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 *   Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Geo Varghese(      *
 *                                                                                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *

# class defines all website controller functions
class WebsiteController extends Controller{

        # func to show websites
        function listWebsites($info=''){                
                $userId = isLoggedIn();         
                $info['pageno'] = intval($info['pageno']);
                $pageScriptPath = 'websites.php?stscheck=';
                $pageScriptPath .= isset($info['stscheck']) ? $info['stscheck'] : "select";
                // if admin add user filter
                        $sql = "select w.*,u.username from websites w,users u where";
                        $this->set('isAdmin', 1);
                        // if user id is not empty
                        if (!empty($info['userid'])) {
                                $sql .= " and w.user_id=".intval($info['userid']);
                                $pageScriptPath .= "&userid=" . intval($info['userid']);
                        $userCtrler = New UserController();
                        $userList = $userCtrler->__getAllUsers();
                        $this->set('userList', $userList);
                        $sql = "select * from websites w where user_id=$userId";        

                // search for user name
                if (!empty($info['search_name'])) {
                        $sql .= " and ( like '%".addslashes($info['search_name'])."%'
                        or w.url like '%".addslashes($info['search_name'])."%')";
                        $pageScriptPath .= "&search_name=" . $info['search_name'];
                // if status set
                if (isset($info['stscheck']) && $info['stscheck'] != 'select') {
                        $info['stscheck'] = intval($info['stscheck']);
                        $sql .= " and w.status='{$info['stscheck']}'";

                $sql .= " order by";
                $this->set('userId', empty($info['userid']) ? 0 : $info['userid']);             
                # pagination setup              
                $this->db->query($sql, true);
                $this->paging->loadPaging($this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO);
                $pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages($pageScriptPath);                
                $this->set('pagingDiv', $pagingDiv);
                $sql .= " limit ".$this->paging->start .",". $this->paging->per_page;

                $statusList = array(
                        $_SESSION['text']['common']['Active'] => 1,
                        $_SESSION['text']['common']['Inactive'] => 0,
                $this->set('statusList', $statusList);
                $this->set('info', $info);
                $websiteList = $this->db->select($sql); 
                $this->set('pageNo', $info['pageno']);          
                $this->set('list', $websiteList);

        # func to get all Websites
        function __getAllWebsites($userId = '', $isAdminCheck = false, $searchName = '') {
                $sql = "select * from websites where status=1";
                if(!$isAdminCheck || !isAdmin() ) {
                        if(!empty($userId)) {
                                $sql .= $this->getWebsiteUserAccessCondition($userId, "id", "user_id");
                // if search string is not empty
                if (!empty($searchName)) {
                        $sql .= " and (name like '%".addslashes($searchName)."%' or url like '%".addslashes($searchName)."%')";
                $sql .= " order by name";
                $websiteList = $this->db->select($sql);
                return $websiteList;
        function __getUserWebsites($userId, $searchInfo=[]) {
            $cond = "user_id=".intval($userId);
            $cond .= isset($searchInfo['status']) ? " and status=".intval($searchInfo['status']) : "";
            $cond .= isset($searchInfo['search']) ? " and url like '%".addslashes($searchInfo['search'])."%'" : "";
        return $this->dbHelper->getAllRows('websites', $cond);
        # func to get all Websites
        function __getCountAllWebsites($userId='', $statusCheck = true, $statusVal = 1){

