Subversion Repositories cheapmusic


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$borderCollapseVal = $pdfVersion ? "border-collapse: collapse;" : "";

if(!$summaryPage && (!empty($printVersion) || !empty($pdfVersion))) {
    $pdfVersion ? showPdfHeader($spTextTools['Review Report Summary']) : showPrintHeader($spTextTools['Review Report Summary']);
    <table width="80%" class="search">
        <?php if (!empty($websiteId)) {?>
                        <th><?php echo $spText['common']['Website']?>:</th>
                                <?php echo $websiteList[$websiteId]['url']; ?>
                <?php }?>
                        <th><?php echo $spText['common']['Period']?>:</th>
                        <?php echo $fromTime?> - <?php echo $toTime?>
} else {
    echo showSectionHead($spTextTools['Review Report Summary']);
    // if not summary page show the filters
    if(!$summaryPage) {
        $scriptName = $pageScriptPath;
                <form id='search_form'>
                <?php $submitLink = "scriptDoLoadPost('$scriptName', 'search_form', 'content', '&sec=reportSummary')";?>
                <table width="100%" class="search">
                                <th><?php echo $spText['common']['Url']?>: </th>
                                        <input type="text" name="search_name" value="<?php echo htmlentities($searchInfo['search_name'], ENT_QUOTES)?>" onblur="<?php echo $submitLink?>">
                                <th width="100px"><?php echo $spText['common']['Website']?>: </th>
                                <td width="160px">
                                        <select name="website_id" id="website_id" style='width:100px;' onchange="<?php echo $submitLink?>">
                                                <option value="">-- <?php echo $spText['common']['Select']?> --</option>
                                                <?php foreach($websiteList as $websiteInfo){?>
                                                        <?php if($websiteInfo['id'] == $websiteId){?>
                                                                <option value="<?php echo $websiteInfo['id']?>" selected><?php echo $websiteInfo['name']?></option>
                                                        <?php }else{?>
                                                                <option value="<?php echo $websiteInfo['id']?>"><?php echo $websiteInfo['name']?></option>
                                                        <?php }?>
                                                <?php }?>
                                <th><?php echo $spText['label']['Type']?>:</th>
                                        <select name="type" onchange="<?php echo $submitLink?>">
                                                <option value="">-- <?php echo $spText['common']['Select']?> --</option>
                                                <?php foreach($serviceList as $serviceName => $serviceInfo){?>
                                                        <?php if($serviceName == $searchInfo['type']){?>
                                                                <option value="<?php echo $serviceName?>" selected><?php echo $serviceInfo['label']?></option>
                                                        <?php }else{?>
                                                                <option value="<?php echo $serviceName?>"><?php echo $serviceInfo['label']?></option>
                                                        <?php }?>
                                                <?php }?>
                                        <?php echo $errMsg['service_name']?>
                                <th width="100px;"><?php echo $spText['common']['Period']?>:</th>
                        <td width="236px">
                                <input type="text" value="<?php echo $fromTime?>" name="from_time"/>
                                <input type="text" value="<?php echo $toTime?>" name="to_time"/>
                                $(function() {
                                        $( "input[name='from_time'], input[name='to_time']").datepicker({dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd"});
                                <td><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="<?php echo $submitLink?>" class="actionbut"><?php echo $spText['button']['Search']?></a></td>
    } else {
        $scriptName = "archive.php";

        // url parameters
        $mainLink = SP_WEBPATH."/$scriptName?sec=reportSummary&website_id=$websiteId&from_time=$fromTime&to_time=$toTime&type={$searchInfo['type']}";
        $mainLink .= "&search_name={$searchInfo['search_name']}&report_type=review-reports";
        // if not summary page show the filters
        if(!$summaryPage) {
                $directLink = $mainLink . "&order_col=$orderCol&order_val=$orderVal&pageno=$pageNo";
                <div style="float:left;margin-right: 10px;">
                        <a href="<?php echo $directLink?>&doc_type=pdf"><img src="<?php echo SP_IMGPATH?>/icon_pdf.png"></a> &nbsp;
                        <a href="<?php echo $directLink?>&doc_type=export"><img src="<?php echo SP_IMGPATH?>/icoExport.gif"></a> &nbsp;
                        <a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $directLink?>&doc_type=print"><img src="<?php echo SP_IMGPATH?>/print_button.gif?1"></a>
        if (empty($pdfVersion) && empty($cronUserId)) echo $pagingDiv;

$baseColCount = count($colList);
$colCount = ($baseColCount * 3) + 2;
<div id='subcontent' style="margin-top: 0px;">

