Subversion Repositories cheapmusic


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 *   Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Geo Varghese(                      *
 *                                                                                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *

# class defines all report controller functions
class ReportController extends Controller {
        var $seLIst;
        var $showAll = false;
        var $proxyCheckCount = 1;

        # func to get keyword report summary
        function __getKeywordSearchReport($keywordId, $fromTime, $toTime, $apiCall = false){
                $positionInfo = array();
                        $seController = New SearchEngineController();
                        $this->seLIst = $seController->__getAllSearchEngines();
                $fromTimeLabel = date('Y-m-d', $fromTime);
                $toTimeLabel = date('Y-m-d', $toTime);
                foreach($this->seLIst as $seInfo){
                        $sql = "select min(rank) as rank,result_date from searchresults 
                        where keyword_id=$keywordId and searchengine_id=".$seInfo['id']."
                        and (result_date='$fromTimeLabel' or result_date='$toTimeLabel')
                        group by result_date order by result_date DESC limit 0, 2";
                        $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                        $reportList = array_reverse($reportList);
                        $prevRank = 0;
                        $i = 0;
                        foreach ($reportList as $key => $repInfo) {
                                $rankDiff = '';
                                if ($i > 0) {
                                        $rankDiff = $prevRank - $repInfo['rank'];
                                        if ($rankDiff > 0) {
                                                $rankDiff = $apiCall ? $rankDiff : "<font class='green'>($rankDiff)</font>";
                                        } elseif ($rankDiff < 0) {
                                                $rankDiff = $apiCall ? $rankDiff : "<font class='red'>($rankDiff)</font>";
                                $positionInfo[$seInfo['id']]['rank_diff'] = empty ($rankDiff) ? '' : $rankDiff;
                                $positionInfo[$seInfo['id']]['rank'] = $repInfo['rank'];
                                $positionInfo[$seInfo['id']][$repInfo['result_date']] = $repInfo['rank'];
                                $prevRank = $repInfo['rank'];
                return $positionInfo;

        # func to show keyword report summary
        function showKeywordReportSummary($searchInfo = '') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $keywordController = New KeywordController();
                $exportVersion = false;
                        case "export":
                                $exportVersion = true;
                                $exportContent = "";
                        case "pdf":
                                $this->set('pdfVersion', true);
                        case "print":
                                $this->set('printVersion', true);
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['from_time'])) {
                        $fromTime = strtotime($searchInfo['from_time'] . ' 00:00:00');
                } else { 
                        $fromTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - 1, date('Y'));
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['to_time'])) {
                        $toTime = strtotime($searchInfo['to_time'] . ' 00:00:00');
                } else {
                        $toTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
                $fromTimeTxt = date('Y-m-d', $fromTime);                
                $toTimeTxt = date('Y-m-d', $toTime);
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTimeTxt);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTimeTxt);
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsitesWithActiveKeywords($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = isset($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $searchInfo['website_id'] : $websiteList[0]['id'];
                $websiteId = intval($websiteId);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                $websiteUrl = "";
                foreach ($websiteList as $websiteInfo) {
                    if ($websiteInfo['id'] == $websiteId) {
                        $websiteUrl = $websiteInfo['url'];
                $this->set('websiteUrl', $websiteUrl);
                $seSearchUserId = isAdmin() ? "" : $userId;
                $this->seLIst = $keywordController->getUserKeywordSearchEngineList($seSearchUserId);
                $this->set('seList', $this->seLIst);
                // to find order col
        if (!empty($searchInfo['order_col'])) {
                    $orderCol = $searchInfo['order_col'];
                    $orderVal = getOrderByVal($searchInfo['order_val']);
                } else {
                    $orderCol = $this->seLIst[array_keys($this->seLIst)[0]]['id'];
                    $orderVal = 'ASC';    
                $this->set('orderCol', $orderCol);
                $this->set('orderVal', $orderVal);
                $scriptPath = SP_WEBPATH."/reports.php?sec=reportsum&website_id=$websiteId";
                $scriptPath .= "&from_time=$fromTimeTxt&to_time=$toTimeTxt&search_name=" . $searchInfo['search_name'];
                $scriptPath .= "&order_col=$orderCol&order_val=$orderVal";
                $conditions = " and w.status=1 and k.status=1";
                $conditions .= isAdmin() ? "" : $websiteController->getWebsiteUserAccessCondition($userId);
                $conditions .= !empty($websiteId) ? " and$websiteId" : "";
                $conditions .= !empty($searchInfo['search_name']) ? " and like '%".addslashes($searchInfo['search_name'])."%'" : "";
                $subSql = "select [col] from keywords k,searchresults r, websites w 
                where and $conditions
                and r.searchengine_id=".intval($orderCol)." and r.result_date='" . addslashes($toTimeTxt) . "'
                group by";

                $unionOrderCol = ($orderCol == "keyword") ? "name" : "rank";
                $sql = "(". str_replace("[col]", ",,min(rank) rank, website,w.url weburl", $subSql) .") 
                (select,,1000, website,w.url weburl 
                from keywords k, websites w  
                where $conditions and not in
                (". str_replace("[col]", "distinct(", $subSql) ."))
                order by $unionOrderCol $orderVal";
                if ($unionOrderCol != 'name') $sql .= ", name";
                # pagination setup
                $this->db->query($sql, true);
                $this->paging->loadPaging($this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO);
                $pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages($scriptPath, '', 'scriptDoLoad', 'content', "");
                $this->set('pagingDiv', $pagingDiv);
                $this->set('pageNo', $searchInfo['pageno']);
                if (!in_array($searchInfo['doc_type'], array("pdf", "export"))) {
                        $sql .= " limit ".$this->paging->start .",". $this->paging->per_page;
                # set keywords list
                $list = $this->db->select($sql);
                $indexList = array();
                foreach($list as $keywordInfo){
                        $positionInfo = $this->__getKeywordSearchReport($keywordInfo['id'], $fromTime, $toTime, true);
                        // check whether the sorting search engine is there
                    $indexList[$keywordInfo['id']] = empty($positionInfo[$orderCol][$toTimeTxt]) ? 10000 : $positionInfo[$orderCol][$toTimeTxt];
                        $keywordInfo['position_info'] = $positionInfo;
                        $keywordList[$keywordInfo['id']] = $keywordInfo;
                // sort array according the value
                if ($orderCol != 'keyword') { 
                if ($orderVal == 'DESC') {
                } else {
                $this->set('indexList', $indexList);

                if ($exportVersion) {
                        $spText = $_SESSION['text'];
                        $reportHeading =  $this->spTextTools['Keyword Position Summary']."(".date('Y-m-d', $fromTime)." - ".date('Y-m-d', $toTime).")";
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( array('', $reportHeading, ''));
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( array());
                        $headList = array($spText['common']['Website'], $spText['common']['Keyword']);

