Subversion Repositories cheapmusic


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 *   Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Geo Varghese(      *
 *                                                                                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *

# class defines all rank controller functions
class RankController extends Controller{
        var $colList = array('moz' => 'moz_rank', 'alexa' => 'alexa_rank', 'domain_authority' => 'domain_authority', 'page_authority' => 'page_authority');
        # func to show quick rank checker
        function showQuickRankChecker() {
        function findQuickRank($searchInfo) {
                $urlList = explode("\n", $searchInfo['website_urls']);
                $list = array();
                $i = 1;
                foreach ($urlList as $url) {
                    $url = sanitizeData($url);
                        if(!preg_match('/\w+/', $url)) continue;
                        if (SP_DEMO) {
                            if ($i++ > 10) break;
                        $url = addHttpToUrl($url);
                        $list[] = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\r\n", "\n\r"), "", trim($url));
                $mozCtrler = new MozController();
                $mozRankList = $mozCtrler->__getMozRankInfo($list);
                /*mozRankList = $this->__getMozRank($list);*/
                $this->set('mozRankList', $mozRankList);

                $this->set('list', $list);

        function printGooglePageRank($url){
                $pageRank = $this->__getGooglePageRank($url);
                if($pageRank >= 0){
                        $imageUrl = SP_IMGPATH."/pr/pr".$pageRank.".gif";
                        $imageUrl = SP_IMGPATH."/pr/pr.gif";

                print "<img src='$imageUrl'>";

        function printMOZRank($url){
                $pageRank = $this->__getMozRank($url);
                if($pageRank >= 0){
                        $imageUrl = SP_IMGPATH."/pr/pr".$pageRank.".gif";
                        $imageUrl = SP_IMGPATH."/pr/pr.gif";

                print "<img src='$imageUrl'>";

        function __getGooglePageRank ($url) {
                return 0;

                // commented due to gooogle stops this service
            if (SP_DEMO && !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) return 0;        
            $websiteUrl =  $url;   
                $url = "".$this->CheckHash($this->hashURL($url))."&features=Rank&q=info:".$url."&num=100&filter=0";
                $ret = $this->spider->getContent($url);
                $rank = 0;
                // parse rank from the page
                if (!empty($ret['page'])) {
                        if (preg_match('/Rank_([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/si', $ret['page'], $matches) ) {
                                $rank = empty($matches[3]) ? 0 : $matches[3];
                        } else {
                                $crawlInfo['crawl_status'] = 0;
                                $crawlInfo['log_message'] = SearchEngineController::isCaptchInSearchResults($ret['page']) ? "<font class=error>Captcha found</font> in search result page" : "Regex not matched error occured while parsing search results!";
                // update crawl log
                $crawlLogCtrl = new CrawlLogController();
                $crawlInfo['crawl_type'] = 'rank';
                $crawlInfo['ref_id'] = $websiteUrl;
                $crawlInfo['subject'] = "google";
                $crawlLogCtrl->updateCrawlLog($ret['log_id'], $crawlInfo);
                return $rank;

        function printAlexaRank($url){
                $alexaRank = $this->__getAlexaRank($url);
                $imageUrl = SP_WEBPATH."/rank.php?sec=alexaimg&rank=$alexaRank";

                print "<img src='$imageUrl'>";

        function printAlexaRankImg($alexaRank) {
                $rankImage = SP_IMGPATH."/alexa-rank.jpeg";
                $im = imagecreatefromjpeg ($rankImage);
                $textColor = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 255);
                $width = imagesx($im);
                $height = imagesy($im);
                $leftTextPos = ( $width - (7 * strlen($alexaRank)) )/2;
                imagestring($im, 3, $leftTextPos, 35, $alexaRank, $textColor);

                Header('Content-type: image/jpeg');