<table id="cust_tab">
                <th id="head" rowspan="2"><?php echo $spText['common']['Website']?></th>
                $hrefAttr = $pdfVersion ? "" : "href='javascript:void(0)'";
                foreach (array_keys($colList) as $i => $colName){
                    $linkClass = "";
            if ($colName == $orderCol) {
                $oVal = ($orderVal == 'DESC') ? "ASC" : "DESC";
                $linkClass .= "sort_".strtolower($orderVal);
            } else {
                $oVal = 'DESC';
            $linkName = "<a id='sortLink' class='$linkClass' $hrefAttr onclick=\"scriptDoLoad('$mainLink&order_col=$colName&order_val=$oVal', 'content')\">$colList[$colName]</a>";
                    $rowSpan = ($colName == "url") ? 2 : 1;
                        <th rowspan="<?php echo $rowSpan?>" colspan="3" id="head"><?php echo $linkName; ?></th>
                $pTxt = str_replace("-", "/", substr($fromTime, -5));
                $cTxt = str_replace("-", "/", substr($toTime, -5));
                foreach ($colList as $colName => $colVal) {
                        if ($colName == 'url') continue;
                        <th><?php echo $pTxt; ?></th>
                        <th><?php echo $cTxt; ?></th>
                        <th>+ / -</th>
                if (!empty($baseReportList)) {
                        foreach($baseReportList as $listInfo){
                                $keywordId = $listInfo['id'];
                                $rangeFromTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-14 days', strtotime($fromTime)));
                                $scriptLink = "website_id=$websiteId&link_id={$listInfo['id']}&rep=1&from_time=$rangeFromTime&to_time=$toTime";          
                                                <a href="javascript:void(0)"><?php echo $websiteList[$listInfo['website_id']]['url']; ?></a>
                                        <td colspan="3">
                                                <?php echo $listInfo['url']; ?>
                                        foreach ($colList as $colName => $colVal){
                                                if ($colName == 'url') continue;
                                                // if not facebook likes value will be null
                                                if ($colName == 'likes' && $listInfo['type'] != 'facebook') {
                                                        $prevRankLink = $currRankLink = $graphLink = $rankDiffTxt = "";
                                                } else {
                                                        $currRank = isset($listInfo[$colName]) ? $listInfo[$colName] : 0;
                                                        $prevRank = isset($compareReportList[$keywordId][$colName]) ? $compareReportList[$keywordId][$colName] : 0;
                                                        $rankDiffTxt = "";
                                                        // find rank difefrence
                                                        $rankDiff = $currRank - $prevRank;
                                                        $rankDiff = round($rankDiff, 2);
                                                        if ($colName == 'average_position') $rankDiff = $rankDiff * -1;
                                                        if ($rankDiff > 0) {
                                                                $rankDiffTxt = "<font class='green'>($rankDiff)</font>";
                                                        } else if ($rankDiff < 0) {
                                                                $rankDiffTxt = "<font class='red'>($rankDiff)</font>";
                                                        } else {
                                                                $rankDiffTxt = "";
                                                        $prevRankLink = scriptAJAXLinkHrefDialog($pageScriptPath, 'content', $scriptLink . "&sec=viewDetailedReports", $prevRank);
                                                        $currRankLink = scriptAJAXLinkHrefDialog($pageScriptPath, 'content', $scriptLink . "&sec=viewDetailedReports", $currRank);
                                                        $graphLink = scriptAJAXLinkHrefDialog($pageScriptPath, 'content', $scriptLink . "&sec=viewGraphReports&attr_type=$colName", '&nbsp;', 'graphicon');
                                                        // if pdf report remove links
                                                        if ($pdfVersion) {
                                                                $prevRankLink = str_replace("href='javascript:void(0);'", "", $prevRankLink);
                                                                $currRankLink = str_replace("href='javascript:void(0);'", "", $currRankLink);
                                                                $graphLink = str_replace("href='javascript:void(0);'", "", $graphLink);
                                                <td><?php echo $prevRankLink; ?></td>
                                                <td><?php echo $currRankLink; ?></td>
                                                <td><?php echo $graphLink . " " . $rankDiffTxt; ?></td>
                } else {
                        <tr><td colspan="<?php echo $colCount?>"><b><?php echo $_SESSION['text']['common']['No Records Found']?></b></tr>
if(!$summaryPage && (!empty($printVersion) || !empty($pdfVersion))) {
        echo $pdfVersion ? showPdfFooter($spText) : showPrintFooter($spText);