($reportList);
                $i = 0;
                $colList = $this->colList;
                foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                        $prevRank[$col] = 0;
                # loop throgh rank
                foreach ($reportList as $key => $repInfo) {
                        foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                                $rankDiff[$col] = '';
                        foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                                if ($i > 0) {
                                        $rankDiff[$col] = ($prevRank[$col] - $repInfo[$dbCol]) * -1;
                                        if ($rankDiff[$col] > 0) {
                                                $rankDiff[$col] = "<font class='green'>($rankDiff[$col])</font>";
                                        }elseif ($rankDiff[$col] < 0) {
                                                $rankDiff[$col] = "<font class='red'>($rankDiff[$col])</font>";
                                $reportList[$key]['rank_diff_'.$col] = empty ($rankDiff[$col]) ? '' : $rankDiff[$col];
                        foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                                $prevRank[$col] = $repInfo[$dbCol];
                $reportList = array_reverse(array_slice($reportList, count($reportList) - 1));
                return $reportList;
        # func to show graphical reports
        function showGraphicalReports($searchInfo = '') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $fromTime = !empty($searchInfo['from_time']) ? $searchInfo['from_time'] : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'));
                $toTime = !empty ($searchInfo['to_time']) ? $searchInfo['to_time'] : date("Y-m-d");
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTime);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTime);
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                $conditions = empty ($websiteId) ? "" : " and s.website_id=$websiteId";
                $sql = "select s.* , from pagespeedresults s,websites w where
                and result_date >= '$fromTime' and result_date <= '$toTime' $conditions order by result_date";
                $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                // if reports not empty
                $colList = $this->colList;
                if (!empty($reportList)) {
                        $colLableList = array($this->spTextPS['Desktop Speed'], $this->spTextPS['Mobile Speed'], $this->spTextPS['Mobile Usability']);
                        $dataArr = "['Date', '" . implode("', '", $colLableList) . "']";
                        // loop through data list
                        foreach ($reportList as $dataInfo) {
                                $valStr = "";
                                foreach ($colList as $seId => $seVal) {
                                        $valStr .= ", ";
                                        $valStr .= !empty($dataInfo[$seId])    ? $dataInfo[$seId] : 0;
                                $dataArr .= ", ['{$dataInfo['result_date']}' $valStr]";
                        $this->set('dataArr', $dataArr);
                        $this->set('graphTitle', $this->spTextTools['Backlinks Reports']);
                        $graphContent = $this->getViewContent('report/graph');
                } else {
                        $graphContent = showErrorMsg($_SESSION['text']['common']['No Records Found'], false, true);
                // get graph content
                $this->set('graphContent', $graphContent);
        # func to show genearte reports interface
        function showGenerateReports($searchInfo = '') {
                // check google api setup
                SettingsController::showCheckCategorySettings('google', true);
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);

        # func to generate reports
        function generateReports( $searchInfo='' ) {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? '' : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $sql = "select id,url from websites where status=1";
                if(!empty($userId) && !isAdmin()) $sql .= " and user_id=$userId";
                if(!empty($websiteId)) $sql .= " and id=$websiteId";
                $sql .= " order by name";
                $websiteList = $this->db->select($sql);
                if(count($websiteList) <= 0){
                        echo "<p class='note'>".$_SESSION['text']['common']['nowebsites']."!</p>";
                # loop through each websites
                foreach ( $websiteList as $websiteInfo ) {
                        $websiteUrl = addHttpToUrl($websiteInfo['url']);
                        $params = array('screenshot' => false, 'strategy' => 'desktop', 'locale' => $_SESSION['lang_code']);
                        $websiteInfo['desktop'] = $this->__getPageSpeedInfo($websiteUrl, $params);
                        $params = array('screenshot' => false, 'strategy' => 'mobile', 'locale' => $_SESSION['lang_code']);
                        $websiteInfo['mobile'] = $this->__getPageSpeedInfo($websiteUrl, $params);
                        $this->savePageSpeedResults($websiteInfo, true);
                        echo "<p class='note notesuccess'>".$this->spTextPS['Saved page speed results of']." <b>$websiteUrl</b>.....</p>";

        # function to save rank details
        function savePageSpeedResults($matchInfo, $remove=false) {
                $resultDate = date('Y-m-d');
                        $sql = "delete from pagespeedresults where website_id={$matchInfo['id']} and result_date='$resultDate'";
                        $sql = "delete from pagespeeddetails where website_id={$matchInfo['id']}";
                $matchInfo['id'] = intval($matchInfo['id']);
                $matchInfo['desktop']['speed_score'] = intval($matchInfo['desktop']['speed_score']);
                $matchInfo['mobile']['speed_score'] = intval($matchInfo['mobile']['speed_score']);
                $matchInfo['mobile']['usability_score'] = intval($matchInfo['mobile']['usability_score']);
                $sql = "insert into pagespeedresults(website_id, desktop_speed_score, mobile_speed_score, mobile_usability_score, result_date)
                values({$matchInfo['id']},{$matchInfo['desktop']['speed_score']},{$matchInfo['mobile']['speed_score']},{$matchInfo['mobile']['usability_score']}, '$resultDate')";
                $sql = "insert into pagespeeddetails(website_id, desktop_score_details, mobile_score_details, result_date)
                values({$matchInfo['id']},'" . addslashes(serialize($matchInfo['desktop']['details'])) . "',
                '" . addslashes(serialize($matchInfo['mobile']['details'])) . "', '$resultDate')";
        # function check whether reports already saved
        function isReportsExists($websiteId, $time) {
                $resultDate = date('Y-m-d', $time);
                $sql = "select website_id from pagespeedresults where website_id=$websiteId and result_date='$resultDate'";
                $info = $this->db->select($sql, true);
                return empty($info['website_id']) ? false : true;