                        $pTxt = str_replace("-", "/", substr($fromTimeTxt, -5));
                        $cTxt = str_replace("-", "/", substr($toTimeTxt, -5));
                        foreach ($this->seLIst as $seInfo) {
                                $domainTxt = str_replace("www.", "", $seInfo['domain']);
                                $headList[] = $domainTxt . "($cTxt)";
                                $headList[] = $domainTxt . "($pTxt)";
                                $headList[] = $domainTxt . "(+/-)";
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( $headList);
                        foreach($indexList as $keywordId => $rankValue){
                            $listInfo = $keywordList[$keywordId];
                                $positionInfo = $listInfo['position_info'];
                                $valueList = array($listInfo['weburl'], $listInfo['name']);
                                foreach ($this->seLIst as $index => $seInfo){
                                        $rankInfo = $positionInfo[$seInfo['id']];
                                        $prevRank = isset($rankInfo[$fromTimeTxt]) ? $rankInfo[$fromTimeTxt] : "";
                                        $currRank = isset($rankInfo[$toTimeTxt]) ? $rankInfo[$toTimeTxt] : "";
                                        $rankDiff = "";
                                        // if both ranks are existing
                                        if ($prevRank != '' && $currRank != '') {
                                                $rankDiff = $prevRank - $currRank;
                                        $valueList[] = $currRank;
                                        $valueList[] = $prevRank;
                                        $valueList[] = $rankDiff;
                                $exportContent .= createExportContent( $valueList);
                        exportToCsv('keyword_report_summary', $exportContent);
                } else {
                        $this->set('list', $keywordList);
                        // if pdf export
                        if ($searchInfo['doc_type'] == "pdf") {
                                exportToPdf($this->getViewContent('report/reportsummary'), "keyword_report_summary_$fromTimeTxt-$toTimeTxt.pdf");
                        } else {
                                $this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
        # func to show reports
        function showReports($searchInfo = '') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['from_time'])) {
                        $fromTime = strtotime($searchInfo['from_time'] . ' 00:00:00');
                } else {
                        $fromTime = @mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - 30, date('Y'));
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['to_time'])) {
                        $toTime = strtotime($searchInfo['to_time'] . ' 23:59:59');
                } else {
                        $toTime = @mktime();
                $fromTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', $fromTime);
                $toTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', $toTime);
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTimeDate);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTimeDate);
                $keywordController = New KeywordController();
                if(!empty($searchInfo['keyword_id']) && !empty($searchInfo['rep'])){
                        $searchInfo['keyword_id'] = intval($searchInfo['keyword_id']);
                        $keywordInfo = $keywordController->__getKeywordInfo($searchInfo['keyword_id']);
                        $searchInfo['website_id'] = $keywordInfo['website_id'];

                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsitesWithActiveKeywords($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);

                $keywordList = $keywordController->__getAllKeywords($userId, $websiteId, true);
                $this->set('keywordList', $keywordList);
                $keywordId = empty ($searchInfo['keyword_id']) ? $keywordList[0]['id'] : $searchInfo['keyword_id'];
                $this->set('keywordId', $keywordId);

                $seController = New SearchEngineController();
                $seList = $seController->__getAllSearchEngines();
                $this->set('seList', $seList);
                $seId = empty ($searchInfo['se_id']) ? $seList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['se_id']);
                $this->set('seId', $seId);
                $this->set('seInfo', $seController->__getsearchEngineInfo($seId));

                $conditions = empty ($keywordId) ? "" : " and s.keyword_id=$keywordId";
                $conditions .= empty ($seId) ? "" : " and s.searchengine_id=$seId";
                $sql = "select s.*,sd.url,sd.title,sd.description from searchresults s,searchresultdetails sd 
                where and result_date>='$fromTimeDate' and result_date<='$toTimeDate' $conditions  
                order by s.result_date";
                $repList = $this->db->select($sql);

                $reportList = array ();
                foreach ($repList as $repInfo) {
                        $var = 'se' . $seId . $repInfo['keyword_id'] . $repInfo['result_date'];
                        if (empty ($reportList[$var])) {
                                $reportList[$var] = $repInfo;
                        } else {
                                if ($repInfo['rank'] < $reportList[$var]['rank']) {
                                        $reportList[$var] = $repInfo;


                $prevRank = 0;
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($reportList as $key => $repInfo) {
                        $rankDiff = '';
                        if ($i > 0) {
                                $rankDiff = $prevRank - $repInfo['rank'];
                                if ($rankDiff > 0) {
                                        $rankDiff = "<font class='green'>($rankDiff)</font>";
                                elseif ($rankDiff < 0) {
                                        $rankDiff = "<font class='red'>($rankDiff)</font>";
                        $reportList[$key]['rank_diff'] = empty ($rankDiff) ? '' : $rankDiff;
                        $prevRank = $repInfo['rank'];

                $this->set('list', array_reverse($reportList, true));

        # func to show reports in a time
        function showTimeReport($searchInfo = '') {
                $fromTime = addslashes($searchInfo['time']);
                $toTime = $fromTime + (3600 * 24);
                $keywordId = intval($searchInfo['keyId']);
                $seId = intval($searchInfo['seId']);
                $seController = New SearchEngineController();
                $this->set('seInfo', $seController->__getsearchEngineInfo($seId));

                $conditions = empty ($keywordId) ? "" : " and s.keyword_id=$keywordId";
                $conditions .= empty ($seId) ? "" : " and s.searchengine_id=$seId";
                $fromTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', $fromTime);
                $toTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', $toTime);
                $sql = "select s.*,sd.url,sd.title,sd.description from searchresults s,searchresultdetails sd 
                where and result_date>='$fromTimeDate' and result_date<'$toTimeDate' $conditions  
                order by s.rank";
                $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                $this->set('list', $reportList);

        # func to show graphical reports
        function showGraphicalReports($searchInfo = '') {               
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $fromTime = !empty($searchInfo['from_time']) ? $searchInfo['from_time'] : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'));
                $toTime = !empty ($searchInfo['to_time']) ? $searchInfo['to_time'] : date("Y-m-d");
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTime);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTime);
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsitesWithActiveKeywords($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);

                $keywordController = New KeywordController();
                $keywordList = $keywordController->__getAllKeywords($userId, $websiteId, true);
                $this->set('keywordList', $keywordList);
                $keywordId = empty ($searchInfo['keyword_id']) ? $keywordList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['keyword_id']);
                $this->set('keywordId', $keywordId);

                $seController = New SearchEngineController();
                $seList = $seController->__getAllSearchEngines();
                $this->set('seList', $seList);
                $seId = empty ($searchInfo['se_id']) ? '' : intval($searchInfo['se_id']);
                $this->set('seId', $seId);
                $this->set('seNull', true);
                // get graph content
                $graphCtrler = new GraphController();
                $graphCtrler->spTextKeyword = $this->spTextKeyword;
                $graphContent = $graphCtrler->showKeywordPostionGraph($keywordId, $fromTime, $toTime, $seId);
                $this->set('graphContent', $graphContent);
        # function to show an message in graph when no records exist
        function showMessageAsImage($msg='', $width=700, $height=30, $red=233, $green=14, $blue=91) {       
                $im = imagecreate($width, $height);             
        $bgColor = imagecolorallocate($im, 245, 248, 250);
        $textColor = imagecolorallocate($im, 233, 14, 91);
            $fontFile = ($_SESSION['lang_code'] == 'ja') ? "fonts/M+1P+IPAG.ttf" : "fonts/tahoma.ttf";
            imagettftext($im, 10, 0, 260, 20, $textColor, $fontFile, $msg);

