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 *   Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Geo Varghese(      *
 *                                                                                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *

// include google api module
include_once(SP_CTRLPATH . "/googleapi.ctrl.php");

// class defines all google webmaster tool api controller functions
class WebMasterController extends GoogleAPIController {
        var $rowLimit = 5000;
        var $sourceList = array('google');
        var $colList = array(); 
        function __construct() {

                $this->spTextWB = $this->getLanguageTexts('webmaster', $_SESSION['lang_code']);
                $this->set('spTextWB', $this->spTextWB);
                $this->tokenCtrler = new UserTokenController();
                $this->colList = array(
                        'name' => $_SESSION['text']['common']['Keyword'],
                        'clicks' => $_SESSION['text']['label']['Clicks'],
                        'impressions' => $_SESSION['text']['label']['Impressions'],
                        'ctr' => "CTR",
                        'average_position' => $this->spTextWB['Average Position'],
         * function to get webmaster tool query search result
        function getQueryResults($userId, $siteUrl, $paramList, $limit = false) {
                $result = array('status' => false);
                try {
                        $client = $this->getAuthClient($userId);
                        // check whether client created successfully
                        if (!is_object($client)) {
                                $result['msg'] = $client;
                                return $result;
                        $service = new Google_Service_Webmasters($client);
                        $serviceRquest = new Google_Service_Webmasters_SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest();
                        $serviceRquest->startDate = $paramList['startDate'];
                        $serviceRquest->endDate = $paramList['endDate'];
                        if (!empty($paramList['dimensions'])) {
                                $serviceRquest->dimensions = $paramList['dimensions'];
                        if (!empty($paramList['dimensionFilterGroups'])) {
                                $serviceRquest->dimensionFilterGroups = $paramList['dimensionFilterGroups'];
                        $resultList = array();
                        $startRow = 0;
                        $limit = $limit ? $limit : $this->rowLimit;
                        while (count($resultList) < $limit) {
                                $serviceRquest->startRow = $startRow;
                                $serviceRquest->rowLimit = $this->rowLimit;
                                $statRes = $service->searchanalytics->query($siteUrl, $serviceRquest);
                                $rowList = $statRes->getRows();
                                $resultList = array_merge($resultList, $rowList);
                                // if the result count is less than expected in a call
                                if (count($rowList) < $this->rowLimit) {
                                $startRow += $this->rowLimit;
                        $result['status'] = true;
                        $result['resultList'] = $resultList;
                }  catch (Exception $e) {
                        $err = $e->getMessage();
                        $result['msg'] = "Error: search query analytics - $err";
                return $result;
         * function to get all sites added in webmaster tools
        function getAllSites($userId) {
                $result = array('status' => false);
                try {
                        $client = $this->getAuthClient($userId);
                        // check whether client created successfully
                        if (!is_object($client)) {
                                $result['msg'] = $client;
                                return $result;
                        $service = new Google_Service_Webmasters($client);
                        $resultList = $service->sites->listSites();
                        $result['status'] = true;
                        $result['resultList'] = $resultList['siteEntry'];
                }  catch (Exception $e) {
                        $err = $e->getMessage();
                        $result['msg'] = "Error: get all sites - $err";
                return $result;
         * function to submit website to webmaster tools
        function addWebsite($siteUrl, $userId) {
                $result = array('status' => false);
                try {
                        $client = $this->getAuthClient($userId);
                        // check whether client created successfully
                        if (!is_object($client)) {
                                $result['msg'] = $client;
                                return $result;
                        $service = new Google_Service_Webmasters($client);
                        $resultList = $service->sites->add($siteUrl);
                        $result['status'] = true;                               
                }  catch (Exception $e) {
                        $err = $e->getMessage();
                        $result['msg'] = "Error: add website - $err";
                return $result;
         * function to submit sitemap to webmaster tools
        function submitSitemap($siteUrl, $sitemapUrl, $userId) {
                $result = array('status' => false);
                try {
                        $client = $this->getAuthClient($userId);
                        // check whether client created successfully
                        if (!is_object($client)) {
                                $result['msg'] = $client;
                                return $result;
                        $service = new Google_Service_Webmasters($client);
                        $resultList = $service->sitemaps->submit($siteUrl, $sitemapUrl);
                        $result['status'] = true;                               
                }  catch (Exception $e) {
                        $err = $e->getMessage();
                        $result['msg'] = "Error: submit sitemap - $err";
                return $result;
         * function to get all sitemaps submitted in webmaster tools
        function getAllSitemap($siteUrl, $userId) {
                $result = array('status' => false);
                try {
                        $client = $this->getAuthClient($userId);
                        // check whether client created successfully
                        if (!is_object($client)) {
                                $result['msg'] = $client;
                                return $result;
                        $service = new Google_Service_Webmasters($client);
                        $resultList = $service->sitemaps->listSitemaps($siteUrl);                       
                        $result['resultList'] = $resultList['sitemap'];
                        $result['status'] = true;
                }  catch (Exception $e) {
                        $err = $e->getMessage();
                        $result['msg'] = "Error: get all sitemaps - $err";
                return $result;
         * function to submit sitemap to webmaster tools
        function deleteWebsiteSitemap($siteUrl, $sitemapUrl, $userId) {
                $result = array('status' => false);
                try {
                        // check whether client created successfully
                        $client = $this->getAuthClient($userId);
                        if (!is_object($client)) {
                                $result['msg'] = $client;
                                return $result;
                        $service = new Google_Service_Webmasters($client);
                        $resultList = $service->sitemaps->delete($siteUrl, $sitemapUrl);
                        $result['status'] = true;
                }  catch (Exception $e) {
                        $err = $e->getMessage();
                        $result['msg'] = "Error: delete sitemap - $err";
                return $result;
        function __generateKeywordId($websiteId, $keywordName) {
                $keywordId = 0;
                $dataList = array(
                        'website_id|int' => $websiteId,
                        'name' => $keywordName,
                        'status' => 1,
                if ($this->dbHelper->insertRow("webmaster_keywords", $dataList) ) {
                        $keywordId = $this->db->getMaxId("webmaster_keywords");
                return $keywordId;

