Blame | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed
* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Geo Varghese( *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
# class defines all social media controller functions
class SocialMediaController extends Controller{
var $linkTable = "social_media_links";
var $linkReportTable = "social_media_link_results";
var $layout = "ajax";
var $pageScriptPath = 'social_media.php';
var $serviceList;
var $colList;
function __construct() {
$this->serviceList = [
"facebook" => [
"label" => "Facebook",
"regex" => [
"like" => '/id="PagesLikesCountDOMID.*?<span.*?>(.*?)<span/is',
"follower" => '/people like this.*?<div>(\d.*?)people follow this/is',
"url_part" => '?locale=en_US'
"twitter" => [
"label" => "Twitter",
"regex" => [
"follower" => '/\/followers".*?<div.*?>(.*?)<\/div>/is'
"instagram" => [
"label" => "Instagram",
"regex" => [
"follower" => '/edge_followed_by.*?"count":(.*?)\}/is'
/*"linkedin" => [
"label" => "LinkedIn",
"regex" => "",
"pinterest" => [
"label" => "Pinterest",
"regex" => [
"follower" => '/pinterestapp:followers.*?content="(.*?)"/is'
"youtube" => [
"label" => "Youtube",
"regex" => [
"follower" => '/aria-label=.*?subscribers.*?>(.*?)</is'
$this->set('pageScriptPath', $this->pageScriptPath);
$this->set( 'serviceList', $this->serviceList );
$this->set( 'pageNo', $_REQUEST['pageno']);
$this->colList = array(
'url' => $_SESSION['text']['common']['Url'],
'followers' => $_SESSION['text']['label']['Followers'],
'likes' => $_SESSION['text']['label']['Likes'],
function showSocialMediaLinks($searchInfo = '') {
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
$sql = "select l.*, as website_name from $this->linkTable l, websites w where";
if (!isAdmin()) {
$sql .= " and w.user_id=$userId";
// search conditions
$sql .= !empty($searchInfo['name']) ? " and like '%".addslashes($searchInfo['name'])."%'" : "";
$sql .= !empty($searchInfo['website_id']) ? " and l.website_id=".intval($searchInfo['website_id']) : "";
$sql .= !empty($searchInfo['type']) ? " and `type`='".addslashes($searchInfo['type'])."'" : "";
if (!empty($searchInfo['status'])) {
$sql .= ($searchInfo['status'] == 'active') ? " and l.status=1" : " and l.status=0";
$webSiteCtrler = new WebsiteController();
$websiteList = $webSiteCtrler->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
$this->set( 'websiteList', $websiteList );
// pagination setup
$this->db->query( $sql, true );
$this->paging->setDivClass( 'pagingdiv' );
$this->paging->loadPaging( $this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO );
$pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages( $this->pageScriptPath, 'searchForm', 'scriptDoLoadPost', 'content', '' );
$this->set( 'pagingDiv', $pagingDiv );
$sql .= " limit " . $this->paging->start . "," . $this->paging->per_page;
$linkList = $this->db->select( $sql );
$this->set( 'list', $linkList );
$this->render( 'socialmedia/show_social_media_links');
function __checkName($name, $websiteId, $linkId = false){
$whereCond = "name='".addslashes($name)."'";
$whereCond .= " and website_id='".intval($websiteId)."'";
$whereCond .= !empty($linkId) ? " and id!=".intval($linkId) : "";
$listInfo = $this->dbHelper->getRow($this->linkTable, $whereCond);
return empty($listInfo['id']) ? false : $listInfo['id'];
function __checkUrl($url, $websiteId, $linkId = false){
$whereCond = "url='".addslashes($url)."'";
$whereCond .= " and website_id=".intval($websiteId);
$whereCond .= !empty($linkId) ? " and id!=".intval($linkId) : "";