        # function to show graph
        function showGraph($searchInfo = '') {
                $fromTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', $searchInfo['fromTime']);
                $toTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', $searchInfo['toTime']);
                $conditions = empty ($searchInfo['keywordId']) ? "" : " and s.keyword_id=".intval($searchInfo['keywordId']);
                $conditions .= empty ($searchInfo['seId']) ? "" : " and s.searchengine_id=".intval($searchInfo['seId']);
                $sql = "select s.*,se.domain from searchresults s,searchengines se  
                where and result_date>='$fromTimeDate' and result_date<='$toTimeDate'
                $conditions order by s.result_date";
                $repList = $this->db->select($sql);             
                $reportList = array ();
                $seList = array();
                foreach ($repList as $repInfo) {
                        $var = $repInfo['searchengine_id'] . $repInfo['keyword_id'] . $repInfo['result_date'];
                        if (empty ($reportList[$var])) {
                                $reportList[$var] = $repInfo;
                        } else {
                                if ($repInfo['rank'] < $reportList[$var]['rank']) {
                                        $reportList[$var] = $repInfo;
                                $seList[$repInfo['searchengine_id']] = $repInfo['domain'];
                $dataList = array();
                $maxValue = 0;
                foreach($reportList as $repInfo){
                        $seId = $repInfo['searchengine_id'];
                        $dataList[$repInfo['result_date']][$seId] = $repInfo['rank'];
                        $maxValue = ($repInfo['rank'] > $maxValue) ? $repInfo['rank'] : $maxValue;
                // check whether the records are available for drawing graph
                if(empty($dataList) || empty($maxValue)) {
                    $kpText = ($_SESSION['lang_code'] == 'ja') ? $_SESSION['text']['common']['No Records Found']."!" : "No Records Found!";
                # Dataset definition
                $dataSet = new pData;
                foreach($dataList as $dataInfo){
                        $i = 1; 
                        foreach($seList as $seId => $seVal){
                                $val = empty($dataInfo[$seId]) ? 0 : $dataInfo[$seId];
                                $dataSet->AddPoint($val, "Serie".$i++);                           
                $i = 1;
                foreach($seList as $seDomain){
                        $dataSet->SetSerieName($seDomain, "Serie$i");
                $serieCount = count($seList) + 1;
                $dataSet->AddPoint(array_keys($dataList), "Serie$serieCount");
                # if language is japanese
                if ($_SESSION['lang_code'] == 'ja') {
                    $fontFile = "fonts/M+1P+IPAG.ttf";              
                } else {
                $fontFile = "fonts/tahoma.ttf";

                /* commented to fix invalid date in graphical reports x axis issue */
                // $dataSet->SetXAxisFormat("date");            
                # Initialise the graph
                $chart = new pChart(720, 520);
                $chart->setFixedScale($maxValue, 1);            
                $chart->setFontProperties($fontFile, 8);
                $chart->setGraphArea(85, 30, 670, 425);
                $chart->drawFilledRoundedRectangle(7, 7, 713, 513, 5, 240, 240, 240);
                $chart->drawRoundedRectangle(5, 5, 715, 515, 5, 230, 230, 230);

                $chart->drawGraphArea(255, 255, 255, TRUE);
                $getData = $dataSet->GetData();
                $getDataDes = $dataSet->GetDataDescription();
                $chart->drawScale($getData, $getDataDes, SCALE_NORMAL, 150, 150, 150, TRUE, 90, 2);
                $chart->drawGrid(4, TRUE, 230, 230, 230, 50);

                # Draw the 0 line   
                $chart->setFontProperties($fontFile, 6);
                $chart->drawTreshold(0, 143, 55, 72, TRUE, TRUE);

                # Draw the line graph
                $getData = $dataSet->GetData();
                $getDataDes = $dataSet->GetDataDescription();
                $chart->drawLineGraph($getData, $getDataDes);
                $getData = $dataSet->GetData();
                $getDataDes = $dataSet->GetDataDescription();
                $chart->drawPlotGraph($getData, $getDataDes, 3, 2, 255, 255, 255);
                $j = 1;
                $chart->setFontProperties($fontFile, 10);
                foreach($seList as $seDomain){
                        $getData = $dataSet->GetData();
                        $getDataDes = $dataSet->GetDataDescription();
                        $chart->writeValues($getData, $getDataDes, "Serie".$j++);

                # Finish the graph
                $chart->setFontProperties("fonts/tahoma.ttf", 8);
                $getDataDes = $dataSet->GetDataDescription();
                $chart->drawLegend(90, 35, $getDataDes, 255, 255, 255);
                $chart->setFontProperties($fontFile, 10);
                $kpText = ($_SESSION['lang_code'] == 'ja') ? $this->spTextKeyword["Keyword Position Report"] : "Keyword Position Report"; 
                $chart->drawTitle(60, 22, $kpText, 50, 50, 50, 585);
        # func to show genearte reports interface
        function showGenerateReports($searchInfo = '') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);

                $keywordController = New KeywordController();
                $keywordList = $keywordController->__getAllKeywords($userId, $websiteId, true);
                $this->set('keywordList', $keywordList);
                $this->set('keyNull', false);
                $keywordId = empty ($searchInfo['keyword_id']) ? '' : $searchInfo['keyword_id'];
                $this->set('keywordId', $keywordId);            