        function __getWebmasterKeywordInfo($keywordId){
                $keywordId = intval($keywordId);
                $listInfo = $this->dbHelper->getRow("webmaster_keywords", " id=$keywordId");
                return !empty($listInfo['id']) ? $listInfo : false;

        function __getWebmasterKeywords($whereCond = false) {
                $keywordList = $this->dbHelper->getAllRows("webmaster_keywords", $whereCond);
                return !empty($keywordList) ? $keywordList : false;

         * function to store website results
        function storeWebsiteAnalytics($websiteId, $reportDate, $source = "google") {           
                $websiteId = intval($websiteId);
                $websiteCtrler = new WebsiteController();
                $websiteInfo = $websiteCtrler->__getWebsiteInfo($websiteId);
                $list = $this->__getWebmasterKeywords("website_id=$websiteId and status=1");
                $keywordList = array();
                if (!empty($list)) {foreach ($list as $info) $keywordList[$info['name']] = $info;}
                $result['status'] = true;
                $paramList = array(
                        'startDate' => $reportDate,
                        'endDate' => $reportDate,
                        'dimensions' => ['query'],
                // query results from api and verify no error occured
                $result = $this->getQueryResults($websiteInfo['user_id'], $websiteInfo['url'], $paramList);
                if ($result['status']) {
                        // loop through the result list
                        foreach ($result['resultList'] as $reportInfo) {
                                $keywordName = $reportInfo['keys'][0];
                                // check if keyword is already existing in the db table, else insert it
                                $keywordId = isset($keywordList[$keywordName]) ? intval($keywordList[$keywordName]['id']) : 0;
                                if ($keywordId == 0) {$keywordId = $this->__generateKeywordId($websiteInfo['id'], $keywordName);}
                                $info = array(
                                        'clicks' => $reportInfo['clicks'],
                                        'impressions' => $reportInfo['impressions'],
                                        'ctr' => round($reportInfo['ctr'] * 100, 2),
                                        'average_position' => $reportInfo['position'],
                                        'report_date' => $reportDate,
                                        'source' => $source,
                                $this->insertKeywordAnalytics($keywordId, $info);