                $sql = "select count(*) count from websites where 1=1";
                $sql .= $statusCheck ? " and status=" . $statusVal : "";
                if (!empty($userId)) {
                        $sql .= " and user_id=" . intval($userId);
                $countInfo = $this->db->select($sql, true);
                $count = empty($countInfo['count']) ? 0 : $countInfo['count']; 
                return $count;
        # func to get all Websites having active keywords
        function __getAllWebsitesWithActiveKeywords($userId='', $isAdminCheck=false){
                $sql = "select w.* from websites w,keywords k where and w.status=1 and k.status=1";
                if(!$isAdminCheck || !isAdmin() ){
                        if(!empty($userId)) {
                                $sql .= $this->getWebsiteUserAccessCondition($userId);
                $sql .= " group by order by";
                $websiteList = $this->db->select($sql);
                return $websiteList;
        function getWebsiteUserAccessCondition($userId, $col="", $userCol = "w.user_id") {
                if (SP_CUSTOM_DEV) {
                        $userCtrl = new UserController();
                        $webAccessList = $userCtrl->getUserWebsiteAccessList($userId);
                        $webIdList = array_keys($webAccessList);
                        $webIdList = !empty($webIdList) ? $webIdList : array(0);
                        $cond = " and ($userCol=" . intval($userId) . " or $col in (".implode($webIdList, ',')."))";
                } else {
                        $cond = " and $userCol=" . intval($userId);
                return $cond;

        # func to change status
        function __changeStatus($websiteId, $status){
                $websiteId = intval($websiteId);
                $sql = "update websites set status=$status where id=$websiteId";
                $sql = "update keywords set status=$status where website_id=$websiteId";

        # func to delete website
        function __deleteWebsite($websiteId){
                $websiteId = intval($websiteId);
                $sql = "delete from websites where id=$websiteId";
                # delete all keywords under this website
                $sql = "select id from keywords where website_id=$websiteId";
                $keywordList = $this->db->select($sql);
                $keywordCtrler = New KeywordController();
                foreach($keywordList as $keywordInfo){
                # remove rank results
                $sql = "delete from rankresults where website_id=$websiteId";
                # remove backlink results
                $sql = "delete from backlinkresults where website_id=$websiteId";
                # remove saturation results
                $sql = "delete from saturationresults where website_id=$websiteId";
                # remove site auditor results           
                $sql = "select id from auditorprojects where website_id=$websiteId";
                $info = $this->db->select($sql, true);
                if (!empty($info['id'])) {
                    $auditorObj = $this->createController('SiteAuditor');
                #remove directory results
                $sql = "delete from dirsubmitinfo where website_id=$websiteId";
                $sql = "delete from skipdirectories where website_id=$websiteId";

        function newWebsite($info=''){
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                if(!empty($info['check']) && !$this->__getCountAllWebsites($userId)){
                        $this->set('msg', $this->spTextWeb['plscrtwebsite'].'<br>Please <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="scriptDoLoad(\'websites.php\', \'content\')">'.strtolower($_SESSION['text']['common']['Activate']).'</a> '.$this->spTextWeb['yourwebalreday']);
                # Validate website count
                if (!$this->validateWebsiteCount($userId)) {
                        $this->set('validationMsg', $this->spTextWeb['Your website count already reached the limit']);
                # get all users
                        $userCtrler = New UserController();
                        $userList = $userCtrler->__getAllUsers();
                        $this->set('userList', $userList);
                        $this->set('userSelected', empty($info['userid']) ? $userId : $info['userid']);                         
                        $this->set('isAdmin', 1);

        function __checkName($name, $userId){
                $sql = "select id from websites where name='".addslashes($name)."' and user_id=$userId";
                $listInfo = $this->db->select($sql, true);
                return empty($listInfo['id']) ? false :  $listInfo['id'];

        function __checkWebsiteUrl($url, $websiteId=0){         
                $sql = "select id from websites where url='".addslashes($url)."'";
                $sql .= $websiteId ? " and id!=$websiteId" : "";
                $listInfo = $this->db->select($sql, true);
                return empty($listInfo['id']) ? false :  $listInfo['id'];

        function createWebsite($listInfo, $apiCall = false){
                // add user id when using as admin or calling api
                if (isAdmin() || $apiCall) {
                        $userId = empty($listInfo['userid']) ? isLoggedIn() : intval($listInfo['userid']);      
                } else {
                        $userId = isLoggedIn();