                $seController = New SearchEngineController();
                $seList = $seController->__getAllSearchEngines();
                $this->set('seList', $seList);
                $seId = empty ($searchInfo['se_id']) ? '' : $searchInfo['se_id'];
                $this->set('seId', $seId);
                $this->set('seNull', true);
                $this->set('seStyle', 170);             
        # func to generate reports
        function generateReports( $searchInfo='' ) {            
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $keywordId = empty ($searchInfo['keyword_id']) ? '' : intval($searchInfo['keyword_id']);
                $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? '' : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $seId = empty ($searchInfo['se_id']) ? '' : intval($searchInfo['se_id']);
                $seController = New SearchEngineController();
                $this->seList = $seController->__getAllCrawlFormatedSearchEngines();
                $sql = "select k.*,w.url from keywords k,websites w where and k.status=1";
                if(!empty($userId) && !isAdmin()) $sql .= " and w.user_id=$userId";
                if(!empty($websiteId)) $sql .= " and k.website_id=$websiteId";
                if(!empty($keywordId)) $sql .= " and$keywordId";
                $sql .= " order by";
                $keywordList = $this->db->select($sql);         
                if(count($keywordList) <= 0){
                        echo "<p class='note error'>".$_SESSION['text']['common']['No Keywords Found']."</p>";
                # loop through each keyword                     
                foreach ( $keywordList as $keywordInfo ) {
                        $this->seFound = 0;
                        $crawlResult = $this->crawlKeyword($keywordInfo, $seId);
                        foreach($crawlResult as $sengineId => $matchList){
                                        foreach($matchList['matched'] as $i => $matchInfo){
                                                $remove = ($i == 0) ? true : false;                                             
                                                $matchInfo['se_id'] = $sengineId;                                               
                                                $matchInfo['keyword_id'] = $keywordInfo['id'];
                                                $this->saveMatchedKeywordInfo($matchInfo, $remove);
                                        echo "<p class='note notesuccess'>".$this->spTextKeyword['Successfully crawled keyword']." <b>{$keywordInfo['name']}</b> ".$this->spTextKeyword['results from']." <b>".$this->seList[$sengineId]['domain']."</b>.....</p>";
                                        echo "<p class='note notefailed'>".$this->spTextKeyword['Crawling keyword']." <b>{$keywordInfo['name']}</b> ".$this->spTextKeyword['results from']." <b>".$this->seList[$sengineId]['domain']."</b> ".$_SESSION['text']['common']['failed']."......</p>";
                                echo "<p class='note notefailed'>".$_SESSION['text']['common']['Keyword']." <b>{$keywordInfo['name']}</b> ".$this->spTextKeyword['not assigned to required search engines']."........</p>";
        # function to format pagecontent
        function formatPageContent($seInfoId, $pageContent) {
            if (!empty($this->seList[$seInfoId]['from_pattern']) && $this->seList[$seInfoId]['to_pattern']) {
                $pattern = $this->seList[$seInfoId]['from_pattern']."(.*)".$this->seList[$seInfoId]['to_pattern'];
                if (preg_match("/$pattern/is", $pageContent, $matches)) {
                    if (!empty($matches[1])) {
                        $pageContent = $matches[1];
            return $pageContent;            
        # func to crawl keyword
        function crawlKeyword( $keywordInfo, $seId='', $cron=false, $removeDuplicate=true) {
                $crawlResult = array();
                $websiteUrl = formatUrl($keywordInfo['url'], false);
                if(empty($websiteUrl)) return $crawlResult;
                if(empty($keywordInfo['name'])) return $crawlResult;
                $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
                $seList = explode(':', $keywordInfo['searchengines']);
                foreach($seList as $seInfoId){
                        // function to execute only passed search engine
                        if(!empty($seId) && ($seInfoId != $seId)) continue;
                        // if search engine not found continue
                        if (empty($this->seList[$seInfoId])) continue;
                        $this->seFound = 1;
                        // if execution from cron check whether cron already executed
                        /*if ($cron) {
                            if (SP_MULTIPLE_CRON_EXEC && $this->isCronExecuted($keywordInfo['id'], $seInfoId, $time)) continue;
                        $searchUrl = str_replace('[--keyword--]', urlencode(stripslashes($keywordInfo['name'])), $this->seList[$seInfoId]['url']);
                        $searchUrl = str_replace('[--country--]', $keywordInfo['country_code'], $searchUrl);
                        if (empty($keywordInfo['country_code']) && stristr($searchUrl, '&cr=country&')) {
                            $searchUrl = str_replace('&cr=country&', '&cr=&', $searchUrl);
                        $seUrl = str_replace('[--start--]', $this->seList[$seInfoId]['start'], $searchUrl);
                        // if google add special parameters
                        $isGoogle = false;
                        if (stristr($this->seList[$seInfoId]['url'], 'google')) {
                            $isGoogle = true;
                            $seUrl .= "&ie=utf-8&pws=0&gl=".$keywordInfo['country_code'];
                            $seUrl = str_replace('[--lang--]', '', $seUrl);
                        } else {
                                $seUrl = str_replace('[--lang--]', $keywordInfo['lang_code'], $seUrl);
                                $this->seList[$seInfoId]['cookie_send'] = str_replace('[--lang--]', $keywordInfo['lang_code'], $this->seList[$seInfoId]['cookie_send']);
                                $this->spider->_CURLOPT_COOKIE = $this->seList[$seInfoId]['cookie_send'];                               
                        $result = $this->spider->getContent($seUrl);
                        $pageContent = $this->formatPageContent($seInfoId, $result['page']);
                        // testing code for regex
            /*$testFileName = SP_TMPPATH . "/google.html";
            $myfile = fopen($testFileName, "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
            fwrite($myfile, $pageContent);
            $myfile = fopen($testFileName, "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
            $pageContent = fread($myfile,filesize($testFileName));
                        $crawlLogCtrl = new CrawlLogController();
                        $crawlInfo = [];
                        $crawlInfo['crawl_type'] = 'keyword';
                        $crawlInfo['ref_id'] = empty($keywordInfo['id']) ? $keywordInfo['name'] : $keywordInfo['id'];
                        $crawlInfo['subject'] = $seInfoId;
                        $seStart = $this->seList[$seInfoId]['start'] + $this->seList[$seInfoId]['start_offset'];
                        while(empty($result['error']) && ($seStart < $this->seList[$seInfoId]['max_results']) ){
                                $logId = $result['log_id'];
                                        $crawlInfo['log_message'] = "Started at: $seStart";
                                $crawlLogCtrl->updateCrawlLog($logId, $crawlInfo);
                                $seUrl = str_replace('[--start--]', $seStart, $searchUrl);
                                $result = $this->spider->getContent($seUrl);
                                $pageContent .= $this->formatPageContent($seInfoId, $result['page']);
                                $seStart += $this->seList[$seInfoId]['start_offset'];

                        # to check whether utf8 conversion needed
                                $pageContent = mb_convert_encoding($pageContent, "UTF-8", $this->seList[$seInfoId]['encoding']);
                        $crawlStatus = 0;
                            // to update cron that report executed for akeyword on a search engine
                            if (SP_MULTIPLE_CRON_EXEC && $cron) $this->saveCronTrackInfo($keywordInfo['id'], $seInfoId, $time);
                            // verify the urls existing in the result
                            preg_match_all($this->seList[$seInfoId]['regex'], $pageContent, $matches);
                            if (!empty($matches[$this->seList[$seInfoId]['url_index']])) {
                                        $urlList = $matches[$this->seList[$seInfoId]['url_index']];
                                        $crawlResult[$seInfoId]['matched'] = array();
                                        $rank = 1;
                                        $previousDomain = "";
                                        foreach($urlList as $i => $url){
                                                $url = urldecode(strip_tags($url));
                                                // add special condition for baidu
                                                if (stristr($this->seList[$seInfoId]['domain'], "baidu")) {
                                                        $url =  addHttpToUrl($url);
                                                        $url = str_replace("...", "", $url);

                                                // if google engine, format the urls
                                                if ($isGoogle && stristr($url, '/url?q=')) {
                                                        $url = preg_replace(array('/\/url\?q=/i', '/\&amp;sa=U.*$/i'), array("", ""), $url);
                                                if(!preg_match('/^http:\/\/|^https:\/\//i', $url)) continue;
                                                // check for to remove bing ad links in page
                                                if(stristr($url, '')) continue;

                                                // check to remove duplicates from same domain if google is the search engine
                                                if ($removeDuplicate && $isGoogle) {
                                                    $currentDomain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
                                                    if ($previousDomain == $currentDomain) {
                                                    $previousDomain = $currentDomain;
                                                if($this->showAll || (stristr($url, "http://" . $websiteUrl) || stristr($url, "https://" . $websiteUrl)) ){