                // if keyword report generated successfully
                if ($result['status']) {
                        // store website analytics
                        $paramList = array(
                                'startDate' => $reportDate,
                                'endDate' => $reportDate,
                        // query results from api and verify no error occured
                        $result = $this->getQueryResults($websiteInfo['user_id'], $websiteInfo['url'], $paramList);
                        // if status is success
                        if ($result['status']) {
                                $reportInfo = !empty($result['resultList'][0]) ? $result['resultList'][0] : array();
                                $info = array(
                                        'clicks' => !empty($reportInfo->clicks) ? $reportInfo->clicks : 0,
                                        'impressions' => !empty($reportInfo->impressions) ? $reportInfo->impressions : 0,
                                        'ctr' => !empty($reportInfo->ctr) ? $reportInfo->ctr * 100 : 0,
                                        'average_position' => !empty($reportInfo->position) ? $reportInfo->position : 0,
                                        'report_date' => $reportDate,
                                        'source' => $source,
                                $this->insertWebsiteAnalytics($websiteId, $info);
                return $result;
         * function to insert keyword analytics
        function insertKeywordAnalytics($keywordId, $reportInfo, $clearExisting = true) {
                $keywordId = intval($keywordId);
                $source = addslashes($reportInfo['source']);
                $resultDate = addslashes($reportInfo['report_date']);           
                if ($clearExisting) {
                        $whereCond = "keyword_id=$keywordId and report_date='$resultDate' and source='$source'";
                        $this->dbHelper->deleteRows('keyword_analytics', $whereCond);
                $dataList = array(
                        'keyword_id' => $keywordId,
                        'clicks|int' => $reportInfo['clicks'],
                        'impressions|int' => $reportInfo['impressions'],
                        'ctr|float' => round($reportInfo['ctr'], 2),
                        'average_position|float' => round($reportInfo['average_position'], 2),
                        'report_date' => $resultDate,
                        'source' => $source,
                $this->dbHelper->insertRow('keyword_analytics', $dataList);
         * function to insert website analytics
        function insertWebsiteAnalytics($websiteId, $reportInfo, $clearExisting = true) {
                $websiteId = intval($websiteId);
                $source = addslashes($reportInfo['source']);
                $resultDate = addslashes($reportInfo['report_date']);
                if ($clearExisting) {
                        $whereCond = "website_id=$websiteId and report_date='$resultDate' and source='$source'";
                        $this->dbHelper->deleteRows('website_search_analytics', $whereCond);
                $dataList = array(
                        'website_id' => $websiteId,
                        'clicks|int' => $reportInfo['clicks'],
                        'impressions|int' => $reportInfo['impressions'],
                        'ctr|float' => round($reportInfo['ctr'], 2),
                        'average_position|float' => round($reportInfo['average_position'], 2),
                        'report_date' => $resultDate,
                        'source' => $source,
                $this->dbHelper->insertRow('website_search_analytics', $dataList);

        # function check whether webmaster reports already saved
        function isReportsExists($websiteId, $resultDate, $source = "google") {
                $websiteId = intval($websiteId);
                $source = addslashes($source);
                $resultDate = addslashes($resultDate);
                $whereCond = "website_id=$websiteId and report_date='$resultDate' and source='$source'";
                $info = $this->dbHelper->getRow("website_search_analytics", $whereCond, "website_id");
                return !empty($info['website_id']) ? true : false;
        # func to show webmasterkeyword report summary
        function viewKeywordSearchSummary($searchInfo = '', $summaryPage = false, $cronUserId=false) {
                $userId = !empty($cronUserId) ? $cronUserId : isLoggedIn();
                $source = $this->sourceList[0];
                $this->set('summaryPage', $summaryPage);
                $this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
                $this->set('cronUserId', $cronUserId);
                $exportVersion = false;
                        case "export":
                                $exportVersion = true;
                                $exportContent = "";
                        case "pdf":
                                $this->set('pdfVersion', true);
                        case "print":
                                $this->set('printVersion', true);