                $errMsg = [];
                $listInfo['name'] = strip_tags($listInfo['name']);
                $this->set('post', $listInfo);
                $errMsg['name'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank($listInfo['name']));
                $errMsg['url'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank($listInfo['url']));
                $listInfo['url'] = addHttpToUrl($listInfo['url']);
                $statusVal = isset($listInfo['status']) ? intval($listInfo['status']) : 1;
                // verify the limit for the user
                if (!$this->validateWebsiteCount($userId)) {
                        $this->set('validationMsg', $this->spTextWeb["Your website count already reached the limit"]);
                        $this->validate->flagErr = true;
                        $errMsg['limit_error'] = $this->spTextWeb["Your website count already reached the limit"];
                // validate website creation
                        if (!$this->__checkName($listInfo['name'], $userId)) {
                            if (!$this->__checkWebsiteUrl($listInfo['url'])) {
                                $listInfo['title'] = substr($listInfo['title'], 0, 100);
                                $listInfo['description'] = substr($listInfo['description'], 0, 500);
                                $listInfo['keywords'] = substr($listInfo['keywords'], 0, 500);
                                $sql = "insert into websites(name,url,title,description,analytics_view_id,keywords,user_id,status)
                                addslashes($listInfo['title'])."','".addslashes($listInfo['description'])."', '".addslashes($listInfo['analytics_view_id'])."', '".
                                addslashes($listInfo['keywords'])."', $userId, $statusVal)";
                                // if api call
                                if ($apiCall) {
                                        return array('success', 'Successfully created website');
                                } else {
                            } else {
                                $errMsg['url'] = formatErrorMsg($this->spTextWeb['Website already exist']);
                                $errMsg['name'] = formatErrorMsg($this->spTextWeb['Website already exist']);
                // if api call
                if ($apiCall) {
                        return array('error', $errMsg);
                } else {
                        $this->set('errMsg', $errMsg);

        function __getWebsiteInfo($websiteId){
                $websiteId = intval($websiteId);
                $sql = "select * from websites where id=$websiteId";
                $listInfo = $this->db->select($sql, true);
                return empty($listInfo['id']) ? false :  $listInfo;

        function editWebsite($websiteId, $listInfo=''){         
                $websiteId = intval($websiteId);
                                $listInfo = $this->__getWebsiteInfo($websiteId);
                                $listInfo['oldName'] = $listInfo['name'];
                        $listInfo['title'] = stripslashes($listInfo['title']);
                        $listInfo['description'] = stripslashes($listInfo['description']);
                        $listInfo['keywords'] = stripslashes($listInfo['keywords']);
                        $this->set('post', $listInfo);
                        # get all users
                                $userCtrler = New UserController();
                                $userList = $userCtrler->__getAllUsers();
                                $this->set('userList', $userList);                      
                                $this->set('isAdmin', 1);

        function updateWebsite($listInfo, $apiCall = false){
                // check whether admin or api calll
                if (isAdmin() || $apiCall) {
                        $userId = empty($listInfo['user_id']) ? isLoggedIn() : $listInfo['user_id'];    
                } else {
                        $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $listInfo['id'] = intval($listInfo['id']);
                $listInfo['name'] = strip_tags($listInfo['name']);
                $this->set('post', $listInfo);
                $errMsg['name'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank($listInfo['name']));
                $errMsg['url'] = formatErrorMsg($this->validate->checkBlank($listInfo['url']));
                $listInfo['url'] = addHttpToUrl($listInfo['url']);
                $statusVal = isset($listInfo['status']) ? "status = " . intval($listInfo['status']) ."," : "";          
                // check limit
                if(!$this->validate->flagErr && !empty($listInfo['user_id'])){
                        $websiteInfo = $this->__getWebsiteInfo($listInfo['id']);
                        // if user is changed for editing
                        if ($websiteInfo['user_id'] != $listInfo['user_id']) {
                                // verify the limit for the user
                                if (!$this->validateWebsiteCount($listInfo['user_id'])) {
                                        $this->set('validationMsg', $this->spTextWeb["Your website count already reached the limit"]);
                                        $this->validate->flagErr = true;
                                        $errMsg['limit_error'] = $this->spTextWeb["Your website count already reached the limit"];
                // verify the form

