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* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Geo Varghese( *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
# class defines all search engine controller functions
class SearchEngineController extends Controller{
# func to get all search engines
function __getAllSearchEngines(){
$sql = "select * from searchengines where status=1";
$seList = $this->db->select($sql);
return $seList;
function __searchSerachEngines($searchInfo=[]) {
$cond = "1=1";
$cond .= isset($searchInfo['status']) ? " and status=".intval($searchInfo['status']) : "";
$cond .= isset($searchInfo['search']) ? " and url like '%".addslashes($searchInfo['search'])."%'" : "";
return $this->dbHelper->getAllRows('searchengines', $cond);
# func to get search engine info
function __getsearchEngineInfo($seId){
$sql = "select * from searchengines where id=$seId";
$seList = $this->db->select($sql, true);
return $seList;
# func to get all search engines
function __getAllCrawlFormatedSearchEngines(){
$sql = "select * from searchengines where status=1";
$list = $this->db->select($sql);
$seList = array();
foreach($list as $seInfo){
$seId = $seInfo['id'];
$seInfo['regex'] = "/".$seInfo['regex']."/is";
$search = array('[--num--]');
$replace = array($seInfo['no_of_results_page']);
$seInfo['url'] = str_replace($search, $replace, $seInfo['url']);
$seList[$seId] = $seInfo;
return $seList;
# func to show search engines
function listSE($info=''){
$info = sanitizeData($info);
$info['stscheck'] = isset($info['stscheck']) ? intval($info['stscheck']) : 1;
$pageScriptPath = 'searchengine.php?stscheck=' . $info['stscheck'];
$sql = "select * from searchengines where status='{$info['stscheck']}'";
// search for search engine name
if (!empty($info['se_name'])) {
$sql .= " and domain like '%".addslashes($info['se_name'])."%'";
$pageScriptPath .= "&se_name=" . $info['se_name'];
$sql .= " order by id";
# pagination setup
$this->db->query($sql, true);
$this->paging->loadPaging($this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO);
$pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages($pageScriptPath, '', 'scriptDoLoad', 'content', 'layout=ajax');
$this->set('pagingDiv', $pagingDiv);
$sql .= " limit ".$this->paging->start .",". $this->paging->per_page;
$seList = $this->db->select($sql);
$this->set('seList', $seList);
$statusList = array(
$_SESSION['text']['common']['Active'] => 1,
$_SESSION['text']['common']['Inactive'] => 0,
$this->set('statusList', $statusList);
$this->set('info', $info);
$this->set('pageScriptPath', $pageScriptPath);
$this->set('pageNo', $info['pageno']);
$this->render('searchengine/list', 'ajax');
# func to change status of search engine
function __changeStatus($seId, $status){
$seId = intval($seId);
$sql = "update searchengines set status=$status where id=$seId";
# func to delete search engine
function __deleteSearchEngine($seId){
$seId = intval($seId);
$sql = "delete from searchengines where id=$seId";
$sql = "select id from searchresults where searchengine_id=$seId";
$recordList = $this->db->select($sql);
if(count($recordList) > 0){
foreach($recordList as $recordInfo){
$sql = "delete from searchresultdetails where searchresult_id=".$recordInfo['id'];
$sql = "delete from searchresults where searchengine_id=$seId";
# function to check whether captcha found in search engine results
public static function isCaptchInSearchResults($searchContent) {
$captchFound = false;
// if captcha input field is found
if (stristr($searchContent, 'name="captcha"') || stristr($searchContent, 'id="captcha"') || stristr($searchContent, 'recaptcha/api')) {
$captchFound = true;
return $captchFound;
// Function to check / validate the user type searh engine count
public static function validateSearchEngineCount($userId, $count) {
$userCtrler = new UserController();
$validation = array('error' => false);
// if admin user id return true
if ($userCtrler->isAdminUserId($userId)) {
return $validation;
$userTypeCtrlr = new UserTypeController();
$userTypeDetails = $userTypeCtrlr->getUserTypeSpecByUser($userId);
// if limit is set and not -1
if (isset($userTypeDetails['searchengine_count']) && $userTypeDetails['searchengine_count'] >= 0) {
// check whether count greater than limit
if ($count > $userTypeDetails['searchengine_count']) {
$validation['error'] = true;
$spTextSubs = $userTypeCtrlr->getLanguageTexts('subscription', $_SESSION['lang_code']);
$validation['msg'] = formatErrorMsg(str_replace("[limit]", $userTypeDetails['searchengine_count'], $spTextSubs['total_count_greater_account_limit']));
return $validation;
// func to show sync search engines
function showSyncSearchEngines($info=[]) {
$pageScriptPath = 'searchengine.php?sec=sync-se';
$sql = "select * from sync_searchengines order by sync_time DESC";
# pagination setup
$this->db->query($sql, true);
$this->paging->loadPaging($this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO);
$pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages($pageScriptPath, '', 'scriptDoLoad', 'content', 'layout=ajax');
$this->set('pagingDiv', $pagingDiv);
$sql .= " limit ".$this->paging->start .",". $this->paging->per_page;
$syncList = $this->db->select($sql);
$this->set('syncList', $syncList);
$this->set('pageScriptPath', $pageScriptPath);
$this->set('pageNo', $info['pageno']);
// do sync search engines from sp main website
function doSyncSearchEngines($checkAlreadyExecuted = false, $cronJob = false) {
// check whether already executed sync
if ($checkAlreadyExecuted) {
$row = $this->dbHelper->getRow("sync_searchengines", "sync_time>TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ". SP_SYNC_SE_INTERVAL ." day))");
if (!empty($row['id'])) {
return ['status' => false, 'result' => "Search engines already synced."];
$dataList = ['status' => 0];
$syncUrl = SP_MAIN_SITE . "/get_searchengine_updates.php";
$ret = $this->spider->getContent($syncUrl);
if (!empty($ret['page'])) {
// check whethere required content exists in the page crawled
if (stristr($ret['page'], 'UPDATE ')) {
$queryList = explode(';', $ret['page']);
foreach ($queryList as $query) {
if (!empty($query)) {
$dataList['result'] = "Search engines successfully synced.";
$dataList['status'] = 1;
// update admin alerts section
if ($cronJob) {
$alertCtrl = new AlertController();
$alertInfo = array(
'alert_subject' => "Search Engine Sync",
'alert_message' => $dataList['result'],
'alert_category' => "reports",
'alert_url' => SP_WEBPATH,
$alertCtrl->createAlert($alertInfo, false, true);
} else {
$dataList['result'] = "Internal error occured during search engine sync.";
} else {
$dataList['result'] = $ret['errmsg'];
$this->dbHelper->insertRow("sync_searchengines", $dataList);
return $dataList;