                $fromTime = !empty($searchInfo['from_time']) ? addslashes($searchInfo['from_time']) : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-3 days'));
                $toTime = !empty($searchInfo['to_time']) ? addslashes($searchInfo['to_time']) : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 days'));
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTime);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTime);
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $wList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $websiteList = [];
                foreach ($wList as $wInfo) $websiteList[$wInfo['id']] = $wInfo;
                $websiteList = count($websiteList) ? $websiteList : array(0);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                // to find order col
                if (!empty($searchInfo['order_col'])) {
                        $orderCol = $searchInfo['order_col'];
                        $orderVal = getOrderByVal($searchInfo['order_val']);
                } else {
                        $orderCol = "clicks";
                        $orderVal = 'DESC';
                $this->set('orderCol', $orderCol);
                $this->set('orderVal', $orderVal);
                $scriptName = $summaryPage ? "archive.php" : "webmaster-tools.php";
                $scriptPath = SP_WEBPATH . "/$scriptName?sec=viewKeywordReports&website_id=$websiteId";
                $scriptPath .= "&from_time=$fromTime&to_time=$toTime&search_name=" . $searchInfo['search_name'];
                $scriptPath .= "&order_col=$orderCol&order_val=$orderVal&report_type=keyword-search-reports";
                // set website id to get exact keywords of a user
                if (!empty($websiteId)) {
                        $conditions = " and k.website_id=$websiteId";
                } else {
                        $conditions = " and k.website_id in (".implode(',', array_keys($websiteList)).")";
                $conditions .= !empty($searchInfo['search_name']) ? " and like '%".addslashes($searchInfo['search_name'])."%'" : "";
                $subSql = "select [cols] from webmaster_keywords k, keyword_analytics r where
                and k.status=1 $conditions and r.source='$source' and r.report_date='$toTime'";
                $sql = "
                (" . str_replace("[cols]", ",,k.website_id,r.clicks,r.impressions,r.ctr,r.average_position", $subSql) . ")
                (select,,k.website_id,0,0,0,0 from webmaster_keywords k where k.status=1 $conditions 
                and not in (". str_replace("[cols]", "distinct(", $subSql) ."))
                order by " . addslashes($orderCol) . " " . addslashes($orderVal);
                if ($orderCol != 'name') $sql .= ", name";
                // pagination setup, if not from cron job email send function, pdf and export action
                if (!in_array($searchInfo['doc_type'], array("pdf", "export"))) {
                        $this->db->query($sql, true);
                        $this->paging->loadPaging($this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO);
                        $pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages($scriptPath, '', 'scriptDoLoad', 'content', "");
                        $this->set('pagingDiv', $pagingDiv);
                        $this->set('pageNo', $searchInfo['pageno']);                    
                        $sql .= " limit ".$this->paging->start .",". $this->paging->per_page;
                # set report list
                $baseReportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                $this->set('baseReportList', $baseReportList);
                $this->set('colList', $this->colList);
                // if keywords existing
                if (!empty($baseReportList)) {
                        $keywordIdList = array();
                        foreach ($baseReportList as $info) {
                                $keywordIdList[] = $info['id'];

                        $sql = "select,,k.website_id,r.clicks,r.impressions,r.ctr,r.average_position 
                        from webmaster_keywords k, keyword_analytics r where
                        and k.status=1 $conditions and r.source='$source' and r.report_date='$fromTime'";
                        $sql .= " and in(" . implode(",", $keywordIdList) . ")";
                        $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                        $compareReportList = array();
                        foreach ($reportList as $info) {
                                $compareReportList[$info['id']] = $info;        
                        $this->set('compareReportList', $compareReportList);
                if ($exportVersion) {
                        $spText = $_SESSION['text'];
                        $reportHeading =  $this->spTextTools['Keyword Search Summary']."($fromTime - $toTime)";
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( array('', $reportHeading, ''));
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( array());
                        $headList = array($spText['common']['Website'], $spText['common']['Keyword']);
                        $pTxt = str_replace("-", "/", substr($fromTime, -5));
                        $cTxt = str_replace("-", "/", substr($toTime, -5));
                        foreach ($this->colList as $colKey => $colLabel) {
                                if ($colKey == 'name') continue;
                                $headList[] = $colLabel . "($pTxt)";
                                $headList[] = $colLabel . "($cTxt)";
                                $headList[] = $colLabel . "(+/-)";
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent($headList);
                        foreach($baseReportList as $listInfo){
                                $valueList = array($websiteList[$listInfo['website_id']]['url'], $listInfo['name']);
                                foreach ($this->colList as $colName => $colVal) {
                                        if ($colName == 'name') continue;
                                        $currRank = isset($listInfo[$colName]) ? $listInfo[$colName] : 0;
                                        $prevRank = isset($compareReportList[$listInfo['id']][$colName]) ? $compareReportList[$listInfo['id']][$colName] : 0;
                                        $rankDiff = "";
                                        // if both ranks are existing
                                        if ($prevRank != '' && $currRank != '') {
                                                $rankDiff = $currRank - $prevRank;
                                                if ($colName == 'average_position') $rankDiff = $rankDiff * -1;

                                        $valueList[] = $prevRank;
                                        $valueList[] = $currRank;
                                        $valueList[] = $rankDiff;
                                $exportContent .= createExportContent( $valueList);
                        if ($summaryPage) {
                                return $exportContent;
                        } else {
                                exportToCsv('keyword_search_summary', $exportContent);
                } else {
                        // if pdf export
                        if ($summaryPage) {
                                return $this->getViewContent('webmaster/keyword_search_analytics_summary');
                        } else {
                                // if pdf export
                                if ($searchInfo['doc_type'] == "pdf") {
                                        exportToPdf($this->getViewContent('webmaster/keyword_search_analytics_summary'), "keyword_search_summary_$fromTime-$toTime.pdf");
                                } else {
                                        $this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
        # func to show website search report summary
        function viewWebsiteSearchSummary($searchInfo = '', $summaryPage = false, $cronUserId=false) {
                $userId = !empty($cronUserId) ? $cronUserId : isLoggedIn();
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $exportVersion = false;
                $source = $this->sourceList[0];
                $this->set('summaryPage', $summaryPage);
                $this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
                        case "export":
                                $exportVersion = true;
                                $exportContent = "";
                        case "pdf":
                                $this->set('pdfVersion', true);
                        case "print":
                                $this->set('printVersion', true);