                        if($listInfo['name'] != $listInfo['oldName']){
                                if ($this->__checkName($listInfo['name'], $userId)) {
                                        $errMsg['name'] = formatErrorMsg($this->spTextWeb['Website already exist']);
                                        $this->validate->flagErr = true;
                        if ($this->__checkWebsiteUrl($listInfo['url'], $listInfo['id'])) {
                            $errMsg['url'] = formatErrorMsg($this->spTextWeb['Website already exist']);
                                $this->validate->flagErr = true;

                        if (!$this->validate->flagErr) {
                            $listInfo['title'] = substr($listInfo['title'], 0, 100);
                            $listInfo['description'] = substr($listInfo['description'], 0, 500);
                            $listInfo['keywords'] = substr($listInfo['keywords'], 0, 500);
                                $sql = "update websites set
                                                name = '".addslashes($listInfo['name'])."',
                                                url = '".addslashes($listInfo['url'])."',
                                                user_id = $userId,
                                                title = '".addslashes($listInfo['title'])."',
                                                description = '".addslashes($listInfo['description'])."',
                                                analytics_view_id = '".addslashes($listInfo['analytics_view_id'])."',
                                                keywords = '".addslashes($listInfo['keywords'])."'
                                                where id={$listInfo['id']}";
                                // if api call
                                if ($apiCall) {
                                        return array('success', 'Successfully updated website');
                                } else {
                // if api call
                if ($apiCall) {
                        return array('error', $errMsg);
                } else {
                        $this->set('errMsg', $errMsg);
                        $this->editWebsite($listInfo['id'], $listInfo);
        # func to crawl meta data of a website
        public static function crawlMetaData($websiteUrl, $keyInput='', $pageContent='', $returVal=false) {
            if (empty($pageContent)) {
                if(!preg_match('/\w+/', $websiteUrl)) return;
                $websiteUrl = addHttpToUrl($websiteUrl);
                $spider = New Spider();
                $ret = $spider->getContent($websiteUrl);
            } else {
                $ret['page'] = $pageContent;
                $metaInfo = array();
                    if (empty($keyInput)) {
                        # meta title
                        preg_match('/<TITLE>(.*?)<\/TITLE>/si', $ret['page'], $matches);
                            if ($returVal) {
                                $metaInfo['page_title'] = $matches[1];
                            } else {
                                    WebsiteController::addInputValue($matches[1], 'webtitle');
                        # meta description
                        preg_match('/<META.*?name="description".*?content="(.*?)"/si', $ret['page'], $matches);         
                                preg_match("/<META.*?name='description'.*?content='(.*?)'/si", $ret['page'], $matches);                 
                                preg_match('/<META content="(.*?)" name="description"/si', $ret['page'], $matches);                                     
                            if ($returVal) {
                                $metaInfo['page_description'] = $matches[1];
                            } else {
                                    WebsiteController::addInputValue($matches[1], 'webdescription');
                        # meta keywords
                        preg_match('/<META.*?name="keywords".*?content="(.*?)"/si', $ret['page'], $matches);            
                                preg_match("/<META.*?name='keywords'.*?content='(.*?)'/si", $ret['page'], $matches);                    
                                preg_match('/<META content="(.*?)" name="keywords"/si', $ret['page'], $matches);                        
                if ($returVal) {
                            $metaInfo['page_keywords'] = $matches[1];
                        } else {
                                    WebsiteController::addInputValue($matches[1], 'webkeywords');
                return $metaInfo; 
        public static function addInputValue($value, $col) {

                $value = removeNewLines($value);
                <script type="text/javascript">
                        document.getElementById('<?php echo $col;?>').value = '<?php echo str_replace("'", "\'", $value);?>';
        function showImportWebsites() {