$listInfo = $this->dbHelper->getRow($this->linkTable, $whereCond);
return empty($listInfo['id']) ? false : $listInfo['id'];
function validateSocialMediaLink($listInfo) {
$errMsg = [];
$errMsg['name'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank($listInfo['name']));
$errMsg['url'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank($listInfo['url']));
$errMsg['website_id'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank($listInfo['website_id']));
$errMsg['type'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank($listInfo['type']));
if ($this->__checkName($listInfo['name'], $listInfo['website_id'], $listInfo['id'])) {
$errMsg['name'] = formatErrorMsg($_SESSION['text']['label']['already exist']);
$this->validate->flagErr = true;
if ($this->__checkUrl($listInfo['url'], $listInfo['website_id'], $listInfo['id'])) {
$errMsg['url'] = formatErrorMsg($_SESSION['text']['label']['already exist']);
$this->validate->flagErr = true;
if (!stristr($listInfo['url'], $listInfo['type'])) {
$errMsg['url'] = formatErrorMsg($_SESSION['text']['common']["Invalid value"]);
$this->validate->flagErr = true;
// Validate link count
$websiteCtrl = new WebsiteController();
$websiteInfo = $websiteCtrl->__getWebsiteInfo($listInfo['website_id']);
$newCount = !empty($listInfo['id']) ? 0 : 1;
if (! $this->validateSocialMediaLinkCount($websiteInfo['user_id'], $newCount)) {
$this->set('validationMsg', $this->spTextSMC['Your social media link count already reached the limit']);
$this->validate->flagErr = true;
return $errMsg;
// Function to check / validate the user type social media count
function validateSocialMediaLinkCount($userId, $newCount = 1) {
$userCtrler = new UserController();
// if admin user id return true
if ($userCtrler->isAdminUserId($userId)) {
return true;
$userTypeCtrlr = new UserTypeController();
$userTypeDetails = $userTypeCtrlr->getUserTypeSpecByUser($userId);
$whereCond = " and w.user_id=".intval($userId);
$existingInfo = $this->dbHelper->getRow("$this->linkTable l, websites w", $whereCond, "count(*) count");
$userSMLinkCount = $existingInfo['count'];
$userSMLinkCount += $newCount;
// if limit is set and not -1
if (isset($userTypeDetails['social_media_link_count']) && $userTypeDetails['social_media_link_count'] >= 0) {
// check whether count greater than limit
if ($userSMLinkCount <= $userTypeDetails['social_media_link_count']) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
function newSocialMediaLink($info = '') {
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$this->set('post', $info);
$webSiteCtrler = new WebsiteController();
$websiteList = $webSiteCtrler->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
$this->set( 'websiteList', $websiteList );
$this->set('editAction', 'createSocialMediaLink');
$this->render( 'socialmedia/edit_social_media_link');
function createSocialMediaLink($listInfo = '') {
$errMsg = $this->validateSocialMediaLink($listInfo);
// if no error occured
if (!$this->validate->flagErr) {
$dataList = [
'name' => $listInfo['name'],
'url' => addHttpToUrl($listInfo['url']),
'type' => $listInfo['type'],
'website_id|int' => $listInfo['website_id'],
$this->dbHelper->insertRow($this->linkTable, $dataList);
$this->showSocialMediaLinks(['name' => $listInfo['name']]);
$this->set('errMsg', $errMsg);
function editSocialMediaLink($linkId, $listInfo = '') {
if (!empty($linkId)) {
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$webSiteCtrler = new WebsiteController();
