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 * Copyright (C) 2009-2019 All rights reserved.
 * @author Geo Varghese 

class QWP_Helper extends QuickWebProxy {
         * function to show web proxy form
        function showWebProxyForm($info) {
                $userId = isLoggedIn();
                $proxyCtrler = new ProxyController();
                $proxyList = $proxyCtrler->__getAllProxys();
                // if allowed web server to act as a proxy
                        $proxyList[] = array('id' => 0, 'proxy' => $this->pluginText['Web Server']);    
                $sourceId = isset($info['source_id']) ? intval($info['source_id']) : intval($proxyList[0]['id']);
                $this->set('sourceId', $sourceId);
                $this->set('proxyList', $proxyList);
                $anonymize = isset($info['anonymize']) ? intval($info['anonymize']) : 1;
                $this->set('anonymize', $anonymize);
         * function to do web proxy
        function doWebProxy($info) {
                if (empty($info['url'])) {
                        showErrorMsg($this->pluginText["Please enter a valid url"]);
                if (!isset($info['source_id'])) {
                        showErrorMsg($this->pluginText["Server list is empty"]);
                $info['url'] = addHttpToUrl($info['url']);
                // check for backslahes at last
                if (!stristr($url, '?') && !stristr($url, '#') && !preg_match('/\/$/', $url)) {
                        $info['url'] .= "/";
                $url = $this->pluginScriptUrl . "&base_url=1&action=processWebProxy&doc_type=export&url=" . urlencode($info['url']);
                $url .= "&source_id=" . intval($info['source_id']) . "&anonymize=" . intval($info['anonymize']);
                echo "<script type='text/javascript'>openInNewTab('$url')</script>";
         * function to process web proxy action
        function processWebProxy($info) {
                global $sourceId;
                if (empty($info['url']) && empty($info['miniProxyFormAction'])) {
                        showErrorMsg($this->pluginText["Please enter a valid url"]);
                if (!isset($info['source_id'])) {
                        showErrorMsg($this->pluginText["Server list is empty"]);
                $url = urldecode($info['url']);
                $sourceId = intval($info['source_id']);
                $anonymize = intval($info['anonymize']);
                // if base url is crawled, then store the details in crawl log
                if (!empty($info['base_url'])) {
                        // update crawl log in database for future reference
                        $crawlLogCtrl = new CrawlLogController();
                        $crawlInfo['crawl_status'] = $response['error'] ? 0 : 1;
                        $crawlInfo['ref_id'] = $crawlInfo['crawl_link'] = $url;
                        $crawlInfo['proxy_id'] = $sourceId;
                        $crawlInfo['crawl_type'] = "webproxy";
                        $logId = $crawlLogCtrl->createCrawlLog($crawlInfo);
                define("PROXY_PREFIX", $this->pluginScriptUrl . "&action=processWebProxy&doc_type=export&source_id=$sourceId&anonymize=$anonymize&url=");
                include $this->pluginPath . '/miniProxy.php';
                // if base url is crawled, then store the details in crawl log
                if (!empty($info['base_url'])) {
                        // update crawl log in database for future reference
                        $crawlInfo['crawl_status'] = $response['error'] ? 0 : 1;
                        $crawlInfo['ref_id'] = $crawlInfo['crawl_link'] = $response['responseInfo']['url'];
                        $crawlInfo['log_message'] = addslashes($response['errmsg']);                    
                        $crawlLogCtrl->updateCrawlLog($logId, $crawlInfo);
                // show errors, if error existing
                if (!empty($response['error'])) {