                $fromTime = !empty($searchInfo['from_time']) ? addslashes($searchInfo['from_time']) : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-3 days'));
                $toTime = !empty($searchInfo['to_time']) ? addslashes($searchInfo['to_time']) : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 days'));
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTime);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTime);
                // to find order col
                if (!empty($searchInfo['order_col'])) {
                        $orderCol = $searchInfo['order_col'];
                        $orderVal = getOrderByVal($searchInfo['order_val']);
                } else {
                        $orderCol = "clicks";
                        $orderVal = 'DESC';
                $this->set('orderCol', $orderCol);
                $this->set('orderVal', $orderVal);
                $scriptName = $summaryPage ? "archive.php" : "webmaster-tools.php";
                $scriptPath = SP_WEBPATH . "/$scriptName?sec=viewWebsiteSearchSummary&website_id=$websiteId";
                $scriptPath .= "&from_time=$fromTime&to_time=$toTime&search_name=" . $searchInfo['search_name'];
                $scriptPath .= "&order_col=$orderCol&order_val=$orderVal&report_type=website-search-reports";
                $websiteId = intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $conditions = !empty($websiteId) ? " and$websiteId" : "";
                $conditions .= isAdmin() ? "" : $websiteController->getWebsiteUserAccessCondition($userId);
                $conditions .= !empty($searchInfo['search_name']) ? " and w.url like '%".addslashes($searchInfo['search_name'])."%'" : "";
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                $subSql = "select [cols] from websites w, website_search_analytics r where
                and w.status=1 $conditions and r.source='$source' and r.report_date='$fromTime'";
                $unionOrderCol = ($orderCol == 'name') ? "url" : $orderCol;
                $sql = "
                (" . str_replace("[cols]", ",w.url,,r.clicks,r.impressions,r.ctr,r.average_position", $subSql) . ")
                (select,w.url,,0,0,0,0 from websites w where w.status=1 $conditions 
                and not in (". str_replace("[cols]", "distinct(", $subSql) ."))
                order by " . addslashes($unionOrderCol) . " " . addslashes($orderVal);
                if ($orderCol != 'name') $sql .= ", url";
                // pagination setup, if not from cron job email send function, pdf and export action
                if (!in_array($searchInfo['doc_type'], array("pdf", "export")) && !$cronUserId) {

                        $this->db->query($sql, true);
                        $this->paging->loadPaging($this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO);
                        $pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages($scriptPath, '', 'scriptDoLoad', 'content', "");
                        $this->set('pagingDiv', $pagingDiv);
                        $this->set('pageNo', $searchInfo['pageno']);
                        $sql .= " limit ".$this->paging->start .",". $this->paging->per_page;
                # set report list
                $baseReportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                $this->set('baseReportList', $baseReportList);
                $this->set('colList', $this->colList);
                // if keywords existing
                if (!empty($baseReportList)) {
                        $websiteIdList = array();
                        foreach ($baseReportList as $info) {
                                $websiteIdList[] = $info['id'];

                        $sql = "select,,w.url,r.clicks,r.impressions,r.ctr,r.average_position 
                        from websites w, website_search_analytics r where
                        and w.status=1 $conditions and r.source='$source' and r.report_date='$toTime'";
                        $sql .= " and in(" . implode(",", $websiteIdList) . ")";
                        $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                        $compareReportList = array();
                        foreach ($reportList as $info) {
                                $compareReportList[$info['id']] = $info;        
                        $this->set('compareReportList', $compareReportList);
                if ($exportVersion) {
                        $spText = $_SESSION['text'];
                        $reportHeading =  $this->spTextTools['Website Search Summary']."($fromTime - $toTime)";
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( array());
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( array());
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( array('', $reportHeading, ''));
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent( array());
                        $headList = array($spText['common']['Website']);
                        $pTxt = str_replace("-", "/", substr($fromTime, -5));
                        $cTxt = str_replace("-", "/", substr($toTime, -5));
                        foreach ($this->colList as $colKey => $colLabel) {
                                if ($colKey == 'name') continue;
                                $headList[] = $colLabel . "($pTxt)";
                                $headList[] = $colLabel . "($cTxt)";
                                $headList[] = $colLabel . "(+/-)";
                        $exportContent .= createExportContent($headList);
                        foreach($baseReportList as $listInfo){
                                $valueList = array($listInfo['url']);
                                foreach ($this->colList as $colName => $colVal) {
                                        if ($colName == 'name') continue;
                                        $prevRank = isset($listInfo[$colName]) ? $listInfo[$colName] : 0;
                                        $currRank = isset($compareReportList[$listInfo['id']][$colName]) ? $compareReportList[$listInfo['id']][$colName] : 0;
                                        $rankDiff = "";
                                        // if both ranks are existing
                                        if ($prevRank != '' && $currRank != '') {
                                                $rankDiff = $currRank - $prevRank;
                                                if ($colName == 'average_position') $rankDiff = $rankDiff * -1;