$websiteList = $webSiteCtrler->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
$this->set( 'websiteList', $websiteList );
$listInfo = $this->__getSocialMediaLinkInfo($linkId);
$this->set('post', $listInfo);
$this->set('editAction', 'updateSocialMediaLink');
$this->render( 'socialmedia/edit_social_media_link');
function updateSocialMediaLink($listInfo) {
$this->set('post', $listInfo);
$errMsg = $this->validateSocialMediaLink($listInfo);
if (!$this->validate->flagErr) {
$dataList = [
'name' => $listInfo['name'],
'url' => addHttpToUrl($listInfo['url']),
'type' => $listInfo['type'],
'website_id|int' => $listInfo['website_id'],
$this->dbHelper->updateRow($this->linkTable, $dataList, "id=".intval($listInfo['id']));
$this->showSocialMediaLinks(['name' => $listInfo['name']]);
$this->set('errMsg', $errMsg);
$this->editSocialMediaLink($listInfo['id'], $listInfo);
function deleteSocialMediaLink($linkId) {
$this->dbHelper->deleteRows($this->linkTable, "id=" . intval($linkId));
function __changeStatus($linkId, $status){
$linkId = intval($linkId);
$this->dbHelper->updateRow($this->linkTable, ['status|int' => $status], "id=$linkId");
function __getSocialMediaLinkInfo($linkId) {
$whereCond = "id=".intval($linkId);
$info = $this->dbHelper->getRow($this->linkTable, $whereCond);
return $info;
function verifyActionAllowed($linkId) {
$allowed = true;
// if not admin, check the permissions
if (!isAdmin()) {
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$linkInfo = $this->__getSocialMediaLinkInfo($linkId);
$webSiteCtrler = new WebsiteController();
$webSiteInfo = $webSiteCtrler->__getWebsiteInfo($linkInfo['website_id']);
$allowed = ($userId == $webSiteInfo['user_id']) ? true : false;
if (!$allowed) {
showErrorMsg($_SESSION['text']['label']['Access denied']);
function viewQuickChecker($info='') {
function doQuickChecker($listInfo = '') {
if (!stristr($listInfo['url'], $listInfo['type'])) {
$errorMsg = formatErrorMsg($_SESSION['text']['common']["Invalid value"]);
$this->validate->flagErr = true;
// if no error occured find social media details
if (!$this->validate->flagErr) {
$smLink = addHttpToUrl($listInfo['url']);
$result = $this->getSocialMediaDetails($listInfo['type'], $smLink);
// if call is success
if ($result['status']) {
$this->set('smType', $listInfo['type']);
$this->set('smLink', $smLink);
$this->set('statInfo', $result);
} else {
$errorMsg = $result['msg'];
$errorMsg = !empty($errorMsg) ? $errorMsg : $_SESSION['text']['common']['Internal error occured'];
function getSocialMediaDetails($smType, $smLink) {
$result = ['status' => 0, 'likes' => 0, 'followers' => 0, 'msg' => $_SESSION['text']['common']['Internal error occured']];
$smInfo = $this->serviceList[$smType];
if (!empty($smInfo) && !empty($smLink)) {
// if params needs to be added with url
if (!empty($smInfo['url_part'])) {
$smLink .= stristr($smLink, '?') ? str_replace("?", "&", $smInfo['url_part']) : $smInfo['url_part'];
$smContentInfo = $this->spider->getContent($smLink);
if (!empty($smContentInfo['page'])) {
$matches = [];
// find likes
if (!empty($smInfo['regex']['like'])) {
preg_match($smInfo['regex']['like'], $smContentInfo['page'], $matches);
if (!empty($matches[1])) {
$result['status'] = 1;
$result['likes'] = formatNumber($matches[1]);
// find followers
if (!empty($smInfo['regex']['follower'])) {
preg_match($smInfo['regex']['follower'], $smContentInfo['page'], $matches);
if (!empty($matches[1])) {
$result['status'] = 1;
$result['followers'] = formatNumber($matches[1]);
} else {