                                                        if ($this->showAll && (stristr($url, "http://" . $websiteUrl) || stristr($url, "https://" . $websiteUrl)) ) {
                                                                $matchInfo['found'] = 1; 
                                                        } else {
                                                                $matchInfo['found'] = 0;
                                                        $matchInfo['url'] = $url;
                                                        $matchInfo['title'] = strip_tags($matches[$this->seList[$seInfoId]['title_index']][$i]);
                                                        $matchInfo['description'] = strip_tags($matches[$this->seList[$seInfoId]['description_index']][$i]);
                                                        $matchInfo['rank'] = $rank;
                                                        $crawlResult[$seInfoId]['matched'][] = $matchInfo;
                                        $crawlStatus = 1;                                       
                                } else {
                                        // set crawl log info
                                        $crawlInfo['crawl_status'] = 0;
                                        $crawlInfo['log_message'] = SearchEngineController::isCaptchInSearchResults($pageContent) ? "<font class=error>Captcha found</font> in search result page" : "Regex not matched error occured while parsing search results!";
                                                echo "<p class='note' style='text-align:left;'>Error occured while parsing $seUrl ".formatErrorMsg("Regex not matched <br>\n")."</p>";
                        } else {
                                if (SP_DEBUG) {
                                        echo "<p class='note' style='text-align:left;'>Error occured while crawling $seUrl ".formatErrorMsg($result['errmsg']."<br>\n")."</p>";
                        $crawlResult[$seInfoId]['status'] = $crawlStatus;                       
                        // update crawl log
                        $logId = $result['log_id'];
                        $crawlLogCtrl->updateCrawlLog($logId, $crawlInfo);
                        // if proxy enabled if crawl failed try to check next item
                        if (!$crawlResult[$seInfoId]['status'] && SP_ENABLE_PROXY && CHECK_WITH_ANOTHER_PROXY_IF_FAILED) {
                                // max proxy checked in one execution is exeeded
                                if ($this->proxyCheckCount < CHECK_MAX_PROXY_COUNT_IF_FAILED) {
                                        // if proxy is available for execution
                                        $proxyCtrler = New ProxyController();
                                        if ($proxyInfo = $proxyCtrler->getRandomProxy()) {
                                                $crawlResult = array_merge($crawlResult, $this->crawlKeyword($keywordInfo, $seInfoId, $cron, $removeDuplicate));
                                } else {
                                        $this->proxyCheckCount = 1;
                return  $crawlResult;
        # func to save the report
        function saveMatchedKeywordInfo($matchInfo, $remove=false) {
                $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
                $resultDate = date('Y-m-d');
                        $sql = "select id from searchresults where keyword_id={$matchInfo['keyword_id']}
                        and searchengine_id={$matchInfo['se_id']} and result_date='$resultDate'";
                        $recordList = $this->db->select($sql);
                        if(count($recordList) > 0){
                                foreach($recordList as $recordInfo){
                                        $sql = "delete from searchresultdetails where searchresult_id=".$recordInfo['id'];
                                $sql = "delete from searchresults where keyword_id={$matchInfo['keyword_id']}
                                and searchengine_id={$matchInfo['se_id']} and result_date='$resultDate'";
                $sql = "insert into searchresults(keyword_id,searchengine_id,rank,time,result_date)
                $recordId = $this->db->getMaxId('searchresults');               
                $sql = "insert into searchresultdetails(searchresult_id,url,title,description)
        # func to check keyword rank
        function quickRankChecker() {
                $seController = New SearchEngineController();
                $seList = $seController->__getAllSearchEngines();
                $this->set('seList', $seList);
                $this->set('seStyle', 230);             
                $seId = empty ($searchInfo['se_id']) ? '' : $searchInfo['se_id'];
                $this->set('seId', $seId);
                $langController = New LanguageController();
                $this->set('langNull', true);
                $this->set('langStyle', 230);                   
                $this->set('langList', $langController->__getAllLanguages());
                $countryController = New CountryController();
                $this->set('countryList', $countryController->__getAllCountries());
                $this->set('countryNull', true);                
                $this->set('countryStyle', 230);
        # func to show quick rank report
        function showQuickRankChecker($keywordInfo='') {
                $keywordInfo['searchengines'] = $keywordInfo['se_id'];
                $this->showAll = $keywordInfo['show_all'];
                $seController = New SearchEngineController();
                $this->seList = $seController->__getAllCrawlFormatedSearchEngines();
                $crawlResult = $this->crawlKeyword($keywordInfo);
                $resultList = array();
                        $resultList = $crawlResult[$keywordInfo['se_id']]['matched'];
                $this->set('list', $resultList);
        #function to save keyword cron trcker for multiple execution of cron same day
        function saveCronTrackInfo($keywordId, $seId, $time) {
            $sql = "Insert into keywordcrontracker(keyword_id,searchengine_id,time) values($keywordId,$seId,$time)";
        # function to check whether cron executed for a particular keyword and search engine
        function isCronExecuted($keywordId, $seId, $time) {
            $sql = "select keyword_id from keywordcrontracker where keyword_id=$keywordId and searchengine_id=$seId and time=$time";
        $info = $this->db->select($sql, true);
            return empty($info['keyword_id']) ? false : true;
    # function to show system reports 
        function showOverallReportSummary($searchInfo='', $cronUserId=false) {
                $spTextHome = $this->getLanguageTexts('home', $_SESSION['lang_code']);
        $this->set('spTextHome', $spTextHome);
        $this->set('cronUserId', $cronUserId);
                $exportVersion = false;
                        case "export":
                                $exportVersion = true;
                                $exportContent = "";
                        case "pdf":
                                $this->set('pdfVersion', true);
                        case "print":
                                $this->set('printVersion', true);
                $this->set('sectionHead', $spTextHome['Overall Report Summary']);
                $userId = empty($cronUserId) ? isLoggedIn() : $cronUserId;
                $isAdmin = isAdmin();