                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                # get all users
                        $userCtrler = New UserController();
                        $userList = $userCtrler->__getAllUsers();
                        $this->set('userList', $userList);
                        $this->set('userSelected', empty($info['userid']) ? $userId : $info['userid']);
                        $this->set('isAdmin', 1);

                // Check the user website count for validation
                if (!isAdmin()) {
                $this->set('delimiter', ',');
                $this->set('enclosure', '"');
                $this->set('escape', '\\');

        # function to set validation message for the limit
        function setValidationMessageForLimit($userId) {
                // Check the user website count for validation
                $userTypeCtrlr = new UserTypeController();
                $userWebsiteCount = $this->__getCountAllWebsites($userId, false);
                $userTypeDetails = $userTypeCtrlr->getUserTypeSpecByUser($userId);
                $validCount = $userTypeDetails['websitecount'] - $userWebsiteCount;
                $validCount = $validCount > 0 ? $validCount : 0;
                $validationMsg = str_replace("[websitecount]", "<b>$validCount</b>", $this->spTextWeb['You can add only websitecount websites more']);
                $this->set('validationMsg', $validationMsg);
                return $validationMsg;
        function importWebsiteFromCsv($info) {
                // if csv file is not uploaded
                if (empty($_FILES['website_csv_file']['name'])) {
                        print "<script>alert('".$this->spTextWeb['Please enter CSV file']."')</script>";
                        return False;
                $userId = isAdmin() ? intval($info['userid']) : isLoggedIn();
                $resultInfo = array(
                        'total' => 0,
                        'valid' => 0,
                        'invalid' => 0,
                $count = 0;
                // process file upload option
                $fileInfo = $_FILES['website_csv_file'];
                if (!empty($fileInfo['name']) && !empty($userId)) {
                        if ($fileInfo["type"] == "text/csv" || $fileInfo["type"] == "application/") {
                                $targetFile = SP_TMPPATH . "/".$fileInfo['name'];
                                if(move_uploaded_file($fileInfo['tmp_name'], $targetFile)) {

                                        $delimiterChar = empty($info['delimiter']) ? ',' : $info['delimiter'];
                                        $enclosureChar = empty($info['enclosure']) ? '"' : $info['enclosure'];
                                        $escapeChar = empty($info['escape']) ? '\\' : $info['escape'];
                                        // open file read through csv file
                                        if (($handle = fopen($targetFile, "r")) !== FALSE) {
                                                // loop through the data row
                                                while (($websiteInfo = fgetcsv($handle, 4096, $delimiterChar, $enclosureChar, $escapeChar)) !== FALSE) {
                                                        if (empty($websiteInfo[0])) continue;
                                        // Check the user website count for validation
                                        if (!$this->validateWebsiteCount($userId, $count)) {
                                                $validationMag = strip_tags($this->setValidationMessageForLimit($userId));
                                                print "<script>alert('$validationMag')</script>";
                                                return False;
                                        // open file read through csv file
                                        if (($handle = fopen($targetFile, "r")) !== FALSE) {

                                                // loop through the data row
                                                while (($websiteInfo = fgetcsv($handle, 4096, $delimiterChar, $enclosureChar, $escapeChar)) !== FALSE) {
                                                        if (empty($websiteInfo[0])) continue;
                                                        $status = $this->importWebsite($websiteInfo, $userId);
                                                        $resultInfo[$status] += 1;
                                                        $resultInfo['total'] += 1;