        # alexa_rank
        function __getAlexaRank ($url) {
            if (SP_DEMO && !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) return 0;        
            $websiteUrl =  $url;
                $url = '' . urlencode($url);
                $ret = $this->spider->getContent($url);
                $rank = 0;
                // parse rank from teh page
                        if (preg_match('/\<popularity url\="(.*?)" TEXT\="([0-9]+)"/si', $ret['page'], $matches) ) {
                                $rank = empty($matches[2]) ? 0 : $matches[2];   
                        } else {
                                $crawlInfo['crawl_status'] = 0;
                                $crawlInfo['log_message'] = SearchEngineController::isCaptchInSearchResults($ret['page']) ? "<font class=error>Captcha found</font> in search result page" : "Regex not matched error occured while parsing search results!";
                // update crawl log
                $crawlLogCtrl = new CrawlLogController();
                $crawlInfo['crawl_type'] = 'rank';
                $crawlInfo['ref_id'] = $websiteUrl;
                $crawlInfo['subject'] = "alexa";
                $crawlLogCtrl->updateCrawlLog($ret['log_id'], $crawlInfo);
                return $rank;
        // function to get moz rank
        function __getMozRank ($urlList = array(), $accessID = "", $secretKey = "", $returnLog = false) {
                $mozRankList = array();
                if (SP_DEMO && !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) return $mozRankList;
                if (empty($urlList)) return $mozRankList;
                // Get your access id and secret key here:
                $accessID = !empty($accessID) ? $accessID : SP_MOZ_API_ACCESS_ID;
                $secretKey = !empty($secretKey) ? $secretKey : SP_MOZ_API_SECRET;
                // if empty no need to crawl
                if (empty($accessID) || empty($secretKey)) return $mozRankList;
                // Set your expires times for several minutes into the future.
                // An expires time excessively far in the future will not be honored by the Mozscape API.
                $expires = time() + 300;
                // Put each parameter on a new line.
                $stringToSign = $accessID."\n".$expires;
                // Get the "raw" or binary output of the hmac hash.
                $binarySignature = hash_hmac('sha1', $stringToSign, $secretKey, true);
                // Base64-encode it and then url-encode that.
                $urlSafeSignature = urlencode(base64_encode($binarySignature));
                // Add up all the bit flags you want returned.
                // Learn more here:
                $cols = "16384";
                // Put it all together and you get your request URL.
                $requestUrl = SP_MOZ_API_LINK . "/url-metrics/?Cols=".$cols."&AccessID=".$accessID."&Expires=".$expires."&Signature=".$urlSafeSignature;
                // Put your URLS into an array and json_encode them.
                $encodedDomains = json_encode($urlList);
                $spider = new Spider();
                $spider->_CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS = $encodedDomains;
                $ret = $spider->getContent($requestUrl);
                // parse rank from the page
                if (!empty($ret['page'])) {
                        $rankList = json_decode($ret['page']);
                        // if no errors occured
                        if (empty($rankList->error_message)) {
                                // loop through rank list
                                foreach ($rankList as $rankInfo) {
                                        $mozRankList[] = round($rankInfo->umrp, 2);
                        } else {
                                $crawlInfo['crawl_status'] = 0;
                                $crawlInfo['log_message'] = $rankList->error_message;
                } else {
                        $crawlInfo['crawl_status'] = 0;
                        $crawlInfo['log_message'] = $ret['errmsg'];
                // update crawl log
                $crawlLogCtrl = new CrawlLogController();
                $crawlInfo['crawl_type'] = 'rank';
                $crawlInfo['ref_id'] = $encodedDomains;
                $crawlInfo['subject'] = "moz";
                $crawlLogCtrl->updateCrawlLog($ret['log_id'], $crawlInfo);
                return $returnLog ? array($mozRankList, $crawlInfo) : $mozRankList;

        function strToNum($Str, $Check, $Magic) {
                $Int32Unit = 4294967296;
                $length = strlen($Str);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
                        $Check *= $Magic;
                        if ($Check >= $Int32Unit) {
                                $Check = ($Check - $Int32Unit * (int) ($Check / $Int32Unit));
                                $Check = ($Check < -2147483648)? ($Check + $Int32Unit) : $Check;
                        $Check += ord($Str{$i});
                return $Check;

        function hashURL($String) {
                $Check1 = $this->strToNum($String, 0x1505, 0x21);
                $Check2 = $this->strToNum($String, 0, 0x1003F);

                $Check1 >>= 2;
                $Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3FFFFC0 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3F);
                $Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3FFC00 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3FF);
                $Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3C000 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3FFF);

                $T1 = (((($Check1 & 0x3C0) << 4) | ($Check1 & 0x3C)) <<2 ) | ($Check2 & 0xF0F );
                $T2 = (((($Check1 & 0xFFFFC000) << 4) | ($Check1 & 0x3C00)) << 0xA) | ($Check2 & 0xF0F0000 );

                return ($T1 | $T2);

        function checkHash($Hashnum) {
                $CheckByte = 0;
                $Flag = 0;

                $HashStr = sprintf('%u', $Hashnum) ;
                $length = strlen($HashStr);

                for ($i = $length - 1; $i >= 0; $i --) {
                        $Re = $HashStr{$i};
                        if (1 === ($Flag % 2)) {
                                $Re += $Re;
                                $Re = (int)($Re / 10) + ($Re % 10);
                        $CheckByte += $Re;
                        $Flag ++;