                $keywordController = New KeywordController();
                $websiteCtrler = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteCtrler->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('siteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = isset($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $searchInfo['website_id'] : $websiteList[0]['id'];
                $websiteId = intval($websiteId);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                $urlarg = "website_id=$websiteId";
                $websiteUrl = "";
                foreach ($websiteList as $websiteInfo) {
                    if ($websiteInfo['id'] == $websiteId) {
                        $websiteUrl = $websiteInfo['url'];
                $this->set('websiteUrl', $websiteUrl);
                $reportTypes = array(
                        'keyword-position' => $this->spTextTools["Keyword Position Summary"],
                        'website-stats' => $spTextHome["Website Statistics"],
                        'website-search-reports' => $this->spTextTools['Website Search Summary'],
                        'sitemap-reports' => $this->spTextTools['Sitemap Reports Summary'],
                        'keyword-search-reports' => $this->spTextTools['Keyword Search Summary'],
                    'social-media-reports' => $this->spTextTools['Social Media Report Summary'],
                    'analytics-reports' => $this->spTextTools['Website Analytics Summary'],
                    'review-reports' => $this->spTextTools['Review Report Summary'],
                $this->set('reportTypes', $reportTypes);
                $urlarg .= "&report_type=".$searchInfo['report_type'];          
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['from_time'])) {
                        $fromTime = strtotime($searchInfo['from_time'] . ' 00:00:00');
                } else {
                        $fromTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - 1, date('Y'));
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['to_time'])) {
                        $toTime = strtotime($searchInfo['to_time'] . ' 00:00:00');
                } else {
                        $toTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
                $fromTimeShort = date('Y-m-d', $fromTime);
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTimeShort);
                $toTimeShort = date('Y-m-d', $toTime);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTimeShort);             
                $urlarg .= "&from_time=$fromTimeShort&to_time=$toTimeShort&search_name=" . $searchInfo['search_name'];  
                $seSearchUserId = isAdmin() ? "" : $userId;
                $this->seLIst = $keywordController->getUserKeywordSearchEngineList($seSearchUserId);
                $this->set('seList', $this->seLIst);
                $this->set('isAdmin', $isAdmin);
                $this->set('urlarg', $urlarg);
                $scriptPath = SP_WEBPATH."/archive.php?website_id=$websiteId";
                $scriptPath .= "&from_time=$fromTimeShort&to_time=$toTimeShort&search_name=" . $searchInfo['search_name'];
                # keyword position report section
                if (empty($searchInfo['report_type']) ||  ($searchInfo['report_type'] == 'keyword-position')) {
                    // to find order col
            if (!empty($searchInfo['order_col'])) {
                    $orderCol = $searchInfo['order_col'];
                    $orderVal = getOrderByVal($searchInfo['order_val']);
                } else {
                    $orderCol = $this->seLIst[array_keys($this->seLIst)[0]]['id'];
                    $orderVal = 'ASC';    
                $this->set('orderCol', $orderCol);
                $this->set('orderVal', $orderVal);
                        $scriptPath .= "&report_type=keyword-position&order_col=$orderCol&order_val=$orderVal";
                $conditions = " and w.status=1 and k.status=1";
                $conditions .= isAdmin() ? "" : $websiteCtrler->getWebsiteUserAccessCondition($userId);
                $conditions .= !empty($websiteId) ? " and$websiteId" : "";
                $conditions .= !empty($searchInfo['search_name']) ? " and like '%".addslashes($searchInfo['search_name'])."%'" : "";
                $subSql = "select [col] from keywords k,searchresults r, websites w
                where and $conditions
                and r.searchengine_id=".intval($orderCol)." and r.result_date='" . addslashes($toTimeShort) . "'
                group by";
                $unionOrderCol = ($orderCol == "keyword") ? "name" : "rank";
                $sql = "(". str_replace("[col]", ",,min(rank) rank, website,w.url weburl", $subSql) .")
                (select,,1000, website,w.url weburl
                from keywords k, websites w
                where $conditions and not in
                (". str_replace("[col]", "distinct(", $subSql) ."))
                order by $unionOrderCol $orderVal";
                if ($unionOrderCol != 'name') $sql .= ", name";
                // pagination setup, if not from cron job email send function, pdf and export action
                if (!in_array($searchInfo['doc_type'], array("pdf", "export")) && !$cronUserId) {
                        $this->db->query($sql, true);
                        $this->paging->loadPaging($this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO);
                        $pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages($scriptPath, '', 'scriptDoLoad', 'content', "");
                        $this->set('keywordPagingDiv', $pagingDiv);
                        $this->set('pageNo', $searchInfo['pageno']);                            
                        $sql .= " limit ".$this->paging->start .",". $this->paging->per_page;
                # set keywords list
                $list = $this->db->select($sql);
                $indexList = array();
                foreach($list as $keywordInfo){
                        $positionInfo = $this->__getKeywordSearchReport($keywordInfo['id'], $fromTime, $toTime, true);
                        // check whether the sorting search engine is there
                    $indexList[$keywordInfo['id']] = empty($positionInfo[$orderCol][$toTimeShort]) ? 10000 : $positionInfo[$orderCol][$toTimeShort];
                        $keywordInfo['position_info'] = $positionInfo;
                        $keywordList[$keywordInfo['id']] = $keywordInfo;
                // sort array according the value
                if ($orderCol != 'keyword') { 
                        if ($orderVal == 'DESC') {
                        } else {
                $this->set('indexList', $indexList);
                if ($exportVersion) {
                        $spText = $_SESSION['text'];
                        $reportHeading =  $this->spTextTools['Keyword Position Summary']."($fromTimeShort - $toTimeShort)";
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( array('', $reportHeading, ''));
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( array());
                        $headList = array($spText['common']['Website'], $spText['common']['Keyword']);
                        $pTxt = str_replace("-", "/", substr($fromTimeShort, -5));
                        $cTxt = str_replace("-", "/", substr($toTimeShort, -5));
                        foreach ($this->seLIst as $seInfo) {
                                $domainTxt = str_replace("www.", "", $seInfo['domain']);
                                $headList[] = $domainTxt . "($cTxt)";
                                $headList[] = $domainTxt . "($pTxt)";
                                $headList[] = $domainTxt . "(+/-)";
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( $headList);
                        foreach($indexList as $keywordId => $rankValue){
                                $listInfo = $keywordList[$keywordId];
                                $positionInfo = $listInfo['position_info'];
                                $valueList = array($listInfo['weburl'], $listInfo['name']);
                                foreach ($this->seLIst as $index => $seInfo){
                                        $rankInfo = $positionInfo[$seInfo['id']];
                                        $prevRank = isset($rankInfo[$fromTimeShort]) ? $rankInfo[$fromTimeShort] : "";
                                        $currRank = isset($rankInfo[$toTimeShort]) ? $rankInfo[$toTimeShort] : "";
                                        $rankDiff = "";
                                        // if both ranks are existing
                                        if ($prevRank != '' && $currRank != '') {
                                                $rankDiff = $prevRank - $currRank;
                                        $valueList[] = $currRank;
                                        $valueList[] = $prevRank;
                                        $valueList[] = $rankDiff;
                                $exportContent .= createExportContent( $valueList);
                } else {
                                $this->set('list', $keywordList);
                                $this->set('keywordPos', true); 
                # website report section
                if (empty($searchInfo['report_type']) ||  ($searchInfo['report_type'] == 'website-stats')) {
                        // pagination setup
                        if (!in_array($searchInfo['doc_type'], array('export', 'pdf')) && !$cronUserId) {
                                $scriptPath .= "&report_type=website-stats";
                                $info['pageno'] = intval($info['pageno']);
                                $sql = "select * from websites w where w.status=1";
                                $sql .= isAdmin() ? "" : $websiteCtrler->getWebsiteUserAccessCondition($userId);
                        $sql .= !empty($websiteId) ? " and$websiteId" : "";
                                // search for user name
                                if (!empty($searchInfo['search_name'])) {
                                        $sql .= " and ( like '%".addslashes($searchInfo['search_name'])."%'
                                        or w.url like '%".addslashes($searchInfo['search_name'])."%')";
                                $sql .= " order by";
                                $this->db->query($sql, true);
                                $this->paging->loadPaging($this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO);
                                $pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages($scriptPath, '', 'scriptDoLoad', 'content', "");
                                $this->set('websitePagingDiv', $pagingDiv);
                                $sql .= " limit ".$this->paging->start .",". $this->paging->per_page;
                                $this->set('pageNo', $searchInfo['pageno']);