$result['msg'] = $smContentInfo['errmsg'];
return $result;
* function to get all links with out reports for a day
function getAllLinksWithOutReports($websiteId, $date) {
$websiteId = intval($websiteId);
$date = addslashes($date);
$sql = "select link.*, result_id from social_media_links link left join
social_media_link_results lr on ( and lr.report_date='$date')
where link.status=1 and link.website_id=$websiteId and is NULL";
$linkList = $this->db->select($sql);
return $linkList;
function saveSocialMediaLinkResults($linkId, $linkInfo) {
$dataList = [
'sm_link_id|int' => $linkId,
'likes|int' => $linkInfo['likes'],
'followers|int' => $linkInfo['followers'],
'report_date' => date('Y-m-d'),
$this->dbHelper->insertRow($this->linkReportTable, $dataList);
* func to show report summary
function viewReportSummary($searchInfo = '', $summaryPage = false, $cronUserId=false) {
$userId = !empty($cronUserId) ? $cronUserId : isLoggedIn();
$this->set('summaryPage', $summaryPage);
$this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
$this->set('cronUserId', $cronUserId);
$exportVersion = false;
case "export":
$exportVersion = true;
$exportContent = "";
case "pdf":
$this->set('pdfVersion', true);
case "print":
$this->set('printVersion', true);
$fromTime = !empty($searchInfo['from_time']) ? addslashes($searchInfo['from_time']) : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 days'));
$toTime = !empty($searchInfo['to_time']) ? addslashes($searchInfo['to_time']) : date('Y-m-d');
$this->set('fromTime', $fromTime);
$this->set('toTime', $toTime);
$websiteController = New WebsiteController();
$wList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
$websiteList = [];
foreach ($wList as $wInfo) $websiteList[$wInfo['id']] = $wInfo;
$websiteList = count($websiteList) ? $websiteList : array(0);
$this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
$websiteId = intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
$this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
// to find order col
if (!empty($searchInfo['order_col'])) {
$orderCol = $searchInfo['order_col'];
$orderVal = getOrderByVal($searchInfo['order_val']);
} else {
$orderCol = "followers";
$orderVal = 'DESC';
$this->set('orderCol', $orderCol);
$this->set('orderVal', $orderVal);
$scriptName = $summaryPage ? "archive.php" : $this->pageScriptPath;
$scriptPath = SP_WEBPATH . "/$scriptName?sec=reportSummary&website_id=$websiteId";
$scriptPath .= "&from_time=$fromTime&to_time=$toTime&search_name=" . $searchInfo['search_name'] . "&type=" . $searchInfo['type'];
$scriptPath .= "&order_col=$orderCol&order_val=$orderVal&report_type=social-media-reports";
// set website id to get exact keywords of a user
if (!empty($websiteId)) {
$conditions = " and sml.website_id=$websiteId";
} else {
$conditions = " and sml.website_id in (".implode(',', array_keys($websiteList)).")";
$conditions .= !empty($searchInfo['search_name']) ? " and sml.url like '%".addslashes($searchInfo['search_name'])."%'" : "";
$conditions .= !empty($searchInfo['type']) ? " and sml.type='".addslashes($searchInfo['type'])."'" : "";
$subSql = "select [cols] from $this->linkTable sml, $this->linkReportTable r where
and sml.status=1 $conditions and r.report_date='$toTime'";
$sql = "
(" . str_replace("[cols]", ",sml.url,sml.website_id,sml.type,r.likes,r.followers", $subSql) . ")
(select,sml.url,sml.website_id,sml.type,0,0 from $this->linkTable sml where sml.status=1 $conditions
and not in (". str_replace("[cols]", "distinct(", $subSql) ."))
