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namespace SendGrid;

// If you are using Composer
require __DIR__ . '<PATH_TO>/vendor/autoload.php';

function helloEmail()
    $from = new Email(null, "");
    $subject = "Hello World from the SendGrid PHP Library";
    $to = new Email(null, "");
    $content = new Content("text/plain", "some text here");
    $mail = new Mail($from, $subject, $to, $content);
    $to = new Email(null, "");

    //echo json_encode($mail, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), "\n";
    return $mail;

function kitchenSink()
    $mail = new Mail();

    $email = new Email("DX", "");

    $mail->setSubject("Hello World from the SendGrid PHP Library");

    $personalization = new Personalization();
    $email1 = new Email("Example User", "");
    $email2 = new Email("Example User", "");
    $email3 = new Email("Example User", "");
    $email4 = new Email("Example User", "");
    $email5 = new Email("Example User", "");
    $email6 = new Email("Example User", "");
    $personalization->setSubject("Hello World from the SendGrid PHP Library");
    $personalization->addHeader("X-Test", "test");
    $personalization->addHeader("X-Mock", "true");
    $personalization->addSubstitution("%name%", "Example User");
    $personalization->addSubstitution("%city%", "Denver");
    $personalization->addCustomArg("user_id", "343");
    $personalization->addCustomArg("type", "marketing");

    $personalization2 = new Personalization();
    $email7 = new Email("Example User", "");
    $email8 = new Email("Example User", "");
    $email9 = new Email("Example User", "");
    $email10 = new Email("Example User", "");
    $email11 = new Email("Example User", "");
    $email12 = new Email("Example User", "");
    $personalization2->setSubject("Hello World from the SendGrid PHP Library");
    $personalization2->addHeader("X-Test", "test");
    $personalization2->addHeader("X-Mock", "true");
    $personalization2->addSubstitution("%name%", "Example User");
    $personalization2->addSubstitution("%city%", "Denver");
    $personalization2->addCustomArg("user_id", "343");
    $personalization2->addCustomArg("type", "marketing");

    $content = new Content("text/plain", "some text here");
    $content = new Content("text/html", "<html><body>some text here</body></html>");

    $attachment = new Attachment();
    $attachment->setContentId("Balance Sheet");

    $attachment2 = new Attachment();


    # This must be a valid [batch ID]( to work
    # $mail->setBatchID("sengrid_batch_id");

    $mail->addSection("%section1%", "Substitution Text for Section 1");
    $mail->addSection("%section2%", "Substitution Text for Section 2");

    $mail->addHeader("X-Test1", "1");
    $mail->addHeader("X-Test2", "2");


    $mail->addCustomArg("campaign", "welcome");
    $mail->addCustomArg("weekday", "morning");


    $asm = new ASM();


    $mail_settings = new MailSettings();
    $bcc_settings = new BccSettings();
    $sandbox_mode = new SandBoxMode();
    $bypass_list_management = new BypassListManagement();
    $footer = new Footer();
    $footer->setText("Footer Text");
    $footer->setHtml("<html><body>Footer Text</body></html>");
    $spam_check = new SpamCheck();

    $tracking_settings = new TrackingSettings();
    $click_tracking = new ClickTracking();
    $open_tracking = new OpenTracking();
    $open_tracking->setSubstitutionTag("Optional tag to replace with the open image in the body of the message");
    $subscription_tracking = new SubscriptionTracking();
    $subscription_tracking->setText("text to insert into the text/plain portion of the message");
    $subscription_tracking->setHtml("<html><body>html to insert into the text/html portion of the message</body></html>");
    $subscription_tracking->setSubstitutionTag("Optional tag to replace with the open image in the body of the message");
    $ganalytics = new Ganalytics();
    $ganalytics->setCampaignSource("some source");
    $ganalytics->setCampaignTerm("some term");
    $ganalytics->setCampaignContent("some content");
    $ganalytics->setCampaignName("some name");
    $ganalytics->setCampaignMedium("some medium");

    $reply_to = new ReplyTo("");

    //echo json_encode($mail, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), "\n";
    return $mail;

function sendHelloEmail()
    $apiKey = getenv('SENDGRID_API_KEY');
    $sg = new \SendGrid($apiKey);

    $request_body = helloEmail();
    $response = $sg->client->mail()->send()->post($request_body);
    echo $response->statusCode();
    echo $response->body();
    echo $response->headers();

function sendKitchenSink()
    $apiKey = getenv('SENDGRID_API_KEY');
    $sg = new \SendGrid($apiKey);

    $request_body = kitchenSink();
    $response = $sg->client->mail()->send()->post($request_body);
    echo $response->statusCode();
    echo $response->body();
    echo $response->headers();

sendHelloEmail();  // this will actually send an email
sendKitchenSink(); // this will only send an email if you set SandBox Mode to false