                                $websiteList = $this->db->select($sql);
                        $rankCtrler = New RankController();
                        $backlinlCtrler = New BacklinkController();
                        $saturationCtrler = New SaturationCheckerController();                  
                        $dirCtrler = New DirectoryController();         
                        $pageSpeedCtrler = New PageSpeedController();
                        $spTextPS = $this->getLanguageTexts('pagespeed', $_SESSION['lang_code']);
                        $this->set('spTextPS', $spTextPS);
                        $websiteRankList = array();
                        foreach($websiteList as $listInfo){
                            // if only needs to show onewebsite selected
                            if (!empty($websiteId) && ($listInfo['id'] != $websiteId)) continue;
                                # rank reports
                                $report = $rankCtrler->__getWebsiteRankReport($listInfo['id'], $fromTime, $toTime);
                                $report = $report[0];
                                $listInfo['alexarank'] = empty($report['alexa_rank']) ? "-" : $report['alexa_rank']." ".$report['rank_diff_alexa'];
                                $listInfo['mozrank'] = empty($report['moz_rank']) ? "-" : $report['moz_rank']." ".$report['rank_diff_moz'];
                                $listInfo['domain_authority'] = empty($report['domain_authority']) ? "-" : $report['domain_authority']." ".$report['rank_diff_domain_authority'];
                                $listInfo['page_authority'] = empty($report['page_authority']) ? "-" : $report['page_authority']." ".$report['rank_diff_page_authority'];
                                # back links reports
                                $report = $backlinlCtrler->__getWebsitebacklinkReport($listInfo['id'], $fromTime, $toTime);
                                $report = $report[0];
                                $listInfo['google']['backlinks'] = empty($report['google']) ? "-" : $report['google']." ".$report['rank_diff_google'];
                                $listInfo['alexa']['backlinks'] = empty($report['alexa']) ? "-" : $report['alexa']." ".$report['rank_diff_alexa'];
                                $listInfo['msn']['backlinks'] = empty($report['msn']) ? "-" : $report['msn']." ".$report['rank_diff_msn'];
                                # rank reports
                                $report = $saturationCtrler->__getWebsiteSaturationReport($listInfo['id'], $fromTime, $toTime);
                                $report = $report[0];                           
                                $listInfo['google']['indexed'] = empty($report['google']) ? "-" : $report['google']." ".$report['rank_diff_google'];
                                $listInfo['msn']['indexed'] = empty($report['msn']) ? "-" : $report['msn']." ".$report['rank_diff_msn'];
                                # pagespeed reports
                                $report = $pageSpeedCtrler->__getWebsitePageSpeedReport($listInfo['id'], $fromTime, $toTime);
                                $report = $report[0];                           
                                $listInfo['desktop_speed_score'] = empty($report['desktop_speed_score']) ? "-" : $report['desktop_speed_score']." ".$report['rank_diff_desktop_speed_score'];
                                $listInfo['mobile_speed_score'] = empty($report['mobile_speed_score']) ? "-" : $report['mobile_speed_score']." ".$report['rank_diff_mobile_speed_score'];
                                $listInfo['mobile_usability_score'] = empty($report['mobile_usability_score']) ? "-" : $report['mobile_usability_score']." ".$report['rank_diff_mobile_usability_score'];
                                $listInfo['dirsub']['total'] = $dirCtrler->__getTotalSubmitInfo($listInfo['id']);
                                $listInfo['dirsub']['active'] = $dirCtrler->__getTotalSubmitInfo($listInfo['id'], true);
                                $websiteRankList[] = $listInfo;
                        // if export function called
                        if ($exportVersion) {
                                $exportContent .= createExportContent( array());
                                $exportContent .= createExportContent( array());
                                $exportContent .= createExportContent( array('', $spTextHome['Website Statistics']."($fromTimeShort - $toTimeShort)", ''));
                                if ((isAdmin() && !empty($webUserId))) {                                    
                                    $exportContent .= createExportContent( array());                                
                                    $exportContent .= createExportContent( array());
                                    $userInfo = $userCtrler->__getUserInfo($webUserId);
                                    $exportContent .= createExportContent( array($_SESSION['text']['common']['User'], $userInfo['username']));
                                $exportContent .= createExportContent( array());
                                $headList = array(
                                        $_SESSION['text']['common']['MOZ Rank'],
                                        $_SESSION['text']['common']['Domain Authority'],
                                        $_SESSION['text']['common']['Page Authority'],
                                        $_SESSION['text']['common']['Alexa Rank'],
                                        'Google '.$spTextHome['Backlinks'],
                                        'alexa '.$spTextHome['Backlinks'],
                                        'Bing '.$spTextHome['Backlinks'],
                                        'Google '.$spTextHome['Indexed'],
                                        'Bing '.$spTextHome['Indexed'],
                                        $spTextPS['Desktop Speed'],
                                        $spTextPS['Mobile Speed'],
                                        $spTextPS['Mobile Usability'],
                                        $_SESSION['text']['common']['Total'].' Submission',
                                        $_SESSION['text']['common']['Active'].' Submission',
                                $exportContent .= createExportContent( $headList);
                                foreach ($websiteRankList as $websiteInfo) {
                                        $valueList = array(
                                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( $valueList);
                        }else {                 
                                $this->set('websiteRankList', $websiteRankList);
                                $this->set('websiteStats', true);
                # website search report section
                if (empty($searchInfo['report_type']) || in_array($searchInfo['report_type'], array('review-reports', 'social-media-reports', 'website-search-reports', 'keyword-search-reports', 'sitemap-reports', 'analytics-reports')) ) {
                        $webMasterCtrler = new WebMasterController();
                        $socialMediaCtrler = New SocialMediaController();
                        $reviewCtrler = New ReviewManagerController();
                        $webMasterCtrler->set('spTextTools', $this->spTextTools);
                        $webMasterCtrler->spTextTools = $this->spTextTools;
                        $filterList = $searchInfo;
                        $wmMaxFromTime = strtotime('-3 days');
                        $wmMaxEndTime = strtotime('-2 days');
                        $filterList['from_time'] = $fromTime > $wmMaxFromTime ? $wmMaxFromTime : $fromTime;
                        $filterList['to_time'] = $toTime > $wmMaxEndTime ? $wmMaxEndTime : $toTime;
                        $filterList['from_time'] = date('Y-m-d', $filterList['from_time']);
                        $filterList['to_time'] = date('Y-m-d', $filterList['to_time']);
                        $filterList['website_id'] = $websiteId;
                        // if website search reports
                        if (empty($searchInfo['report_type']) || ($searchInfo['report_type'] == 'website-search-reports')) {
                                $websiteSearchReport = $webMasterCtrler->viewWebsiteSearchSummary($filterList, true, $cronUserId);
                        // if keyword search reports
                        if (empty($searchInfo['report_type']) || ($searchInfo['report_type'] == 'keyword-search-reports')) {
                                $keywordSearchReport = $webMasterCtrler->viewKeywordSearchSummary($filterList, true, $cronUserId);
                        // if sitemap reports
                        if (empty($searchInfo['report_type']) || ($searchInfo['report_type'] == 'sitemap-reports')) {
                                $websiteCtrler->set('spTextPanel', $this->spTextPanel);
                                $sitemapReport = $websiteCtrler->listSitemap($filterList, true, $cronUserId);
                        // if website analytics reports
                        if (empty($searchInfo['report_type']) || ($searchInfo['report_type'] == 'analytics-reports')) {
                            $analyticsCtrler = new AnalyticsController();
                            $analyticsCtrler->set('spTextTools', $this->spTextTools);
                            $analyticsCtrler->spTextTools = $this->spTextTools;
                            $wmMaxFromTime = strtotime('-2 days');
                            $wmMaxEndTime = strtotime('-1 days');
                            $filterList['from_time'] = $fromTime > $wmMaxFromTime ? $wmMaxFromTime : $fromTime;
                            $filterList['to_time'] = $toTime > $wmMaxEndTime ? $wmMaxEndTime : $toTime;
                            $filterList['from_time'] = date('Y-m-d', $filterList['from_time']);
                            $filterList['to_time'] = date('Y-m-d', $filterList['to_time']);
                            $analyticsReport = $analyticsCtrler->viewAnalyticsSummary($filterList, true, $cronUserId);
                        // if social media reports
                        if (empty($searchInfo['report_type']) || ($searchInfo['report_type'] == 'social-media-reports')) {
                                $filterList['from_time'] = $fromTimeShort;
                                $filterList['to_time'] = $toTimeShort;
                                $socialMediaCtrler->set('spTextTools', $this->spTextTools);
                                $socialMediaCtrler->set('spTextPanel', $this->spTextPanel);
                                $socialMediaCtrler->spTextTools = $this->spTextTools;
                                $socialMediaReport = $socialMediaCtrler->viewReportSummary($filterList, true, $cronUserId);