                                        $valueList[] = $prevRank;
                                        $valueList[] = $currRank;
                                        $valueList[] = $rankDiff;
                                $exportContent .= createExportContent( $valueList);
                        if ($summaryPage) {
                                return $exportContent;
                        } else {
                                exportToCsv('website_search_summary', $exportContent);
                } else {
                        // if pdf export
                        if ($summaryPage) {
                                return $this->getViewContent('webmaster/website_search_analytics_summary');
                        } else {
                            $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                                if ($searchInfo['doc_type'] == "pdf") {
                                        exportToPdf($this->getViewContent('webmaster/website_search_analytics_summary'), "website_search_summary_$fromTime-$toTime.pdf");
                                } else {
                                        $this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
        # func to show website search reports
        function viewWebsiteSearchReports($searchInfo = '') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['from_time'])) {
                        $fromTime = addslashes($searchInfo['from_time']);
                } else {
                        $fromTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-17 days'));
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['to_time'])) {
                        $toTime = addslashes($searchInfo['to_time']);
                } else {
                        $toTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 days'));
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTime);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTime);
                $source = $this->sourceList[0];
                $this->set('source', $source);
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = empty($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                $conditions = empty($websiteId) ? "" : " and s.website_id=$websiteId";
                $sql = "select s.* , from website_search_analytics s,websites w  where
                and report_date >= '$fromTime' and report_date <= '$toTime' and source='$source' $conditions order by report_date";
                $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                $colList = array_keys($this->colList);
                foreach ($colList as $col) $prevRank[$col] = 0;
                # loop through rank
                foreach ($reportList as $key => $repInfo) {
                        // if not the first row, find differences in rank
                        if ($key)  {
                                foreach ($colList as $col) $rankDiff[$col] = '';
                                foreach ($colList as $col) {
                                        $rankDiff[$col] = round($repInfo[$col] - $prevRank[$col], 2);   
                                        if (empty($rankDiff[$col])) continue;
                                        if ($col == "average_position" ) $rankDiff[$col] = $rankDiff[$col] * -1;
                                        $rankClass = ($rankDiff[$col] > 0) ? 'green' : 'red';
                                        $rankDiff[$col] = "<font class='$rankClass'>($rankDiff[$col])</font>";
                                        $reportList[$key]['rank_diff_'.$col] = empty($rankDiff[$col]) ? '' : $rankDiff[$col];
                        foreach ($colList as $col) $prevRank[$col] = $repInfo[$col];

                $this->set('list', array_reverse($reportList, true));
        # func to show keyword search reports
        function viewKeywordSearchReports($searchInfo = '') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();