                $CheckByte %= 10;
                if (0!== $CheckByte) {
                        $CheckByte = 10 - $CheckByte;
                        if (1 === ($Flag % 2) ) {
                                if (1 === ($CheckByte % 2)) {$CheckByte += 9;}
                                $CheckByte >>= 1;

                return '7'.$CheckByte.$HashStr;
        # func to show genearte reports interface
        function showGenerateReports($searchInfo = '') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
        # func to generate reports
        function generateReports( $searchInfo='' ) {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();         
                $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? '' : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $sql = "select id,url from websites where status=1";
                if(!empty($userId) && !isAdmin()) $sql .= " and user_id=$userId";
                if(!empty($websiteId)) $sql .= " and id=$websiteId";
                $sql .= " order by name";
                $websiteList = $this->db->select($sql);         
                if(count($websiteList) <= 0){
                        echo "<p class='note'>".$_SESSION['text']['common']['nowebsites']."!</p>";
                $urlList = array();
                foreach ($websiteList as $websiteInfo) {
                        $urlList[] = addHttpToUrl($websiteInfo['url']);
                // get moz ranks
                /*$mozRankList = $this->__getMozRank($urlList);*/
                $mozCtrler = new MozController();
                $mozRankList = $mozCtrler->__getMozRankInfo($urlList);
                // loop through each websites                   
                foreach ( $websiteList as $i => $websiteInfo ) {
                        $websiteUrl = addHttpToUrl($websiteInfo['url']);
                        $websiteInfo['alexaRank'] = $this->__getAlexaRank($websiteUrl);
                        $websiteInfo['moz_rank'] = !empty($mozRankList[$i]['moz_rank']) ? $mozRankList[$i]['moz_rank'] : 0;
                        $websiteInfo['domain_authority'] = !empty($mozRankList[$i]['domain_authority']) ? $mozRankList[$i]['domain_authority'] : 0;
                        $websiteInfo['page_authority'] = !empty($mozRankList[$i]['page_authority']) ? $mozRankList[$i]['page_authority'] : 0;
                        $this->saveRankResults($websiteInfo, true);                     
                        echo "<p class='note notesuccess'>".$this->spTextRank['Saved rank results of']." <b>$websiteUrl</b>.....</p>";
        # function to save rank details
        function saveRankResults($matchInfo, $remove=false) {
                $resultDate = date('Y-m-d');
                        $sql = "delete from rankresults where website_id={$matchInfo['id']} and result_date='$resultDate'";
                $mozRank = floatval($matchInfo['moz_rank']);
                $domainAuthority = floatval($matchInfo['domain_authority']);
                $pageAuthority = floatval($matchInfo['page_authority']);
                $sql = "insert into rankresults(website_id, moz_rank, alexa_rank, domain_authority, page_authority, result_date)
                        values({$matchInfo['id']}, $mozRank, {$matchInfo['alexaRank']}, $domainAuthority, $pageAuthority, '$resultDate')";
        # function check whether reports already saved
        function isReportsExists($websiteId, $time) {
                $resultDate = date('Y-m-d', $time);
            $sql = "select website_id from rankresults where website_id=$websiteId and result_date='$resultDate'";
            $info = $this->db->select($sql, true);
            return empty($info['website_id']) ? false : true;
        # func to show reports
        function showReports($searchInfo = '') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['from_time'])) {
                        $fromTime = $searchInfo['from_time'];
                } else {
                        $fromTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'));
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['to_time'])) {
                        $toTime = $searchInfo['to_time'];
                } else {
                        $toTime = date('Y-m-d');
                $fromTime = addslashes($fromTime);
                $toTime = addslashes($toTime);
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTime);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTime);

                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                $conditions = empty ($websiteId) ? "" : " and s.website_id=$websiteId";         
                $sql = "select s.* , from rankresults s,websites w  where 
                and result_date >= '$fromTime' and result_date <= '$toTime' $conditions order by result_date";
                $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                $i = 0;
                $colList = $this->colList;
                foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                        $prevRank[$col] = 0;
                # loop throgh rank
                foreach ($reportList as $key => $repInfo) {
                        foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                                $rankDiff[$col] = '';
                        foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                                if ($i > 0) {
                                        $signVal = -1;
                                        $greaterClass = 'green';
                                        $lessClass = 'red';
                                        if($col == 'alexa'){                                            
                                                $signVal = 1;
                                                $greaterClass = 'green';
                                                $lessClass = 'red';
                                        $rankDiff[$col] = ($prevRank[$col] - $repInfo[$dbCol]) * $signVal;
                                        if ($rankDiff[$col] > 0) {
                                                $rankDiff[$col] = "<font class='$greaterClass'>($rankDiff[$col])</font>";
                                        }elseif ($rankDiff[$col] < 0) {
                                                $rankDiff[$col] = "<font class='$lessClass'>($rankDiff[$col])</font>";
                                $reportList[$key]['rank_diff_'.$col] = empty ($rankDiff[$col]) ? '' : $rankDiff[$col];
                        foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                                $prevRank[$col] = $repInfo[$dbCol];

