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* Copyright(C) 2009-2019 All rights reserved.
* @author Geo Varghese
class Project extends SeoDiary {
var $spTextSA;
var $spTextPanel;
function __construct() {
$this->spTextSA = $this->getLanguageTexts('siteauditor', $_SESSION['lang_code']);
* show projects list to manage
function showProjectsManager($info = '') {
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$info ['user_id'] = intval( $info ['user_id'] );
$pgScriptPath = PLUGIN_SCRIPT_URL;
$sql = "select sdp.*, as website_name from sd_projects sdp, websites w where";
if(isAdmin()) {
$userCtrler = new UserController();
$userList = $userCtrler->__getAllUsers();
$this->set( 'userList', $userList );
$webSiteCtrler = new WebsiteController();
$websiteList = $webSiteCtrler->__getAllWebsites();
$this->set( 'websiteList', $websiteList );
if(!empty( $info ['user_id'] )) {
$pgScriptPath .= "&user_id=" . $info ['user_id'];
$sql .= " and w.user_id=" . $info ['user_id'];
$this->set( 'userId', $info ['user_id'] );
$this->set( 'isAdmin', 1 );
} else {
$sql .= " and w.user_id=$userId";
$this->set( 'isAdmin', 0 );
// pagination setup
$this->db->query( $sql, true );
$this->paging->setDivClass( 'pagingdiv' );
$this->paging->loadPaging( $this->db->noRows, SP_PAGINGNO );
$pagingDiv = $this->paging->printPages( $pgScriptPath, '', 'scriptDoLoad', 'content', 'layout=ajax' );
$this->set( 'pagingDiv', $pagingDiv );
$sql .= " limit " . $this->paging->start . "," . $this->paging->per_page;
$projectList = $this->db->select( $sql );
$this->set( 'list', $projectList );
$this->set( 'pageNo', $_GET ['pageno'] );
$this->set('spTextSA', $this->spTextSA);
$this->pluginRender( 'show_projects_manager' );
* func to create new project
function newProject($info = '') {
$userId = isLoggedIn();
$webSiteCtrler = new WebsiteController();
$websiteList = $webSiteCtrler->__getAllWebsites( $userId, true );
$this->set( 'websiteList', $websiteList );
$this->pluginRender( 'new_project' );
* func to create project
function createProject($listInfo) {
$this->set( 'post', $listInfo );
$errMsg ['website_id'] = formatErrorMsg( $this->validate->checkBlank( $listInfo ['website_id'] ) );
$errMsg ['name'] = formatErrorMsg( $this->validate->checkBlank( $listInfo ['name'] ) );
$errMsg ['description'] = formatErrorMsg( $this->validate->checkBlank( $listInfo ['description'] ) );
if(! $this->validate->flagErr) {
if(!$this->__checkProjectExists( $listInfo ['website_id'])) {
$sql = "insert into sd_projects(website_id, name,description,status)
values(" . intval( $listInfo ['website_id'] ) . ", '" . addslashes( $listInfo ['name'] ) . "','"
. addslashes( $listInfo ['description'] ) . "',1)";
$this->db->query( $sql );
} else {
$errMsg ['name'] = formatErrorMsg( $this->spTextSA['projectalreadyexist'] );
$this->set( 'errMsg', $errMsg );
$this->newProject( $listInfo );
* func to edit project
function editProject($projectId, $listInfo = '') {
$userId = isLoggedIn();
if(!empty( $projectId )) {
if(empty( $listInfo )) {
$listInfo = $this->__getProjectInfo( $projectId );
$this->set( 'post', $listInfo );
$webSiteCtrler = new WebsiteController();
$websiteList = $webSiteCtrler->__getAllWebsites( $userId, true );
$this->set( 'websiteList', $websiteList );
$this->pluginRender( 'edit_project' );
* func to update project
function updateProject($listInfo) {
$this->set( 'post', $listInfo );
$errMsg ['website_id'] = formatErrorMsg( $this->validate->checkBlank( $listInfo ['website_id'] ) );
$errMsg ['name'] = formatErrorMsg( $this->validate->checkBlank( $listInfo ['name'] ) );
$errMsg ['description'] = formatErrorMsg( $this->validate->checkBlank( $listInfo ['description'] ) );
if(! $this->validate->flagErr) {
if($this->__checkProjectExists($listInfo['website_id'], $listInfo ['id'] )) {
$this->validate->flagErr = true;
$errMsg ['name'] = formatErrorMsg( $this->spTextSA['projectalreadyexist'] );
if(! $this->validate->flagErr) {
$sql = "update sd_projects set
website_id = " . intval( $listInfo ['website_id'] ) . ",
name = '" . addslashes( $listInfo ['name'] ) . "',
description = '" . addslashes( $listInfo ['description'] ) . "'
where id=" . intval( $listInfo ['id'] );
$this->db->query( $sql );
$this->set( 'errMsg', $errMsg );
$this->editProject( $listInfo ['id'], $listInfo );
* func to delete project
function deleteProject($projectId) {
$projectId = intval( $projectId );
$sql = "delete from sd_projects where id=" . intval( $projectId );
$this->db->query( $sql );
* func to change status
function __changeStatus($projectId, $status) {
$projectId = intval( $projectId );
$status = intval( $status );
$sql = "update sd_projects set status=$status where id=$projectId";
$this->db->query( $sql );
* function to check name of project already existing
function __checkProjectExists($websiteId, $projectId = 0) {
$websiteId = intval( $websiteId );
$projectId = intval($projectId);
$sql = "select id from sd_projects where website_id=$websiteId";
$sql .= !empty( $projectId ) ? " and id!=$projectId" : "";
$listInfo = $this->db->select( $sql, true );
return !empty( $listInfo ['id'] ) ? $listInfo ['id'] : false;
function __getAllProjects($userId = '', $isAdminCheck = false, $searchName = '') {
$sql = "select p.*, as website_name from sd_projects p,websites w where ";
if(!$isAdminCheck || !isAdmin() ){
if(!empty($userId)) $sql .= " and user_id=" . intval($userId);
// if search string is not empty
if (!empty($searchName)) {
$sql .= " and (name like '%".addslashes($searchName)."%' or url like '%".addslashes($searchName)."%')";
$sql .= " order by name";
$websiteList = $this->db->select($sql);
return $websiteList;
* func to get project info
function __getProjectInfo($projectId) {
$sql = "select p.*, as website_name from sd_projects p,websites w where and" . intval( $projectId );
$info = $this->db->select( $sql, true );
return $info;