                if (!empty ($searchInfo['from_time'])) {
                        $fromTimeDate = addslashes($searchInfo['from_time']);
                } else {
                        $fromTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-17 days'));
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['to_time'])) {
                        $toTimeDate = addslashes($searchInfo['to_time']);
                } else {
                        $toTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 days'));
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTimeDate);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTimeDate);
                if(!empty($searchInfo['keyword_id']) && !empty($searchInfo['rep'])){                            
                        $searchInfo['keyword_id'] = intval($searchInfo['keyword_id']);
                        $keywordInfo = $this->__getWebmasterKeywordInfo($searchInfo['keyword_id']);
                        $searchInfo['website_id'] = $keywordInfo['website_id'];
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                $keywordList = $this->__getWebmasterKeywords("website_id=$websiteId  and status=1 order by name");
                $this->set('keywordList', $keywordList);
                $keywordId = empty ($searchInfo['keyword_id']) ? $keywordList[0]['id'] : $searchInfo['keyword_id'];
                $this->set('keywordId', $keywordId);
                $conditions = empty ($keywordId) ? "" : " and s.keyword_id=$keywordId";
                $sql = "select s.* from keyword_analytics s
                where report_date>='$fromTimeDate' and report_date<='$toTimeDate' $conditions
                order by s.report_date";
                $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                $colList = array_keys($this->colList);
                foreach ($colList as $col) $prevRank[$col] = 0;
                # loop through rank
                foreach ($reportList as $key => $repInfo) {
                        // if not the first row, find differences in rank
                        if ($key)  {
                                foreach ($colList as $col) $rankDiff[$col] = '';
                                foreach ($colList as $col) {
                                        $rankDiff[$col] = round($repInfo[$col] - $prevRank[$col], 2);
                                        if (empty($rankDiff[$col])) continue;
                                        if ($col == "average_position" ) $rankDiff[$col] = $rankDiff[$col] * -1;
                                        $rankClass = ($rankDiff[$col] > 0) ? 'green' : 'red';
                                        $rankDiff[$col] = "<font class='$rankClass'>($rankDiff[$col])</font>";
                                        $reportList[$key]['rank_diff_'.$col] = empty($rankDiff[$col]) ? '' : $rankDiff[$col];                   
                        foreach ($colList as $col) $prevRank[$col] = $repInfo[$col];
                $this->set('list', array_reverse($reportList, true));                           
        # func to show keyword search reports in graph
        function viewKeywordSearchGraphReports($searchInfo = '') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();

                if (!empty ($searchInfo['from_time'])) {
                        $fromTimeDate = addslashes($searchInfo['from_time']);
                } else {
                        $fromTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-17 days'));
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['to_time'])) {
                        $toTimeDate = addslashes($searchInfo['to_time']);
                } else {
                        $toTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 days'));
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTimeDate);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTimeDate);
                if(!empty($searchInfo['keyword_id']) && !empty($searchInfo['rep'])){                            
                        $searchInfo['keyword_id'] = intval($searchInfo['keyword_id']);
                        $keywordInfo = $this->__getWebmasterKeywordInfo($searchInfo['keyword_id']);
                        $searchInfo['website_id'] = $keywordInfo['website_id'];
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                $keywordList = $this->__getWebmasterKeywords("website_id=$websiteId  and status=1 order by name");
                $this->set('keywordList', $keywordList);
                $keywordId = empty ($searchInfo['keyword_id']) ? $keywordList[0]['id'] : $searchInfo['keyword_id'];
                $this->set('keywordId', $keywordId);
                $conditions = empty ($keywordId) ? "" : " and s.keyword_id=$keywordId";
                $sql = "select s.* from keyword_analytics s
                where report_date>='$fromTimeDate' and report_date<='$toTimeDate' $conditions
                order by s.report_date";
                $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);

                // if reports not empty
                $colList = $this->colList;
                $this->set('colList', $colList);
                $this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
                $graphColList = array();
                if (!empty($searchInfo['attr_type'])) {
                        $graphColList[$searchInfo['attr_type']] = $colList[$searchInfo['attr_type']];
                        if ($searchInfo['attr_type'] == 'average_position') { $this->set('reverseDir', true);}
                } else {
                        $graphColList = $colList;
                if (!empty($reportList)) {
                        $dataArr = "['Date', '" . implode("', '", array_values($graphColList)) . "']";
                        // loop through data list
                        foreach ($reportList as $dataInfo) {
                                $valStr = "";
                                foreach ($graphColList as $seId => $seVal) {
                                        $valStr .= ", ";
                                        $valStr .= !empty($dataInfo[$seId]) ? $dataInfo[$seId] : 0;
                                $dataArr .= ", ['{$dataInfo['report_date']}' $valStr]";
                        $this->set('dataArr', $dataArr);
                        $this->set('graphTitle', $this->spTextTools['Keyword Search Reports']);
                        $graphContent = $this->getViewContent('report/graph');
                } else {
                        $graphContent = showErrorMsg($_SESSION['text']['common']['No Records Found'], false, true);
                // get graph content
                $this->set('graphContent', $graphContent);