order by " . addslashes($orderCol) . " " . addslashes($orderVal);
if ($orderCol != 'url') $sql .= ", url";
// pagination setup, if not from cron job email send function, pdf and export action
if (!in_array($searchInfo['doc_type'], array("pdf", "export"))) {
$this->db->query($sql, true);
$this->paging->loadPaging($this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO);
$pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages($scriptPath, '', 'scriptDoLoad', 'content', "");
$this->set('pagingDiv', $pagingDiv);
$this->set('pageNo', $searchInfo['pageno']);
$sql .= " limit ".$this->paging->start .",". $this->paging->per_page;
# set report list
$baseReportList = $this->db->select($sql);
$this->set('baseReportList', $baseReportList);
$this->set('colList', $this->colList);
// if keywords existing
if (!empty($baseReportList)) {
$keywordIdList = array();
foreach ($baseReportList as $info) {
$keywordIdList[] = $info['id'];
$sql = "select,sml.url,sml.website_id,sml.type,r.followers,r.likes
from $this->linkTable sml, $this->linkReportTable r where
and sml.status=1 $conditions and r.report_date='$fromTime'";
$sql .= " and in(" . implode(",", $keywordIdList) . ")";
$reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
$compareReportList = array();
foreach ($reportList as $info) {
$compareReportList[$info['id']] = $info;
$this->set('compareReportList', $compareReportList);
if ($exportVersion) {
$spText = $_SESSION['text'];
$reportHeading = $this->spTextTools['Social Media Report Summary']."($fromTime - $toTime)";
$exportContent .= createExportContent( array('', $reportHeading, ''));
$exportContent .= createExportContent( array());
$headList = array($spText['common']['Website'], $spText['common']['Url']);
$pTxt = str_replace("-", "/", substr($fromTime, -5));
$cTxt = str_replace("-", "/", substr($toTime, -5));
foreach ($this->colList as $colKey => $colLabel) {
if ($colKey == 'url') continue;
$headList[] = $colLabel . "($pTxt)";
$headList[] = $colLabel . "($cTxt)";
$headList[] = $colLabel . "(+/-)";
$exportContent .= createExportContent($headList);
foreach($baseReportList as $listInfo){
$valueList = array($websiteList[$listInfo['website_id']]['url'], $listInfo['url']);
foreach ($this->colList as $colName => $colVal) {
if ($colName == 'url') continue;
$currRank = isset($listInfo[$colName]) ? $listInfo[$colName] : 0;
$prevRank = isset($compareReportList[$listInfo['id']][$colName]) ? $compareReportList[$listInfo['id']][$colName] : 0;
$rankDiff = "";
// if both ranks are existing
if ($prevRank != '' && $currRank != '') {
$rankDiff = $currRank - $prevRank;
$valueList[] = $prevRank;
$valueList[] = $currRank;
$valueList[] = $rankDiff;
$exportContent .= createExportContent( $valueList);
if ($summaryPage) {
return $exportContent;
} else {
exportToCsv('social_media_report_summary', $exportContent);
} else {
// if pdf export
if ($summaryPage) {
return $this->getViewContent('socialmedia/social_media_report_summary');
} else {
// if pdf export
if ($searchInfo['doc_type'] == "pdf") {
exportToPdf($this->getViewContent('socialmedia/social_media_report_summary'), "social_media_report_summary_$fromTime-$toTime.pdf");
} else {
$this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
function __getSocialMediaLinks($whereCond = false) {
$linkList = $this->dbHelper->getAllRows($this->linkTable, $whereCond);
return !empty($linkList) ? $linkList : false;
// func to show detailed reports
function viewDetailedReports($searchInfo = '') {
$userId = isLoggedIn();
if (!empty ($searchInfo['from_time'])) {
$fromTimeDate = addslashes($searchInfo['from_time']);
} else {
$fromTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-15 days'));
if (!empty ($searchInfo['to_time'])) {
$toTimeDate = addslashes($searchInfo['to_time']);
} else {
$toTimeDate = date('Y-m-d');
$this->set('fromTime', $fromTimeDate);
$this->set('toTime', $toTimeDate);
if(!empty($searchInfo['link_id']) && !empty($searchInfo['rep'])){
$searchInfo['link_id'] = intval($searchInfo['link_id']);
$linkInfo = $this->__getSocialMediaLinkInfo($searchInfo['link_id']);
$searchInfo['website_id'] = $linkInfo['website_id'];
$websiteController = New WebsiteController();
$websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
$this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
$websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