                $text = "<p class=\'note\' id=\'note\'><b>Website import process started. It will take some time depends on the number of websites needs to be imported!</b></p><div id=\'subcontmed\'></div>";
                print "<script type='text/javascript'>parent.document.getElementById('import_website_div').innerHTML = '$text';</script>";
                print "<script>parent.showLoadingIcon('subcontmed', 0)</script>";
                $spText = $_SESSION['text'];
                $resText = '<table width="40%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0px" class="summary_tab" align="center">'.
                '<tr><td class="topheader" colspan="10">Import Summary</td></tr>'.
                                '<tr><th class="leftcell">'.$spText['common']['Total'].':</th><td>'.$resultInfo['total'].'</td><th>Valid:</th><td>'.$resultInfo['valid'].'</td></tr>'.
                echo "<script type='text/javascript'>parent.document.getElementById('subcontmed').innerHTML = '$resText'</script>";
        echo "<script type='text/javascript'>parent.document.getElementById('note').style.display='none';</script>";
        function importWebsite($wInfo, $userId) {
                $status = 'invalid';
                if (!empty($wInfo[0]) && !empty($wInfo[1])) {
                    $listInfo = [];
                        $listInfo['name'] = trim($wInfo[0]);
                        $listInfo['url'] = trim($wInfo[1]);
                        $listInfo['title'] = $wInfo[2] ? trim($wInfo[2]) : "";
                        $listInfo['description'] = $wInfo[3] ? trim($wInfo[3]) : "";
                        $listInfo['keywords'] = $wInfo[4] ? trim($wInfo[4]) : "";
                        $listInfo['status'] = intval($wInfo[5]);
                        $listInfo['analytics_view_id'] = $wInfo[6] ? trim($wInfo[6]) : "";
                        $listInfo['userid'] = $userId;
                        $return = $this->createWebsite($listInfo, true);
                        if ($return[0] == 'success') {
                                $status = "valid";
                return $status;
        // Function to check / validate the user type website count
        function validateWebsiteCount($userId, $newCount = 1) {
                $userCtrler = new UserController();

                // if admin user id return true
                if ($userCtrler->isAdminUserId($userId)) {
                        return true;
                $userTypeCtrlr = new UserTypeController();
                $userWebsiteCount = $this->__getCountAllWebsites($userId, false);
                $userWebsiteCount += $newCount;
                $userTypeDetails = $userTypeCtrlr->getUserTypeSpecByUser($userId);

                // if limit is set and not -1
                if (isset($userTypeDetails['websitecount']) && $userTypeDetails['websitecount'] >= 0) {
                        // check whether count greater than limit
                        if ($userWebsiteCount <= $userTypeDetails['websitecount']) {
                                return true;    
                        } else {
                                return false;   
                } else {
                        return true;
        function showimportWebmasterToolsWebsites() {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $this->set('spTextTools', $this->getLanguageTexts('seotools', $_SESSION['lang_code']));
                $userCtrler = New UserController();
                // get all users
                        $userList = $userCtrler->__getAllUsers();
                        $this->set('userList', $userList);
                        $this->set('userSelected', empty($info['userid']) ? $userId : $info['userid']);
                        $this->set('isAdmin', 1);
                } else {
                        $userInfo = $userCtrler->__getUserInfo($userId);
                        $this->set('userName', $userInfo['username']);

                // Check the user website count for validation
                if (!isAdmin()) {
        function importWebmasterToolsWebsites($info) {
                $userId = isAdmin() ? intval($info['userid']) : isLoggedIn();
                $limitReached = false;
                $importList = array();
                // verify the limit for the user
                if (!$this->validateWebsiteCount($userId)) {
                        showErrorMsg($this->spTextWeb["Your website count already reached the limit"]);
                $gapiCtrler = new WebMasterController();
                $result = $gapiCtrler->getAllSites($userId);
                // check whether error occured while api call
                if (!$result['status']) {
                // loop through website list
                foreach ($result['resultList'] as $websiteInfo) {
                        if ($websiteInfo->permissionLevel != 'siteOwner') continue;
                        // chekc whether website existing or not
                        if (!$this->__checkWebsiteUrl($websiteInfo->siteUrl) && !$this->__checkWebsiteUrl(Spider::removeTrailingSlash($websiteInfo->siteUrl))) {
                                $websiteName = formatUrl($websiteInfo->siteUrl, false);
                                $websiteName = Spider::removeTrailingSlash($websiteName);
                                $listInfo['name'] = $websiteName;
                                $listInfo['url'] = $websiteInfo->siteUrl;
                                $listInfo['title'] = $websiteName;
                                $listInfo['description'] = $websiteName;
                                $listInfo['keywords'] = $websiteName;
                                $listInfo['status'] = 1;
                                $listInfo['userid'] = $userId;
                                $return = $this->createWebsite($listInfo, true);
                                // if success, check of number of websites can be added
                                if ($return[0] == 'success') {
                                        $importList[] = $websiteInfo->siteUrl;