                        // if social media reports
                        if (empty($searchInfo['report_type']) || ($searchInfo['report_type'] == 'review-reports')) {
                                $filterList['from_time'] = $fromTimeShort;
                                $filterList['to_time'] = $toTimeShort;
                                $reviewCtrler->set('spTextTools', $this->spTextTools);
                                $reviewCtrler->set('spTextPanel', $this->spTextPanel);
                                $reviewCtrler->spTextTools = $this->spTextTools;
                                $reviewReport = $reviewCtrler->viewReportSummary($filterList, true, $cronUserId);
                        if ($exportVersion) {
                                $exportContent .= $websiteSearchReport;
                                $exportContent .= $keywordSearchReport;
                                $exportContent .= $socialMediaReport;
                        } else {
                                $this->set('websiteSearchReport', $websiteSearchReport);
                                $this->set('keywordSearchReport', $keywordSearchReport);
                                $this->set('sitemapReport', $sitemapReport);
                                $this->set('socialMediaReport', $socialMediaReport);
                                $this->set('reviewReport', $reviewReport);
                                $this->set('analyticsReport', $analyticsReport);
                if ($exportVersion) {
                        exportToCsv('archived_report', $exportContent);
                } else {
                        $this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
                        // if execution through cron job then just return the content to send through mail
                        if (!empty($cronUserId)) {
                                $this->set('cronUserId', $cronUserId);
                            return $this->getViewContent('report/archive');
                        } else {
                                // if pdf export
                                if ($searchInfo['doc_type'] == "pdf") {
                                        exportToPdf($this->getViewContent('report/archive'), "overall_summary_$fromTimeShort-$toTimeShort.pdf");
                                } else {
    # func to get report settings data
        function getUserReportSettings($userId) {
                $userId = intval($userId);
                $sql = "select * from reports_settings where user_id=$userId";
                $repSetInfo = $this->db->select($sql, true);
                // if report settings are empty add default interval
                if (empty($repSetInfo)) {
                    $repSetInfo['user_id'] = $userId;
                    $repSetInfo['report_interval'] = SP_SYSTEM_REPORT_INTERVAL;
                    $repSetInfo['email_notification'] = SP_REPORT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION;
                    $lastGeneratedDay = (SP_SYSTEM_REPORT_INTERVAL == 30) ? 1 : (date('d') - SP_SYSTEM_REPORT_INTERVAL);
                    $repSetInfo['last_generated'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), $lastGeneratedDay, date('Y'));
                    $repSetInfo['id'] = $this->db->getMaxId('reports_settings');
                return $repSetInfo;
        # func to insert report settings
        function createUserReportSettings($setInfo) {
                $sql = "Insert into reports_settings(user_id,report_interval,email_notification,last_generated) 
        # func to update user report generate interval
        function updateUserReportSetting($userId, $col, $val) {
                $sql = "Update reports_settings set $col='".addslashes($val)."' where user_id=$userId";
        # func to update user report generation logs
        function updateUserReportGenerationLogs($userId, $generateDate) {
                $dataList = array(
                        'user_id|int' => $userId,
                        'report_date' => $generateDate,
                $this->dbHelper->insertRow("user_report_logs", $dataList);
        # func to schedule reports
        function showReportsScheduler($success=false, $postInfo='') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                if (isAdmin()) {
                    $userId = empty($postInfo['user_id']) ? $userId : $postInfo['user_id'];                 
                $repSetInfo = $this->getUserReportSettings($userId);
                $this->set('repSetInfo', $repSetInfo);
                $reportInterval = !isset($postInfo['report_interval']) ? $repSetInfo['report_interval'] : $postInfo['report_interval'];         
                $this->set('reportInterval', $reportInterval);
                if ($reportInterval == 30) {
                    $nextGenTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') + 1, 1, date('Y'));
                } else {
                    $nextGenTime = $repSetInfo['last_generated'] + ( $repSetInfo['report_interval'] * 86400);    
                $this->set('nextReportTime', date('d M Y', $nextGenTime));
                $scheduleList = array(
                        1 => $_SESSION['text']['label']['Daily'],
                        2 => $this->spTextReport['2 Days'],
                        7 => $_SESSION['text']['label']['Weekly'],
                        30 => $_SESSION['text']['label']['Monthly'],
                $userCtrler = New UserController();
                $userList = $userCtrler->__getAllUsers();
                $this->set('userList', $userList);    
                $this->set('success', $success);
                $this->set('scheduleList', $scheduleList);              
        # func to save Report Schedule
        function saveReportSchedule($info) {        
                $userId = isAdmin() ? $info['user_id'] : isLoggedIn();          
                $repSetInfo = $this->getUserReportSettings($userId);
            $this->updateUserReportSetting($userId, 'report_interval', $info['report_interval']);
            $this->updateUserReportSetting($userId, 'email_notification', $info['email_notification']);
            $this->showReportsScheduler(true, $info);
        # func to check whether report can be generated for user
        function isGenerateReportsForUser($userId) {
                $genReport = false;
                $repSetInfo = $this->getUserReportSettings($userId);
                if ($repSetInfo['report_interval'] > 0) {
                    $lastGeneratedTime = $repSetInfo['last_generated'];
                    $currentDateTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
                    if ($lastGeneratedTime < $currentDateTime) {
                    // if monthly interval generate on first of each month
                    if ($repSetInfo['report_interval'] == 30) {
                        $genReport = (date('d') == 1) ? true : false;
                    } else {                
                                $nextGenTime = $lastGeneratedTime + ( $repSetInfo['report_interval'] * 86400);
                                $genReport = (mktime() > $nextGenTime) ? true : false;
                $repSetInfo['generate_report'] = $genReport; 
                return $repSetInfo;
        # function to sent Email Notification For ReportGeneration
        function sentEmailNotificationForReportGen($userInfo, $fromTime, $toTime) {
                $fromTime = !empty($fromTime) ? $fromTime : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 days'));
                $searchInfo = array(
            'website_id' => 0,
            'report_type' => '',
            'from_time' => date('Y-m-d', $fromTime),
            'to_time' => date('Y-m-d', $toTime),
            'doc_type' => 'print',
            $this->spTextPanel = $this->getLanguageTexts('panel', $_SESSION['lang_code']);
        $reportContent = $this->showOverallReportSummary($searchInfo, $userInfo['id']);        
        $this->set('reportContent', $reportContent);
        $reportTexts = $this->getLanguageTexts('reports', $userInfo['lang_code']);
        $this->set('reportTexts', $reportTexts);
        $this->set('commonTexts', $this->getLanguageTexts('common', $userInfo['lang_code']));
        $this->set('loginTexts', $this->getLanguageTexts('login', $userInfo['lang_code']));
                $name = $userInfo['first_name'].' '.$userInfo['last_name'];
                $this->set('name', $name);
                $subject = $reportTexts['report_email_subject'];
                $content = $this->getViewContent('email/emailnotificationreportgen');
                $userController =  New UserController();
                $adminInfo = $userController->__getAdminInfo();
                $adminName = $adminInfo['first_name']."-".$adminInfo['last_name'];
                $this->set('adminName', $adminName);
                if (!sendMail($adminInfo['email'], $adminName, $userInfo['email'], $subject, $content)) {
                        echo 'An internal error occured while sending mail!';
                } else {
                    echo "Reports send successfully to ".$userInfo['email']."\n";
        # func to show user report generation logs
        function showReportGenerationLogs($searchInfo = '') {
                $userCtrler = New UserController();
                $fromTimeDate = !empty ($searchInfo['from_time']) ? addslashes($searchInfo['from_time']) : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 days'));
                $toTimeDate = !empty ($searchInfo['to_time']) ? addslashes($searchInfo['to_time']) : date('Y-m-d');
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTimeDate);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTimeDate);
                $userList = $userCtrler->__getAllUsersHavingWebsite();
                $this->set('userList', $userList);
                $userTypeCtrler = new UserTypeController();
                $typeList = $userTypeCtrler->__getAllUserTypeList();
                foreach ($typeList as $info) $userTypeList[$info['id']] = $info; 
                $this->set('userTypeList', $userTypeList);
                if (!empty($searchInfo['user_id'])) {
                        $logUserList = array($userCtrler->__getUserInfo($searchInfo['user_id']));
                        $this->set('userId', intval($searchInfo['user_id']));
                } else {
                        $logUserList = $userList;
                $this->set('logUserList', $logUserList);
                $whereCond = "report_date >='$fromTimeDate 00:00:00' and report_date<='$toTimeDate 23:59:59'";
                $whereCond .= !empty($searchInfo['user_id']) ? " and user_id=" . intval($searchInfo['user_id']) : "";
                $whereCond .= " order by report_date desc";
                $list = $this->dbHelper->getAllRows("user_report_logs", $whereCond, "id,user_id,date(report_date) as report_date");
                // loop through the list
                $logList = array();
                foreach ($list as $listInfo) {
                        $logList[$listInfo['report_date']][$listInfo['user_id']] = 1;
                $this->set('logDateList', getDateRange($fromTimeDate, $toTimeDate));
                $this->set('logList', $logList);
                $this->set('spTextUser', $this->getLanguageTexts('user', $_SESSION['lang_code']));