$this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
$linkList = $this->__getSocialMediaLinks("website_id=$websiteId and status=1 order by name");
$this->set('linkList', $linkList);
$linkId = empty($searchInfo['link_id']) ? $linkList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['link_id']);
$this->set('linkId', $linkId);
$list = [];
if (!empty($linkId)) {
$sql = "select s.* from $this->linkReportTable s
where report_date>='$fromTimeDate' and report_date<='$toTimeDate' and s.sm_link_id=$linkId
order by s.report_date";
$reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
$colList = array_keys($this->colList);
foreach ($colList as $col) $prevRank[$col] = 0;
# loop through rank
foreach ($reportList as $key => $repInfo) {
// if not the first row, find differences in rank
if ($key) {
foreach ($colList as $col) $rankDiff[$col] = '';
foreach ($colList as $col) {
$rankDiff[$col] = round($repInfo[$col] - $prevRank[$col], 2);
if (empty($rankDiff[$col])) continue;
if ($col == "average_position" ) $rankDiff[$col] = $rankDiff[$col] * -1;
$rankClass = ($rankDiff[$col] > 0) ? 'green' : 'red';
$rankDiff[$col] = "<font class='$rankClass'>($rankDiff[$col])</font>";
$reportList[$key]['rank_diff_'.$col] = empty($rankDiff[$col]) ? '' : $rankDiff[$col];
foreach ($colList as $col) $prevRank[$col] = $repInfo[$col];
$list = array_reverse($reportList, true);
$this->set('list', $list);
// func to show social media link select box
function showSocialMediaLinkSelectBox($websiteId, $linkId = ""){
$websiteId = intval($websiteId);
$this->set('linkList', $this->__getSocialMediaLinks("website_id=$websiteId and status=1 order by name"));
$this->set('linkId', $linkId);
// func to show link search reports in graph
function viewGraphReports($searchInfo = '') {
$userId = isLoggedIn();
if (!empty ($searchInfo['from_time'])) {
$fromTimeDate = addslashes($searchInfo['from_time']);
} else {
$fromTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-15 days'));
if (!empty ($searchInfo['to_time'])) {
$toTimeDate = addslashes($searchInfo['to_time']);
} else {
$toTimeDate = date('Y-m-d');
$this->set('fromTime', $fromTimeDate);
$this->set('toTime', $toTimeDate);
if(!empty($searchInfo['link_id']) && !empty($searchInfo['rep'])){
$searchInfo['link_id'] = intval($searchInfo['link_id']);
$linkInfo = $this->__getSocialMediaLinkInfo($searchInfo['link_id']);
$searchInfo['website_id'] = $linkInfo['website_id'];
$websiteController = New WebsiteController();
$websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
$this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
$websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
$this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
$linkList = $this->__getSocialMediaLinks("website_id=$websiteId and status=1 order by name");
$this->set('linkList', $linkList);
$linkId = empty($searchInfo['link_id']) ? $linkList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['link_id']);
$this->set('linkId', $linkId);
// if reports not empty
$colList = $this->colList;
$this->set('colList', $colList);
$this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
$graphContent = showErrorMsg($_SESSION['text']['common']['No Records Found'], false, true);
if (!empty($linkId)) {
$sql = "select s.* from $this->linkReportTable s
where report_date>='$fromTimeDate' and report_date<='$toTimeDate' and s.sm_link_id=$linkId
order by s.report_date";
$reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
$graphColList = array();
if (!empty($searchInfo['attr_type'])) {
$graphColList[$searchInfo['attr_type']] = $colList[$searchInfo['attr_type']];
} else {
$graphColList = $colList;
if (!empty($reportList)) {
$dataArr = "['Date', '" . implode("', '", array_values($graphColList)) . "']";
// loop through data list
foreach ($reportList as $dataInfo) {
$valStr = "";
foreach ($graphColList as $seId => $seVal) {
$valStr .= ", ";
$valStr .= !empty($dataInfo[$seId]) ? $dataInfo[$seId] : 0;
$dataArr .= ", ['{$dataInfo['report_date']}' $valStr]";
$this->set('dataArr', $dataArr);
$this->set('graphTitle', $this->spTextTools['Graphical Reports']);
$graphContent = $this->getViewContent('report/graph');
} else {
$graphContent = showErrorMsg($_SESSION['text']['common']['No Records Found'], false, true);
// get graph content
$this->set('graphContent', $graphContent);