                                        // if reached website add limit
                                        if (!$this->validateWebsiteCount($userId)) {
                                                $limitReached = true;
                // show results 
                showSuccessMsg("<b>".$this->spTextWeb["Successfully imported following websites"]."</b>:", false);
                foreach ($importList as $url) showSuccessMsg($url, false);
                // if website add limit reached
                if ($limitReached) {
                        showErrorMsg($this->spTextWeb["Your website count already reached the limit"]);
        function addToWebmasterTools($websiteId) {
                $webisteInfo = $this->__getWebsiteInfo($websiteId);
                $gapiCtrler = new WebMasterController();
                $result = $gapiCtrler->addWebsite($webisteInfo['url'], $webisteInfo['user_id']);
                // chekc whether error occured while api call
                if ($result['status']) {
                        $activateUrl = "" . $webisteInfo['url'];
                        $successMsg = $this->spTextWeb["Website successfully added to webmaster tools"] . ": " . $webisteInfo['url'] . "<br><br>";
                        $successMsg .= "<a href='$activateUrl' target='_blank'>Click Here</a> to activate the website in webmaster tools.";
                        showSuccessMsg($successMsg, false);
                } else {
                        showErrorMsg($result['msg'], false);
        // func to list sitemaps
        function listSitemap($info, $summaryPage = false, $cronUserId=false) {
                $userId = !empty($cronUserId) ? $cronUserId : isLoggedIn();
                $this->set('spTextTools', $this->getLanguageTexts('seotools', $_SESSION['lang_code']));
                $this->set('spTextSitemap', $this->getLanguageTexts('sitemap', $_SESSION['lang_code']));
                $this->set('spTextHome', $this->getLanguageTexts('home', $_SESSION['lang_code']));
                $this->set('spTextDirectory', $this->getLanguageTexts('directory', $_SESSION['lang_code']));
                $websiteList = $this->__getAllWebsites($userId, true);
                $this->set('websiteList', $websiteList);
                $websiteId = isset($info['website_id']) ? intval($info['website_id']) : $websiteList[0]['id'];
                $this->set('websiteId', $websiteId);
                $whereCond = "status=1";
                // check for wbsite id
                if (empty($websiteId)) {
                        $wIdList = [0];
                        foreach ($websiteList as $websiteInfo) $wIdList[] = $websiteInfo['id'];
                        $whereCond .= " and website_id in (".implode(',', $wIdList).")";
                } else {
                        $whereCond .= " and website_id=$websiteId";
                $sitemapList = $this->dbHelper->getAllRows("webmaster_sitemaps", $whereCond);
                $this->set('list', $sitemapList);
                $this->set('summaryPage', $summaryPage);
                // if pdf export
                if ($summaryPage) {
                        return $this->getViewContent('sitemap/list_webmaster_sitemap_list');
                } else {
        // func to import webmaster tools sitemaps
        function importWebmasterToolsSitemaps($websiteId, $cronJob = false) {
                $websiteId = intval($websiteId);
                $webisteInfo = $this->__getWebsiteInfo($websiteId);