        # func to show website search reports in graph
        function viewWebsiteSearchGraphReports($searchInfo = '') {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['from_time'])) {
                        $fromTimeDate = addslashes($searchInfo['from_time']);
                } else {
                        $fromTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-17 days'));
                if (!empty ($searchInfo['to_time'])) {
                        $toTimeDate = addslashes($searchInfo['to_time']);
                } else {
                        $toTimeDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 days'));
                $this->set('fromTime', $fromTimeDate);
                $this->set('toTime', $toTimeDate);
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = empty($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                $conditions = empty ($websiteId) ? "" : " and s.website_id=$websiteId";
                $sql = "select s.* from website_search_analytics s
                where report_date>='$fromTimeDate' and report_date<='$toTimeDate' $conditions
                order by s.report_date";
                $reportList = $this->db->select($sql);
                // if reports not empty
                $colList = $this->colList;
                $this->set('colList', $colList);
                $this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
                $graphColList = array();
                if (!empty($searchInfo['attr_type'])) {
                        $graphColList[$searchInfo['attr_type']] = $colList[$searchInfo['attr_type']];
                        if ($searchInfo['attr_type'] == 'average_position') { $this->set('reverseDir', true);}
                } else {
                        $graphColList = $colList;       
                // format report list
                if (!empty($reportList)) {
                        $dataArr = "['Date', '" . implode("', '", array_values($graphColList)) . "']";
                        // loop through data list
                        foreach ($reportList as $dataInfo) {
                                $valStr = "";
                                foreach ($graphColList as $seId => $seVal) {
                                        $valStr .= ", ";
                                        $valStr .= !empty($dataInfo[$seId]) ? $dataInfo[$seId] : 0;
                                $dataArr .= ", ['{$dataInfo['report_date']}' $valStr]";
                        $this->set('dataArr', $dataArr);
                        $this->set('graphTitle', $this->spTextTools['Website Search Reports']);
                        $graphContent = $this->getViewContent('report/graph');
                } else {
                        $graphContent = showErrorMsg($_SESSION['text']['common']['No Records Found'], false, true);
                // get graph content
                $this->set('graphContent', $graphContent);

        # func to show quick checker
        function viewQuickChecker($keywordInfo='') {    
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                $websiteList = $websiteController->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = empty ($searchInfo['website_id']) ? $websiteList[0]['id'] : intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                $this->set('fromTime', date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-3 days')));
                $this->set('toTime', date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 days')));

        # func to do quick report
        function doQuickChecker($searchInfo = '') {
                if (!empty($searchInfo['website_id'])) {
                        $websiteId = intval($searchInfo['website_id']);
                        $websiteController = New WebsiteController();
                        $websiteInfo = $websiteController->__getWebsiteInfo($websiteId);
                        $this->set('websiteInfo', $websiteInfo);                        
                        if (!empty($websiteInfo['url'])) {
                                $reportStartDate = !empty($searchInfo['from_time']) ? $searchInfo['from_time'] : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-10 days'));
                                $reportEndDate = !empty($searchInfo['to_time']) ? $searchInfo['to_time'] : date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-2 days'));
                                // store website analytics
                                $paramList = array(
                                        'startDate' => $reportStartDate,
                                        'endDate' => $reportEndDate,
                                // query results from api and verify no error occured
                                $result = $this->getQueryResults($websiteInfo['user_id'], $websiteInfo['url'], $paramList);
                                // if status is success
                                if ($result['status']) {
                                        $reportInfo = !empty($result['resultList'][0]) ? $result['resultList'][0] : array();
                                        $websiteReport = array(
                                                'clicks' => !empty($reportInfo->clicks) ? $reportInfo->clicks : 0,
                                                'impressions' => !empty($reportInfo->impressions) ? $reportInfo->impressions : 0,
                                                'ctr' => !empty($reportInfo->ctr) ? $reportInfo->ctr * 100 : 0,
                                                'average_position' => !empty($reportInfo->position) ? $reportInfo->position : 0,
                                                'source' => $source,
                                        $this->set('websiteReport', $websiteReport);
                                        // find keyword reports
                                        $paramList = array(
                                                'startDate' => $reportStartDate,
                                                'endDate' => $reportEndDate,
                                                'dimensions' => ['query'],
                                        // query results from api and verify no error occured
                                        $result = $this->getQueryResults($websiteInfo['user_id'], $websiteInfo['url'], $paramList);
                                        if ($result['status']) {
                                                $keywordAnalytics = array();
                                                foreach ($result['resultList'] as $resInfo) {
                                                        $keywordAnalytics[$resInfo['keys'][0]] = $resInfo;
                                                $this->set('keywordAnalytics', $keywordAnalytics);
                                        $this->set('searchInfo', $searchInfo);
                                        return true;
                $errorMsg = !empty($result['msg']) ? $result['msg'] : "Internal error occured while accessing webmaster tools."; 

        # func to show keyword select box
        function showKeywordSelectBox($websiteId, $keywordId = ""){
                $websiteId = intval($websiteId);
                $this->set('keywordList', $this->__getWebmasterKeywords("website_id=$websiteId and status=1 order by name"));
                $this->set('keywordId', $keywordId);