                $this->set('list', array_reverse($reportList, true));
        # func to show reports for a particular website
        function __getWebsiteRankReport($websiteId, $fromTime, $toTime) {

                $fromTimeLabel = date('Y-m-d', $fromTime);
                $toTimeLabel = date('Y-m-d', $toTime);
                $sql = "select s.* ,
                                from rankresults s,websites w 
                                and s.website_id=$websiteId
                                and (result_date='$fromTimeLabel' or result_date='$toTimeLabel')
                                order by result_date DESC
                                Limit 0, 2";
                $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                $reportList = array_reverse($reportList);
                $i = 0;
                $colList = $this->colList;
                foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                        $prevRank[$col] = 0;
                # loop throgh rank
                foreach ($reportList as $key => $repInfo) {
                        foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                                $rankDiff[$col] = '';
                        foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                                if ($i > 0) {
                                        $signVal = -1;
                                        $greaterClass = 'green';
                                        $lessClass = 'red';
                                        if($col == 'alexa'){                                            
                                                $signVal = 1;
                                                $greaterClass = 'green';
                                                $lessClass = 'red';
                                        $rankDiff[$col] = ($prevRank[$col] - $repInfo[$dbCol]) * $signVal;
                                        if ($rankDiff[$col] > 0) {
                                                $rankDiff[$col] = "<font class='$greaterClass'>($rankDiff[$col])</font>";
                                        } elseif ($rankDiff[$col] < 0) {
                                                $rankDiff[$col] = "<font class='$lessClass'>($rankDiff[$col])</font>";
                                $reportList[$key]['rank_diff_'.$col] = empty ($rankDiff[$col]) ? '' : $rankDiff[$col];
                        foreach ($colList as $col => $dbCol) {
                                $prevRank[$col] = $repInfo[$dbCol];

                $reportList = array_reverse(array_slice($reportList, count($reportList) - 1));
                return $reportList;
        # func to show graphical reports
        function showGraphicalReports($searchInfo = '') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $fromTime = !empty($searchInfo['from_time']) ? $searchInfo['from_time'] : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'));
                $toTime = !empty ($searchInfo['to_time']) ? $searchInfo['to_time'] : date("Y-m-d");
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTime);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTime);
        $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
        $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
        $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
        $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
        $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
        $searchEngine = !empty($searchInfo['search_engine']) ? $searchInfo['search_engine'] : "moz";
        $this->set('searchEngine', $searchEngine);
        $conditions = empty($websiteId) ? "" : " and s.website_id=$websiteId";
        $sql = "select s.* , from rankresults s,websites w  where
        and result_date >= '$fromTime' and result_date <= '$toTime' $conditions order by result_date";
        $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
        $colLabelList = array(
                'moz_rank' => $_SESSION['text']['common']['MOZ Rank'],
                'alexa_rank' => $_SESSION['text']['common']['Alexa Rank'],
                'domain_authority' => $_SESSION['text']['common']['Domain Authority'],
                'page_authority' => $_SESSION['text']['common']['Page Authority'],
        // loop through col list
        $colList = array();
        foreach ($this->colList as $seId => $seVal) {
                // if slected i search engine
                if ($searchEngine == 'alexa') {
                        if ($seId == 'alexa') {
                                $colList[$seVal] = $colLabelList[$seVal];
                } else {
                        if ($seId != 'alexa') {
                                $colList[$seVal] = $colLabelList[$seVal];
                // if reports not empty
                if (!empty($reportList)) {
                        $dataArr = "['Date', '" . implode("', '", array_values($colList)) . "']";
                // loop through data list
                foreach ($reportList as $dataInfo) {
                    $valStr = "";
                    foreach ($colList as $seId => $seVal) {
                        $valStr .= ", ";
                        $valStr .= !empty($dataInfo[$seId])    ? $dataInfo[$seId] : 0;
                    $dataArr .= ", ['{$dataInfo['result_date']}' $valStr]";
                // if alexa, use reverse ranking
                if ($searchEngine == 'alexa') {
                        $this->set('reverseDir', true);
                $this->set('dataArr', $dataArr);
                $this->set('graphTitle', $this->spTextTools['Rank Reports']);
                $graphContent = $this->getViewContent('report/graph');
                } else {
                        $graphContent = showErrorMsg($_SESSION['text']['common']['No Records Found'], false, true);
                // get graph content
                $this->set('graphContent', $graphContent);