                // call webmaster api
                $gapiCtrler = new WebMasterController();
                $result = $gapiCtrler->getAllSitemap($webisteInfo['url'], $webisteInfo['user_id']);
                // check whether error occured while api call
                if ($result['status']) {
                        // change status of all sitemaps
                        $dataList = array('status' => 0);
                        $this->dbHelper->updateRow("webmaster_sitemaps", $dataList, " website_id=$websiteId");
                        // loop through webmaster tools list
                        foreach ($result['resultList'] as $sitemapInfo) {
                                $dataList = array(
                                        'last_submitted' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($sitemapInfo->lastSubmitted)),
                                        'last_downloaded' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($sitemapInfo->lastDownloaded)),
                                        'is_pending|int' => $sitemapInfo->isPending,
                                        'warnings|int' => $sitemapInfo->warnings,
                                        'errors|int' => $sitemapInfo->errors,
                                        'submitted|int' => $sitemapInfo->contents[0]['submitted'],
                                        'indexed|int' => $sitemapInfo->contents[0]['indexed'],
                                        'status' => 1,
                                $rowInfo = $this->dbHelper->getRow("webmaster_sitemaps", " website_id=$websiteId and path='$sitemapInfo->path'");
                                if (!empty($rowInfo['id'])) {
                                        $this->dbHelper->updateRow("webmaster_sitemaps", $dataList, " id=" . $rowInfo['id']);
                                } else {
                                        $dataList['website_id|int'] = $websiteId;
                                        $dataList['path'] = $sitemapInfo->path;
                                        $this->dbHelper->insertRow("webmaster_sitemaps", $dataList);
                        if ($cronJob) {
                                echo $this->spTextWeb["Successfully sync sitemaps from webmaster tools"] . "<br>\n";
                        } else {
                                showSuccessMsg($this->spTextWeb["Successfully sync sitemaps from webmaster tools"], false);
                } else {
                        showErrorMsg($result['msg'], false);
        // func to show submit sitemap form
        function showSubmitSitemap($info) {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $this->set('websiteList', $this->__getAllWebsites($userId, true));
                $this->set('websiteId', intval($info['website_id']));
                $this->set('spTextTools', $this->getLanguageTexts('seotools', $_SESSION['lang_code']));
        // func to submit sitemap
        function submitSitemap($info) {         
                $webisteInfo = $this->__getWebsiteInfo($info['website_id']);
                $spTextWebproxy = $this->getLanguageTexts('QuickWebProxy', $_SESSION['lang_code']);             
                if (empty($info['sitemap_url'])) {
                        showErrorMsg($spTextWebproxy["Please enter a valid url"]);
                $info['sitemap_url'] = addHttpToUrl($info['sitemap_url']);
                // if website url not correct
                if (!preg_match("/". preg_quote($webisteInfo['url'], '/') ."/i", $info['sitemap_url'])) {
                        showErrorMsg($spTextWebproxy["Please enter a valid url"]);
                // call webmaster api
                $gapiCtrler = new WebMasterController();
                $result = $gapiCtrler->submitSitemap($webisteInfo['url'], $info['sitemap_url'], $webisteInfo['user_id']);
                // check whether error occured while api call
                if ($result['status']) {
                        showSuccessMsg($this->spTextWeb["Sitemap successfully added to webmaster tools"] . ": " . $info['sitemap_url'], false);
                        // update seo panel webmaster tool sitemaps
                } else {
                        showErrorMsg($result['msg'], false);

        function deleteWebmasterToolSitemap($sitemapId) {
                $sitemapId = intval($sitemapId);
                $sitemapInfo = $this->dbHelper->getRow("webmaster_sitemaps", "id=$sitemapId");
                if (empty($sitemapInfo['id'])) {
                        showErrorMsg("Please provide a valid sitemap id");
                $webisteInfo = $this->__getWebsiteInfo($sitemapInfo['website_id']);
                $gapiCtrler = new WebMasterController();                
                $result = $gapiCtrler->deleteWebsiteSitemap($webisteInfo['url'], $sitemapInfo['path'], $webisteInfo['user_id']);
                // check whether error occured while api call
                if ($result['status']) {
                        $this->dbHelper->updateRow("webmaster_sitemaps", array('status' => 0), "id=$sitemapId");
                        showSuccessMsg($this->spTextWeb["Successfully deleted sitemap from webmaster tools"], false);
                } else {
                        showErrorMsg($result['msg'], false);
                $this->listSitemap(array('website_id' => $sitemapInfo['website_id']));